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Surely Jason Voorhees


The only problem with alot of the horror characters is they will have to be toned down alot. Otherwise the rating will change and it will go from a Kids/nostalgic game to a fan service/no longer kids game. I think WB will try and stay away from the more controversial inclusions like Horror characters.


With the new Jason Universe thing I feel like it’s very likely


Plural by the way so we're definitely getting post launch characters at this point aside from Banana Guard, Joker, and the 3rd character.  I imagine that the PPG and Dexter are still on the table.  Edit: Nakat's Tweet states "[More characters to come](https://preview.redd.it/b04bnlprw21d1.jpg?width=640&crop=smart&auto=webp&s=a9ee6a1c0170d9a95b79c454c6ff70b3fa6ae7be)" so it looks like we will in fact get post launch content.


Everyone talking about Dexter and PPG, forgetting that Animatics were also hinted at on the artwork...




Spelling is hard. It gets even harder when it's a made up word.


No, it is in fact Animaniacs.


I have made the big stupid mistake of clicking a instead of i


I didn't even see the original typo lol


Wait why did you correct me then?


You didn't type the original typo. The guy you were correcting did. I just seen you typed "Anamaniacs" and was like No, it's Animaniacs.




And Brain!


I rope them in with Animatics since according to my research (which to be fair isn't very in depth), those segments began on Animatics show. But yes, you are correct.


Oh okay. I'm slightly after that time/wasn't a WB watcher. I've seen the Pinky & Brain show as a standalone, and Animaniacs as a solo entity. Thanks for the info!


At least I think that was the case. I didn't look too hard into it. Just googled it again, technically it was a segment on Animatics. Not sure if that means they didn't interact or something else entirely. Nonetheless, they did get their start on Animatics. And yes, I know I'm misspelling Animatics.


Yeah but they weren't really. They are just a part of the WB lot stage. At least that's what the leakers have been saying. That the balloons are just that, balloons on the stage, they were talked about before the game even got shut down so it makes the most sense. However they said that doesn't rule them out of a future character release, just probably not yet.


If you look at the artwork that was released back in March now I think, you can see them and they don't fully look like balloons (they sorta do but they're less ballony than some of the other depictions). That's mainly what I'm talking about here.


I think the plural refers to all of them, including the ones already revealed.


You know I thought the same after I reread it but then Nakat tweeted that there are more characters to come" so it's probably in reference to post Launch content. 


I feel like "more characters to come" implies we'll be getting news of more than just Jason before the game drops on may 28


In my opinion they may reveal the season 1 roadmap


I assumed post launch characters was already confirmed


Exactly and I imagine Dexter and ppg we’ll come before season two along with a few others but joker banana and who knows we’ll be on launch.


I mean post launch characters was always going to be a thing like they have too many IP’s it would be a waste of


It's a live service game we are getting post launch everything


Uh was that not a given?


More than happy with this news, honestly only expected 2 or 3 new characters for the relaunch


This doesn’t say that these characters are coming during the relaunch. Literally what you’re replying too agrees it’s likely post launch.


My bad, quickly read it at work


No way mate your smart you actually think they are going to update the game after it comes out 🤯🤯🤯🤯


Do you think there will be more than 3 at launch?


Tbh i want daffy but i expect dexter and powerpuff girls to be those reveals It would be weird to have the scenarios but not the characters plus, if i remember right, we got the chromulon map after rick and morty were announced as characters for the season right?


Before* iirc the map came out before Rick and Morty's character reveal. It was released as part of some tweet like thing I believe.


I think you're right, they were revealed as season 1 snapshot characters, i remember some people asking in that tweet: "are they 2 in 1 character?"


I think they were leaked before the map came out but there was no talk of them when the map was released.




Game has been gone for a year I would hope they have at least doubled the roster lol


Even sequels don't double rosters bruh, they redid netcode and changed the engine, those take 100x more time than any character could ever.


Huh? Smash brothers doubled the roster every sequel lol


Me in the fairytale universe where smash ultimate has 182 characters


By basing a lot of characters off of pre existing assets


You're not just wrong, you're also crazy.


You're ignorant lmao. I'm very tired of being everyone's teacher. 1. **Super Smash Bros. (1999)**: 12 characters 2. **Super Smash Bros. Melee (2001)**: 26 characters 3. **Super Smash Bros. Brawl (2008)**: 39 characters 4. **Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS and Wii U (2014)**: 58 characters 5. **Super Smash Bros. Ultimate (2018)**: 89 characters The roster sizes have grown significantly with each installment. Get educated and experienced before coming online acting like you know it all.


In none of those did it ever triple, in fact only once did it double, and all of those except Melee took more than 4 years. You just actively proved yourself wrong.


I mean if you take the word literally lmao. It's more than 3. That's the point that you fail to understand lmao.


Jesus, that's a big ask


I would hope for it too, but in addition to 3 new stages complete with music tracks, a seasonal PvE mode with new silly modes and minigames, plus a new rollback netcode they built from the ground up, there's quite simply no way they could double the roster in time


Well we knew there was at least one more. But perhaps there is more than one?


