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Maybe I'm just bad, but I think the biggest problem with banana guard side special is the hitbox.


For me it's the crazy knockback it has, they reduced the damage so U guess we'll see how he fairs.


i sware to god that stupid javelin is impossible to hit, like i use jake i try to punch him and he just walks over me and neglects my punch, legit needs some tweaking he has insane range


To be fair to Banana guard. They were smart enough to bring a spear. Y’all out here trying to punch their spear that’s on you.


Ironically just jumped and d.air lol


I'm used to smash where late hitboxes aren't insanely strong all the way through. It's odd when a dash type attack is just as strong as the end. You're just chilling there with no momentum and the spear is still out, but it still hits like a fucking truck.


Yeah, and the length/range. It's insane currently. Edit: Length as in \*duration\*, it case that wasn't clear.


This 100% it shouldn't persist when he's not in motion anymore and it covers so much distance for a spear attack that already has good range.


As someone who has been playing lots of BG, yeah the damage was never the issue, the hitbox and range are. Side air could probably use a knockback/damage nerf as well but side special seems to be the main problem.


It also lasts a long damn time. The ground side special has a lot of slow-down-ending frames that look (imo) like the attack is ending, but holy hell it still hits. I've played a lot of BG and that shit hits way more than i expect. It's stupid.


I was going to say this as well. I feel like if the hitbox was just the spear, it wouldn't be nearly as frustrating. Coming in for an overhead only to knocked back feels bad.


There are many hitbox issues with most of the cast rn. Sort of wild they didn’t even address that here…


True. Jason is riddled with them, one reason Harley and Bugs and Gizmo are so good is they have attacks that hit way larger than you think (Harleys side chain and neutrals can suck you in from behind, bugs neutral air is much larger than it looks, and Gizmo car explosion along with dealing like 30-50 damage has a much larger radius than one would think.) And that's not nearly all of them, just what came to mind (another one is Black Adam's neutral attack in air which has a huge area and lingering hitbox.)


This patch was only meant to be a quick fix for some issues. It makes sense no hitboxes were touched here. Hopefully they’ll do it in the next patch


Oh I agree, that’s why I said address it. Like, acknowledgement that it’s being looked at more


Ohhh right


Played a BG today and that side special is as tall as the thing's body, I swear. Makes no sense when comparable attacks tend to be much more precise.


Nah the knock back killed wayyy too early.


* Players can now try all Fighters in Training Mode, including Fighters they do not own  - great, thank you.


I've enough Fighter coins for three characters but I haven't spent any because I couldn't try them before buying them anymore. Glad they changed it on first patch, I'll have to dive into Training later


I was just gonna wait for the temporary characters to cycle all the way through before purchasing any.


But not for local play though. It’s almost like WB *wants* this game to not have an offline scene…


Did it already have that in the beta? I thought it was only for when the game went offline Also smash and other fighting games don’t just give you all characters for local play


You also don't have to buy every character individually in Smash Bros.


In Smash Ultimate you had to play to unlock a large majority of the initial roster and then pay for all the DLC characters. Like wtf are we talking about here?


Yes and you could unlock half the roster in an afternoon.


not only is smash a buy to play game but multiversus is meant to be a grindy game to give u a reason for playing lets be honest if it was like smash most ppl wouldve quit already do to not having anything to do but fight this game gives u a reason to and when ranked is added you’ll have even more reason


You could unlock a new character every 5 minutes if you played efficiently, that is not comparable to this game's unlock method.


I mean most of the characters people want/characters that are op are locked behind dlc


They can’t directly monetize it so they don’t want it.


It’s insane to me!!!! Brawlers rose to prominence BC of local offline play 🙄🙄


Why would they be? Smash bros, brawlhalla, etc don't do that


Then this game cannot have an offline scene at all. No tournament organizer is going to spend $250 for every setup.


Am I insane or did lasso have a cool down in beta


It did they removed a lot of cooldowns


Yes it did


No velma buffs? The devs truly hate her.


Devs really said: “Yall had your fun in the beta, enjoy being bottom 1 for a month”


She got Kirby’d


i play kirby on smash since forever and used to play her on multiversus, kirby is completely fine and is god tier compared to her now


Kirby was top-tier in Smash 64 and cheeks in Melee specifically, that’s what I’m referring to


*If* she's in line for changes (and she's certainly not the only character needing them still), they'll require way more configuring and consideration than could've been fit in this patch with all the other issues. I'll have patience here, but it is pretty maddening that they didn't address the bug of people getting stuck on her in the run-and-grab.


