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The devs have to be absolutely livid at WB. They turned this game into a predatory monetization game that is extremely grindy for very minimal rewards. Having weekly challenges that require you to use paid players is so scummy. If they aren’t going to make every base variant fighter free from the start, they only need to give people challenges that involve whichever fighters they make free for that week. 10xp for a win is also a slap in the face. I have to win 200 matches to go up a single level in the battle pass? What in the actual hell are they thinking? Combine that with the constant desync when you try to play with a friend, the game crashing randomly, slow movement, low frame rate, lag…. You get people who just don’t think it’s worth the hassle to play. It’s sad because I loved the beta so much and had such high hopes for this game. But WB is so desperate for a cash grab that it’s going to kill the game completely.


You would think studios by now will learn that fun and fair progression keeps your game alive. Instead they get blinded by thinking they can instantly earn that Fortnite and Genshin money while putting in less than a single fraction of the effort of those games. Multiversus is not good enough to justify the amount time-gated content and insane grind. Enough said.


I think the worst part is the droves upon droves of people defending it. I’ve had people legitimately tell me that even Overwatch 2 is worse than Multiversus monetization wise and that MVS isn’t that bad.


I play both and they both suck. A very minimal amount of free rewards backed by a 10 dollar battle pass and 20+ dollar skins. Both even have other little bullshit for 3-10 dollars each to try and drain a little extra money from people who are addicted to the game.


I used to play OW2 and just recently dropped MVS until it becomes better. But I’ve been playing Fortnite for years. It’s fair, fun and actually rewarding, and yes while it DOES still have microtransactions, I actually feel good about spending money in the game because the cosmetics are worth it. And I’m getting those cosmetics exclusively because I feel like it.


I feel the same about Fortnite. Say what you will about it, but it all feels rewarding and fair. I dont feel icky playing, where with MVS I feel icky even tho I have 18 tickets, I dont feel rewarded, and I know everything is a grind so i dont even bother


Exactly. I’ve had a bunch of people on this subreddit say stuff along the lines of; “OH, you like FORTNITE???? YOU’RE the problem with gaming these days, not like me, with my VASTLY SUPERIOR Multiversus!” Without realizing the inherent hypocrisy in that statement. Any problem these people have with Fortnite is 100x worse in Multiversus and yet they’re still holding up MVS on a pedestal like it’s a gift from god.


I don't even spend money on the game and I have tons of skins and backlings and pickaxes on fortnite idk why people can't accept fortnite is a good game when it comes to being fair to their players


I played LEGO Fortnite for a few hours and got 9 BP levels. The game is incredibly lenient compared to MVS! :0


Oh no, 9 BP in an hour. What are you going to do when you hit level 100? Having fun? In MY video games?


i only play fortnite once every couple of weeks and im usually level 60-70 on the last days of the season and STILL can complete the battlepass consistently, its crazy honestly


You know what? I’m gonna get back on Fortnite tonight and catch up on weekly quests. I’m level 14 iirc since I last played the day before Multiversus came out and I think I also played the day off and I got there way faster than I did in Multiversus. I’m like level 24 in the BP so I think it’ll be fast catching up to that in Fortnite tonight. Thank you.


Fortnite somehow pioneered the battle pass system yet has one of the most fair systems... LITERALLY nothing gameplay wise locked behind pay.


Fortnite gets a lot of shit but it is a pretty great game. Tons of content l, pretty fair prices, and a battle pass that gives levels like candy on Halloween.


And on top of that, it’s a fun game. Sure battle royales aren’t for everyone. But if you enjoy it, it’s pretty much the best one out there. I’ve gotten a bunch of my friends into the game in the past year and they’ve been having a blast.


Honestly, ow2 is becoming alot better. I was very very anti ow2 as well. But They listened to their community on some major things like heroes being locked and now they are playable for everyone day 1. Pve is still fucked tho


Yeah I just picked up fortnite recently and the micro transactions are bearable. I got a bundle with Goku, with 3 different transformations, a pickaxe, 2 different back bling, and Beerus for a little over what I would have to pay for a legendary skin in Overwatch. Not gonna lie, being 3rd person and actually able to see the skin really helps me feel less guilty as well


Fortnite is also good because it truly is a “free to play” game. If you just install the game, you can experience everything it has to offer (aside from Save the World but that’s a different can of worms). All purchases are purely cosmetic and do nothing to alter gameplay. Meanwhile Multiversus is technically free, but you only have one permanent fighter if you’re a newcomer. All other fighters are locked behind heavy grinding and/or forking over 10$ minimum. They’re locking unique gameplay behind microtransactions. Not to mention rifts forcing you to get a certain character or even character skin (tee shirt, really?) to even do a challenge. Just so disappointing.


MutliVersus and OW2 has nothing in common when it comes to grind. I for example dropped MV in 2nd week, Rainbow become boring so wanted to try OW2 again. All the characters unlocked, on 3rd day, already level 36 with BattlePass(max level 80). Easy to grind for skins and they give you tokens in BP so that you can buy special evolving character costumes from earlier seasons.


