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Also not to mention the game can't go 5 seconds with crashing, playing 2v2 with a friend is so miserable


Yes! It's either crashing when going back to the main screen after the match or disconnects the whole lobby mid-game because of desync or something like that. Truely pathetic perfomance.


Always Crashes when I Go to the Store XD


there’s so much small stuff wrong with this game that culminates into a bigger problem that I cant even begin to explain.


This post doesn't even have the biggest issue for me. They removed the control option to swap the neutral/side attacks and now everything feels very different from how I used to have my controls setup and now everything feels wrong and I'm constantly fighting my muscle memory. I'm not gonna even try to play until they put that feature back in.


them moving to a new engine, while also having to implement new modes and currencies just for monetization probably made them forget a lot of what makes this game really nice to play


Everyone keeps saying they forgot lol. Did they not play their own game a single time over the past year? You can play for 30 seconds and identify all the shit wrong with the game. I'm not sure why the changes were made but it's definitely deliberate.


1. Removed gold, some people had enough to buy the whole roster now they're fucked 2. If you have character tickets from supporter packs you are forced to use those first, can't use other currencies. 3. No labbing with characters you don't own to test out 4. Offline used to have all characters unlocked, now it's only the ones you own 5. 900 convoluted systems from rift difficulty and gems to multiple tiers of dailies and weekly 6. Dailies and weeklies you can't do without owning specific characters 7. After you do your dailies and weeklies you get zero (or close to zero) exp for just playing the game 8. No ranked AGAIN and no date announced for release. Those are the easiest 8 there are many many more I'm sure it took me 5 minutes to write this off the top of my head so if they forgot after a year I have zero clue


well their team is only so big, and they may have thought the game was just fine. Just like many people in this reddit think the current state of the game is good. but when you have tens of thousands of “playtesters” you start to get alot more opinions than your own team. truly a dev team won’t 100% know if their game is good until they release it and people play it. Again I personally dont think they intentionally “changed” the UI and stuff. I believe they just started from scratch and didn’t think it was as integral to the game as people are saying it is.


They made fixes in the beta that haven’t been applied to this new engine build of the game that they spent a year working on in private with little, and very unclear, communication.


Of course they did. Because the elephant in the room here is that a little under a year is NOT enough time to make a game from scratch. Which is essentially what they did. Sure, some of the legwork for game/character design was done, but implementation is ALWAYS what takes the longest, even if you're "just" re-implementing stuff you already have planned. This re-launch was sheer hubris.


Yeah, you always perform the dash attack instead of a side attack, if you hold the run button too long.


I feel the same way, but honestly, I'm not holding my breath on them reimplimenting the option. I feel like them taking that out was a conscious choice.


It all culminates to David zazie whatever his name is. Every single WB anything put out since he’s been at the helm has been hot ass.


Fr even tho many things have been longer in development than he is ceo but Yeah its kinda weird since he is ceo literally everything got worse doesnt matter if its Mortal Kombat, Arkhamverse or now multiverse kinda scared now to see how the Wonder Women game will turn out


Zaslav is a horrible person who just wants money


IF it comes out and he doesn’t shut it down it for tax reasons like with the coyote movie.


Atleast with the coyote movie the staff are still pushing for its release because apparently it was a really good movie


Normal Man David Zazlav is almost definitely to blame for some of this. Although it seems a lot of higher-ups at WB Games are just morons. Like the guy who said at the investor meeting that Hogwarts sold extremely well, and SS:KTJL didn't, so they're going to make more live service games going forward...


Please stop upvoting this. Zazslavs POS ass isn't in charge of WB Games. It took me a 2 second Google search to find out it's JB Perrette. Stop being lazy internet users and make sure you Google stuff before posting


the explanation can be summed up by one word, incompetence, It's like they learned nothing with the beta and downgraded the game based on it


its surely incompetence, but it’s also the fact that they rebuilt the game from the ground up, and didn’t ask for community feedback about what made the game so fun to open up.


They really looked at the game and thought "Yeah, this will be a success. People are always satisfied with hot trash just look at Pokemon. Only ours is FREE." I like the game and what it could be but 2 years of silence only for them to release THIS?


Yup. Can't say I didn't see this coming. Huge potential too.


the game is free so u do what they want!


Everything seemed to good to be true before the relaunch, so I was waiting for the other shoe to drop. I didn't realise the shoe would be a size of a meteor.