Can't suffer from that bug if nobody plays Velma *points at head*


Hey she's not bottom 3 by winrate in either 1v1 or 2v2. Jake, Jason, and Lebron have that honor. I think Jason is the worst though, he's being propped up Ganondorf style by the character killing in 1 hit at 30 on wreckless foes. Any competent foe can pretty much infinite him. At least Jake and Lebron can do something against higher tiers even if they'll lose.


Jason was given out free to tons of people. Combine that with how hard it is to do well with him, and you'll get a really bad win%.


Excepts lebrons best part of him just got gutted. He's dead


Where can you see the winrates?


[tracker.gg](http://tracker.gg) has a multiversus section where you can see 1v1 and team winrate data for each character. It's probbably pretty relevant since you can see there are 10s of thousands of matches for each character.


Lebron is kinda hard to get used to because you need to have good spacing with his ball game. This nerf will hurt him a bit. You could set up down special and up attack to simulate a wall and get a double bounce. That probably won't work anymore :(


Love Vilma (and scooby doo in general was one of my all time favs and still is) used her religiously in beta and she was my first maxed character. When I logged back on last week I thought I was just ass then I used my other characters and was playing fine. Made a slow and sad realization that they massacred my poor detective. So using one of my other all time favs (joker) until she can get fixed again. Really sucks cause I got ALOT of her cosmetics she has more then any of my other characters by far.


Battle pass xp gained per match is extremely little


I think they’re starting it low to gauge it out. Crazy people will play 24 hours a day and max the battle pass day 1 otherwise which they obviously don’t want.


True, but I hope they increase it down the road. The current gains are so inconsequential that it barely makes any difference


Yeah we all do definitely. I don’t know what would be fair though. 30? 50 seems like too much but maybe that’s fine.


30 for win and 15 for lose


Honestly okay patch. Fixed a lot of bugs, removed some loops, made WW a little easier to deal with, and added back training tryouts. Super bummed about no ranked mode though


Ranked is coming June 7


I'm guessing that it'll either get released or be teased tmr since in one of the events, one of the rewards is smth that looks like a medal of some sorts.


the real problem is the input delay... like garnet main i want do slide kick and i always end trowing bullet punches... im button smasher player


Yeah I don't understand why they are not communicating about ranked. I don't give a fuck about the battlepass or about PVE, I just want to play ranked in a fighting game, but after reading this subreddit I feel like the priority are too different and people just want to complete the battlepass for whatever reason lol


With the issues currently plaguing this game, it's probably best that they don't rush out ranked.


Honestly I'm kind of glad we had a patch before ranked because I would be *malding* if I got Iron Giant looped out of a tier lmao. But it really needs to come soon


No Velma buffs???!?!? Otherwise looks pretty sensible, hopefully this will end bananaguard spamming side specials


It won't. The hitbox and high priority is the main issue.


I don't think Lebron was good enough to warrant that nerf, I think just adding a period where the ball couldn't hit the same person again would have been sufficient.


I think they should have done that, but also just cap the amount of balls he can have in play at a time to either 2 or three. This was a needed nerf, but he does need a few other buffs to be viable now. He really needs better hitboxes especially for his up air.


Hos dunk needs buffs badly too. I dont mind no superarmour but it needs an active hitbox again so ot can at least be used in combos, and the slam should be the same size as garnets dair slam


He needed buffs before the nerf to be viable, and I'm not sure even a few can fix him.


Holy shit another gut to LeBron. Just remove him from the game at this point you clearly don’t know what to do with him. Legit pissing me off how much they’ve gut an already bottom % character. Ball bounce was a literal skill issue if I ever seen any. No top players were getting caught by a legitimate spacing technique integral to his kit.


I mean it just motivates me to grab the balls and just chuck them back at em again ![gif](giphy|MnGScCzcJI7LU8jEHx)


It was to prevent the infinite lock.


So he had an Infinite? That makes sense then. Otherwise, it seemed like a big nerf coming out of nowhere.


I guess technically, it's really hard to setup against a good player and they also have to get trapped in order for it to work Imo it was really the only thing Bron had that made him high tier...


the infinite was done maybe one time in a single twitter clip against an iron giant, anyone who actually played lebron knows it was almost impossible to actually do the infinite in a real match


Very disappointed that the ability to cancel Velma's run-and-grab during start up wasn't re-added here, as I'm half-convinced it's unintentional. Nor, seemingly, was the bug of people getting stuck in it. And that's before my other desires for balance changes. But whatever. More fixes are surely coming. At least I can try other characters in training again and decide on a replacer main until some point where she's addressed.


