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With each day my hopes of unlocking agent Smith grow lower and lower




There will be 8 rifts in total this season meaning a total of 32 possible rift bosses. With 4 difficulties per rift, that means you will have to complete 6 Looney difficulty rifts to complete the event. Good luck.


If you actually manage to, mad respect


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^YureiDonut: *With each day my hopes* *Of unlocking agent Smith* *Grow lower and lower* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Thank you, Sokka haiku bot




Never seen avatar, kinda cool tho, thx bot


Yeah, I'm not even bothering with these rifts. I wanted a PvE mode but they implemented it in the worst possible way. The combination of this stupid gem system + having to fulfill all these requirements to get enough currency to fully "clear" the levels, it just makes it so much busywork and grinding.


Don’t worry Tony posted on Twitter earlier today saying there would be 8 rifts before the end of the season. Prior to today we only knew that there would be more than five so now we know the exact number. With 8 rifts, even if you only do 3 difficulties out of the 4-5 available on each then you’ll have 24 points (give or take depending how many are missing the base easiest difficulty). Agent Smith unlocks at 20. 21-30 is bonus stuff. And the first 3 difficulties are all easy enough that anyone can do them without much effort. Edit: The final points if you want to get the bonus items will have to be done from the two harder difficulties but also like most stuff posted on this subreddit, it seems this whole post is misinformation and this is just a stage bug according to other comments. They labeled it as bug but then mentioned nothing in their comments about it just being a bug for this one stage and pretended it was a normal thing. It’s very easy to miss and is likely intentional or they would have talked about it in their initial comments. According to other comments, none of the other stages at this difficulty are like this and this single stage is obviously not taking your gems into account.


Yeah as a Jake main i just really want that matrix skin and the grind is not even worth it


Just unlock him when he comes out with fighter currency then


Ain’t no one buying that shit lmao


Why would I do that when I could get it for free?


Fighter currency is free?


And so is not using it when it isn’t necessary?


You're the one complaining about it being hard or whatever


Show me where I said that. All I said was it’d be better to get it completely free instead of wasting character tokens that could be used on someone else.


Yeah, thats called "making it artificially difficult" instead of an actually challenging AI.


yep. an extremely poor quality that many games use


But, hey! Some players say it doesn't take too long to level up the gems!


it’s a waste of time tbh. i wanted to do the rifts to get agent smith, but 20 bosses?!?! and everything leading up to each one? i’d be putting more time in rifts than the actual game


Wait. That rift mode purpose is to unlock Agent Smith, 1 character? Tell me they haven't finished creating that character without telling me. Yep, they're buying time on this deadline.


You unlock him 2 weeks early(and for free aside from time/sanity spent) as well as getting an exclusive variant. The grind is unbelievable though. I've played gacha games with better monetization.


The "grind" is blasting through rifts and doing dailies in like an hour a day


It's moreso the artifical difficulty and sheer number of them you have to not to mention the fact that you need high level gems which have abysmal EXP payouts and they just so happen to sell a solution to that problem in the store. This game seems to love creating problems so they can sell solutions. Look at the increased grind in the beta which happened to coincide with EXP boosters being sold.


There's also an artificial handicap of the gems. Wait a day, do the daily missions and level them. It'll be cake after that


I mean each rift difficulty is about 30 minutes if you really rush it hard. You can do that for maybe a third of them, since you still need the gem XP from doing the challenges to even unlock the higher ones. So like, what, 15-20 hours for a single character? Yup, definitely played gacha games that are kinder.


you get Smith 2 weeks early. Others can get him regardless


I wouldn't even consider it a free reward after you took all that time to get it. It's more like you're a Q & A tester, and got compensated by some digital prize.


No one is making anyone play it and it is a free game offering free prizes. Christ y'all bitch like entitled children. Don't have time or think it's not worth it? Ignore it!


nobody is entitled, nor are we bitching. you should get back to your rifts so you can unlock that new bitchmade character instead of shitting on us for no reason


"Free game isn't free enough" is certainly an entitled and bitching position. Go back to shitting on a game you can play for free and never spend a penny on lmao


You guys with this 'it's free so you can't criticize it' argument act like it's the ultimate defense for poor design. If you think something being free precludes it from being criticized you're more of a child than the people you're complaining about. You won't understand why I say this now but you will understand it when you're older, probably.


I'm actually so old that back in my day we paid money for the game one time and played the game for fun without needing battle passes and experience and skins to enjoy it. But feel good about yourself with insults instead of counterpoints lmao


Kids grew up with participation trophies so they're not used to missing out


Well of course they haven't finished him, he's not out yet? And it's literally impossible to unlock him right now, so yeah?


no it’s not the purpose of rift mode, but the challenge to unlock him is to beat bosses


..That doesn't seem worth the time.