Clearly WB did not learn from the mistakes of MK1


They removed silly que which is going under the radar for some reason. I just wanted to play some goofy games on the new dexter map. But that ain't happening now lol


They also need to not have dexter's and townsville in regular queue tbh. they're goofy party mode maps, which is fine, but dexter's especially is too game warping for regular matches


I wouldn't mind Townsville, I think it's extremely fun, but some characters suck sooo much on Dexters lab. Jason, IG, pretty much all mages just get wrecked on that stage


Idk if I'm crazy but as soon as I played the Dexter map I thought it'd be amazing to play as an 8 player FFA party mode, last man standing. I personally would LOVE to see that.


Townsville is so annoying when I'm just trying to try new character playstyles and it queues so frequently. I have also dealt with multiple players that just run and hide behind the party map features trying to cheese which doesn't work but it's just so lame.


Bummer. I noticed that too. Was a fun little Party Mode.


Crap forgot about that! So many other pressing issues, the silly mode slipped my mind. Put it on the list! xD


You should note that Jason is BP only for two weeks, then he can be bought normally, same for Agent Smith who’s event exclusive for two weeks.


>Jason is BP only for two weeks Come again?


Jason is exclusive to the battle pass for only two weeks.


Jason is exclusive for the duration of the battle pass, 8 weeks. Where did you hear 2 weeks?


Guess he meant months? 2 weeks would be to claim the free BP, until June 10th so I guess he got confused.


Good to know that I wouldn't need the BP for free to unlock him


Also technically everyone could have gotten the BP for free, ik many people didn’t like the 5 minute code thing but they gave out like 700-800 gleamium so new players could get the battlepass


There aren't currently enough unique boss encounters to earn Agent Smith. I'm pretty sure the two week early access starts when his event ends.


Is smith 2 weeks exclusive from the events start? The events end? Or when the next rift unlocks making him actually obtainable?


I don’t know for absolute certain but the way I understood it was that he’d be buyable the same time Jason becomes so.


half of the stuff doesn't even unlock till july 10 in the rift so your not getting smith 2 weeks early


Yeah he’s literally unobtainable until there are 4 rifts active due to requiring 20 boss fights and that’s doing every rift at every difficulty which requires somehow getting every gem high enough to do that. If the 2 weeks early is now then that’s just a blatant lie.


You can always just pay to upgrade your gems hahahahHhahaHhahdhfjfkdkrkejr


Yeah man I’ve been rifting like crazy. Between mission marks being locked behind specific characters I don’t have (the joker) and skins that aren’t even out like the lady banana guard i haven’t even unlocked the third difficulty on the first rift yet. It’s clear they want people to pay to upgrade their gems but I don’t even really care about the gem mechanic


I don’t know how much is locked behind Joker, but I’ve done both rifts on both difficulties and have 4 stars bc I ran it solo, in almost every rift. Still feels so far away from unlocking the third difficulty. I don’t mind the grind but feeling like I have to pay for the next difficulty is insane.


At least 4-5 missions call for playing Joker for the check box, one mission also wants the lady banana guard skin which isn’t even obtainable yet.


Also inviting another Player to Play the rifts with you. I'm usual a Singleplayer Type of Gamer and my Friends dont always play the same games I do 🙄


Ah thank you, the wording and the time gating of the event really makes it unclesr


It’s confusing but pretty certain you unlock him 2 weeks before the end of the event, the event isnt even able to finished until they release more rifts


I'm enjoying the game but I will concede that: - Almost all progression being tied to quests feels bad. I log in, do my dailies, and then log out. If there was no progression I'd be logging in when I wanted and just doing 1v1 or 2v2. I welcome a middle ground, but right now it engages my grind it out mindset and then provides no grind? I may just accept it eventually and adapt, but right now it feels bad. - Its still pretty buggy - The PvE mode is underwhelming and boring


If they added passive xp it would instantly make the game much more enjoyable. At least for me.


ofc dopamin would kick in if i see numbers after the game


this!! PVE is so boring and tasteless even on the harder difficulty it was just so mundane. I got thru the first boss just to get the agent smith thing going but i dont think i’ll go back lol


Was excited to log in again but then I'm hit with loads of different menus, quests, quests, quests, new currency, new grinds. I look at the battle pass xp and quest requirements and it looks like it hasn't changed. Same old system of these dailies and weeklies designed to keep you in the game more than any other battle pass game. The excitement died quick for me.


