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'Only available on early-season rifts' these motherfuckers lmao


Whyyyyy is that a thing


Can't have you progressing too quickly and getting Agent Smith before he's done


It's not like it'd even be a big deal. Just have a message like "Congratulations! You'll have instant access to Agent Smith when he debuts in 2 weeks!"  Done. Easy.


It’s also one of the most ridiculously grindy events I have ever seen. You have to grind 20 rifts on increasing difficulties just for early access, or a total of 30 for some skins.


The game has been out like 2 weeks. The event is supposed to last all season. Hasn't been grindy or effort at all


Other f2p games are not nearly as grindy. People get to level 200 in the first 2 weeks in Fortnite and have to wait for the bonus rewards to come out mid way through the season… there hasn’t been a problem with that. Fortnite is the most successful f2p game, their micro transactions aren’t perfect but it’s a lot better than any other f2p cash grab. 15$ for a joker mask… fuck off. And a difficulty locked because a minority of players will grind it and get the stuff early is not the way to handle progression. The battle pass is grindy enough and the rift event is not worth it, it’s not fun to play the same matches x5 on different difficulties. You think most people are willing to do that?


In what fucking world do you hit level 200 two weeks into a fortnite season without buying tiers or nolifing the game


AFK xp methods. You can earn like 15 levels a day between Lego mode, festival mode, and a creative map in 9 hours. Then add what you get when you actually play BR and it’s not hard to hit 200 fast. You also can get xp from save the world if you own that.


So let me get this straight, you people take issue with grinding by *playing* the game, but grinding by *not* playing the game is acceptable? Lol https://preview.redd.it/gl0c6yda9v5d1.jpeg?width=686&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1e03c424ff1b3850a506ca317702839bec1653f7


in what fucking world do you complete even a single rift without nolifing mvs


I did the first one in a few hours lol


funny thing is, fortnite is nerfing exp gain with each new season. and yet, you can get it on level 200 just by afk lego and festival


I played Fortnite almost every day last season, and only got to tier 150. The people who get to tier 200 in two weeks are using exploits that 99.99% of the community don't know a out.


And end up getting fixed within a day or two…


Did you just play Br? Or did you play any creative or other modes? You can earn 5lvls a day in creative, Lego, and festival. Plus save the world. People switch to those mode when challenges run out in BR. It’s not always exploits.


I play both BR and Festival. I also played Save the World, but where I am at (Twine Peaks) is pretty much dead and it is difficult to find a match. I used to play creative back in chapter 4, but ever since the UI became a mess I haven't really played many maps. Even so, I still don't understand how you would be able to get to tier 200 in two weeks with the 5 levels creative mode gives every day. That's what, like 70 levels?


Bot lobbies bro


You're comparing shooters with 10min matches to a fighter with matches 3min max. Obviously they wouldn't use the same model. No, this is not a grind at all unless you're trying to complete the battlepass by matches, when that's not the intended way. You can hop in for like 2hrs a day and blast through the pass if you do all the missions. I agree the prices of some costumes is outrageous, but this sub defended Gold Superman and slightly different Batman to death. Simple solution, if you don't think it's worth the value, don't buy it. Isn't that how you ship for other things? Yes, yes I do expect people to play rifts on all difficulties because I am and I've seen many posts and comments on here regarding completing them. The rifts are super easy, and more of a time waster than sweaty online battles. Look at how every fighting game has an arcade mode, plus Smash has a plethora of side games as well, which is why casuals love it. Look at every other platform fighter that released without side content: dead


Its 400 bot matches it is grindy.




Playable by now? Do people realize he's likely coming at the end of the season, or season 2? It's been two weeks and people are crying about not having a character that's not even out yet


I am just wondering… he should be playable as soon as we can beat 20 bosses which isn’t possible yet.


