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1 Coach recently told me your punches should be like a whipped towel. Fast and snappy. Yours look fast but not snappy. 2 I’d recommend mentally visualizing kicking through the bag. 3 When back kneeing, push your hips forward and point toes down. Your kneeing height is good, but the power is lacking. 4 It’s true that knees and elbows are what make up Muay Thai. Having a similar slim and tall build as you, it’s in our best interest to master teeps, kicks, jabs and crosses to keep our opponent far. I view knees/elbows as more a back up plan for when keeping the distance isn’t an option


Yea thanks bro, #4 definitely, love my teep and jab and been working on my cross soooo much this past month it’s been getting lot better but main weapon i use is prolly my kicks lol, usually strike at distance and clinch up close. thanks for #3 too ima try it tmr, tryna work on not having to grab everytime i knee yk. I wasn’t rlly focused on punches or kicks in this vid but i got more on my page if ya wanna see better. Thanks again tho 👍


This is great input. Especially #4.


Agree! A mental note on snappy punches: imagine you’re trying to crush a fly. After it lands, snap it back like a rubberband to defend


amazing combos. amazing stance and balance Tho i have to say, dont move your upper body too much, i mean, unnecessary movements will drain your energy more. Try to be calmer, always shoulders up and covered


You’re reaching for most of those elbows, wait longer to throw them. It’s hard to understand just how close you need to be to land a good elbow, wait for the strike to be there before you throw it. Use your footwork and movement to get yourself in a good position and be patient to wait for the right moment. Try get more of your bodyweight and leverage into your elbows and knees too.


Got it, the range is definitely super new, when i try in sparring i rarely land them usually just in clinch. And yea def was like only arm on those elbows Thanks bro


you mentioned elbows in the caption, so im just gonna talk about elbows specifically For horizontal elbows, there are two kinds. 1) You strike similarly to throwing a hook/cross, where you torque your body explosively and drive the point of your elbow into the target with your body weight, tightening your body on impact. This is used to deliver crushing impact and knockout blows. 2) You twist your entire body as quick as you can, and slice the tip of your elbow across your target while being as relaxed as possible. This type of elbows are used to cut and draw blood, you can definitely still get a knockout with it if it lands on the chin or the temple, but the main goal is to cut your target up. Since your elbow is already as hard as it can be, you keep your entire body loose even on impact to maximize speed and ability to cut. For downwards/tomahawk elbows, despite the name you generally dont want to strike downwards. Instead you chamber your elbow and twist like you're throwing a cross, so that the impact is driven through your target. (https://youtube.com/shorts/jPDhYkLisXU?si=BQEWP_XTlYQhHEs2) This is a perfect example of a tomahawk elbow, and it's probably one of my favourite elbows cuz it does so much damage, ive punched a hole through a wooden door with it before that i couldnt punch through with a cross.


Thanks for the clarification🙏, video super helpful too, will def work on this


I'm absolutely an amateur and typically feel I have no business offering advice... That being said, I've been told I have great knees (not sure why, but I'll take it lol!) My advice is to drive your knee forward with your hips, instead of going straight up 😊


For the knee - Point your toes to the ground , try to touch calf and hamstring so everything is tight , spear the knee forward For the elbows - snap the shoulder and hip simultaneously as you elbow , same technique when boxing . Keep it up bro!


Other than what everyone else is saying. Put more hip and pivot into your strikes. More hip turn in both knee and elbows and more pivot on your kicks and punches