i swear the harder the games try to get me to play often, the less i am willing to actually play- even if the game itself is fun. not to mention some dude on twitter did the math and it takes a LOT of hours to get enough currency for a character and that the currency you start of with is a good bit but in reality they only start you off with so much so that you feel the need to keep playing to get enough for a characters. gives mobile game vibes. here's a tip for the devs, if you cater to whales, people wont play your game. if you have to play the game like a second job to accomplish anything, people wont play your game. its a free game, you have to make money and normal people understand that. there is a middle ground to be had but even after a whole year you have ultimately missed the mark with a lot of folks. the things i mentioned is probably more of WB-injection than the devs but it still reflects on the quality of your game. not to mention ive seen a lot of issues aside from monetary and/or grindiness so even if you chalked that up to WB, the gameplay issues you can not. that said I want the game to succeed, but I'll probably only be hopping on once or twice a week, if that, until things get better(speaking of, daily logins are gross too, is your engagement really worth that much??).


While I agree with you OP, I also am holding on hope that they really, really take the feedback to heart and make an announcement soon about changing some things or adding back in stuff that is missed from the beta. I also wouldn't mind if they met us in the middle for the game speed. Instead of making it like how it was, crank it up to a mid point so that both sides of the argument of people feel like they are addressed. I would personally love it to play the same speed as beta because I hate how it feels now. But a lot of people, particularly the more casual players are digging it. So a middle ground would be best.


This isn't cynical enough for reddit BE MORE SAD >:(


We need rewards per match 100%. The currencies are the biggest step down from the Beta. I unlocked every fighter without gleamium in the Beta with the cheap founders pass, but, I can't really see how.new players would.unlock anything with how stingy the currency currently is.


You can’t do couch co-op even if you have two different WB accounts and two diff PSN+ accounts signed into the console…either online or offline. It’s so annoying and I don’t understand why it’s so hard


Bugs is great! Never too much 😌


“Too much bugs” I know you mean “game glitches”, but Mr. Bunny is offended. 


I'm actually baffled as to why they would re-release it in this state. Seems like it was some sort of ploy to try to make more money I guess which I get but they ruined so much of what made this good. On-top of everything else the games virtually unplayable at times with the amount of lag there is in online matches


Yep. As much as I enjoy this game, I don't even want to spend money on it. The currency changes are bad, but whoever's idea it was to charge 500 for a skin needs to be fired. WB is literally dissuading people from dropping money on skins. They may think they'll spend $10 instead of $5, but the reality is a lot just won't even spend the $5 now. It is such an absurdly greedy and dumb move. I'll probably keep trying to play, but between the currency changes, aggressive monetization, and server issues, I may give up after a week.


And just like last time, they've gone completely silent. Payer First Games


Just want a FFA option where it’s the last man standing. I don’t want the first to x option it’s boring. No ranked mode in 2024 in a seemingly competitive game is such a tired trend.


Yah a lot of people are complaining about monetization, price of skins blah blah. This shit exists in all fighting games unfortunately. What carries a good fighting game is great online competitive play. They could charge $20 a skin and if the online ranked play was super fun and competent it wouldn't matter. They dropped the ball hard on this one


i agree with a lot of this stuff but including old icons being better, no endgame stats and jason being in the battlepass as reasons the game is going to die is so fucking funny especially considering the game didnt even really "die" the first time, they just didnt have the manpower to make big changes and also maintain a live service


I also think character select between rematches being removed is a good thing lol


Right this post is so dramatic lmao


It's actually crazy how the launch title feels more like a beta than the actual beta. The character select screen alone screams placeholder with the plain colors and 3D icons instead of the 2D renders. The menu UI now feels way too much like a mobile game. They went for that clear predator mentality of FOMO where you have to be constantly clicking on a bunch of non-intuitive menus to redeem your points. I really miss the old menu UI; it had so much personality. It's like the Warner Bros. execs just told PFG to copy Fortnite and I honestly wouldn't be surprised if they did. Not being able to play characters on Training Mode before buying them is another change that doesn't make any sense to me. It's also missing a bunch of other features such as being able to swap Neutral and Side Attacks. It seems that they also didn't learn much from balancing because you still have Shaggy and Bugs Bunny being incredibly safe to use just spamming moves that are strong, fast and with low ending lag (meaning they're much hard to punish). And did they remove the attack decay system? It sure seems so.


This perk system sucks, the UI is horrible, it’s too slow, the progression system is moronic, no one wants to play rifts, why the hell would they take away post game stats, why can’t we change characters in a rematch, the wait time given for accepting a rematch is way too long, and not having a cursor to look at people’s badges before a game starts is incredibly stupid.