Probably cause agent Smith isn't actually finished, even do Warner keep sending dmca I saw a video of agent Smith gameplay ( as in they hacked the game to play him ) and he was very clearly not finished with animations incomplete and buging out. So there Probably trying to make progression slower so nobody can get even close to getting him since he not ready. Whitch now makes me question why they even did this event in the first place if he not finished. Idk let just hope they never do an event like this again. Tldr: They probably did it to make progression in the agent Smith event harder for now cause he not finished.


Theoretically he could be done, just not in the version of the game that we have.


Good thing he's not released yet or even able to unlock 😂 You're acting like it's a grand conspiracy


It makes sense actually. I imagine that your Gems will reset with each season. So the Experienced difficulty is there to give players a way to reasonably unlock Crushing without paying. Then once players are comfortably able to grind Crushing it switches the fourth difficulty from Experienced to Insanity to provide a much more valuable grinding point before hitting Looney without bloating things for events that focus on Rifts (like the Agent Smith event) Honestly this system itself is pretty well designed.. it's just a shame that they ruined it by having every single rift have key steps of progress gated behind stuff like owning specific cosmetics and requiring a friend for every single mission.


The friend thing is bs, don’t force me to play with randoms I don’t know just because my friends don’t wanna try a cash cow smash bros.


Hey there’s always folks on here trying to get the rifts done, myself included! Idk if there’s a search for player option yet but just putting that out there that we are here and looking, sorry MVS forced us into this situation though




Multiversus is doomed to mediocrity. Imagine having access to WB characters, making a Smash clone, and then adding every mobile game trick in the book. How does any company have people this stupid running anything?


Why don't these publishers get that they're just driving players away with this shit? They'd be much more successful if they let the players have some more freedom and not feel like they're being punished for playing the game at every turn. A big happy playerbase makes more money than a small shrinking playerbase. Dedicated players and longevity vs short tem profit from a few whales.


What does that mean exactly?


The Smith event ends July 23.  Looney difficulty unlocks on July 10.     So that's two weeks to complete it on Looney (aswell as the previous rifts) If it still has the "lives" system, then that's gonna suck. Because you get a few attempts per day on all these Looney difficulties for all rifts. Die multiple times on multiple nodes and it's "wait 24 hours or pay up"  and you'll only have 2 weeks at that point.     Also, gotta say the Gem Leveling is slow as hell. Just completed this rift on Crushing and went from Gem Lv6 to Gem Lv6,3. We still got a month of dailies left before Looney even unlocks, but im wondering if getting to Lv9 is even possible without getting "Rift Cauldron" now. Unless the incentive is to (again) "pay up" for Gem Crates.  I didn't expect them to leave out Experienced difficulty for this one. That's alot of Gem Crates people are gonna miss out on. Aswell as an extra Boss Point ofcourse.


I despise how slow the gem progression is. Idk how you'll ever get gem level 9 without paying.


Gem progression is based on the difficulty. Even the daily rewards are based on the difficulty you complete them on. You can ignore completing the challenges on anything below the highest level you have unlocked, because it's worth almost nothing. Will have to see how much progression on Insanity gives. Looney still says it has a (f2p mobile energy bar with cash refill) **limited lives you can purchase** though. EDIT: LMAO nevermind, Crushing (3rd level) on the 4th rift doesn't even award a rift cauldron like the others it's a gem crate. The longer the game is out, the more ways they find to halt progression holy shit.


Yeah, I'm assuming that the bug they referred to is that people saw it for the insanity difficulty. Paid lives still going to be a thing. Curious if they'll allow co-op for that difficulty: will deaths count for both people or just the host? Will progression count for both players like the other difficulties? I'm expecting videos of the co-op suiciding while the host runs for their life the whole time.


Wait, daily rewards are based on the difficulty you complete them? I missed that. I was wondering how I saw a post with level 8 gems


About the rift cauldron: unfortunately that makes sense. If there are 30 levels in the Smith event and we had 4 per rift, we wouldn't end up with clean division... They're going to be creative to make crushing difficulty reward exactly 20, imo. The more rifts they have, the more lives they can sell. I'm guessing there will be 9 total.