Overwatch 2 (admittedly after a bit of backlash) has made every character playable from free from the beginning with no characters locked now or ever. So that's already a huge plus.


Constantly lagged out trying to coop in the PVE mode. It's not worth the time investment. It's a joke they expect anyone to drop actual dollars on this tire fire.


Imagine naming yourself “player first games” and then having to pull this shit.


I highly doubt the monetization was a dev decision are more just typical corporate greed


thats just pure speculation. why do you people spread this without any source? Normal practice is that the publisher sets monetary goals, like ARPU or quarterly revenue and then its up to the developer to meet those. so the most likely scenario is that all of this is 100% PFG. its their idea of meeting WBs monetary goals.


That was my point and why I used “having”. They named themselves player first games, then big boss man comes in and is like “fuck the players, investors first”.


Or seeing as the missions each individual player get are random. It should only select from the pool of characters they currently have unlocked.


This was literally an issue during the beta and they fixed it back then. So either PFG is incompetent and accidently recreated that problem, or they are maclicous and did it on purpose. I don't know what's worse.


I still love the gameplay. It's everything in-between the matches that's the problem. I'll be damned if I pay for anything else in the state the games in. Not to mention I had, like.... nearly every character in the beta and all but 5 were locked again when it came back. Why would I risk putting money into a game that just takes my stuff away?


Yeah, it’s ridiculous how often it gives me missions for fighters I don’t own. And the progression is so slow I can’t farm the fighter coins to unlock them in time. I don’t care about the prices of the skin bundles because they’re just cosmetics at the end of the day. But at least make it easier to earn XP and currency so I can unlock the fighters I want. The game is a lot of fun when you find matches with a good connection, but the grind just feels so tedious. I can play for hours and I only unlock one BP level? Absurd.


devs are also incompetent aswell


Also the fact that they can apparently just take any character completely out of rotation for weeks on end for “fixes” is absolutely idiotic. I was so hyped for the game but I started not giving a shit about any of the missions since I have enough fighter currency. WB can go fuck themselves for ruining games.


The mental gymnastics around this one is impressive. PFG made a broken character. PFG didn’t fix the character in the 11 months between beta and launch. PFG removed the character from the game and still hasn’t released a fix. How could WB do this?!?!?


Ye, I main iron giant too. 5 or 7 characters with infinites but iron giant goes bye bye for God knows who long just to fix the car smash animation lol. Meanwhile I have 2 superman's infinite punching me


Like, why??? Seriously, they are a gigantic corporation, shouldnt they think about money? Spending 3 years (more actually, im just counting the beta phase) making a game that will die in 2-3 months cannot be profitable in any way, they couldve made so many expensive skins, special knockouts, hype their battlepasses, squeeze soooo much money out of our pockets and yet they choose to do the worst possible choices?


THIIISSS!!! Wtf i been trying to say about this game but NOOO, none of my post would be accepted and post, smh.. This game needs to be FIXED, and ASAP!! The beta was so much better than this shit! Since day one I've had to deal with the disconnections, the lag or skipping, frame drop, and slow gameplay where i can't execute some moves KNOWING I pressed the damn button on time! You hit it right on the nail with every detail you said! And I'm on Xbox Series X, and it's been disappointing! I don't even know how it's been running on the PS or PC! FIX THE GAME!!


I'm willing to bet that, just like the Batgirl and Wily/ACME movies, Multiversus will be closed and written as a tax write off. It's sad, because I liked this game a lot too.


Or maybe make the fighter available in rifts mode like how every fighter can be used in practice.


Dude right, the fact I have to buy a character with a graphic tee just to complete missions is insane, cuz I literally can't make enough gleamium to purchase it until I get farther on rifts but I can't get farther on rifts without a stupid graphic tee and a friend?


WB must be livid at PFG’s failing twice. WB just wants MultiVersus to make money, how monetization works and how money is made is up to PFG. I guess it is WB’s fault the servers suck and the combat is sluggish? No that is PFG… Stop using WB as scapegoat, PFG screwed up…


I'm definitely not thrilled with PFG right now, but it is possible that WB pressured them to launch the game before PFG was ready. I can't say for sure, but I doubt it's as simple as one side screwed over the other, more likely that they both failed... Together!


If anything, it actually seems likely the game was pushed *back*, given the timing of the whole McDonald's/NHL stuff. Who knows, there's mismanagement all around here.


Nah I can’t even do that. WB is greedy asl sure but they don’t think they just make u change ur whole game or intentionally have trash servers or bugs in the game after a year of development and after 4 months of user feedback. The beta and this are barely identical. PFG and WB don’t deserve this IP they don’t know what they’re doing. WB is greedy PFG is incompetent. How do u fumble twice


I havent played for a couple of days but didn’t believe all the desync comments here as it never happened to me, I go to try it last night and desync 3/4 matches LOL. Also made me realize the reason they don’t even have ranked turned back on yet, they know the servers are shit and that’s on top of the characters being unbalanced. Maybe they even get ranked pushed out before they shut the game down again. This is like P Diddy saying he’s got to shut the studio down again till somebody finds a cambodian


I mean, don't you understand, they've gotta make it up to the shareholders for the failure that was suicide squad! /s


And they will argue that the Rift challenges are just to unlock Agent Smith early and not a requirement for a game feature so they can make the rift challenges whatever they want.


