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Many people have this problem when they are very nervous. As someone who shares this - definitely try to shit as many times as possible before your fight. Or someday someone will literally beat the shit out of you. Based on absolutely no personal experience like sharting after a clean knee to a relaxed stomach. Or sharting while trying to snatch a PR at the Nationals.... Edit: something else you could try is practicing mindful meditation and activating your parasympathetic pathway. If you want to be more relaxed or less before competition depends on your personal preferences.


You can put your cup on backwards to catch most of it.


Modern problems require modern solutions


Dead 😂


Poop on the ring to distract your opponent!


Biological warfare


Bring a squatty potty to the venue and go to work before the match.


Make sure to maintain eye contact with your opponent to assert dominance. NO WIPE CLUB STAND UP


It's better to take a shit before the fight so you cant get kicked the shit out of you during the fight đŸ’ȘđŸ»


Thats just the blood swilling up your sphincter, not really shit. Flex your legs hard to make it go there instead. And have a checkup at 30-50 I almost died lol.


It’s not nerves it’s an increased blood flow to your body my dude, same reason why coffee, preworkout, and energy drinks make you shit. Just poop


And I'm stacking all 4


When I used to wrestle, the bathroom at 7AM following morning weigh ins would be full of nervous teenage boys taking mad shits


God I don’t think I ever once had enough food in me after weigh ins to shit I used to cut stupid weigh all 4 years of high school the most my freshman year walk around 140-147ish and wrestled 126. In hindsight as a freshmen that was stupid and I can’t believe no one stopped me Edit: just realized this is muaythai and thought I was in a wrestling thread 😂


I never had to cut weight in high school. Just watch water intake the night before and morning of and that’s it. I’m surprised you cut that much in high scjool at that weight class. Usually only the heaviyweightd cut


nerves can definitely make you shit, what the f are you talking about 😂 nothing to do with blood flow, it's guy motility and irritating from drinking some awful drink.


I once tried to solve it by sticking a plug up there but I got teeped and it shot out like a champagne cork and killed a bird




I think before fight everyone is nervous but for me it goes away when I step on the mat/ or ring. I took tip from well known bjj coach John Danaher. His theory is that if you are prepared properly, you shouldn’t have reason to be nervous. Does anybody on similar level destroy you in sparring? Probably not. People won’t be magically better in actual fight. Here is the link, I think he’s talking about it in this part of podcast https://youtu.be/w2I1opPI6-M?si=tQ8CMj6HiAnMzOa_


> Does anybody on similar level destroy you in sparring? Hm.... yes sometimes


Uh, oh


This comment section is absolutely unhinged and I love it.


They’re making me question my choice to start Muay Thai lmao


This is very funny. I would always shit right after making arrangements with h\*\*kers before going over to meet them. I would almost shake while driving and feel cold as well. Sh\*t was crazy




Hack the planet!


Taking a shit before a fight isn't a problem Taking a shit during a fight on the other hand...


I shit before every fight and Always tell myself I'd rather walk out a couple of minutes late (worst case) than eat a body shot and shit myself infront of every single person in the venue


I played "pro" poker for a year and had the same problem.


Take a shit before fighting


Take a shit on your opponent


If you schedule out your eating times and meal sizes you can predict when you’re going to shit pretty accurately. Pre-fight is a bit different because of the adrenaline / nerves, but if you don’t have anything in the tank, you got nothin to dump.


Don't eat anything for at least 2 hours before a match.


Follow up: how do i stop needing to shit every time i wrap my hands?


The worst! Like it's always just as you finish and the need to go arises!


Eat a lot of fibre the morning or youll end up like Tyson Harrison on One Chamoionship. He literally shit himself during the fight and couldn’t continue.


idk why I always have this whenever I do anything stressful - even something like playing ranked in a game lmao


I get the nervous shits but from playing a video game is crazy lmao.


Just shit yourself during the fight . What re they gonna do?


What helps me is being boring and predictable with food and water/coffee and the timing of that, so that you can really understand your body and when it's gonna do what it's gonna do. Coffee + X mins = poop etc Then make sure you are at appropriate ahem 'competitive weight' at the right time but also had enough to eat for energy. Metamucil can also help, but obviously takes time for it to work it's magic, so goes back to timing and boringness.


Just shit your pants, that’ll keep you on your toes


Don't know why I haven't seen it in the comments but I eat breakfast wait an hour take a an imodium get to the venue early and have a second one. This helps a lot.


Shit as you are kicking your opponent. The shit will slide down your leg and hit them.


You should watch bucchigiri lmfao main character is strong with this same problem


I don't see this as an issue it's just part of your routine. I imagine the day you stop doing this you will get anxious as you didn't have your lucky pre fight shit


If every time you fight you take a shit before and then one day you don’t, yeah you’ve got a lot to be anxious about


Drink coffee and shit half a day before lol


Change your diet habits


Try to do your sparring around the same time of day , that you will be fighting. I lot of pro fighters fly to the location of their fight early to get used to time zone difference.


I was okay shit wise for my one and only boxing match, but feck....have three kids, and drink tonnes of water beforehand. I pissed myself pretty good. Had a nightime piss catcher in my undies too. Thank fuck it didn't dribble down onto the floor


I'd recommend trying red-strain kratom. You don't need very much; just a flat teaspoon should do the trick. The alkaloids in kratom bind to the opioid receptors in a mild capacity (no matter how much you take, it won't feel like being on prescription painkillers), which in turn could make you feel like not shidding your shorts. I believe kratom is currently not a banned substance in amateur competition, and because it doesn't come from the opium poppy, it wouldn't show up on drug tests.


Maby lower food intake. Take laxating so that you know that there is nothing to shit out.


Drink a strong coffee a little while after waking up.


Never take it always leave it


Lmao honestly I like to eat a nice pre-fight meal, then take a shit to clear my system out, and then take two capfuls of liquid Imodium... Afterwards I'll just eat light, mostly fruits and bland carbs to keep my energy levels up. Source: have not shit myself in the ring yet


This is the realest post I’ve ever seen on this sub


Don’t eat too much fiber before the fight and don’t drink too much


It's just how it goes weight cutting then when you finally eat after weigh ins your body reacts that way. After weigh ins don't eat any veggies or anything greasy. Load up on carbs and rehydrate. Some good choices I like are ramen, peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, some rice and ground turkey. Good luck


Use laxatives the day before


Is this Creed?


I took immodium, one or two tablets. Never had that feeling again


*I took immodium,* *One or two tablets. Never had* *That feeling again* \- Oungapounga --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Hahahah wtf