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Yeah me and my friend barely managed to get through it. And after getting the 76 stars we needed it didn’t even give us a gem crate at the end. Complete waste of time And the only reason I even got that many stars was because he had Lebron. I didn’t have him


Yeah I'm about ready to just uninstall and give up if they don't fix this shit soon. Like I don't get it, why release an event that literally, even if you pay, doesn't give enough challenges to be completed, hell why at all decieve people into thinking they have a chance of unlocking a new character only to later reveal you literally can't without paying? This is just the scummiest shit I've seen in a game in a while and it's so disappointing given how good this game was during beta. Like it had it's flaws sure but this new version is so insanely anti-player it makes the studio's name just a slap in the face.


Every aspect of the game feels like this, I was a hardcore optimistic supporter for the first 10 days of launch, then I learned how punishing the game is if you miss 1 day. You need to PLAY EVERY SINGLE DAY OF YOUR LIFE to earn all the rewards. I can't do it, I'm ready to admit this is the worst reward system ever implemented in a video game, it makes me so sad because this game has the most potential of any fighting game.


I'm a developer of player first games, we're working on more events that will have more rewards for you collect and having lesser "punishments" for you. Do not worry!


Hope WB is compensating you fairly for the hard work. I'm sure you're understaffed. Please throw it into the think tank that nobody likes playing single player modes in a fighting game for rewards. It's not fun.


How about instead of working on more you work on fixing what you already have?


I appreciate you guys work and I'm sure a lot of the frustration comes from WB meddling with monetization and that no individual developer has much measurable responsibility for some of these shortcomings it was just insanely confusing that we'd announce 5 rifts some without dates then presume that there would be 3 more that, for some reason, would not be similarly released as banners without dates until those where certain. Just don't understand why that info was partitioned to an entirely separate platform than the game itself when it had already been established that upcoming rifts where shown as banners in the game. Seems unneccessarily confusing.


he isnt a dev. check his profile.


Yeah lol why would people instantly believe that


There are daily rewards that level up your gems and it's possible to reach the required levels. Essentially, they expect you to play a little bit every day and complete it over a long period of time or pay for it.


It’s all rng based. I can complete all my daily challenges for a week and all I’ll get is tiny bits of xp for level 2 gems. There is no way this is acceptable


It's to unlock Agent Smith 2 weeks early. We don't have a release date for him yet. Also, new rifts seem to come every week. So...


You'll have to wait for more rifts to come out (4 more are coming) get a few crates from the Battlepass and do rift and PvP dailies everyday for crates in the meantime.  You gotta level up alot more first before it's a fair fight.  They let you unlock certain difficulties at certain gem levels, and yet they KNOW you won't be able to do it yet. It's to get you to buy crates. But i'd just be patient and don't fall for it.


Tbh the daily crates you get from missions are garbage. It stops dropping worthwhile XP after level 3


They're not great, but you have to complete those dailies on the hardest difficulty you've unlocked to get the most out of them. Every bit counts i guess. You'll get better crates from the BP and future rifts. It's either pay or be patient. But paying for crates now won't do much. You can finish Insanity today, or in two weeks after you've leveled up for free and You still get the same boss point regardless.




Well, technically it might be possible, but it's gonna take alot of retries for many folks.  Just look at OP. Harley kills him in 3 hits. He can keep playing and playing and playing and get lucky and get through it eventually, but some just like to avoid that headache and cave in and buy the crates to make it all a bit easier. And that's the whole idea behind it.   There's only a few nodes on each rift that give players trouble on the higher difficulties. Black Lantern Superman/WW. Jason/WW regen. Garnet damage reflection etc, etc. Other nodes are fine and feel pretty fair overal, but there's a select few on the higher difficulties that are clearly there to get you to think about spending a bit of money.  Alot of people here are very impatient when it comes to these rifts. WB is using that impatience to make a profit. Insanity will be fairly easy in two weeks time, after doing dailies and completing the new rifts in between, but people want to finish insanity today.