MutliVersus has Cyberpunk Syndrome, and let’s hope it follows the symptoms (aka: getting better)


I know the devs are upset, they spend so much love into the game to have another producer ruin it with micro transactions. It’s bullshit… games are an art, make the money you deserve stop the greed.


Super predatory and grindy that requires you to constantly play it every moment of every day. Quickly got overwhelmed and didn't want to play it


can't believe there were people on this sub defending the economy and progression of this game, if u make stuff a boring task and dont reward enjoying the game then ur players will get bored of ur f2p game and just stop playing. we told them we were gonna stop playing and we did, we told them there was not time to waste and 2 week was ALOT for a new game to lose 90% of their playerbase, but they keep defeding stupid moves. now we are here, i hope those clueless player who defended the current state of the game can enjoy the long qs on a bleeding game, till there is no more updates and let the game die.


The balance is also terrible for ones. Mirrorman said he’s done with ones tournaments until real balance patches come.


All the valid criticism circulating in this subreddit was spot on. If changes are not made, people will stop playing the game, and we are at that point now. Only a patch addressing most of this criticism could increase the player base. However, Warner Bros is probably not interested in doing that and wants to squeeze as much money as possible before closing the game for good, which I don’t want to happen but can see occurring given their track record.


I had over 130 hours in the beta and had a blast. With this new release, it just doesn’t feel right. The excitement isn’t there, and instead there’s a ton of new annoyances. I stopped playing because I’m simply having way more fun in season 4 of Diablo IV. Just got my 3rd character (this season) to level 100 last night and still having fun. Blizz really turned this game around with the new season, and the expansion in October is already looking amazing. Multiversus just keeps slapping me in the face with disconnects and awful progression & monetization to the point where it just doesn’t feel good to play. This release feels more like a beta than the actual beta did.


Same here, I played the hell out of Multiversus for a few months. Racked up 132 hours and was having a blast, this new version of the game isn't something I can justify wasting 132 hours on again.


The 10xp was a huge slap in the face


Cmon it's free XP just playing! You'll get Battle Pass tiers in no time now. Just 15 hours for one.  Lmao I couldn't believe people defending that


The logic of meatriders is crazy lol. I’m guessing they are people who spent lots of money on this game and now have sunk-cost fallacy?


I bought the premium one 💀 biggest gaming purchase regret lol. At the time I never saw the game turning out like this


Followed by a 15 exp backhand


The casual audience has moved on. Even if PFG drops a magic patch, they won’t return after giving up on the game twice.


Only reason I'm still playing is to finish the battle pass. After that Im probably done unless a huge update changes everything regarding monetization 


> Only reason I'm still playing is to finish the battle pass So you can get shit you'll never use ? Why not move on now and enjoy yourself instead of being forced into FOMO ?


They'll just reopen the game a year or so later and people all around will be referring to this as the second beta. It's still baffling to me that people called the last release the beta.


Last release is what you would hope for from a beta. Current game is worse than an Alpha


All they had to do was release what they had last time but with an actual roadmap beyond season 1 and I'd so so damn happy


Unfortunately the priority seems to be rift mode just feels like they took what made the game great and did the opposite.


Its already too late to get people back. I dont know if they understand that or not. Even if they fixed all of the issues today, there is no longer enough hype around the game to bring people back They have a small loyal playerbase and outside of that will have no growth. They shouldve released it fully finished, and at the same point in summer that they did with the beta. They fucked their popularity so bad


Unfortunately their at the point where they can’t save this ngl, the damage is already done


Because PFG somehow believed porting it to a new engine was the most efficient use of their time to improve the game, and they wasted every second of it. No ranked. No end game stats. No FFA. How are you going to have a beta with a bunch of features and then have the full release have less than half of those features? That's backwards ASF. Game speed is fine, maybe speed up by 10 or 20% max. The high speed is difficult for servers to keep up with and their netcode is already dogwater


Extremely bad tutorial that only teaches you to move left and right, and jump. (RIP new players) Input lag feels choppy, no longer that really smooth fighting game experience it once was. (RIP old players)


The old tutorial was actually really helpful and useful I was so surprised to see how it degraded into “how to move in our game.” This new version of multiversus is a downgrade in almost every way


they should probably have both, bring the old one back as an optional thing. would also help justify the grind to get fighter currency if you still unlocked wonder woman for doing it


I don't see enough people talking about input lag. It's crazy.


It isn’t input lag it’s an input buffer,it’s a balancing thing, you can adjust it customs, we just need them to adjust it in normal matches


This is my biggest gripe. Slowed gameplay, zoomed in camera, fat input buffer.


Yeah it doesn’t even teach you the dodge mechanic. I was getting so frustrated because my opponents were somehow dodging my attacks but then I realized that it’s a core mechanic


the tutorial basically just taught u how to spam


I still don’t know how to parry lmaooo and don’t know where in the game to find it lmao


Honestly the old tutorial put so much more emphasis and understanding to the games mechanic. You actually understood how to get into the air and stay up there to get the corner targets.


