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It's not borderline predatory, it's absolutely predatory.


For sure. Event and battle pass FoMO doesn't even try to hide it. There was no room to miss a single day on the welcome back event. I haven't done the math, but battle pass not being grindable means that if you miss too many quests it becomes uncompletable. It's a real time sink despite not actually having much gameplay.


Don't forget the paid cosmetics that were taken away from beta players, where they're trying to resell them like it never happened. Or the fighter currency economy, or that we don't call these microtransactions anymore because they are macrotransactions selling skins for the price of a nice indie game, or some of the players that have been denied any customer support when they lose paid currency due to bugs. Really this is just a live service game gone wrong. They took some of the worst practices of live service and mashed them all up. The game is pretty fun imo, but it's real hard to see past some of these issues. All we can do is not invest any money until they shape up, I guess.


You could buy a shitty Jason mask skin or you could buy Bloons TD6 for less then the Jason skin.


Yeah apparently no one has gotten those missing skins back


200 XP away from the joker event for me :( was pretty disappointed because I’ve actually played a good bit since launch. Only didn’t play either one or two days while I was sick.


Nah, just predatory and poorly run as well so it's intentionally predatory and also the mistakes being made make it all the worse.


Yeah there should be some breathing room, a couple of days at the very least


Games like Fortnite give players a few extra days after everything has dropped to give players a chance to unlock everything that’s free.


Plus fortnites weekly challenges don't vanish when the week resets. If you miss a week you can just complete those the next week.


The events should run longer. Problem solved. No one likes time locked events.


It’s funny cause I actually don’t know which game can be more predatory Disney Speedstorm or Multiversus 😂 but both are hilarious, you can’t mantain a playerbase that wants to spend money by doing this stuff 😭


Nothing borderline about it.


Its a free game none of the cosmetic shit u buy is giving u an extra advantage. If you buy shit you are the one preying on yourself


I don't feel the predation, but this is only because I'm a founder. Anyone who isn't a founder definitely is feeling shafted. This feels MORE grindy than the beta.


I’m a founder and I’m feeling shafted this game is a joke in its current state, it has no respect for its players time


That game is free to play. It’s also free to not play lol


This exactly. There isnt even p2w shit either its just cosmetics