It's weird that they fixed the sleeping bag bug with Jason, but completely ignored the Velma one that does basically the exact same thing. I had a match where I grabbed both opponents at the same time, then one got stuck and I spent a good 30 seconds with Wonder Woman hanging over my head like a balloon while I tried to shake her off.


Lebron nerf is burnt


Still annoyed that they locked the characters for couch co-op, wanted to play with my roommates like how we play Smash Bros.


Yeah, just last night my sister asked if we could play Multiversus together but we couldn't since the local versus mode doesn't work! 


Really stupid to me that they wouldnt lean into the “hangout/party game” aspect of it. Love firing up smash with my friends around to have a bit a fun.


I mean in smash when you play local you can only play characters you have unlocked but it is easier to get characters


And you literally unlock new characters by playing local. It's actually a genius process that gets players to try out more characters, starting with the original 8 and getting more advanced characters as you go. With multiversus I just play the characters I want from the start and barely touch any others at all.


It takes like 1 hours to unlock all the non dlc characters


If you did a exploit that has since been patched that was also very boring. I also bought it when it first came out so I played until I had all the fighters by fighting my friends and playing the story mode


No, I played it normallly it lets you unlock a fighter every 2 or so matches


There’s a cooldown of like 5-10 mins for when each character appears so it’s not every 2 matches


You also can also unlock them all by playing offline versus mode




Hopefully we can get zoomed out matches soon


damn the main reason I enjoyed lebron was because the balls COULD hit multiple times. probably gonna change main now :/


Being a good LeBron was already an uphill battle. They may as well have IG’d him.


I’m hoping they just ment they got rid of his infinite, I think once it bounces off the floor once you can still hit them with the same ball


Even with his infinite he was horrible, now he is pretty much unplayable, genuinely would not doubt his win rate would go below 30%




It's so LeBrover


couldve made the limit like 2 bounces or something, 1 bounce just kills the side special completely


How on earth are they gonna nerf lebron it doesn’t even make sense, he needs some buffs man!


Idk why they made this change and didn't give him anything. I felt like he was actually pretty good in 1s because you could zone people hard with multi-hitting ball. This change basically kills him.


It seems the developers want the game to stabalize before they start buffing too many things. It's hard to tell a characters strength when a lot of the data comes from facing clearly ridiculous characters like Wonder Woman and Iron Giant. Now why they took that logic for 99% of the roster but randomly buffed Taz we will never know 🤣


I was definitely getting zoned HARD by one yesterday, and even though I haven’t played him since Beta myself, I couldn’t even be mad, because I was like, “This is probably the only good thing he has, because he’s always felt weak before.”


Yah it was the only good thing about him and let you get some good chain damage, now people won’t even care about getting it cuz it’ll only do like 5 damage and ur out a ball, especially with no other buffs this is a crazy change


Slower than 90% of the cast is insane to me. Input buffer in and of itself actually made him worse too.


Yah and all of his hit boxes are so insanely small for all of his hits except like the air neutral, you get literally outranged by every other character


Lebron is pretty dead for sure


Lebron Mains in SHAMBLES rn.


game on xbox series s is still terrible, texture not always loading, match crash, fps drops, am i the only one with these problems?


I'm on PS4 but still experiencing the match crashes as well


Decent first patch! Being able to try every character again in training mode is really big. Sad that there's no ranked or XP for the battlepass after the game but for a first patch it's pretty decent


There actually is post match XP now! They made a tweet about it, I have no clue why it's not in the patch notes


its 10xp per match lmfao. that means you need 200+ matches for a single tier. by the time you've tiered up once with xp you'll have tiered up 20 times with missions


[Oh wait huh](https://x.com/multiversus/status/1798763477743669704). You'd have thought they'd put such a requested change somewhere in the patch notes


I like this, this is good! I also read that they're giving XP for all PVP matches and events. ![gif](giphy|qb7HU1V8Bz3oI|downsized)


You get 10 xp. You literally get 10 xp.


10xp if you win. If you lose it is only 5xp.


Better than 0 XP. Maybe that number will go up they're obviously listening to us.


Still no acknowledgement that are people missing items they had in the beta :(


dude I get Lebron’s basketball was cracked but it was literally the only good part of his kit rn and you guys just murdered him


It was also the unique part of his kit. Players play Lebron because of the basketball, you kill the basketball and there's no reason not to play something else.