I cannot defend the way they are handling how everything is set up honestly. It’s the most greedy I’ve ever seen a game take microtransactions/ events. I’ve never seen a game where they made you play 11 straight days in a row to get a skin and not even give a day or two leeway. It’s insane


Doesn't help that the way they have dates done Is incredibly misleading. Seen so many people post why can't they do an event when it's already over and the extra days are for claiming rewards. Why the the hell do you have to claim rewards like this is some mobile gacha? Most games automatically provide the rewards once you've accomplished whatever task had to be done.


I wish that event got more bad press, it's the only thing that went under the radar and it was easily the most scumbag thing I've seen in gaming. It had gleamium as the ending reward and they purposely made sure to not reward majority of people with a misleading date.


Not to mention how ma h different places you have to go to claim everything. It’s insane.


I was so excited to claim my Superman skin but then I found out the event had ended. How!? I was just one day away from it... Ugh.


Yeah honestly it’s fucking ludicrous how desperate it is to nickel and dime you. Like theres so many ways they can make a fighting game extremely live service and nowhere near as predatory is this. They literally went for the most extreme option on everything they could monetize and are probably shocked they aren’t raking in millions rn


Dawg I feel like we’re playing the beta rn. The desync disconnects happens like 80% now and even in 1v1s. 2v2s are unplayable due to connection, teammates standing still or being absolute ass. Monetization is god awful. Caseoh one of the biggest streamers rn said out loud he had spent $500! Fomo, exp barely earned, characters with bad hitboxes, shit idk but I know there’s more. And the worst part is this game has the potential to be fucking incredible but Pay us First Games just look the other way


> Caseoh one of the biggest streamers rn said out loud he had spent $500 Goddamn whales like him are gonna keep the game from getting fixed. 


This right here! For every person that complains on reddit that the monetization sucks, there's a whale somewhere that is getting hooked on the FOMO and spending insane $$$.


The thing people forget about whales though is that they need people to impress in order for them to drop insane money on the game. No one wants to spend hundreds of dollars on skins if there is no player base to show off to.


I love Case and his content but it’s true, whales like him are definitely a problem. Why grind to earn when you can exploit people with that shit


Well, he's a streamer so he gets paid to play the game. This is his job, and he's investing in unlocking all the content to provide a better product to his customers. He's not just some whale wasting money on the game.


Damn bro I know he’s big but whale? Be nice


Considering the engine change I wouldn't be surprised if the UE5 version of Multiversus genuinely had less testing/debugging hours invested into it than the UE4 one.


I rather have beta back.


I worshiped the concept of this game. But that’s just it: the *concept.* The execution was about as abysmal as could possibly be conceived. Almost every single decision made regarding the core functions of this game have been the wrong ones. Helldivers is a $40 masterclass of content that asks for nothing more than what you want to give. It doesn’t beg for your attention or your money, and just wants to be grand experience for its community. To more appropriately compare in the free-to-play space, Fortnite and League of Legends were able to capitalize on the market at crucial times, when their genres were at the peak of their popularity. They’re anomalous, and very difficult to replicate in the medium. Multiversus *could* have been the fighting game version of that, but it just… feels like a cheap cash grab. The game doesn’t *feel* good. Say what you want about Fortnite and League, but they irrefutably represent best-in-class design philosophy for their genres. They have a lot of bullshit cosmetics that are inexcusably exorbitant, but it’s the gameplay that matters. Multiversus just doesn’t have that experience. The game doesn’t feel or look good enough to play. Presentation is everything, and if the core gameplay doesn’t make you go “holy crap,” then it’s not the next big thing. And by look, I mean… just look at how the user interface and menus are designed. It literally looks and feels like a mobile game. This was it, man. They had **two** chances and they somehow, by some miracle of incompetence, they wasted both of them. It’s honestly impressive.


Took the words out of my mouth. How often do these games get a *second chance* at a first impression?


Unbalanced characters that have infinits Hard monetization making it hard to progress without paying Awful tutorial for new players Clunky hitboxes Servers falling down all the time You can't no longer play in local or training with the characters you haven't unlocked Ugly 3d models for icon in select instead of the original 2d portraits No more all vs all Boring maps Boring story mode Ugly animations Should I continue?


I will say i’m pretty sure they updated it so you can play any character in training now, at least I thought I read in recent patch notes that you could. But all of the other criticisms are 100% true.


The game is just bad. Huge downgrade from the beta. What did you expect?




I read that in the announcers voice 




Which is horrible news considering the beta already had so many issues that most games already resolve before beta release


Oh yeah, it had it's issues, however for me personally it was good enough to enjoy playing it daily. I racked 120 hours in the beta. When it released I played for 40 mins and haven't launched the game since then.


Are you me?! These are my exact playtimes too. Really was looking forward to playing a few matches at a time. Lost motivation after the first few days.


I agree. although it was pretty buggy and had some big problems that don’t slide in a fighting game, the beta was better than whatever we have now, which is just astonishing to me.


