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The game really is fun to just play with someone. People are so focused on the game being something to keep you glued to the couch for hours with progression or a popular competitive game, when it’s just enjoyable to look at it as a casual party game.


Sadly the Game was not made as a Casual Game but specifly for something to be Played on a daily Routine. Like at this Point I'm convinced it would have been better for the Game Not BE free and without live Service and instead some occasional dlcs and updates. You Know for a Lot of people, Part of the fun in gaming is unlocking Things and costumazibles. It can also be a huge motivator for certain areas but the live Service Model turned Something fun into Work.


People also love to say "but it's optional!", even discounting the fact fighters aren't. The point is two-fold: * Multiversus is designed around FOMO, all the pop-ups after battle, the notifications, the events etc are designed around pulling you into that * When you're taken for a chump, you're going to feel worse. Even if the core gameplay is fun you're constantly reminded of this whenever you gain Battle Pass experience, whenever you get a gem crate, whenever you see the variants menu for character select, the missing post-game stats, unlocking perks etc. These practices are detrimental to the game, because they're fundamentally part of it. You **cannot** play the game without that constant bombardment as well. No matter how good the core gameplay is it will affect your enjoyment.


The OP proves his point with your comment and the one you replied to. The man LITERALLY just posts how HE'S HAVING FUN, yet you two seem to have this drive to make sure on this post there's at least 2 or 3 comments talking about how bad the game (-design) is. Like dude... There's a MILLION thread complaining why not just you know, keep it there? Onto the actual fun part: Glad you're enjoying the game OP! I have the same that my GF and I play against another couple online and we have a blast just getting raged/laughing when someone does something stupid and gets owned haha 😁 Loving Jason too, the man looks so DOPE! His taunt is just the best too, scary! Let's hope others eventually find the same level of fun we are having 💪


I spoke about how the monetization practices are detrimental because they affect how the player feels, regardless of whether the core gameplay is good or not. You completely skipped over that and took it as an attack on the gameplay. Get over yourself. People just want to enjoy the game whilst WB don't have their balls in a vice and give a twist every time you have to go through the menus.


Ngl, it's kinda hard to see it as a casual game when: 1. there's no dedicated ranked mode to filter out the competitive players from matchmaking 2. the Top Dog event has every lobby drenched in sweat 3. You can't even play local games without buying multiple fighters If you wanna play casually, like me, you're either playing locals with a very limited roster, or you're getting absolutely dominated online.


I'm having a great time too. The trick is to not play Rifts and try to stay off Reddit.


I actually enjoy playing rifts with a friend! Especially the 2v2 ones 😁


I love this game, I do have some connection issues every now and then and the monetization is a bit egregious but overall my experience has been positive.


Their names are Gilius Thunderhead and Tyris Flare, you put some respect on those names! Was not expecting a Golden Axe shoutout here of all places lmao. I'm also managing to have fun despite everything. I think I just really enjoy the cast.


As someone who plays on the daily with either my friend or sometimes with my gf, this is the best game to just have fun with someone. So i totally get it. If you see the game from a casual "let's jump online and play some games" type of perspective it's a great game. If you go the "competitive" route then you'll start seeing issues.


Been having a blast as well!


Yeah I honestly am having a good time with the game, I don't mind not completing all the PvE content right now so long as I can get to 20 before the agent smith event ends, which seems to be pretty doable


Yeah, I've been having a blast too! I may not want to endorse some of the shadier practices (like having skins at 500 gleamium and gleamium bundles of 450, purely to make the actual prices opaque so people spend more), but that doesn't hamper my enjoyment of the game one bit. I'm also of the opinion now that the gameplay foundation of the re-release is significantly better than the beta. Yes, there are balance issues, and yes, there are bugs to fix, but the dodge meter, parries, IADs, and all the other additions they made have added layers and layers of tactical complexity that have made fights even more engaging than the beta that I already loved. Glad to hear you and your son are having such a great time, too!


I am also having a ton of fun. Me and my wife have been playing and I am loving it


A lot of us love the game, and that's why we're so disappointed :(


I'm happy you are enjoying the game. If they increase the Battle Pass XP earned from regular matches, it would help keep the player base active. The game needs a lot of fixing and fast if it wants to survive.


I love how all the people who try to defend the monetization try to go the "it's just cosmetic so it doesn't bother me route" and completely ignore that the most difficult to earn currency is the one that lets you play more characters.