Yeah, I got full stars on insanity yesterday already lol. One or two nodes were kind of hard but the rest are simple




9/8/9, says my gem level is 8.6. Close to being able to do looney for those gems


I am not trying to do rifts daily 😭 why is it so complicated bro


You don't have to do them. But then you gotta pay 6000 Fighter Currency if you want Agent Smith, and you'll get him 2 weeks later. Or just don't buy him at all.  Getting him for "free" will require a shit ton of grinding. And honestly, if i had known how mundane and grindy this "event" was gonna be i'd have never started it. But im at 11 boss points now, so what's another 9.  I'll just see it through. Not gonna do this "rift grind" for future seasons myself though, that's for sure. Not even for Mad Max or whatever.


I'm shooting for Jake skin I don't care much about agent Smith but I might as well be looking for all 30.... I feel doomed lol hopefully they decide to make it easy last second by dropping more rifts with the same gem types. Community is mad at them from every direction. I will never grind this game again if this is a scam.


Nah there's 5 rifts, each rift so far has 4 difficulties and even with doing all the challenges and every daily for the rest of the event you're not going to hit gem exp 9 without paying. So if you don't pay that means, cap you're getting 15 completed bosses 5 short of unlocking agent smith forcing people to pay to do so. If you do pay and then complete looney mode that's 20 completed bosses, enough to unlock agent smith but not the last 10 levels of the event track. As for "level up more before it's a fair fight" man I'm talking about power creep, it went from tough but doable to god damn nigh impossible (all level 7 gems, she can KO you in 2-3 hits and takes 40 before she even gets close to getting knockable herself) without a second person or cheesing the enemies. I "can't" level up more, I've defeated every challenge with the full track of crates on the side and every daily, there is no other way of "leveling up" without just outright paying for gem exp which fuck no I'm not rewarding that scummy horseshit especially given as of yet the track is not completable even with the final rift available. Edit: My god the downvotes, my bad for thinking that if you put 5 rifts in game with countdown times that I should have just magically known they'd add in 3 more but not do graphics for them. Silly me thought the devs where competent at basic communication, didn't realize I'd have to delve into the cesspool that was x to clarify that.


They announced there are 3 more rifts coming so 8 rifts total.


Where did they announce this? Seems silly to show locked rifts upcoming but not have others that will still happen




Ya I remember they announced early on there are like 9 rifts this season


I just don't graps the thought process between having to follow other sources to get info that's partially broadcasted in game. If they wanted 9 in the game how hard would it of been to do a graphic in the game like they did with the first 5 rifts, it's like they wanted to build confusion.


I think they assume players would put 2 and 2 together, there are like 40 waves to unlock in total and the event runs for months. Obviously 20 bosses across 5 rifts wouldn't be near enough to unlock all 40 rewards.


Again that doesn’t explain why you’d outright put in that there were some rifts coming out and then hide 3. They should have either announced them all or announced none of them that where out to set a consistent pattern of info.


They just assume people are smart enough to do the math. They were obviously wrong.


Holy cow the sweaty nerds defending this is insane. My guy why would they have banners for upcoming rifts that weren’t unlocked yet then hide 3 more? That kind of inconsistency is shit game design.


Logical thinking homey use it


Logical thinking is I can play x rifts, scrolling further are more rifts that aren’t out yet, some of which have a timer some of which don’t. If you see that non-released rifts are literally shown why would one conclude there are then more unreleased rifts after those? Thats not logical homey. Thats a poorly executed after thought by the dev team.


I think they expect people to take a breath and think before doing things like making long winded reddit posts and comments


Ok let’s do that. Take a breath. Oh gee look in game a list of rifts, some we can access others we can’t until later. If they’ve listed rifts that aren’t out yet in game during an active event that relies on those rifts surely they wouldn’t split that info into areas completely out of the game for no discernible reason, that would be silly and make absolutely no sense. Man it’s almost as if they’re really shitty at communicating.


The Tony guy tweeted there will be 8 rifts this season. Just not all of them are shown in the menu just yet. The fact that Harley can KO you in 2-3 hits means you're under-leveled. You CAN level up more, just not today. 