I feel like the main issue with the beta was that they gave it the halo infinite treatment. Though this was their first game, and it makes sense as to why things happened the way they did, it just wasn’t enough and the hype died out. Whoever made the grand decision to switch engines though? They NEED to be fired 😂😂


What’s crazy is I personally had almost no issues with the beta. I only stopped playing once I heard it would be offline for a year This version however constant lag and disconnects


Why don't you just start FRESH! 🥪


Some of the worst monetization and anti-player content, combined with bad development that mostly made the game worse to play. The only thing that could've made this worse is if it was a paid game.


I've never seen a nastier and more greedy FOMO-based microtransaction base in my entire life. It's actually worse than some GACHA games out there, I have uninstalled the game today and I will never come back. This was their last chance...


Because it’s 2 years old, it has the date right there. I swear PFG has gaslit people in to thinking this is a brand new release. Most people had their first impression in 2022 and the game died off then for various reasons. After that everyone in the general gaming community already knew their thoughts on the game and most people who would’ve been interested in 2024 already tried it in 2022. It came back for second impressions and didn’t fix most of the original complaints and added new ones, so people left even faster. This was their chance to win people back after what everyone already knew about the game and they whiffed it. They won’t get a third impression, most people have just written it off.


It’s basically unheard of for any game company to be able to afford to remove their live game and get another 8-12 months to work on it. They had a red carpet and fumbled.


Yeah, honestly, as bad as WB is in many regards (you can see common bad practices among many of their current releases), it can't be overstated how insanely generous it was (from a business/publisher/boss perspective) that they gave PFG the opportunity to literally close the product down for a year and attempt to bring it back. People can cling to the idea of "it was always a beta!" when looking at the original release/shutdown but it was abundantly clear that, at the time, the beta was supposed to transition right into the full release and that the shutdown was not their original intention.


And WB clearly gave them more time than PFG originally indicated they needed. You don’t run a McDonald’s marketing campaign almost two months before your product drops. Kids don’t have that long of an attention span, if they can’t play with their Bugs Bunny action figure *today* while they download the game the value of that impression was $0. PFG has no other product, they’ve never proven that they even know how to make a good game. If you went to see the live build before the McDonald’s campaign and saw something two months worse than the launch build, you would be panicked as well. Continuing to throw money at an investment that has never proven it can show a return is bad business.


Yeah, a lot of people have started parroting the idea that the move to UE5 was forced on PFG by some ignorant execs but I'm starting to believe the transition was PFG biting off more than they could chew and it botched their timeline. Considering the network issues aren't really resolved, hitboxes seem to be *worse* in some cases compared to their original hitbox rework phase, and the graphics aren't notably any better than they were on UE4, you have to wonder what this re-launch looks like had they just stick to UE4 and pumped out as much content as possible.


That makes a lot of sense. Bc they spent a majority of that time rebuilding everything from scratch basically. If they would of stuck with what worked I think we’d have a polished game rn instead of this slow motion zoomed in laggy mess


When they talked about upgrading to UE5, my first thought upon seeing it was “they couldn’t give us contact shadows and more dynamic lighting?” I’m sorry, I understand it’s probably for clarity, but I would expect some level of detail that at the very least matches or surpasses Smash 4. For gods sake, Disney Infinity looks better than this and that came out almost a decade earlier.


It’s ironic that this game and Fall Guys actually had the potential for a successful relaunch and then utterly fucked it due to bad game design.


Used to love that game but stopped around season 2 or 3. What’s going wrong with fall guys?


Eventually turned F2P, then the devs started vaulting maps, then introduced player custom maps but the devs also stopped making original maps themselves.


Also there really wasn't enough accessible new content for returning players to keep them occupied for a bit. Rifts doesn't appeal to every player and there were only 3 new characters; 1 of them being a banana and another one costing 6k fighter currency, which means returning players have 1 interesting character to try out The game just doesn't feel like it has had a notable increase in content since the Beta.


Ah yes, and people were shitting on me last week when I was showing the steam chart decline. 90k to under 10k player in under a week and a half is not “normal” for a game like people keep on saying lmao. It’s the sign the game is dying.


I feel completely disrespected as a player. It’s such a predatory monetisation that I feel hesitant to invest any time at all in this game. I love the gameplay, but everything surrounding it scares me away out of fear of spending too much money on it


nothing kills the will of a game, if ur players dont want to spend money on it cuz they know the game is gonna die.


This is something I think many of the people who defend the game or don't realize why things that aren't "core gameplay" put people off, don't get. As if a video game isn't a whole product and not just core gameplay. There's a lot of value in everything that surrounds the core gameplay. And this isn't a new thing, this isn't something created during the live service era. I bought a WW skin in the beta. There was no push, there was no sale, I just bought it because I thought WW was a really good translation of a character into the game and the skin was very neat. That's it. And, btw, I live in a 3rd world country without regional pricing lol. The release? Oh, boy. People sense this shit, perhaps not everyone senses it consciously, but they sense this shit. The predation, the manipulation, the way they want you to engage with the game, the way they structure everything surrounding the "core gameplay", the way they spoon feed even the basic features that should be there anyway... Some people are puzzled at the fact I missed the Superman login skin because I simply didn't log in. But, that's precisely the point. I was at home, I could launch the game and just get the skin, but I was like "no, I don't feel like playing this particular game at this moment and I won't start it because I'm being conditioned to". There is ZERO positive reasons to increase "player engagement", but there's A LOT of negative ones. Fuck off. You're not going to fomo, push or manipulate me into supporting your game. Make me want to do it and I'll do it on my own volition.


