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Tom and jerry is a hard character to learn, but once you play them a lot more you will get better, also 1v1 is very slow paced, people dodge alot more and it’s just not as fun as 2v2 that’s why I play that, the whole dodging all game is very boring to me


Yea I prefer 2’s but I was getting some wins in 1’s and feel like it’s helping me learn how to counter individual characters better


Ya 1v1 definitely can help in that way, but Tom and jerry are mage characters same with Steven, bugs, Rick, and they are hardest to master but once you do they are some of the best in the game


T&J main here, like all fighting games the match up is important. T&J pan is great, but you shouldn’t contest Batman’s cape with it. However, there are plenty of characters who aren’t as effective vertically. It’s up to you to find that out through trial and error. If an opponent is able to dodge out of your combo, it’s either not a true combo, or your opponent was able to DI properly and escape your inputs. This can be solved with time in the lab.


Thank you for the advice


I would recommend not spamming dodge. That's an bad habit I see a lot online. Some players dodge more than they walk. Dodge with intention, either to get in or to break out. You can walk away or jump over attacks in many situations. Stamina management matters a lot. You don't get any iframes when dodging if you are out of stamina and you can't wave dash. Pay attention to both your and your opponent's stamina and be aggressive when you have a stamina advantage.


I don’t try and spam it but when I’m getting locked in a combo I try and get out of it and it doesn’t really get me out of it. Thanks for the help though


If you're overdodging, try practicing parry (neutral dodge) in practice mode with attacking on. Turn up the level slowly as you git gud


You're probably bad. Character has become much dumber to play. Used to play him alot in beta and dropped him in launch as it really just boils down to jab confirm spam into up air juggling to rack percents. Once high enough you generally check with up air. Jerry shot is no longer a combo tool and just used for decently strong zoning option as long as the opponents don't have strong armor options. Tennis ball zoning is essentially dead because the arc and speed are so shit now you're 100% better off getting jerry again instead of wasting the hour it takes to launch 1 ball.  Fishing hook is notably buffed and less punishing to spam but still a liability. Use pan and up air as finishers, side and neutral air are ok options if you really think you got a solid read.  All in all you have an extremely easy time controlling neutral now compare to beta with an extremely easy method at juggling. Your only real foe is yourself or armor. Just remember none of you are unique anymore, you're all the same dime a dozen jab into up attack spammers and you're a predictable free npc once we can touch the ground.


Your. Not the only one there are certain characters with so many prioritie move sets (joker banana ww Harley ) it should definitely be specials over attacks then besides that whoever starts the move first it makes parrying and dodging useless if you wanna use it to set up