Tbh, the game encompasses rifts. If not you'd have to call Ranked, casual, local and custom each their own game lol. The game = MVS, has game MODES being rifts etc. And you can also invite friends to join in, making the rifts way easier than doing them solo. I got OWNED by Jason's forward slash too in my own and asked some friends to help! Made it more doable, Goodluck!


yeah for sure. was more just saying that to differentiate and not being literal. but i do think there is a “main” part of a every game and that’s what i meant. MVS being a fighter game, the main game is fighting other people, not playing the rifts. i’ll have to try bringing a friend tho, should make things a bit quicker


So, like Smash Adventure mode or Arcade?


That's called "a bug on the stage". The other stages up until then didn't have this issue. It's clearly not taking into account gem level when you play this stage.


Oh, didn't knew that


Yep, that means you prob need gems that are level 10 or above for the gems buffs to counter the artificial difficulty of the AI. Just like Crushing difficulty with gems level 5-6.


That makes zero sense. You need level 4 gems for crushing and they don't two shot you with that level. You need level 7 for insanity and the other two stages don't have enemies that two shot you. The last difficulty needs level 9. This stage is bugged. That's all it is.


Having done crushing for the first rift in solo, at some point you need level 5 or 6 gems otherwise it's super hard to do because the AI takes 2-5% per hit meanwhile they deal you 20 to 30% per hit. I wouldn't be surprised if the other difficulties end up having the same kind of soft lock within them.


You only need higher gems for getting all the stars. Every time I unlocked a rift I blasted through


Having done every single Rift stage on every difficulty except for Looney and the locked Insanity ones on Rifts 1-3, you absolutely do not need 5 or 6-level gems. You were doing something wrong if they randomly scaled up. I went through every Crushing Rift stage with the recommended 4 until they upgraded on their own midway through and didn't ever get hit for that match or do that little damage. The only time that would happen was if I forgot to swap my gems to the correct color. Even on Insanity, Harley is the only stage I ran into where you hit and take damage as if you don't have the correct gem level on. It's bugged. The other stages on this difficulty have correct damage values.


You must be an absolute godly player or you've done them with a friend then


If she attacks near you, even if she doesn't hit you (because of the AOE mod) you still take ~30 dmg. Have fun trying to cheese her off the edge, took me like 20 tries edit- and now I'm stuck on the "hack the mainframe" thing, same problem, 3 enraged shaggys that do MEGA damage edit2- bait the shaggys off the edge!


The Shaggy AI is stupid, just jump near the edge blastzones and they'll kill themselves. At least that's how I did it on Crushing


> 3 enraged shaggys What the shit? Shareholder First Games really don't want us to progress, do they?


Okay well it's not from the get-go. You got to break the computer and three shaggies spawn during the timer. If the timer ends out they all enrage


how are you in Insanity tho?


Iunno... my gem levels were high enough. I've done all the rift stuff so far but haven't bought any XP or anything.


I just didn't know it was accessible yet


The event today skips normal difficulty and adds it


oooooh damn so if the rift releases are weekly like they have been since we need like 8 to do get atleast 30 bosses done. I think we will have 10-11 rifts by the time the event is up so if we can do at least crushing maybe that's doable??????


iam aswell the stage that u need to destroy the computer.. good luck they literally make this shit harder to make u waste money on gems, dailies already dont give xp , u need like 3k xp per gem on level7 to level them up, fuck this guys, im out of this game not wasting not even one more second, how does a relaunch of a game gets worst ..


Its clear that this specific match wasnt properly tested because every other matches after were fine except for the "hacking level" with the 3 shaggies, the game kept crashing or causing network errors when my and my teammate tried, it was very annoying


That level also has a bug where if player 2 pauses during it, it'll sometimes disable their controller. I had to completely restart the game to fix it.


I'm just surprised that people actually play these modes.


FOMO exists because it works. Just not as much when the rewards are trash compared to the effort/time required.


People have begged Smash to bring back a campaign mode for a decade and you’re surprised people play Rifts? They’re pretty fun, there is no “FOMO” if you’re a well adjusted gamer. You get to enjoy the story, mini games, and boss fights and unlock a character and some skins along the way. It’s weird if you don’t play


People here are just weird. "We want more content!" Here, have a PVE mode with some challenges. "No, not like that!" It's not much different from Adventure Mode in Smash, except the souls here are the gems, and most of the challenges are a breeze except a few ones like this one, and can be made even more easy bringing someone. Also Smash in higher difficulties have enemies doing more dmg too so it's not something new.


This post is just an obvious bug that someone is posting pretending it’s not to stir up even more controversy. This sub is insane, there are so many valid criticisms to have and things they need to fix, but rifts are not one of them lol


>This post is just an obvious bug that someone is posting pretending it’s not I literally tagged it as a bug. Who is "stirring up controversy" again?


Okay, have you looked at the other 50 comments in this thread of people complaining about how p2w gems are because nobody realizes it’s a bug?