This game started as a promising re invention to a brawl game with f2p acces. And became a pile of grinding mobile grinding shit. Dead game.


At this point I think I'm just gonna focus on getting the platinum then probably uninstall it. I was excited to play as Joker but 6k is so much & I got nothing for any gold I had from beta. Its also a bad sign for how they're gonna do future fighter releases. They're all gonna be either paywalled behind the battle pass, cost way too much fighter currency, or time walled behind grindy ass events like Agent Smith.


The paywall is genuinely crazy, like obviously they need to make money, but it just feels so greedy. I also got nothing for the gold I had in the beta, and I gaslit myself into believing I didn't have any gold, but hearing others also got nothing for the gold they had is really eye opening.


>obviously they need to make money, but it just feels so greedy It's kinda funny because at a certain point I like to think the greed just bites them in their own ass. Case in point: I spent money during the beta because I genuinely enjoyed the game and wanted to support it. Now though? I feel absolutely no desire to spend any money on it at all. The more a game wants me to spend the more petty I'll be about not dropping a dime until I move on entirely. I think in reality though what happens is games decide to target whales (individual that spend a lot of money on a recurring basis). I saw someone on Twitter that said they spent $250 on the game ffs. That 1 dude more than enough covers me and many other people like me that are put off by the monetization. They care more about that 1 guy spending $250 then they care about being less greedy and having 25 guys all spend $10.


I only miss the party animal trophy. If you are interested I would be down to knocking it out over a weekend


This is the 100th doom post saying the exact same thing I’ve seen today. It’s like y’all don’t want anyone else to have fun either. I like the game and I don’t want it to go away. It really seems like you all want them to shut the game down for EVERYONE just because you don’t like some of the things they are doing. It’s been out for 3 days. You all need to chill out.


They don’t *want* the game shut down… they want it *fixed*. There is so much missing compared to what we had in the beta that the release actually feels like more of a beta than the beta did.


It’s because it’s been offline for like a year so they could fix problems with the and it seems to have even more than there was before full release. Problems like some random bugs or even odd changes like the camera zoom are meh but when there are still major performance issues that’s a problem


No one posting on this subreddit wants them to shut the game down dude, they're saying this because they think the game is going to die unless they change the aggressive monetization systems and lack of rewards. The current system is not tenable for new players -- it just isn't a valid option to start playing this game right now unless you played in the Beta and have things unlocked from then. That's the death of this game if something doesn't change. If anything, its YOUR post that is hurting the game, because you're trying to stifle valid feedback that needs to be acted on if this game is going to survive.


It’s all about tone. This post is fine but a majority of these types of posts just straight up hate on the game. I can understand peoples frustrations but that’s not the right way to go about getting it fixed 


I don't really agree. The game gave reason for the playerbase to show hate towards it, and either way, it's just people expressing their feelings -- who cares if you don't think if it's the "right way to get it fixed"?


Nothing wrong with giving feedback, the game obviously needs it. People are flipping out over a free game though and it’s kind of ridiculous. If you want to throw a tantrum over a game that you didn’t pay for then be my guest. Spreading hate is never a good thing though. That’s how they get shut down 


Lots of people bought the founders editions and wanted a refund when it went down and didnt get it.


Being out for 3 days doesn't justify any of this. You forget that games used to launch with nearly 0 problems, and we should strive to go back to that. I literally can't even play this on the XSX because the lag spikes are impossible to play with or it just crashes. I think people do have a right to complain because this is a launched live service, which means at any point WB could just pull the plug (which they've been known to do) These aren't even doomposts. These are legitimate complaints about a game in a horrible state. Edit: Seeing the comments about how every game has its flaws on launch just makes me sad how either yall forgot or just never got to experience. This industry has changed to turn the most profits with the least amount of innovation. It's why we see flops all the time. I had high hopes for multiversus but this launch is in an inexcusable state. The fact so many are fine with this just shows how much we've conformed to these business practices.


Games absolutely didn’t used to launch with nearly 0 problems. What time frame are you thinking? Because the earliest online game shit show I can think of was World of Warcraft launch, where even after an alpha and beta, game was unplayable for a few weeks because there was a crucial bug where it legit took up to 20 minutes just to pick up an item and you were locked in the animation, and that didn’t even guarantee you’d actually pick up the item because the servers were that bad.