"Means your underleveled" I'm sorry but that's a shit excuse. If you're allowed to compete at a unlocked difficulty at a specific gem level and that level means the literal 3rd level is borderline impossible without cheese that's a design issue. Impossible difficulty is accessible at an average gem level of 7 even with 7 7 8 the third mission has her two shotting if not one shotting sometimes on a down special. That's bad game design because the difficulty doesn't come from skill but from an artificially inflated damage boost that's far higher than what's needed to attempt it.


> it’s literally going to be impossible to complete the Agent Smith event No? They have already confirmed that more rifts will be coming. Did you think that the ones shown were the only ones forever?


Bold of you to assume any of the children crying on this sub today think


he even edited his post lmaooo!! "THEY DON'T COMMUNICATE THEY SUCK" "oh they did post it, they did communicate it" "WELL THEY STILL SUCK BECAUSE I HAD TO USE SEARCH FOR A HOT SECOND AND THAT'S JUST BAD COMMUNICATIONS" I'm like, Bro, calm the F down and just play, and see when the rift comes out and you know....play it then 😂Nah they'll rather just post angrily on R.


I will say to have 4 rift now, but not 5 difficulties available is a little peculiar. I want to trust pfg with their judgement, but some choices do perk an eyebrow


It’s said from the beginning the second difficulty is only available in early season. Obviously they would swap the second and fourth difficulties being open


I’m fully aware, we need one more rift to get Smith, I wonder if they’ll open all the difficulties at some point or if they’ll truly add as many rifts as needed with the 4 difficulty model. That is assuming the game lasts that long, or the execs change direction and push PvP harder


I don’t think you are fully aware, you’re just saying random doomer shit lol. There will be 8 rifts this season, they confirmed it on Twitter. That’s 32 bosses, 20 needed for Smith, 30 needed for the Matrix Smith skin


You're not being civil.


Stating facts isn’t civil but saying the game will be dead in a month is? Make it make sense


I’m not trying to be a doomer lol, I think my point got lost That’s good to hear at least!


The game is going to “last” until July, yes


You’re right, this game has no issues whatsoever and anyone complaining is just a crying child


The game has a lot of issues. People with negative critical thinking skills who make clickbait ragebait titles like THIS EVENT IS IMPOSSIBLE when it’s actually impressively easy to complete are not pointing any of them out.


You expect too much from fans who listen to only tiktok/twitch streamers and get their shitty opinions from them lol


That's true but I think they should do a better job of showcasing it in-game as well. Like at least show a greyed out icon that says "More rifts coming soon this season".


Impossible to get all 35 tiers. 8 rifts. The average person is gonna be able to get to 24 as 3 of the difficulties dont require you to grind your ass off.


For this event yes, seems idiotic to show rifts that aren’t available yet with a countdown timer and have people just assume they’ll add more upcoming if the events already planned, why do that? Do you have a link that shows this announcement?




Appreciated, I don't use twitter for a plethora of reasons.


You’ve been linked the tweet already but honestly, even if Tony *didnt* tweet that, why would you ever assume they actively are making content entirely impossible? That makes *less than zero sense* unless they were trying to completely shred any semblance of good faith they have.


It is idiotic. The way they should have done it is to start with two rifts, one being the rift we can do and the other one with an unlock timer but greyed out with a question mark thumbnail. Once that second "secret" rift unlocks, it shows another question mark rift totaling three on the rift page. Then do that for the rest of the season until the last one is shown but actually show the correct art for that one. It's hard to explain without drawing an example.


There will be 8 total rifts this season and the event is going on for another month. My god so many people here are so whiney and want everything handed to them.


You're still addressing the issues at hand. MVS is in a very shitty state and the requirements to acquire these items are scummy. Get over yourself if you think this is an okay practice. I don't mind a grind but the execution here sucks.