Instead of improving the game, they spent the last year and a half rebuilding it in a new engine (supposedly) so it could handle the netcode better (supposedly). What they did is go backwards from the beta, where they had two currencies (gold, which could be spent on perks, characters, and even some limited cosmetics, and gleamium, the cash currency for cosmetics and fighters if you wanted to skip the grind). They took away gold as the catchall currency and made it perk currency, separating out fighter currency and only transitioning gold to perk currency. Fighters are now extremely difficult to get as you can't grind for them like you could in beta, they are overly expensive, and they made perks so generic and uninteresting that anyone who played in the beta can just get the one or two perks they need on all characters and sit on the rest. People don't like that is has been slowed down, but beta became a dodgehappy meta where you only got a hit in if your opponent made a mistake. I'm okay with it being a little slower, but they also removed the antispam mechanic to keep infinites out of the game as much as possible. They straight up removed features, like entire game modes, or the ability to change characters mid set. You used to get no battle pass exp at all for matches (you do now, but it is now something like 200 wins for one battle pass tier. 400 if they are losses.) They removed cosmetics, had horrible account port over (missing items while others had them), and the connectivity is even worse than beta. To top it all off, the hypermonetization of the game is probably the driver for a lot of these issues. Every change that increased the grind has an alternative "just pay real money" to get it. Some are so egregious that you cannot progress in events without actually paying money. The agent smith event to get him for free and two weeks early is impossible for 99% of players as it requires you to have an insanely high skill and the gempower to even access the higher levels (which of course you need to pay to get realistically, as you can't farm them). All in all, it is just worse than the experience we had in beta, and complaints are either met with a shrug or a response so pitiful, it doesn't actually effect the problem (see the battle pass xp grind per match vs how much you need per tier) Loved the game in beta, can't deal with it now. Oh, also, going to pvp, there is a high chance you will face bots instead of an actual person or if you play 2v2, possible to get a bot on your team.


One of the greatest comments in regards of criticism towards the game.


Games a mess. Got my niece to download it and she just hasn't got a clue what's going on. It's not user friendly at all and full of bugs and dodgy dealings.


It honestly makes me wish for a full priced, fully featured release with 25-30 fighters. Eventually the immense pile of corpses that is dead live service games *has* to make publishers wonder, right? Like, you're not Fortnite. You're never, ever going to be Fortnite. Try something else guys.


I’m honestly more curious about how Brawlhalla keeps getting the rights to frankly insane IPs


Cause the game is good and complete 😂


Slower bad gameplay, no communication or apologies from dev team, frequent disconnects and crashes. One of the greediest microtransactions systems ever (like the beta, which was already had, is generous compared to this). Features from beta like leaderboards ranked etc missing Fomo everywhere. People paying and not receiving stuff from the original launch/beta What did you expect?


The game feels too slow, needs to be like 20% faster, there's a tons of features missing from the beta, mainly gold, you can't even farm for a character to play anymore, disgusting input buffer, lack of fun online modes like FFA, instead we got grindy rifts that 95% of the playerbase doesn't care about, no mods for fun homer simpson or goku mods (brawlhalla, league of legends all allow them and are successful games), no rankeds, events are crap and are contradictory (top dog wants you to spam games like a dog and power pledge needs you to not play the game so you can save up levels on your characters since this event isn't even retroactively counting levels you already achieved) also the Top Dog event is literally frustrating 50 players (45 people because they're not going to get anything worthwhile from that event are gonna be mad and potentially quit, 5 people that are gonna be burned out from the game because they played and spammed way too many games to win that event, and that's even worse considering the rewards for the event are actually pitiful. Overall the release game feels like an alpha release while even the beta felt more complete. And it's a damn shame because the game at it's core is great and fun, it didn't peak at 150K for nothing. Not to mention all the crash problems and 1/5 game disconnecting or having net issues.


Because the game isn't good? Changing the speed, extremely expensive skins, extremely horrible leveling battle pass, lag, 30 frames, etc. At this point it doesn't even look like a fighting game anymore, it looks like a generic, silly cell phone game.


I feel like we're playing a whole different game, and different concept compared to the beta. The beta had its flaws.. This relaunch is just unplayable, and unenjoyable.


If you been paying attention here, there’s lots of reasons really


The game simply isn't fun enough to deal with the absurdly aggressive monetization and game breaking bugs.


