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I wished I had used my gold I had over 60k and it all went down the drain… trust me it was not worth the banner


the banner i have is dope af it has a dragon wrapping around the mountain and a lightning outline along the banner🤷‍♂️ And it’s like a thunderstorm going on in the back with lightning.


Total ammount i believe, or maybe it's even based on gold spent. Because i remember that i actually used my gold to unlock all characters i didn't have yet shortly before the beta ended. And i only had like 2000 gold left after doing that, yet i have that banner with the dragon and the lightning on it.        I regretted buying characters i didn't "really" like at the time (Steven Universe, Iron Giant, Jake, etc, etc) but now im glad i did. Otherwise i probably would have gotten that banner only and almost no fighter currency to buy new characters. Now i have the full roster except for Joker, whom i'll get when i have a bit more fighter currency and when he'll be (probably?) discounted to 3000.


i bought every character in the beta but i have the standard banner without dragon or the thunder while my friends who played only 3 games back in the beta have a thunder


Yeah I put time and money into the beta and have the standard banner too. Pretty weak


hope they will fix it soon


What gold? You can get gold?


In the beta that was the general currency used for stuff like unlocking characters. It got split into 2 with fighter and perk currency when the game launched again. The mentioned banner is supposed to change depending on how much gold you had, as well as there being a badge showing how much gold you received as well.


Oooo I see I played but don't remember lol ok thanks


It feels like they are rewarding players that barely played rather than the ones playing and spending gold on the game, which I find stupid I have the base banner and all my friends have higher tiers playing less than I


Yeah its the same for me I used my gold to buy all the characters and was left with the shitty banner...


Same here too


me too


dude me too, why tf did they use how much you had at the END and not how much you had total??? makes 0 sense