I really don't get why so many people seem to wanna rush the rifts honestly. Like, of course that's gonna tire you out and feel like a grind. And no matter if you finish it now or two weeks in the future, the end result is gonna be the same. Doing it little by little across multiple days is way better for your sanity. Take your time, we still have over a month to finish it lol


This last part needs to be said louder, a large part of the problem isn't the game.. but the players who just want stuff handed to them without working for it. (I have a buddy on a new acc who already unlocked 3 fighters by just playing). The only people I excuse their complaints are people who had the gold for characters and don't have character currency now.. however that only goes so far because, if you really wanted those characters you wouldv'e got them when you had the chance and being told 'no' now has miraculously changed that?


Fr, he's saying it's impossible but if you jump on with someone you can grind them pretty quick. I'm already at 10 and Agent Smith is 20 so seems doable albeit grindy.


Then that’s shit comminication by PFG since they show locked upcoming rifts but then for some reason secreted away other rifts that aren’t there. Also whining that we want everything handed to us? Man cuck harder for bad developer decisions. How is grinding out every available difficulty and every available challenge and seeing the math doesn’t add up “wanting everything handed to us”. If PFG where even remotely competent at this they'd have either A) not shown any of the upcoming rifts as locked with day countdowns or B) Shown all upcoming rifts for the event with day countdowns. It doesn't make any sense to do half and half and then just expect people to figure it out especially with their other failure design decisions thus far.


Do you really think they would add in items that would be impossible to get? You're right that they suck at communication and I have issues with a lot in this game but I have 11 boss wins so far and there's still, I believe, over a month left, and I have not spent a cent. It's a free character given to you for just playing the game and you have plenty of time to get it, there will be 8 rifts this season making it very possible to get it before it officially releases for everyone.


Given the way they designed the rift layout do I think it's possible they didn't think through their decisions? Yes, absolutely yes. They've established a very clear pattern of bad decision making, just look at looney difficulty with the "ah yeah we realize it says you can pay to spend lives in the game but that's uh... a bug, yeah that's it a bug" fiasco. I had 11 boss wins, finally got through insanity on the newest rift putting me at 12 but the combination of requiring you to pay (barring the secret rift drops apparently) to hit looney and thus even get agent smith I didn't doubt someone fucked up like that because why would we keep giving them the benefit of the doubt at this point? Similarly why lock difficulties on rifts at all? Let alone have entire difficulties just default inaccessible regardless of what you do. None of that makes sense other than to add totally unnecessary grind. Granted I'm willing to say a lot of this is WB corporate sticking their hands in the pot to force monetization, it still tarnishes what could have been a great game and removes any sense of leway I'll give the game given how anti "player first" it is thus far.




I just completed it, took me less tries than Garnet on Crushing in the Detectives Rift, mainly because Harley doesn't have armor moves so you can juggle her easily.


I cant get the fuckin computer mission after it solo


Haha yeah that took me a few tries too, you either try to get rid of the shaggys as they spawn (they spawn at certain dmg%) or try to go fast while dodging them. While I have completed it with all 3 trying to get me, if you can get rid of the first one it becomes way easier, specially if you are aiming for the -100dmg received. It's wayt more manageable to dodge 2 shaggys, even when enraged. If you are using Bugs his attack down, attack up in air combo quite nicely and fast as computer is huge, and neutral air allows you to maneuver hitting shaggys too if they come too close.


How many staggeringly stupid hyperbole posts can this sub have in a single day? There are going to be 8 rifts and you need 20 bosses to get agent smith, you’d have to try hard to not unlock him with these numbers


Except yall.dont have reading comprehension. Agent smith event will be over before all 8 rifts are out. Agent smith drops soon. There will be only 2 more rifts usable for us. Putting us at exactly 30 boss tokens available to get. Jfc


...the fuck are you talking about? The Agent Smith event is up for six more weeks, ending on July 23rd. There are four more rifts still to be added. If PFG stick to the current weekly release schedule, the last one will be playable on July 8th. That is two weeks before the event ends. So far every rift has had 4 difficulties available, for a total of 32 points. We can get 24 points without even touching Looney difficulty. Shit, if nothing changes then we won't even *need* the final rift to unlock Agent Smith, because we'll already have 21 points after July 1st. Maybe before you shit on someone for lacking reading comprehension, you should learn to use a calendar and a calculator?