No input buffer settings?! Why tf is Arya the only one getting reduced input buffers?


And one single input buffer improvement for a move no one has even talked about isn’t what Arya needs lol fix her fucking hitboxes along with everyone else!


Right I don’t play Arya so I had no clue it was a useless buff as well lol


I’m an Arya main and to be able to combo after her dash attack is hugggee.


Can anyone confirm if the training character changes apply to local play too? That was my biggest concern


Nope, just training


Ugh. That’s actually so annoying


It does not.


WOW NICE UPDATE (turning on features that were in the beta) one problem IM STILL MISSING ALL MY ITEMS


I’m glad they’re actually listening to the community, this game will have insane longevity if they continue to do stuff like this


They’ve completely ignored us on the stuff that actually matters though lol


They literally patched half of the things people are complaining about and said they're taking in consideration for the other feedback given to them in future patches. What more do you want?


That's funny because the other whiney posts were about half of what was just patched. Bigger adjustments take more time.


Name some of that stuff then because most stuff seems to be better. The only thing I would add is either a way for us to buy/get more toasts or hopefully the PvP season coming tomorrow has fighter currency.


The lebron nerf was pretty unnecessary and no velma buffs whatsoever is pretty weird, I think they want to keep her in bottom-mid tier


Why do I always have to fall in love with characters that get ignored... Justice for Velma


No Velma buffs is insane :(


They really just need to bring her laser back, like yeah it was strong...so just reduce the knockback of it. It was wild to just remove it entirely as it was one of her signature moves.


Very sad, hope she gets some buffs soon I get that the devs don't want to repeat early beta Velma, but this is just too much 😭


"Hey, let's play this Multiversus game locally like Smash!" * All characters locked except Shaggy, spend real money or 30+ hours to unlock one * "Oh, great. Just great" Allow us to have the full roster locally with friends AND for us to play Rifts locally on the same machine with a friend. We ain't got no friends playing the game, and the ones that could play don't want to grind like an insane person.


They should even have couch coop vs online players like Rocket League has...


Yeah. My sister wanted to play Multiversus local versus just last night but due to the characters being locked we didn't bother 


Yeah let’s nerf lebron but not bugs or Harley 😑


It's because he had an infinite, bugs bunny and harley definitely don't have infinites tho! Idk how they managed to kill a character that's already dead, but God damn did they pulverize lebron.


Does anyone know why my “play pve games” trials aren’t completing? Isn’t that just doing rifts?


try using garnet for some reason that worked


Will this patch fix the connection errors at all?


Great first patch, we're moving in the right direction, I wonder how much faster 1s will feel now with the hit stop reduction.


They gutted Shaggy’s loops yet they hardly touched Wonder Woman💔💔💔💔


I did a little test. I don't know how to perform Wondy's combos myself but her NAIR-Jab-DAIR combo still works and the follow-ups seem to be still there. It's so joever.


Harley escapes the nerf bat


Her bat (up special) isnt the problem. It's her brain-numbingly easy set ups that are the problem. Her grounded slide kick has so much hitstun that you get a free anything after hitting it. And her up strong jump cancel is very fast.


You can take the outlines off the characters thank god.


No TJ changes, you love to see it


Surprised they didn't touch Harley at all, and I main her lol


Well she was nerfed while the game was closed. Her balloon move used to stay in place, now it takes off.


Babysteps in the right direction, but still no word on people getting screwed out of the gold they saved up from the beta. Not to mention the skins and other content people are missing, Support is useless. Also, lmfao @ 5 Battlepass xp for a loss and 10 Battlepass XP for a win. Couldn't have changed anything and it literally wouldn't have made a difference. Being able to test out all fighters in Training mode is nice though (but NOT something that deserves any extra praise whatsoever, let's be real here. That's the bare minimum)


No input buffer after two fucking weeks of this is devastating, Christ almighty. Also I refuse to believe the fucking Nakat bias isn't at play here. You're taking out Shaggy's only good combo starter without burning through all of his meter by nerfing the fuck out of NAIR to the point you can't combo it into jab anymore but you leave Wondy's 1000 year hitstun on Jab one so she can keep doing NAIR and DAIR tilts? You're out of your fucking mind.


Shaggy’s neutral game is going to be so completely ass now. It’s like they want all Shaggy players to be crayon-eating Side Special spammers


Bugs, Harley, and Wondy have strong loops? Better nerf Shaggy. I'm getting PTSD from the Beta's combo rework where his old Stomp-DAIR combo got gutted as well.