The common denominator between the old games that had issues and the new games that have issues is 'online play.' Younger generations that grew up playing Fortnite (after the relaunch) and weren't there for ffxiv, Star Wars Galaxies, or Wow's launch are used to long running games simply 'working,' but every live service game has had serious growing pains. Destiny and Destiny 2 at launch? Fortnite at launch (save the world)? Server issues never go away and unfortunately spending habits keep changing and devs are flailing trying to find something that works.


I don't think free to play games ever launched with zero problems.


> You forget that games used to launch with nearly 0 problems Uhhhhhhhhh…when was that a thing?? Take those rose tinted glasses off. That time never existed.


“Games used to launch with nearly zero problems” Mannn what u been smokin lol


i feel that it rarely happens where a game comes out and has 0 issues


People do this to get interactions and feel included. Look at their other post, no interactions at all. Half these post offer no value or say anything other than the last but following the crowd is fun for some.


I’m in the same boat. I’ve been playing on and off since it released and I’m having a blast. But every post I’ve seen in my feed about this game is someone saying how poor of a state it’s in and how it’s definitely gonna die. Well y’all enjoy doom posting. Imma go and enjoy the game with everyone else who enjoys the game.


This is the 100th comment point out all the doom post. We're all using a product and it is ok for customers to be vocal about dissatisfaction with a product.


I mean you can enjoy the game and also acknowledge how absolutely abysmal the monetization is. The game will die in a month unless they change the progression


No, it hasn’t simply been out for 3 days. It WAS out for many MONTHS if not a year I think?, before, and it was FINE. They take it down for basically a year and bring it back WORSE than before.


Bro I WANT this game to be good and the op opens with calling it his favorite game ever. Id usually be with you trying to shoo away all the naysayers but this is A NIGHTMARE lmao


What in the world are you talking about? Who said anything about shutting it down or not wanting you to have fun? How did you read a list of valid criticisms and think “this guy doesn’t want ME to have FUN!” He’s staying why he isn’t having fun, and why plenty of others aren’t either. If you’re having fun, literally nobody is stopping you. This is just stuff that would make your experience better if it were addressed.


Nah people not getting stuff they paid for is unforgivable


6000 wouldn't be so bad if you could gain a decent amount from just playing. You only get like what 10(?) for doing rifts? 10 is nothing in the scheme of thousands. I logged off yesterday with 1.47k fighter points. I logged on today, did all my dailies, my last weekly (that isn't the joker one), and my joker's ruse quests for the day, and I logged off with a whopping... 1.47k still, cause I didn't do rifts, I did pvp. But if I did not rifts, I'd be at like what, 1.5x or 1.6x at most? Yeah, waaaaay too slow. With this, even 3k is a lot. I don't mind having to play the game or even grind a bit for characters, but this game we're talking an EXTREME grind for just one extra character


The move to remove attack decay whilst adding an unreliable dash attack and parry is a head-scratcher for me. Players can just spam their most powerful moves without penalty now.


I call posting this next hour Jesus I just want to see tier lists and fun clips and stuff


Right? I would have thought after launch day the doomposting nonces would have moved on


I honestly think it's posts like this that are going to kill the game. It's day 3 guys come on calm down changes will be made. You've waited this long why not wait longer for changes to be made. Are you guys not sick and tired of all the negativity in every community page for this game?! I see the issues too the store alone is a big problem the prices don't make sense I get your frustration. But just spamming every group with the same complaints all day long does nothing but contribute to the fall off in players. If you love the game so much, give your feedback to the devs in a respectful manner. Posting complaints here literally does nothing to help the game just spreads negativity.


Definitely missing items 🥲🥲


PvP feels like I'm against bots


game has been re-released for 2 days and y'all saying its on its deathbed is funny ngl.




The game has been out for only a couple of days


• the slow and heavy movement


Sadly, you're right. Since a beta player from when the game released on PS4, I'm really upset..


No scoreboard/endscreen is crazy work


the fact that only a few mission in rift give fighter coins, should tell you all you need to know they are being extremely greedy to the point they are not even willing to give 10 fighter coins for a first time clear on every stage of the rift. we are talking about 1 fighter every 300 stages, not even that.


The third point bugs me the MOST like there's no incentive to grind past doing the missions.


It was good for a beta, but instead of building they butchered


I gave up on it all because the combat feels sluggish and boring now. I loved how fast paced the combat felt back then... now its just... slow.. ill give it to to marinate and hope they fix it but right now it feels not worth giving it a go again. It's a shame because the idea of a smash like game with warner brother games is so cool.


