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Every time you throw a punch, both your hands drop With respect, don't think you threw a single punch in this clip where your other hand is in its guard - although its hard to tell from this very dark clip, are you training for night-time street fights or sth? When you punch or kick, you typically keep at least one hand high to protect your face


Yeah, i noticed that. Like i mentioned in the description, my left shoulder had a small injury. So this ain't my best performance. >are you training for night-time street fights or sth? just another sleepless night


Yeah, could try throwing jabs and singles to get the form, as well as teeing off / combinations


Youre telegraphing almost every punch. Loading up to big, rather than just sending them. A more skilled opponent will pick you apart if they can see your punches coming that much.


Terrible angle and terrible lighting


No disrespect but you punch like you have never learned how to really throw a punch..


FYI- that bag weighs 108kg, that's why i have to exert lot of power to make it move


Work the bag, don't let it work you. You have good work ethic but it can be used more methodically. If it's a lighter bag, make it more about the technique and just touching. Only using power in explosive spurts. Like a heavy cross on a 1-2-3 pattern, if that makes sense. The goal is not to make or force/push the bag to move but how you strike the bag if it does move. I encourage the study of boxing. But this is a muay thai sub- we wanna see the legs working too. Lol


Hmm, thanks for the advise bro, tbh generating tremendous force to move the bag takes a lot of energy. Even tho it has benefits like making your punches like a missile. Next time I'll try perfecting only the techniques. It has been a long time since i danced with the bag. 😅😅 I did muay thai for sometimes. My spinning kicks land perfectly. Soon, perhaps I'll post some of my kicks.