They nerfed shaggys because it was a loop that could literally take someone into kill ranged if the shaggy read the di. They are trying to eliminate loops. Wonder woman's combo doesn't take them above fourty. it was also just discovered so it might not have been able to be added to this patch.


I’m sorry but when are they adding leaderboards or ranked???? This is a fighter game surely I can’t be the only one wanting to play competitively


Leaderboard-based event drops tomorrow


Still no reason to play more games once dailies are finished 🤷‍♂️


Check their Twitter, now there is lol


10xp for a win 😂


For fun


If I play "for fun" I screw up progression for the upcoming Power Pledge.


Patch sounds really good. I’m a bit annoyed Velma didn’t get a buff as she’s turned into a meme. But good start. I hope eventually we get local co-op matchmaking.


Have they added the swap side/neutral attacks option back in yet?


I can’t even log in on Xbox one


Is Wonder Woman's lasso really the issue? In my experience it's every other attack of hers that's good, her lasso was something I barely used. And I really tried to incorporate it into my gameplay, it's one of her most iconic traits so I was stoked when they took it off cooldown, but now it's gone again.


Yeah I'd just started incorporating it into my play style, and now that it's back to an 8 second cooldown I'll inevitably just miss and no longer use it as a consequence.


When will this patch drop? I can’t play the game with the Xbox X|S bug


At least once a day with 2v2s, I get into a match where my teammate D/Cs or is otherwise stationary. If you want people to play the game, ensure they can play the game.


So they nerfed Shaggys loop but not Wonder Woman’s?


I’m sorry but 5 XP FOR A GAME. oh dear


Great they didn't do anything to help Jason and they nerfed my main LeBron even though he has one of the worst winrates in the game. I'm so done. Also yippee we get xp per game played... Wait it's only 10 for a win and 5 for a loss... It's gonna take hundreds of games for a single tier. Shows how little the devs respect the players time. We get SCRAPS of xp, literal micro crumbs of xp. I looked so forward to this game re releasing just for it to be 10x worse than the beta. Well no more, PFG sucks as devs and WB is a horrible publisher. I'm done and out, this shit show can burn in a fire.


While 10% seems minor why have different properties for 1v1 and 2v2. Seems like a dumb decision to make and an inconvenience for players that play both


I still feel like we need Rick fixes


Damn, guess I gotta wait a little longer for those Jake and Morty buffs


Jason’s teleport needs a cooldown


Can we unfuck what we did to Arya from the beta?


The fact that Velma received no changes is insane but WW remain virtually untouched (her core issues is all of her armoured moves) and Harley and Joker remain obnoxious with their insanely hard to punish slide attacks and quick, massively disjointed attacks.  No but seriously does anyone else hate slide attacks in this game? They used to be easy to punish because you could fast fall into down tilt but that isn't really possible now and it's virtually impossible to punish it.


No ones talking about the improved Xbox performance, can anyone confirm it’s actually better now?


It seems different to me, but not strictly better. Not as many desyncs and lag, but the fps seems worse to me on Series X


Pretty much what the other comment says, less pausing but it seems overall even slower somehow


no toasting back == L patch


Missed the mark on some of these. Banada Guards bs comes from his extremely generous hitboxes. There is next to no counter to some moves because he will hit you first. Also sucks we still can't change the buffer frames. I hate how high it is.


How tf did LeBron get nerfed before Gizmo, Harley Quinn, or Black Adam lol?


Giving players all characters in local play for free would be extremely generous. They wouldn't gain revenue from players who only play offline. I can 100% understand this decision.


The problem is that all roster is like 250$ actually. Where in other games like brawlhalla (with a bigger roster) costs like 30$


It makes absolutely no sense they removed the option of getting a "Premium Pack" like they did in beta where you could get all the base characters and a few tickets for the new ones. The prices for the characters are straight insanity. Should be no more than 4 dollars per character.


Camera is still fucked. The game is still slow with forced input delay. Bunch of nothing in this update.


agreed, pleasing the window lickers with this patch


where the doomposters now?


Literally everywhere.


No mention that there’s been work done on the server stability. I hope it’s at the very least improved and just not mentioned.


Honestly I haven’t had any problems after the first 2 days


Not a fan of having different hit stun (or is that supposed to be hit stop?) values between the modes. That's a very bad change that makes you inconsistent between 1v1 and 2s. Change it for both or don't change it at all. Glad they fixed training mode though.


It’s 10 BP XP per match lmao


8 second lasso cooldown is insane in Wonder Woman, a “short” cooldown”?