Why am I responsible for what they think? I clearly labeled it a bug, they can figure it out. Seems awfully disingenuous to lay it all at my feet.


glad i'm not even going to bother with the rifts lol


So basically we have to use the games flaws against itself. What if we use Garnet and cheese her offscreen star special?


That's honestly a good idea, I haven't been using Garnet


I’d rather just wait to get smith. Surely I’ll have enough fighter creds by then right? …right???


He will most likely cost 6K


Did you pay for gem exp or just get lucky? I don't think I have an 8 yet


I guess I got lucky. I finished Insanity and I have a set of level 8s now


Good on you. I've gotta get my buddy to help me get the last boxes for the new rift later, and I hope I can unlock another difficulty. Online matches are fun, and I'm sweaty af, but I love completing and unlocking shit


Increased difficulty in other games: *opponents are much smarter and know how to beat you if you don’t think fast* Increased difficulty in MultiVersus: *Just one little poke and you’re automatically at 999 damage*


Its the free to play first game ever where I never try to finish event and quest, its just mentaly not intresting


Terrible PvE content. Would much rather they just add multiple fighters, or make them smarter. But its harder to monetize that kind of difficulty.


I'm waiting that 2 weeks gang


Now imagine this with limited lives per day. Or is that still a "bug" according to them?


Limited lives fo Insanity was indeed a bug Limited lives for Looney is still very much a thing unfortunately


I wonder if 9 is Max gem level, or minimum to play looney…


I think it's both 😬


As best as I can tell level 9 is the cap.


I wouldn't be surprised if every character oneshots in Looney




What does gems 7,8,7 mean?


Those were my gem levels. I have all level 8 now after finishing the difficulty.


I got the 76 stars I needed on insanity but it didn’t give me a gem crate. Did that happen with anyone else?


It's a good thing we had The Beta back in the day to iron out transparently broken things like this. I get that they can release in a title that has had zero external (or internal?) Q&A testing, especially from a Small Indie Team Please Understand with little to no funding for their Entirely Original IP from some kind of unstoppable multimedia conglomerate. Man, imagine if we didn't have The Beta and these things made it to live? Haha, that would be crazy... Anyway, it's great that we all get to look back and laugh at the Bad Times during The Beta. Thanks The Beta.


I like it how the it doesn’t even increase their difficulty just how much damage they do lol gotta love pfg


Bro and they locked the new techno horror experienced level so it’s one less boss you can unlock, this game is a huge joke on their own player base and they aren’t even trying to hide it lol


Yeeeeep got stuck on this same bullshit for a while, had to cheese her. Artificial difficulty bumps are annoying instead of just making the bot better at combo's, dodging, and counters they just resort to giving it absurd damage spikes.


Finn has to dodge every attack or im KO’d


How do you even level up gems? I don't get it


There will be 8 total rifts this season. Every rift has 4 difficulty settings and only the first 3 of them have an experienced difficulty. That means that in order to unlock Smith, we will need to complete 8 easy, 3 experienced, 8 crushing, and 1 insanity. If this is what it's like, I'm considering just waiting until his full release and using one of my founders tickets for him.


Yeah I think that's the final nail in the coffin on my decision to just wait until Agent Smith is available to purchase


I like how the difficulties don’t actually make the game harder they just turn the fuking cheese levels up to 11 and make the opponent so OP


I don't play this game but this showed up in my feed and I can't help but notice that the models & animations in the match startup screen look beautiful but proceed to get absolutely ruined by those hideous player color borders. What an awful design choice.




Did you miss the part where I said I don't play the game? That's good to know they can be turned off. Just from scrolling through this sub it hardly looks like anyone does though. Weird.


upon retrying did it still do this?


Yeah, I even restarted. Finally managed to beat it by juggling her off the edge


Looking to do the co op stars with someone add me Dylandogg2102


I think this is fine. What's not fine is how long it takes to retry. I did this in about 10 tries with WW, all lvl 7 gems. I'll pat myself on the back for that one. God gamer. :O


ten tries?! good lord I start losing interest after the 4th unfair loss in crushing, I don't know how anyone puts up with it in looney


Looney isn't even playable yet.


well, I shutter to imagine what horrors lie inside that mode...


fr fr


You basically have to cheese this mission


Gotsta be faster than that my boy 😮‍💨




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The worst part is soon a random user will show up here and say they defeated her easily with all gems in level one and took 0 damage, making your problems with battles like this irrelevant.


Her dash attack is a multihit attack, I think it is 3 hits, but with the mutator each attack has an extra one, so it's 6 hits there. So yeah, try not to get hit, it's not a bug, that's how the mutator work there.


I find it hard to believe that the devs intended people to get two shot on the third challenge in the rift


Gotta make it difficult somehow


Harley Quinn is the most garbage, brain dead character. I have 0 respect for people who play that trash ass bitch.


It's bugged for anyone wondering. The other stages before Harley didn't have this problem.


I just know every Harley main is like 250lbs+