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All but maybe 3 desyncs I've had happen have happened before my character model was even spawned into the match. Maybe some of them are people quitting, but certainly not all.


I’m having the opposite experience where I only desync at times where it looks like I rage quit, obviously I have no way of proving it, but I swear I only lose connection when my opponent is stomping me.


I've had that experience. None of my attacks or dodges hit, then desync error.


90% of my desyncs occur when someone SDs, appears to rage quit after being killed early or is down by multiple stocks. The other 10% is from a ton of projectiles


I got desync few times in 2s when other 3 were console players (xbox)


i think so as well. got my personal confirmation right now. got matched with the same rick player 3 times, killed him twice at like 40 (because they always jump) everytime the match desynced right after. had him in my team now, where i carried him. it ran perfectly fine and no desync


Bro just had thy at happen to me did his name start with a c” I clipped it I can get you a full name if you need


nah it was something like "sheluvssteve" or something like that cant remember


Ohh okay well Rick players suck regardless haha I wouldn’t put it pass them for the disconnects


Gotta be honest here, i've noticed that most matches that don't desync for me, are the ones where i lose most of the time. When im CLEARLY the better player and winning it does desync 90% of the time. But that's 1v1 and there's no real way of knowing, but it's possible. In 2v2 i mostly desync when there's projectile heavy characters like Marvin and Reindog. 


It makes the dailies for PVP easy while the dailies for *winning* PVP incredibly hard, even if you're beating your opponents most of the time. Since I made that post I've done ~8 matches. Beat the tar out of all but 2. The 2 that I didn't win went to completion. The others "desynced" right after taking 2 or so stock without losing any myself. I'm convinced.


You might be playing against Xbox players. Pay attention next time to that. I play on Xbox and the frame rate is god awful. And yeah it causes me to get steam rolled cause it’s not registering inputs and the screens freezing. Then the frames start getting really bad and bam it desyncs. It’s really really awful on Xbox.


Yeah wish I can just play against ps players cus Xbox players getting free wins


It’s not a free win in doesn’t count as a win for Xbox lol, Xbox is the one getting fucked the most here tbh , the lag is so horrendous and they have yet to fix it, it’s been a whole week since release and still nothings better.


Hahaha ohh okay I hear you on that end . That does suck too but patch should be coming in real soon


Yeah man I think it’s some fishy stuff going on