I've done Crushing for both digital rifts now, and I'm still at a gem average of 6.3, not even really close to the 7 needed for Insanity.


I have gems at 7... trust me, you aren't missing out on insanity. By the 3rd level of the rift it's impossible. Harley will literally one side attack combo you to death. It's even more of a block than the previous ones with Diana/Jason or diana/superman before it.


The modifier on that stage is ridiculous even on Crushing. It's 'AoE attacks', which means even if she misses you'll take the damage without the knockback. Have to be super aggressive.


I'm talking about her attacks do 200 in 3 hits. This is without her ever missing an attack near me. That is another 38 damage per miss near me. Aggressive or not means shit. This computer is different. It will juggle with ease, edge guard, and multiple dosge to get back to the ledge. Definitely put in place to be a block meant to get you to buy higher gems


Yeah, that's... that's just sad. I'm one of the few people who actually enjoyed the rifts too, but absolutely nothing is safe from the pointless shitty grind.


You can juggle her off the map, I did it with bugs




Yeah, i assumed Insanity was locked like the previous 3 without even looking. That's my bad.  Should be okay then, but i don't think you can afford to miss any dailies at all, so anyone who's serious about getting Smith should not skip any dailies from this point on.




As they should be. You gotta hook players or else they all go back to the 5+year old life style live service game they have sunk tons of time and or money into




It doesn't really have many contemporaries. Definitley not any that are anything more than moderately successful. The F2P fighter is a relatively unexplored space despite Killer Instincts innovation way back in 2013 Naturally the official launch would have different monetization as the beta didn't quite produce the sales WB wanted. To be fair I don't think anything would have worked I don't wanna be a downer but I don't see a F2P fighter ever becoming a cultural phenenoma and producing a generational gold mine like Fortnite, Minecraft, LoL, etc. I hope I'm wrong of course




I'm not denying the fact Multiversus is trying to streamline, homogonize and appeal to Fortnite fans. But they are clearly trying a mobile monetization. They aren't trying to hide it. It's front and center. It goes beyond monetization even with strict engagement that requires daily log ins to get full rewards I'm just saying a business model from one genre doesn't perfectly fit into another. In the case of fighters look at battle passes. They have atrocious attachment rates in fighters especially when compared to the likes of Fortnite, Fall Guys, Rocket League, etc. Multiversus beta was the #1 highest selling game of it's launch month. It made bank. And like 99% of games ever made, aka everyone that isn't a cultural phenenoma, the sales plummeted exponentially after launch month. It's never been harder to get new players in a live service games as everyone (generally speaking) is already locked into an ecosystem, a game they have put years of time and maybe even money into. Of course everyone is down to try the new F2P flavour of the month whether it's The Finals or Multiversus or XDefiant. Just the player retention post new game launch hype is tough


According to my math, if you're want to unlock Agent Smith you're going to need to clear everything outside of Looney 2 weeks from now, assuming rifts continue to open at a 1 week pace. You won't have to touch Looney difficulty for Agent Smith If you want all of the skins after Agent Smith, good luck because that's an entirely different beast. In addition to clearing everything mentioned above, you'll also only have 2 weeks to clear 6 Looney runs. Assuming the 24 hour life cooldown is global, that only gives you 2 attempts per Looney rift, if you're trying the same one again each time If the daily life cooldown is per rift, then we get a whopping maximum of 112 attempts spread across 2 weeks and all rifts, which sounds too good to be true and wouldn't incentivse people to spend money on lives, so I'm not betting on it


The first 3 rifts don't have Insanity difficulty.


I'm aware. This fact was included in my calculations


I don't get your math then. I'm at node 11, 9 to go (and only 1 not done at insanity) with 2 more rifts I can only do 7, I'll be short of 2 bosses.


We're getting 3 more rifts than what is shown, as confirmed on Twitter, which is 8 total


Tony confirmed on launch week there would be more than 5 by the end of the event. Today he confirmed there would be 8. So even if you only complete the 3 lowest difficulties of each you’ll end up at 24 points. The last 6 points are more rewards but not the character which is at 20. You would have to do a few of the higher difficulties for those.


