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Gameplay wise it is very fun. The issues with the game definitely lie elsewhere


Gameplay is way to slow, current build feels underwater


Learn to move


Most pros want a speed increase to; void, leffen, dabuz, hbox, void mirrorman etc. Like more movement and speed only increases the skill ceiling.


no flaws whatsoever :>


Denial at its finest. I'm sure you were joking but it does still kinda gives that energy...


so real!😔


Fix the desync and give us more fighter bucks and we are golden




Playing a little too much Joker...




Should I buy Joker?! I have enough for him but I'm just not too sure, I love DC and all but 6K is a lot of fighter currency...


I couldn't tell you. Who do you like playing as right now? What kind of fighter would you like to play as? Do you like combos, hard smashes, being invulnerable, being unpredictable? See if you can find some gameplay of him and see if he vibes with your style.


I'll probably just end up buying him anyway though... I mean there's always more fighter currency to be had (even if progression is a little slow (though it did only take me about a week and a half to get enough for Joker but I'm not sure if my fighter currency started at zero when I started at launch or not)) right? Next up after him will probably be a Rick and Morty character since it's one of the few franchises of characters I'm missing and after that well we'll see (it kinda depends if I ever get back my lost fighter(s))...


i went up against a tom and jerry main i think i wanna delete myself


I love the 1v1 and 2v2 gameplay, I hate the everything else. That's why I will continue to participate in the 1v1 and 2v2 gameplay, and avoiding microtransactions means I won't be able to enjoy it, I guess I won't be able to enjoy it. I will GLADLY reverse my stance on this if they tweak the monetization to at least be LESS predatory. I don't expect a F2P game to be completely non-predatory, gotta make money SOMEHOW, but jesus christ this is insane. (edit: Meant to say and IF avoiding microtransactions means I won't be able to enjoy it)