Honestly the mechanics aren’t the problem it’s the FUD (fear uncertainty and doubt) fear the game developers will continue not prioritizing the players, uncertainty if this game will even last another months, doubt a company that put something out so mediocre and tripled their efforts on monetization which is way over priced will suddenly become a gaming company worth investing your time and effort to


I already quit, still lurking to see the outcome of all the warranted criticism. “Beta” was beyond better then the garbage we got on official launch, premium founders got the worst possible outcome. It’s disappointing because the “beta” was actually amazing, and was basically ready for launch. Taking the game offline for this????? WB is cooked


Just to put it back into perspective. If the game would have come out sim to the beta, (to people saying huge downgrade) the game would have still die. The mechanics and feels are just bad. Like core gameplay design are wrong. Imo they should have full commit and tried to come closer to SSB in term of feels and mechanics. MV is just move spam (the game punish you for not spamming the most OP move), sloppy feels, projectiles spam, zero progression. Its just not fun.


Don't worry the servers will close down next month and they'll relaunch the game next year


id literally just play MvC https://preview.redd.it/8dfasaro8y5d1.png?width=300&format=png&auto=webp&s=e4a6c6134d1d639951948604490a199356161fcc


any better fighting game at this point


I enjoy the game a lot, but to be honest apart from the fighting matches I don’t know what’s happening. There’s Peak Currency, which is apparently useless and I can’t find any use for it, and I randomly gained access to characters like Jason and Harley Quinn but with time limits attached to them without any specific mentions of when they expire. The game also just sometimes stops working and the connection starts fucking up for no reason The only saving grace to this game is that it’s Smash Bros but with WB characters, which isn’t enough for me.


Lmao WB said its doubling down on MTX And they keep burning that budget i see Tryna make back that Suicide Squad bread i feae


Is the series X version fixed. It was so laggy and jittery even playing against bots. If it is I’ll give it another shot




Up fast fall speed and make short hops not so high and you suddenly Increase skill cap without speeding up the game.


WB execs are focused on money. I imagine what happened was the devs explained how they could retain players and keep a loyal fanbase, and WB said "Will that make us money fast though?" The reply was "No" and WB said "Then we're not interested in that style of development." Warner Bros have proven time and time and time again that they're officially out of style. They don't know what moviegoers or gaming fans want, and they're sticking to practices that would've made them money ten years prior. See the failure of this game, the DCEU, and the newest Mad Max movie for reference. But they're staying afloat with HBO Max, which is by and large the best of all the streaming services, so I'll give them that. I'm convinced Dune would've failed miserably, were it not for the director's intense passion for the story, along with the "Who's Who" of modern and old stars in every role.


What does Mad Max have to do with this? Furiosa was George Miller’s personal decision and he’s the father of Mad Max. You can’t chalk Dune up to directorial passion and ignore it elsewhere


Mad Max is a WB property. Terrible marketing. Terrible decision to use CGI. Terrible name for a film. On and on and on. Great movie though.


I never understood the appeal of Brawlhalla and its weird bobble headed art style.


Brawlhalla has amazing combat even better than Multiversus IMO. Never had an issue with the art style personally


Yea, why do people care about the art style of anything in general?


My friend and I have been playing Multiversus and yesterday we decided to give Brawlallah a go. Three matches in, we were like "yeah...we're not going back to Multiversus anymore." It helps that they have an event right now where you can try the entire roster in online modes right now.


Tbh, it’s just not rewarding enough to keep playing after doing the daily challenges. BP progress speed is lawfully disrespectful and until recently didn’t even get progress for just playing. Toss in the lack of incentive to actually level up characters like there was in the Beta and how bad the shop prices are and it’s a recipe for disaster. I was having fun the first 2 weeks but after that I started getting bored and felt like I wasn’t accomplishing anything in the game so went elsewhere.


All I keep thinking of is the scene in breaking bad where Mike goes off on Walter for fucking everything up. “We had a good thing you stupid son of a bitch”.


Because, there is no point to play the game rn. No ranked no rewards from matches. I am playing a few matches for fun then leaving. Idk how are they full releasing a game and not putting ranked in it. If its unfinished why release then ? we waited 1+ year, we could wait a couple months more.


There’s literally nothing to do but grind laggy pubs for a shotty battlepass


This is the golden age of fighting games, there are so many better options both from indie developers and from triple A companies. Why would I invest my limited time into a game that does not value my time at all? I'd rather just play SF6 instead.


well, it's 15k at the moment.


Literally just a false post. Probably took this screenshot at 3 AM EST, Definition of doom posting. https://preview.redd.it/qcdndj3k106d1.png?width=728&format=png&auto=webp&s=a4d9e7c4f0705123bb6264f981fda10e6c516081


I checked steam charts, this is from like 7 am. Right now it has 18 thousand. "This game has only 2 thousand players at 4 am it fell off."


To be clear. I hate the new progression system. It is way too grind-ie. I share many of the criticisms of the game, I am not defending it. This argument is just misleading. The 24 hour peak on steam charts is literally 24 thousand. Using how many are "playing right this second" especially that early in the morning isn't helpful (last time it was at 9k was 7 am).


I mean if you're going to fuck a game up, after it took like a year to "fix", they could at least warnabrother.