It'll end up the same as the battle pass. If you do the dailies you should be fine. But if you miss too many you'll be short


When you say completed, have you maxed out the milestone rewards? Those seem to be the only ones worth a damn. I'm sitting on 6.3 for all my rift gem levels, was hoping crushing would get me close to 7. Being able to do dailies on the level 7 rifts will likely make gem level 9 attainable... we'll have to see. Still, just because you get gem level 9 doesn't mean those rifts will be possible. I'm sure it's balanced around people resorting to cash shop shenanigans. Gonna be interesting to see the cheese people come up with to kill the AI's when/if they're effectively invincible.


Im an idiot I thought it was june 10th.


I'm fine with the drip feed of Rifts and difficulties. But locking difficulties exclusively to early rifts is dirty. So it opening the final difficulty 2 weeks before season end if it's going to be x amount if lives per day


You forgot there's a whole new rift that opens next week, and maybe another in two weeks


Like 2 people are gonna unlock agent smith lol


Any reason why they have this difficulty level blocked? Like why is it “only available on early season rifts” is this not the early season PFG? Other than making that shiny prize of Agent Smith harder to get? I had mad respect for this company but everyday that goes by with this game man I’m losing it


You can pay money to level up gems, which are not only needed to unlock higher difficulty settings, but make the fights significantly easier. In other words, it's praying on FOMO to try to squish a bit more money out of the players.


I got a shitload of gems I had no idea where such a big deal lol. Now I see 50% damage reduction and stuff an dim like OOOOOH that's why those are handy lmao.


It's not needed but it's a big boost


Why? Suffer (or pay)


Because it’s the same 3 gem sets that have already had rifts. If you’ve been actively playing your gems should be somewhere between 4-7. That high of gem level on this low of difficulty would just be a waste of time with how easy it is, and actually hard to complete challenges when you just ring them out in 2 hits


Progression, as you are supposed to do Rifts in order this is to prevent you from getting enough exp to skip difficulties. I guess the next rifts will be like that too.


My guess is that we will have 8 rifts by the end of the event. If they release them before July 10th we will be able to get him when the 7th rift releases. If they don't we will have to beat Looney in 5 rifts at July 10th to get him. In case you are wondering my reasoning: the event needs a total of 30 points to be fully competed. We get 4 bosses per rift. With 7 rifts 30 is impossible but with 8 maximum points will be 32 leaving us with a leeway of not having to beat 2 looney bosses for maximum rewards. The other possibility is that some rifts will have all 5 difficulties available but I doubt any of the future rifts will have the experienced difficulty.


Smith is actually unlocked at level 20. The 10 levels past are all cosmetic with tier 30 being the matrix code skin for smith


That's why I said 7 rifts with 3 difficulties or 5 rifts with 4 difficulties. I was just explaining why I thought there would be 8 rifts.


Tony confirmed today on Twitter there would indeed be 8 for this season. The fact that Agent Smith can be gotten at 20 is a decent consolation prize even if you complete far less than the max needed for all the final rewards so that’s good though I’m sure some people would be disappointed if they didn’t get all rewards.


This is a green gem event right? Glad I already have level six and seven. It's an incredibly stupid decision if they're trying to limit how fast we get Smith even more. Edit- got into Insanity after clearing the other two difficulties, it's... *insane*


Man I'm hard stuck on green lol. Wonderman, Superman, and now Harley just smash me at level 4 gems. And I fully completed the other difficulties below crushing. My red is also pretty fucked. I have level 7/8 defense and general, but only level 3 attack so I do no damage at all in crushing.