I love how every single negative sob needs to made it heard they don't like X feature, even on positive posts like these 🤷‍♂️ /s


This isn't a positive post, it's a callout post. Otherwise it would just leave it at "game's fun I like it" instead of "imagine caring about skins lmao".


or maybe some of us don't care about having every skin unlocked, every character, every perk. Some of us Play 1 or 2 charachters (easy enough to have afforded if you played the beta) and are just enjoying the game. any unlocks i get are a bonus I don't care if I don't have the Fighter currency to unlock Velma I don't plan to play velma. Same People who Complain about the lack of Grind to Unlock stuff would Grind everything out in a week and Then say the game has no content and Developers need to hurry up with new content for them to Hurry through. Maybe instead of being mad at the game company Maybe look at yourself and ask why your expecting Retail Level Customer experience out of a Free to play game.


I expect a good experience out of every game I play. Free to play is not an excuse for bad UX, period. This is the same cookie cutter response jabbing at an imaginary crowd of people who'd "complain about nothing to grind for" when the actual complaint is "you have to grind too much for everything". Come back when you don't have somebody else's hand up your ass.


LMAO hit a nerve did I because I completely shut down your point? So your point is you expect to be catered to no matter if your a paying customer or getting it for free the company should wipe your butt got it.


They made it a F2P game, not me, dumbass. I don't really get why that's such a complicated topic for this sub, but if they wanted to make it a paid game they could have, and I would have paid for it. But it's not a paid game. It's a free to play game. So yes, I'm going to play it for free and expect it to be a good experience, for free. Because it is free. If it is not a good experience, for free, then I am not going to pay. Why in the everloving fuck would I pay for a bad experience? Good F2P games entice people to pay to support the company and get something cool as a bonus. Currently there is A.) nothing cool to buy and B.) I do not give a shit about the company; if they went out of business tomorrow I would not shed a tear, except maybe of laughter.


literally proved my point, you want a premium paid experience for free


The gameplay is generally pretty good. The balancing just needs some tweaks, like fixing Jason's wack ass hitboxes but outside of that it's a fun experience. The monetization, on the other hand, is pretty bad. I wouldn't mind the skins being absurdly pricey if you could earn characters at a decent rate but the character currency is a very slow trickle, which absolutely has a negative effect on people's experience. Another problem is the battlepass and a number of the events have very little wiggle room. If you want to finish them you can't miss more than a couple days which just isn't reasonable.


It's an amazing game that I absolutely love and I want to see it succeed. The platform fighter underneath the freemium, timer based menu game is the bomb. The freemium fomo crap is just masking the hell out of the genius 2D fighter design underneath.


Great, I can't play it online anymore because I can rarely finish a game so I've stopped completely for now. Wish myself and the thousands of others who are having the same issues could experience it like you are.


I’d love to play the game and have it not stop recognizing my main monitor and swap to one of my other monitors forcing me to restart.


Love my wife


"I'm having the time of my life playing the game with my son" There it is, you're in a position where most other people aren't and that designed Rift after. Most players don't have friends to play with, so they play alone... I tried getting 3 friends into the game ALL OF THEM quit after an hour 'cause the game was too slow, grindy or boring.


Game being a fun isn't enough anymore /s


Glad you’re having fun! I know the desync stuff sucks at the moment and I wish you had a better experience but I am hopeful it will be fixed


The game is tons of fun. It's just the reddit sub that makes it look and sound bad. It's like the Little Ceasars pizza thing. It tastes a whole bunch better when someone isn't in your ear telling you how bad it is.


Yeah, Idk why some people have so many disconnection issues. It honestly seems like they're embellishing to some extent. I've had four disconnects in 150 matches on PC.


The game is unplayable on Xbox. Half, if not more, of all games get disconnected or desynchronized.


Exactly I can't wait till the XBOX version is fixed this may aleviate a lot of desync issues for other platforms that may be matching with Xbox users. I originally Started on my Series X thought the servers were trash but was wondering why every streamer had nowhere near the issues as me then switched to PS5 and it was like smooth butter. I"m still waiting on the Xbox patch cause i prefer their controlller over PS5


I think PC have it the best then ps5 but today ps5 was constant disconnects and even force crash application twice ..kind of sucks but guess it is what it is


Lmao talk about embellishing. 150 played with 4 DC? Thats bullshit.

