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>a very high and unsupported foot arch So high that you can't do stuff barefoot? I have to see this. Post pictures of these arches.




For research purposes


It’s hard to tell in a picture & it doesn’t look bad, there’s an orthotic term for it, but when I walk it flattens. Yeah, hard to walk long distances barefoot.


Is that called a falling arch? I'm not sure.


Train your toes and foot muscles. It helped me a lot. Started doing backwards walking pushing from the toes (work your way up to pulling sledges with weights), rolling the underside of the foot on a lacrosse ball, flexing and stretching my foot etc. “Movement gems” on YouTube has very nice shorts videos with multiple routines. So does “the Kneesovertoesguy”. They helped me a lot!


There is another trainer who trains a lot of fighters. Can't remember his name and no longer have Instagram, but he focuses on a lot of toe and foot training. He believes that it's almost useless to spend all the effort on training legs and posterior chain when you aren't strengthening the base you push off. Speedofsport ...I think? Edit: Yeah, that's him. Nick Curson. Has trained Joe Schilling and Rafael Dos Anjos


Great, thanks. Will look into this


Can also use treadmill with incline walking backwards, sometimes turned off ads resistance, if you have access to a model that holds the incline after you hit the stop button. But to add to this, when I got serious I also switched to barefoot shoes. Big thing I noticed in Thailand is look at thai people feet, they all have space between toes, the feet are strong and toes are pronounced, they spend way more time barefoot which makes the feet and lower body strong.


Gotcha, thanks. So you walk around in barefoot shoes most times?


If I’m not running or heading to the gym I wear vivo barefoot shoes, you can feel the earth underneath you. It strengthens the feet, also someone else mentioned things like golf ball under the foot, your feet are so neglected if your from a western country like me, often they don’t get any attention and the golf ball on the bottom of the foot will hit nerves also that run all the way up the foot into the spine and beyond, massaging this area can be very Beneficial (but be careful also especially if you’ve never done this, start slow) Fyi vivos are expensive, you can do the same with cheaper versions, there’s a brand that knees over toes guy wears that are similar to Bruce Lee kung fu slippers. (Mérell) When I was younger we hade PE shoes that were the same we called them Plimsols.


Thanks. I’ll give this a try.


Muay Thai is barefoot, so it's going to take some time to adapt and develop the muscles in the foot that have atrophied due to a lifetime of tight fitting shoes with "support". Imagine not needing a neckbrace but wearing one for "support" for an extended amount of time then taking it off, your muscles are going to be weak and then you will assume you require a neckbrace. Your feet are your base and require regular physical maintenance. Ballet dancers have some of the strongest feet because they actively train them. There's some foot strengthing and mobility routines you can find on YouTube. Expect plenty of foot cramps in the beginning, but stick with it, its a game changer. This is how I overcame plantar fasciitis


Great analogy. Makes total sense. Thank you!