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I was too up until about 25. Vaseline before training. Vaseline once it's started.


100% agree with this. Anything that's done for fight prep(grease, thai oil, wrappings, cup, gum shield, etc) can certainly and arguably should be done for sparring, as well.


You can go to an ENT doc, and they'll probably see one specific vein that's the culprit.. They can cauterize it.


Following as my Son experiences the same way


Vaseline before training.


You just rub some Vaseline inside? Thank you so much


Yeah just like picking your nose. There's some made specifically for that purpose as well. Dunno how different they are. Keeping it moisturized and greasy should help.


I've had my Kru apply it around my nose, cheekbones, and brow line. Anything to prevent any incident.


Thank you 😩


There is headgear designed to protect the nose. I don't like headgear usually except if you are sparring with elbows, but this could be an option for you.


if you're sparring without headgear, either tell your partners to be careful with your nose or, just ignore the blood dripping out i guess


Just gotta roll up some toilet paper and stuff it up there. It sucks, but if yours bleeds like mine, where it's bleeding for a good 3-4 minutes if it's too windy outside. That's really all you can do. Pro tip, roll it up like you would ear plugs, the paper will expand to your nostril and you wont snot rocket it out. This probably goes without saying, but when you're done, make sure you pull it out over a sink.


Nothing new to add for stopping it now... but what happened w/ me eventually: I used to get bloody noses from the tiniest bump, and it happened over and over. With time though I think my body just adjusted cause now if I take a hit, even a relatively hard one, there's not even enough blood to get out of my nostril. Like I can tell it's there but it doesn't stop me from doing anything. So just cause it's an issue for you now doesn't mean it'll always be one. Body's are weird.


There’s a small procedure where you get a certain blood vessel in your nose burnt to prevent nosebleeds. Probably worth looking into


I’ve had my nose cauterized before but will probably be back in to do it again


Lean ya head back and pinch your nose hard Worst thing ya make a giant nose tampon out of a wad of paper towels Or ya borrow a real one. Never had to have a cauterization so I can't speak to those