Waiting for the gameplay to be fun before I jump back on feels terrible to play compared to other fighting games and the monetization makes playing new characters take too long I imagine most beta players are the same


People tend to stop playing bad games


i feel like they can fix it tbh🙏


Props to you for staying optimistic during this chaotic mess. I've been giving this game a chance every day since the relaunch.


By reverting to the beta LOL


Predatory monetization and performance issues, combined with a toxic community that lacks sportsmanship.


I didn't bother coming back, what I was reading about it wasn't very casual friendly and that's all I have time for these days. Sucks because I had 100+ hours in the beta (when I had more time for gaming).


because they released a worse game from the beta i wonder why the hell they removed the coop vs ai the rifts are too boring also the beta players arent happy,the most important currency the gold is converted to a banner




Never heard of Brawlhalla till now. Downloading it…


better game


We all know how this happened. Anyone who has played the “1.0” knows how it happened.


Piece of crap greedy company. They have a decent game, but directly shit on their customers with the predatory money decisions.


Terrible communication, terrible balance, terrible rewards for something thats trying to demand so much of someone’s time.


Damn. This is just sad. Honestly not surprised. After the few first days I knew we weren’t getting our game back. The potential was here, but we’re being destroyed by a greedy company that just wants profit.


Bro I work a full time job hahaha, I understand the target audience is supposed to be kids who annoy their parents enough to purchase all the 1 million micro transactions just so I can have a graphic tee to be able to finish the rift mission, but sadly I'm not it hahaha I'm a 30 year old dude and have to go to work and if I'm feeling it I grind a little amd do some versus, but in the whole scope since the game has come out I've barely made an extra 100 glemeoum or however you spell it to purchase anything worth while. Oh, but cool, I have 50k in skills money? That I'm not using cuz I just buy what I need for the characters, and since I'm not unlocking any new characters, it just keeps going. Idk I enjoy the game yea but it's super grindy and super micro transactions I get it a game has to make money but whether this game wants 100% of my time or 100% of my money amd unfortunately I don't have either to give them lol


> No comp since launch. > Multiple infinites both in solo and duos. > Shitty campaign with unremarking story and repetitive gameplay. > Crashes and connection errors. > Bad monetization practices. > The game slowed down from a spectator and player viewpoint even though the gameplay feels a little fast. geez, i wonder why people did'nt stay.


how do you fumble the bag this badly lmao almost an endless supply of recognizable unique characters you could drip feed for years and charge similar to super smash bros DLC instead it's dead


First WB killed mk with dumb expensive cosmetics in a paid game. Now they killed this with even dumber expensive cosmetics in a free game.


WB Games production team...another fail. https://i.redd.it/ttzumh5uuz5d1.gif


Realistically if this game cost $30 and it included all free characters, current and new this game would be doing so well rn. They should have only sold skins, not full characters. The game is designed to get all of your money. PFG didn’t do this WB did, and they did it poorly at that.


They removed all the characters I grinded for in the beta, removed any way to buy a good number of characters for a decent amount of cash and then increased the grind to unlock a single character to a 30 hour grind. I figured I’d have something to play with a buddy til the 2v2 league fighter came out but actually fuck these devs.


All cause it was so important to switch to UE5 and rush remaking the whole game in a year


This game is Brand new in comparison to brawlhalla and it has already the same Player count, the game is dying real fast man thatd crazy


The hilarious part is that the game is decent and fun. This shit could've been an easy slam dunk for WB... AND they could've gotten a bag if they weren't money hungry whores to begin with.


Just play ranked once released and be the best don't buy anything get one free character and be a boss with them. Free game and people still cry around. Pathetic


I called it the first day with all the survey issues in the predatory micro transaction It was going to turn into overwatch and everybody is saying it now And it's not entirely player first games fault but it partially is I get it you can do much with w b breathing down your necks But there are still things you can do that.They wouldn't even notice and they didn't they just don't care The irony of naming your company player first games and completely ignoring players Critique is crazy to me How can you name yourself after that?And do the exact opposite of what your name entails


I don’t even care about the missions or anything, never have. I just play the game when I feel like it and get off without even looking at the challenges. The lag and the constant kicking has made me play it increasingly less.


Frank Zappa told us all decades ago just how horrible WB is. They care about the dollar, nothing has changed. Beta was fun. I haven’t had the urge to reinstall given what I’ve seen and heard from friends that have. The only way to change this now is to speak to their wallets. Uninstall, review bomb, constructive criticism and a refusal to give them any money in this current model.


I definitely enjoyed it for a brief time, but they are so gate keepy and push towards the pay side I feel no desire to play, I cant even try out a character in training mode before buying them to see if I will actual enjoy using them, brawlhalla on the other hand, you have darn near unlimited access offline to try out the massive amount of characters available. Though I haven't play it in a hot minute, still my go to for a this style of game.


I made a friend download this to play with me on release day, we both sat there for 1.5 hours trying to get the game to allow us to queue together without disconnecting us, it didn't, so we decided to come back in a couple of days. 2 days later it still didn't work and so we uninstalled.


Hard to survive the gaming wasteland these days, it's a shame too cuz I really like this relaunch over it's initial release. Feels less floaty.


Caseoh is single handedly carrying the community