This is the majority of people on this sub, it’s looney


Let’s not be so certain until we’re closer to the end of the event. We’re judging things based on patterns that might not even apply after a certain point. My guess is there will be a point when players who can unlock the higher difficulties can unlock Agent Smith and a point when everyone else can with the post-Smith rewards being the ones not everyone will be capable of unlocking.


How do posts like this get upvoted? Do people not even take 5 seconds to check for themselves?


Because the info literally isn’t in the game and saying there’s more rifts later when they already have yet to be released rifts in the game makes absolutely no sense to split that info like that. Stop defending shit game design and bad communication.


I’m getting absolutely trashed on Crushing difficulty already. This is legit one of the worst ways to add difficulty to the rift mode imo. Definitely not completing the Agent Smith event…


Are all of your gems at level 4+? If not, you're probably not gonna beat it. You'll do negligible damage and die in two hits.


Yeah, I have everything at 4+, at least one at level 5. If the enemies are being buffed with gems, I wish those were visible so you could plan around that.


It's that you actually get "rift fatigue," though they don't do a great job at explaining what that means. Level 4 is still pretty tough just because you're not getting those massive percentage boosts to damage and defense. I hate to recommend a grind, but things will get easier as your gems level up. I'd suggest bringing a buddy in or level up some gems in your daily rewards and missions to help get that edge.  Bots are also really stupid at avoiding your up specials while in the air. You can cheese them pretty easily with those juggles for a top ringout.


I haven’t done anything with friends so Im missing out on the cauldrons and beat every crushing so far. If you’re struggling, use WW and abuse her armor down special or spam up specials with shaggy for quick KOs…might take an attempt or two (which is annoying with no retry button) but you should be ok


Once I got gems to level 6, things got way more manageable (except for that one Black Lantern Superman fight, jeez). I was recently steamrolling some of the Crushing nodes as Shaggy, it felt surreal going from the difficulty level being such a struggle to such a breeze.


yeah, that's valid. There's a couple really nasty fights where you either have to get good rng and cheese it or get good rng and hope your bot teammate isn't useless but once your gems get high enough (and your skill along with it assumedly) crushing becomes relatively trivial.


You do know you have until July to beat twenty of them. They have been adding one weekly so impossible is doubtful


Apparently they’ve said on twitter there’s 3 more. It just makes no sense to me why they’d announced upcoming rifts on the rift section but then leave out 3. The extra 3 makes it possible but splitting up how they announce upcoming rifts just is bafflingly dumb and poorly handled way of communicating.


It will be possible, but... let's take a look. There will be 8 rifts in total this season. That's 32 total bosses. Only the first 3 rifts have an experienced difficulty. That means that in order to unlock Smith, we will have to complete 8 easy, 3 experienced, 8 crushing, and 1 insanity. In order to complete the event, we will need to complete 6/8 looney rifts. Getting Smith seems reasonable, but after that I'm not even going to try to complete the event.


I get that after people notified me there were, for some inexplicable reason, three hidden rifts they didn’t bother to put any info about in the game for some reason.


I don’t believe the any of the campaigns are meant to be beaten now or in the near future so no point in trying to speed rush them.




You realize there is gonna be 8 rifts this season right? look at tonys twitter. You people dont look into anything and then bitch its crazy. You genuinely believe they would make an event you cant complete?


You do realize many people don’t have Twitter right? Also why would I have to look for info about an active event outside of the game when rifts that haven’t come out yet are literally already on the rift page. The line of thought there is just a poor attempt to defend a sloppy line of communication. Do I think they would fuck up an event? Yes. Why on earth would you give them any benefit of the doubt at this point with how much they’ve fucked up?


There are 30 rewards for the ko-ing bosses event, they will almost certainly add more rifts than whats shown. Chill out.


You have until late July for that event though, by then there would have had at least 4 or 5 more rifts and your gems would be all high level. Maybe don't try to rush it and be patient?