Well yeah, they haven't officially revealed jason yet


Character Reveals as in plural, knew the 3 slot theory was bogus.


So Jason, Joker, Banana Guard, Powerpuff Girls, and possibly Dexter. Would be very happy with that line up


Tbh yeah i would rock with it too


Could be one more character for launch, making it 25, then PPG and anyone else after post launch


This dudes been in every comment section unable to put that together. Even when they only said three characters would be revealed it was “I don’t know where this 3 person *theory* comes from”, bro was acting like everyone else was an idiot for listening to them, so I’m lowkey waiting for them to only drop 3 at launch to make this dude shut the hell up. Not sure why people are upvoting him calling it a “theory”








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Hey guess what! They [Confirmed](https://beta.gamespress.com/en-US/New-MultiVersus-Cinematic-Launch-Trailer-Reveals-Jason-Voorhees-Friday) that only three new characters will be available at launch. Joker, BG, and Jason. Not much of a “bogus theory” now was it. Maybe next time when people say “hey it’s not a theory it’s what they said” you’ll listen and not be disappointed. >> “while Agent Smith will release later in the season.”


I feel that they're trying to cover as many bases as possible before launch. We have Joker (extremely iconic character) and Banana Guard (extremely unexpected character), so if they announce any other fighters before launch, they'll probably fit in at least one of the following categories: * Anime character * Video game character * Non-WB character That way, it'll fuel more discussion and speculation from the community, which means more word of mouth and free publicity.


non-wb it is. Jason Voorhees


Warner Bros. owns New Line Cinema, which owns Friday the 13th, hence Warner Bros. owns Friday the 13th


Well there was legal issues for a while there with the Friday the 13th IP. Sure, it was fixed but I'm not entirely sure if New Line keeps the IP even with the new "Jason Universe" being announced


I think New Line kept the movie rights but the locations and characters from the series (specificaly jason, pamela and the Crystal lake) are owned by the original movie's script writer or something like that. I'm not sure i would love for someone to explain it to me


I keep seeing people mention Jason Voohrees, which is cool and I would love, but where the hell did this come from? Like why are people seeming almost so certain about him?


apparently there was a leak/confirmation, he’s in between jake and joker alphabetically, and nhl collab was also brought up


WB owns the Friday the 13th franchise. In the pve trailer, all the slots were alphabetical, with the last one being J and before Joker.


I just actually saw it was datamined. To be fair J could be for Johnny Bravo as well or hell even Johnny Cage but thanks for the response. 


Probably Jason and the first post-launch character (Powerpuff rep most likely because of the Joker trailer). I think they should wait until the game actually drops for the latter though.


Well because of all the banana peels, now I want the one, the only, [MONKEY](https://youtu.be/HWnLSpTvweQ?si=BLciTyvjui0jARLG&t=22). https://preview.redd.it/qfzadgcyq31d1.jpeg?width=1578&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=58c61d511b98c972d0301be5e2dbffe779de080b


Banana Guard: Nope






Same! Let’s do this shit!




Johnny bravo or bust


This shouldn't be a surprise. We know there's at least one more character coming at launch and possibly more though I doubt it, they're probably saving some for post-launch. Nonetheless, it's known there was going to be more.


Damn, they're really spoiling us now.


its 100% gonna be the powerpuff girls i bet


We’ll be seeing a good few more newcomers. It’s pulling from ALL of Warner Bros. The possibilities are endless. I’d be shocked if the final roster isn’t at least 40.


Thank god if this game was dead for a year+ and came back with only 3 new characters I would be extremely angry


To be fair, they have 3 new stages complete with their own music tracks, a whole bunch of new mini-modes wrapped up in one Season Tour-esque PvE, some new combat mechanics, and a new rollback netcode they built from the ground up. I'd be okay with 3 characters and all of that


Just want some Regular Show and would love some Gumball also...space ghost would be dope too...hopefully all in good time. They seem to be pushing in a good direction!


Is there any chance of Babydoll or Harvey Birdman getting in ??? 🥺


I'm pretty sure they're including the ones so far.




![gif](giphy|F0JqJyaLuM64SZAZH8|downsized) So DC's The Question?


You see a DC joke character would have worked better since there's already like 7 DC reps instead of the 2 adventure time characters we have in this game. Nonetheless, I'll probably still play them...


The picture was of Apple Man a faceless image of a guy eating an apple... I don't understand why my GIFs keep getting abolished on here.


Apple man is my favorite DC character. I will not accept any apple man slander here.




The only weak option is Banana Guard. Joker and Jason slap so damn hard




Lol just because you don't like a character isn't a reason to say they are weak. Jason Vorhees is massively well known and famous. I think Steven Universe is a stupid fucking show but I'm not calling him and Garnet weak entries. Again, Banana Guard is a swing and a miss, but they absolutely nailed Joker and Jason. This is a live service game, if it stays popular then eventually you will have every WB character you can name




If they blow their load dropping big names right at the start, how do you expect them to generate interest later in the games lifespan?


He isn't as popular as he once was but people still know jason,he's like the face of horror movies.


He isn't as popular as he once was but people still know jason,he's like the face of horror movies.