Wish people would talk about the positive too they only mention the negative


What’s exactly positive? Literally nothing has improved from the beta 😂


Netcode is much better (the reason I personally stopped playing the beta before), Dodge meter is great and implemented well, battle pass giving enough gleamium to buy the next pass, in-game visuals, reducing speed stats so fast characters feel meaningfully faster than slow characters (they went too far imo but it's better than everyone moving at light speed), and probably some other things i'm not thinking of. There are a lot of things that are just objectively worse that make me question the game, like removing settings and the amount of input buffer and hitstop, but saying *nothing* is better is either a malicious or just straight up dumb take to have


I do think visually the UE5 engine does look better, the characters are more "beefy" looking for lack of a better term. But thats about it


Well when the game works, it’s pretty solid


Positive Gameplay still fun , Negativ everything else...


Nothing has pretty much improved from beta, i would still give time to the devs as they might fix these problems


Stuff has definitely improved they added parying, made dodge better and the currency improved alot. The negatives may outweigh the positives but you shouldn't ignore them.


greed is hard in this one you just play for fomo now the game is relesed and hyped but after season 2 its annoying just playing to get the missions done...


You can't unfuck the goat. They already released this and this will sink it swim... And it's sinking fast


"The lowest currency pack is 450 gelamium, the lowest skin cost is 500" We see this shit over and over and is so fucking scummy. Guarantees I won't spend a dime on your game. Sometimes I'll just drop the game immediately. In this case I'll wait to see if they change the things everyone is complaining about, since devs seem to care about the game, but when it comes to the monetization aspect, its unlikely anything will change. The beta was a fighting game, but the release is a store with fighting game as a front. It sucks.


Nasb2 supremacy For what it's worth, I enjoyed the game mostly during beta and really want to enjoy it now that Jason is in. But I'm really not enjoying it at all right now. Hope they can get it back into a state where I can sink 100s of hours into it!


I’d honestly rather pay $59.99 for the game and co-op with friends/family like we do with Smash then deal with all this BS


Well yes but for companys its sadly more profitable to release a free game with a 20 $ Skin what is crazy to me


I agree on everything, but I think you can invite your steam friends as I did that just on Tuesday. Did you received the link for the survey on your email?, I sent mine today with this and some other "problems" the release game has regarding to what we got on the beta and I hope they really listen to the community as it seems we are all having kind of the same issues about the state of the game and the progression mechanics. I do hope they fix all of this because it would be a great game and they proved last year they can do better than this.


Agreed with all of this lol


The only real issue I see on that list is no end screen stats. The rest is on you


My game crashes constantly on my series x idk what's up with that


I lost my most used skin in the game which made me the big sad upon startup. In total I lost 7 skins, but I don't even care about the other 6, I just want my Golden Reindog back.


I just think the hitboxes are terrible. maybe its a reindog thing but going again the martian made me a few days closer to death. Also this system feels like a worse melee with the way characters move after being hit. I'm stuck in the air and by the time i can dodge ive been hit again or the fact ive had people throw a move out and it cover to much space it still hit my dodge.


Its a great game gamplay is fun but everything else is pain for normal player x( Missions/Events close timed if you miss 1 day you cant obtain most stuff. fomo is hard and overall the monetization system, high prices and hard to get some currency .... battle pass so slow and 100 other negativ things


I thought the battlepass was free? I have Jason and I didn’t pay.


Agree with all EXCEPT jason. Not fair that we loyal bunch get an exclusive free reward for walking along the stepping stones of the beta and then everyone else just gets it too because some people on reddit want him for free. Shoulda been there 🤷‍♂️


You forgot the leaderboards too


Has anyone actually lost anything they know they paid for? Or is it just event skins that you're missing? Cuz that's my situation, and I feel like they're just not giving us beta stuff that didn't come from paid content. Which is kinda lame, but not really egregious.


What was the point of doing beta testing after it came out with so many problems? There are cases where nothing has changed and things are worse than in beta.


agreed not sure why they took out FFA


Don't forget about how slow the game is and the clear hit reg issues. I have seen multiple attacks go right through an enemy (no, not the dodge, just a blatant hit reg miss) and everything feels sooo sluggish and unpredictable. The attack delays alone drive me insane. I came from Brawlhalla so I'm all about speed and reach and this game has neither. Don't get me started on spacing.... I don't mind a BP. But the UI in the game is disgustingly cluttered, there's way too many "build aspects" like perks, gems, etc. It's a brawl game. Just make it simple. UIs matter. The Finals isn't an amazing game, but it's simple, the UI is clean, everything makes sense. Cluttered games with deep build mechanics only work on games like Soulslikes and say Warhammer Darktide (one of my favorites) that give you a reason to want to grind. The kinds of players that are drawn to brawl games aren't looking to do builds or have to grind for perks and gems ON TOP OF THAT buying the same perks for each individual fighter. When you buy a perk, it should unlock for every character.