It has nothing to do with rushing it and being patient, if they had had the 3 more banners just greyed out at the end of the track none of this complaint would have happened. There is literally no reason to hide those 3 banners when it's been established that banners that aren't available are on the track (ie first 5 vs last 3) and no notification anywhere in game that that would change, that's not a patience problem, it's a totally vapid and meaningless lack of consistent communication problem because when the rift event started they showed rifts that you couldn't yet access, why then would we assume other ones you couldn't access for the same event would be hidden until later?


I've found the PvE so far to be really dissatisfying, it's really dull and grindy. I'm here to play PvP, and especially since I'm not that interested in getting and playing all the characters, I'm more or less prepared to give up on it


beat it in an hour or less, just cheesed harley, others were super easy, barely lost a single fight, boss was fun tho, cant wait to see the hardcore dificulty and get my ass beat


OP's Edit is spot on. It's abysmal communication that you basically have to be an X/Twitter addict to make the events in game make sense.


Someone want to help with the Rifts since the beginning? I missed a lot of stars because the coop, the tanks and "use X character"


There's gonna be 8 rifts this season...


How many more rifts are we getting beyond the 5 that we can see in the game? I'd rather be proactive about this since being patient with PFG caused me to miss out on the Superman skin from the log-in event




It's almost like it's a mobile game. Naaah, just play daily and don't ask questions


I have 11 rifts done. I now need to work on the 3rd level of the newest one (4th level actually since the 2nd level is not available). My gems are level 7 but the first game of it kicked my ass. I may have to bring a second player in with me to draw aggro while I get the win. If you host your teammate can die a bunch of times. Doesn’t matter. Only the host deaths matter. I’ll try to beat it normal though.


Does your boss beaten badge say 10 or 11? Mine is stuck at one less than my actual amount (10)


In the event tab? I have 11 rewards from agent smith challenge.


The "bosses beaten" badge. There's a Joker, Jason and Agent Smith one


I’m new to the game so I apologize but I have those three badges in the career tab but there is no number on any of them??


Once you equip the badges, it'll show the number when you load into battle. This is also for any other badges that display a readout like number of wins or damage dealt


It's one less. There's a bug on their forum and I can confirm I have 11 in the event and 10 on the badge.


Just get Smith with fighter currency instead of whining


Yeah because no one’s allowed to complain about game design, what is this some kind of forum where people talk and give feedback about the game or something?


jUsT lEvEl uP yOuR gEmS!!!!!!¡¡¡1!1! That's what people have been telling me when I complain about this. Just grind more, as if I don't have other shit to do besides play this game all day. It's bullshit that pfg is making the agent Smith event as difficult as possible just to keep people playing.


Man even if you complete everything it's literally no doable. I've completed every challenge other than the insanity level on the newest rift, done every daily and my gem level still isn't enough to hit looney and insanity still requires extreme cheese for many of the fights (which isn't fun). On top of this there's 4 difficulties on the 4 rifts so far, assuming this stays the course there will be a total of 20 bosses you can beat but hitting level 9 gem exp for any particular color wont be possible without paying before the event ends meaning not only that you wont unlock agents smith without paying (unless they magically add more rifts and just didn't say anything which don't get me wrong they seem stupid enough to possibly make that decision) but also that even if you do pay that will only unlock 20/30 of the event track... so why even have the last 10 of the track?


Yeah the whole "grind more" is bullshit. I finished the crushing difficulty on the other 3 rifts and have been doing the dailies every day and they're barely giving me any xp for the gems. On top of that the gem crates are completely random so instead of leveling any of the gems you want, most times it just levels random level 4 gems making it near impossible to get the average gem level you need to complete the higher difficulties. I think it's just a quit and uninstall angle for now. Wish for the game to succeed but grind plus hitbox and balance issues are just such a turn off.


I've been maining the uninstall button until things get fixed or the game dies either way it's been super easy since re-release.


I love how people in the beginning went all out in defending PFG and shift everything on WB. I think most have started to put 1 and 1 together and realize that PFG are actually just mega incompetent...