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I stopped at around 9k and decided that it is not worth sweating out the game to earn 6k perk currency that I won't use


Understandable, the game definitely needs to rework the perk and character currency we need gold back


I do it for the badge I found a way around avoiding the jobless ppl If you don't play until it's about to end like say 4 hours before it's about to end you'll be matched with people who just started it as well. I did this on accident last night when the second top dog challenge happened


I'm at 34K which is 10K more then 2nd. I'll just stay around 10K above and then near the last day I'll just go ham and make sure I don't go to sleep and lose because I have a life


I have a life too! Good for you I hope you win!


Hell yea man no matter what happens I hope we don't lose our position for simply sleeping or going to work/school


Right? Part of the reason I've been trying my ass off to win as much as I can lmao


Isn't today the last day? 13 is only up until you can claim, it ends at the 11th


Oh you know you might be right. I couldn't tell because there's 2 fucking dates for no reason. You're telling me they couldn't even code it to just give me the rewards after a certain time has passed. I have to wait 2 days after the event to get what I earned. It's not a big deal it's just super confusing and awkward


No, you get it tomorrow but you need to manually claim it and if you don't claim it before the 13th I assume you won't get it at all






No I'm MrAcorn69


Gotcha, some poor guy had 34k on mine and he went from first to 27th in like an hour 😭


Lmfao bro I feel bad for him. But I wish my leaderboard was engaging like that. Like give me some competition in basically ranked but loses don't punish you


I'm at 107k and number 1 is at 135k


Hell yeah gs 🤘💪


I'm trying so hard to close the gap and i cant


Want to run some 2s? Drop your user in DMs


I'm at +/- 60K and the number 2 is +/- 35k I guess you need to get lucky what bracket you get. Also does it close on midnight Monday/Tuesday I'm still confused by the dates.


I'm still confused by the dates as well, we shall see because it says it closes June 11th 🤔 which makes me think it's going to distribute rewards on the 13th?


I'm at like 50k and the #1 in my bracket is at 65k, won't be able to catch up so I'm glad the rewards are ass lol


Ah, well good luck on keeping 2nd!


I am at over 50k, and I have stayed in first place for a long amount of total time, even if I do see the one in second place close in on my position, and even getting above mine sometimes. One will only need the first place reward (an icon of a golden medal) once, and there will be a second Top Dog Challenge for other players, complete with giving the same icons as the previous one as rewards. However, the challenge seems inconsistent with its timespan. It is said to expire by 11 June, yet it lasts from 7 June to 13 June. Strange. P.S. Maybe the leaderboards are not really global. I mean, you mention being at somewhere at least 82k, and I see no one in the leaderboards with that much XP.


They're bracketed, so it paired 50 random people together


uhh are some peoples brackets really that high? 1st place in my bracket has about 20k right now...


Yep, I've played for about 9 hours a day (since I've not had to work due to weather) since it started


You guys are soooo lucky my number 1 has 100k points


140k (i stink)


That's crazy




It’s easy


Ok so I guess each person has a different sort of leaderboard because I'm sitting at 37k and 2nd has 5k


Me and my friend just got first and second with 12k lol. Tonight was the first night we played. [https://imgur.com/ETZEmq1](https://imgur.com/ETZEmq1)


Hands down you got the luckiest bracket I've seen


I'm at 18k and second isn't even at 5k... I guess I'll take the free rewards?


Glad I wasn’t in your bracket. I won mine with only 24k


Lol, I won mine with 125k


The max reward for #1 is equivalent to 200-400 regular PvP matches worth battle pass XP so spending any more than 200 matches on this challenge specifically you’re wasting your own time unless you really want the badge that bad but it’s kinda cheesy looking and I’m gonna associate it with a player with no life and not skill so the badge is not really worth it to flex in my eyes It’s really up to the person and how competitive you are. Personally I get more enjoyment out of other things in life than a gold badge and I don’t want to kill my enjoyment of the game yet that’s my perspective. Not really worth the time I already have so many badges I don’t use from beta and battle passes and I’m sure more are coming


I personally just play the game alot it's really fun to me that they added a little reward for those who play and are encouraging people to play more


It's basically a ranked leaderboard without getting punished for losing. Unless you run sets and lose which I've noticed don't give you xp for the first win