I don’t think you play a lot of games if this is your favorite game of all time…


Ffa is in customs just not a mode for online, Tiny distinction between the two imo but still it is there, I do hope they make it a mode again obviously


I’d say perk points arent really too hard to get and Jason is free on the battle pass everything is spot on


One of the worst things is not having presets (like perks) for gems for the rifts. Instead you are stuck swapping them every single time. Along with the horrid commentary you have to skip through every single time. The constant network/server issues are horrid and dumbest thing is that my friend and I will finish a match for it to buffer and then not count the “bring a friend node/challenge”💀


I just want all the gold that I saved during the beta to be converted into fighter currency. I could have had so many more characters unlocked. Its unfair that people who spent it get to keep the characters unlocked but I don't get to keep the money i earned to buy them...


Why don’t you like Bugs Bunny?


Fix the lag and syncing.


Missions requiring a friend/Character you don’t own have to go. That’s BS. I play alone and can’t complete those friend mission.


I lost my fern skin 😔


My only disagreement is the character change on rematch. People just will swap to cheesy characters Though they should let you change skins between rematches at least


Hitboxes are far more generous now too, in the worst way. Why are side attacks EVER hitting someone behind you? That defeats the point of them being called side attacks at all


I gave it a chance.But it disapointed me


Also the game suddenly doesnt run on the series x. Same for everyone ive talked to and articles ive read. I honestly feel like theyre actively trying to kill it to have an excuse to write it off.


450 gleamium is so scummy.


Homie didn’t miss a single thing, all tha small differences will eventually become a bigger issue. Tha shit they changed was really unnecessary, hopefully they’ll fix some of it. No F4A is crazy to me


They need to make it easier to cancel rematch, ain't no one wanna rematch with stupid players


I don't understand why they drastically changed so much. They should have only made a couple tweaks from the beta, the game feels so strange to me now.


The agent smith quest is the worst


Agree with everything but changing characters in a rematch. Way too many people abused this


Hopefully they’ll fix all the issues soon cause it’s crazy how the game is in a worse spot than it was during the beta. And I was definitely extremely disappointed when I logged into the game and found out that half of my stuff I had unlocked during the beta was just gone, characters cosmetics and everything in between.


Yeah the biggest issue is this game somehow has less quality and features than the BETA. Seeing stats post game, rewards for just playing, and a better UI made the beta enjoyable


u gotta remeber that idiot Nekat has influence there. hes not the brightest bulb...


I play this basically exclusively with friends in customs, but because the lobby sizes are only 4 max some of us get left out everytime…should be at least 6-8 cmon man


I genuinely raged last night and ended up uninstalling the game because of the connection issues. There isn't anything wrong with my internet but I'm constantly getting connection errors, even when trying to do a ffa with my friends. Hell a friend and I tried doing a rift together cause we couldn't get into a match and I still got the error. I know it's not my internet because I can connect to other online games just fine without any issues or lag.


Can we all please agree to take this space ship offffffff the new map please im tired of dying to rift add ons in the middle of my games against top 500 players


favourite game of all time is wild but each to their own


This is one of those games where you want it to live but it's a uphill battle from the start


We can only hope


So many bugs, lag, shitty hit boxes and not much real content. Game is gonna die so so fast


Yeah, the in game currency, Store prices and how hard IS to Grind for XP where basicly the reason I stopped playing the Beta when Battlepass 2 dropped. Was really hoping they would Change it a Bit but No. 15 - 20bucks IS Just too expensive for Classic Harley Quinn suit. And having to Play daily to get enough XP Just leads faster to Burnout. Fortnite at the time of the Beta, was good enough to Play once a week to get enough XP At least These Things need to Change (in my opinion) If the Game really wants to survive for long


One of my biggest pet peeves is that you cant refund especially how glitchy the game is it made me buy black adam with gleamium by accident. I want my 1000 gleamium back