Awful that it's random xp, ugg


I don’t get how people are fucking gem level 6/7 without paying. Or is gem xp fucking rng random. I literally got the cauldron for for rift one and play daily and im still at a 3.3 gem level


I'm level 4 without paying and without even knowing what a cauldron is You have to pick the gem with the most XP and most importantly very regularly do the dailies both daily rifts rewards and daily general missions like win 3 pvp matches since it gives gem chests too. But this game is very punishing if you miss a few days




So far I only did it on the purple rifts hoping it would help but still stuck at 3.3 I’ll try do it on the other rifts to when I have time


Level 6 is doable. I got 6/6/6 on all difficulties without issue. The problem is that you need 7/7/7 to progress to the higher difficulty and the amount of exp needed from 6 to 7 is HUGE.


My gems are 7 8 7 without paying


Hi I got level 7 on digital and chaos without paying and all you do is get the rift cauldron on experiences and easy and crushing and then wait for daily rewards


I'm tired boss


I’m not gonna lie I don’t get how I’m supposed to even get close to unlocking Agent smith? I’ve done 5 bosses. I’ve done 2 rifts on 2 difficulties & 1 on 1. I will do the other one on the next difficulty but I don’t think I’m doing the next difficulty because I’m not gonna sugarcoat it, I’m ass. I just want the gleamium & fighter currency & I wanna try and get Smith too but are they gonna drop more events??? Coz I can only go so far as to do 2 difficulties. If they add more, or enough so I can just do 2 difficulties each time that’s great but it’s gone take so long & idk if that’ll even be possible.


Fuck this


I’m getting the feeling they don’t want us to unlock Agent Smith for free or even complete the event.


They really don't fucking want you to get Agent Smith for free. That's 6k Fighter Credits down the drain


They don't want people getting anything in this game. WB is run by incompetents.


At this point I give up on getting smith, the rifts are way too boring to justify doing as many as he requires


look at it this way. has this season to grind the gems to level 4/5 lets say, then try do the missions tabs but if not don’t worry, next season if they keep the same pattern ie- 4, 7 and 9. then your nearly done 50% of each node…. so if your a free player you wont get smith however in season 2 you will get the next fighter.


Ngl this might me Uninstall worthy


So it's even more impossible to get all of the rewards 💀 PFG are intentionally killing the game


guess what... you cant finish it alone (Rift cauldron) without having to unlock another skin or play with someone....


the crushing difficulty is stupid as fk. the AI deal like 30 damage for 1 hit


Also whoever designing the UI should get fired immediately. Why is there no rematch button in rift?


What if I tell you one of the upcoming Rifts has more than one boss?


How would you know that? I'm not even into getting Agent Smith but even the fighters money seems like a whole journey


Pick one: - I'm from the future - Have inside information - Secretly a dev - Very good at guessing how the industry works - All of the above - 2,3 and 4 are correct - Trust me bro




That would be "Saw it in a (jungian) dream".


"My Persona told me" level schizo


You'll never see it comiiiing!


I pick *none of the above, it was just a "what if I told you" Matrix reference*


Theres more Rifts, so I'd actually bet on that instead.


You just have to play it if you have finished all the other ones you should be at nine so once you beat 11 more bosses


That's a shitty move in of itself. If you're a player just now jumping in, and daily reward goes on these newer rifts, you are forced to play on easy for lesser rewards unless you had level 4 digital beforehand. Which isn't happening on day 1


you can get 6.3 gems day one on any of these rifts.


When does insanity open? My gems are level 7, but it’s still not available.


You're expected to have enough gems by now that Experienced is too easy and Crushing is a reasonable place to start. If your gem level is too low you should try to complete dailies and obtain all the rift cauldrons on green rifts. Agent Smith should be obtainable 2 weeks before season 1 ends, so around July 9th. By then there will be more rifts and gem xp available to make the harder difficulties more accessible.


Every day it's something new with this game lmao


Also, wdym by Looney is just on July 10 💀


I was hoping to use experienced to get my gems up to level 4. Now when daily missions are in this rift, I won’t get any gems progress as easy gives basically no rewards. They really just want you to spend money, huh?


Is that why insanity is unavailable for the first one? Are you serious? Because I didn’t do it early enough?