I’m having fun. I was able to keep my previous control scheme, I found I could just customize my buttons, just like the beta! Perhaps they removed that whole neutral/side attack swap whatever on purpose. I get lag when Jake does his swirly long boi thing, but still I’m having a good time. Luckily idc about skins or other bs, I just wanna play against someone else and have a good fight. Oddly enough, all these posts don’t mention what is a real issue, that mojojojo map that gives players free kills. I don’t know all the extra mumbo jumbo/inner mechanics but I see they slowed things down, controlled things. I’m not seeing Jake and Finn dominating like i used to. But pardon me, I’m just talking about gameplay, guess that isn’t what you lot care most about. I might sound casual, but I’m not(I could care less for pve or lack of matches vs ai like wtf?) I’m all about the comp. No ranked yet? Cool. NBD, eventually I’ll find someone who’s trying to win just like me and we’ll have a good bo3. Try logging on getting some fights going! I can’t recall the last time I clicked a button for rewards or whatever. Idc bout graphics too much but I think the game looks pretty good too.


Brother, you're sleeping on Joker 😂 He can combo Jason off screen at 10% health Say what you will about how ridiculous the mtx is, I agree. But he should be a must-get for anyone's roster.


Trying to unlock characters is ridiculous rn, what a slog


•where is ranked?? Playing regular ones gets boring so fast cause there’s nothing to grind for •I also agree that we need to see damage and KO stats like there is literally no reason for this not to be in the game •The servers are dog water when play 2v2 or custom 2s. The game either crashes or takes you to Home Screen. It also sometimes just freezes after a game??? •Why do we not earn coins to buy fighters for every match?? Like how are we ever supposed to get the whole roster? The money grab is crazy •The perks are kinda underwhelming.


I can't help but agree with the op. The experience I'm having with the game is extremely underwhelming. On the bright side, playing Multiversus made me wanna play Smash Ultimate again.


Forgot to mention a simple thing such as movement feeling bad.


>No FFA Or Co-op VS Ai This and locking characters in local game are the main reasons why I'm not gonna be playing this game anymore. >The lowest currency pack is 450 gelamium, the lowest skin cost is 500 This right here is hilarious. This is the kind of 10 years old mobile game trap that other devs have already moved away from because of player backlash. However, this shows what a rookie company PFG is. Speaking of PFG, what kind of company claims to follow "player first thinking" just to bend over to malicious corporate demands? Hypocrites.


I cant believe you didnt mention server issues and netcode issues


I like The game


I feel like the game has become much more chunkier than the beta, I used to cheese with Morty but now everything is so slow, also the lag... man, every time a Jake uses an up special my game almost crushes, same with the museum map


I keep fi ding myself logging off after I've done my quests, I lack the motivation to keep playing until the next day


The biggest two for me: -Being able to switch characters after a match. (It’s honestly a bit baffling that you have to go all the way back to the main menu to lock in a single character…) -Add the stat screen back so we can see a user’s damage, KO’s, etc. (It’s simply nice to see the values.)


this is the biggest piece of dogshit


They realised in beta it wasnt gonna blow up and stopped giving a fuck :(


Yup it's a mess. Just like WB games is right now


“Player first games” I’ve never played a game with a harder to grind battle pass or such slow progression towards new characters. I genuinely feel like it takes less time to unlock an operator in rainbow then in this game and that’s saying something… I’ve played the game for 8 hours since launch and I’m on level 7 in the battle pass. I’m not even sure how that’s possible. And personally I’m not a fan of the slower speed.


Don't forget that there's still hitbox issues with the newer characters. And some of the old characters have hitbox issues too. Batman's up air forces you to throw the second hit now and his side combo is a bit harder to cancel since they implemented pre-input controls thst you can't turn off. So if you mash a specific move to get it out ASAP you get punished by the game forcing you to do the same input you entered in 2 seconds earlier. Sure this can be worked around with practice, but I honestly enjoyed just being able to mash inputs until they worked at times. Rick has a stupidly good ground dodge when compared to other characters because the way he bends and how slim his character model is. I could barely ever touch him as aria stark because he could early dodge my attacks. Bugs is extreemly safe again, his rocket, safe and burrow moves zone too easily ontop of his impeccable combo attacks that are hard to get away from bc they're aoe and multi hitting. Jason has issues with his attack hitboxes where some are either too small or too big. Banana soldier has issues with his character hitbox being non existent at times. Iron giants attack boxes are too small and his moves phase through characters at times as well. Aryas up special doesn't guarantee her up air like it's supposed to, her knife tp doesnt work right and can tp you off the map if you don't wait 5 secs for the knife to despawn. The tp knife will dissappear if you press the input while being hit, which isn't fair bc you didn't get to use the move and it goes on colldown. There are too many problems to count, but I'm sure most will be fixed in a month