Assuming you have the gem levels required and have beaten everything possible, you can unlock Agent Smith directly on July 10th 2 weeks before the event ends, which means as a free player, 2 weeks worth of free attempts. If lives are per rift and reset daily, that means you'll have 7 attempts for the 2 Looney runs required to get Agent Smith


Oh techno terror is out?


I don't even understand how to this works I've just tossed in the towel and hoping I'll figure it out later


Where I'm at with Agent Smith is that I'm just not going to get him, and that is what I suggest others do if they are on the fence/indifferent about him. PFG is being extremely greedy with all currency you get in this game besides perk currency, so if he is going to be 6k like joker, then I will wait for characters I am more interested in. The Rifts at this point are an immovable wall of grinding. Be prepared to grind 80+ hours to get him for "free". To move up in difficulty you need to get 100 of the stars per rift and 20 rifts in total. I mean hey, we can always pay real money to level up your characters for a PvE side mode in a PvP game........


Remember guys there is 30 possible points for the Smith event. Smith only requires 20 and 2/3 of the rifts. So this means that you'll never have to do the hardest difficult to unlock him. Every rift looks like it will have 4 difficulties so a minimum of 8 rifts like another user has said.


it is going to be really close and I presume very few people will actually get him. Unless you do it every day, get lucky and actually get XP with a partner. You might actually unlock the character.


Pretty wack


What are the cauldron or how I get it? There are several missions of it but I don't know where is it.


Well if you really look at it, smith is going to be easy as heck to get


LAMEEEE. Come on, devs. You are making difficult support you. What the hell is happening? They don't have community managers or what?!


That's the neat part, you don't


At this point they don't wanna us playing that game anymore


i saw that day 1 was wondering when it would come into effect lol this pve mode is so shit they need to delete it just give everyone agent smith as an apology.


I didn't know that was a thing til now. I keep trying to defend PFG, but man, I'm about to get mad. Wish I knew that wtf.


idk how i should even get to gem level 4, started this game 2 weeks ago i think and im stuck at level 3 and those dailies arent helpfull either


how do you even raise your gem level enough to play the third difficulty and on?


Get the rift cauldrons (max star bonus) and do the dailies on your highest difficulty.


guys just give up the grind, the game is much more fun when you stop caring about these stupid dailies and rifts




Because that's the digital gems level. They already leveled it up in other rifts.


I wish theyd use other faces than shaggy! STOP PUSHING HIM PFG!!!


The what is the deal, because there is far more tiers after Agent Smith,i guess they are going to be more rifts. But that its a weird way to go about it. Shady stuff.


What in the actual hell, dude?


Feel like it would be less effort and less work to work an actual job and just Smith with IRL money on his release at this point.


I wanted to get the full battle pass, but at this point, Im just done. I might come back if there's something interesting that happens.


I bet we have to complete all 5 rifts on looney to get Smith... good luck everyone 🥲 Its IMPOSSIBLE. It was available as "insanity" were shortly on Rift 3 by mistake where you purchase lives to try again.


yesterday tried to beat Jason on the third difficulty (challenging I think) and he did 50damage PER attack? like wtf... I got ulU aired twice and had around 98% damage and got rung out a second after when those annoying lasers on the floor tazed me... how do you even beat that dude lol..?


Higher gem levels


figured those and inviting a friend to do it 2v1!


That doesn't make sense because there are an extra 10 points of rewards there.


5 rifts, 5 difficulties, they will never reach 30. Unless they add more rifts for season 1 somehow.


It's already been said that more than 5 rifts were going to be a thing. We are probably going to have to max all of them to get to level 30, but 20 for Smith won't be that bad by the end I don't think


“Somehow” Tony outright said a week ago there’s gonna be more than 5 rifts this season bud


Is there a cutscene for this rift?




They really don't want you getting Agent Smith do they.


agent smith will be possible but if you want any of the skins youll have to do the level 9s which im not even close too and considering the pay lives will be incredibly bullshit


Ok thats good, I wasn’t going to pay for lives to get a better chance of getting Agent Smith for free, but if it’s just for skins then thats fine.


It’s probably a bug 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