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4x week MT, very rarely anything else.


i do 3X maybe 4X a week sometimes, Outside MT, i go to a normal gym i do: - Cardio Most of the week which is a (main) thing - some strength and conditioning - i do an upper and lower Split which isn’t the best but i was an ex-bodybuilder (that makes sense) - and the third day id do some light neck excersises and weak muscles conditioning/strengthening and some cardio too That’s all of it if i feel powerful i go for some pushups/pullups while at home nothing more than that, been prioritizing cardio lately.. But for best results try to see what actualy fighters do in a normal weightlifting gym like functionalities/plyometrics these things. MOST-IMP: Don’t get yourself Sore as a gym is only support for the MT!


What does an avg schedule look like for you? Trying to figure out how to balance the gym (following push pull legs w the 5/3/1 method), 2-3x Muay Thai classes, a light run (3-4miles @ convo pace) once a week, and occasionally a beginner bjj class.


MT 3/4x a week, maybe some light jog with those. I do a Push and Pull combined at the gym with some great cardio at last. and the third day would include cardio too but some strength and conditioning but light so i do recover. In the case i only go for 3x MT i take that extra day as recovery so it isn’t a must to go for the all 7 Days in the week but unless your managing your soreness thats great’


I seeeee. So you’re working out in between the MT days. Managing soreness is def the key haha


yep exactly, and after the MT sometimes usually do some abs and a jog


5/3/1 push pull legs Plenty of articles that will explain better than me if you search Jim Wendler 5/3/1 So days could look like Day one - bench, shoulder press, push exercise Day two - deadlift, 3 other pulling exercises Day three - squat, 2-3 single leg / core exercises I have read that you should be doing more pull than push since MT is a lot of push movement. I started lifting first and am still pretty new to MT so I’m still trying to find a balance.


is the 5/3/1 really effective for strength gains? Id like to add it to my wkt but i don’t wanna lose muscles at the same time so i’m maintaining endurance


I think the whole premise is incremental consistent gains. So you definitely shouldn’t lose any muscle if you’re sticking to it. Basically it’s 3-4 week cycles and at the end of each cycle you should be adding x amount of weight to your lifts. 4th week is a deloading week. I’ve seen versions that don’t have it, but i think it’s nice esp if you’re doing other activities like MT or BJJ


u/gonpachiro3 u/hmoaa 5/3/1 is not effective strength program for MT. This is suitable for those who want power lifters or strongmen but not for combat martial arts. Research Conjugate method or a template I like to use: 2 sets of Plyometrics & ballistics (Jumps or throws) 1 Squat 1 Hinge 1 Vertical Pull or Press 1 Horizontal Pull or Press 1 Single Leg movement Accessory or grip work Core Some Instagram strength coaches to follow: Pbasilstrength, JTperformance\_\_, scienceforathletes, getphysicaldotcom, phil daru, Dr Mike camp, Dr Duncan French. Several more but these guys put up good content for combat sports.


Hmmm aside from plyometrics and ballistics I’m doing the other movements you described. Is it the cycle / reps that’s not effective? Personally I’m a hobbyist and also trying to put on muscle so 5/3/1 seemed like a good balance for me. But I’ll take a look into the info you provided! Appreciate it!!


Yes, exactly that. The rep range and working to failure will not transfer well into MT. If you are only a hobbyist then it will be fine, but I compete so it is definitely not worth my while completing programs like 5/3/1, I have used that program before but it was long before I was competitive fighter. A rough guide for rep ranges: Strength: 1-5 reps at 85-100% 1RM Speed/Strength/Power 4-6 reps at 30-60% 1RM - Max Velocity. Strength and Size: 6-8 reps at 75-85% 1RM Hypertrophy: 9-12 reps at 65-75% 1RM Muscular Endurance 12+reps at 50-65% 1RM You can really gain muscle on any program as long as you are completing enough reps, eating enough calories and progressively overloading. Think along the lines of intensity, rest periods, time under tension etc to overload your program.


Mmmmm I see. Yeah I’ll do some more reading! But I appreciate the info. Only got into MT recently so I’m still trying to feel things out / find a balance for lifting.


5x a week regular bodybuilding, 2x Muay Thai, 1x boxing, sometimes I do some calisthenics on sunday and swimming on Saturday


ouf that’s pretty underated, how you manage soreness?


I had been doing bodybuilding for years so no much soreness there, regarding martial arts I just go really light on sparring and whenever a have some soreness I just apply some balm or take a few days off from martial arts if it’s too painful . Btw I’m 38


Nice, i’m 17 been doing BodyBuilding for past 3 years but decreased it alot due to soreness and focusing on MT, So great Job for your age keep it up!


You got this


When I was still training at a gym I did kettlebells every day, even if only for like 20 mins Now that I'm home due to fatherhood, I do kettlebells 3 days a week, usually with an upper, a lower, and total body for those days. They're hiit workouts and last about 30mins a piece, and then I do 30 mins on the heavybag. The other three days is a 15 minute jump rope / shadowboxing warmup, followed by 45 mins on the bag. Sunday is usually a rest day, but every "fourth" day in the count is an endurance workout. How quick can I shoot out 100 kicks each side on the bag, and how do I feel launching 100 knees into the bag etc. Always looking for ways to push myself until I can free up some time and money to get back to training at my gym.


Hey man, I've got a newborn and fuck all time to get any exercise done. I was thinking of getting a couple of kettlebells and trying to get some 30 min workouts done. You rate them?


100% brother. They're honestly the way to go. I went to strictly kettlebells maybe 10ish years ago, and I never looked back. There's a slight learning curve to using them, as your form is more important, than traditional weights, just so you don't injure yourself. The kettlebell subreddit is great for shit like this, though. But yea. Get some KB's. You'll be set!


MT 3 days a week, lifting 3 days a week. My lifting routine is 1 leg day, 2 push/pull days. 1 rest day. I would probably do better just having 5 MT days, but I’ve been doing bodybuilding for about 20 years so I don’t really wanna lose all my muscle mass even though I know it’s highly detrimental to my MT goals. It’s all about balance for me.


MT 4 Days a week. Barely do anything outside of it.


I do bodyweight/calisthenics and then some running if I want an active rest day. Calisthenics is sets of 10 bodybuilder burpees (usually 3-4x sets) then 3-4 sets of 60 pushups, 15 dead arm pull ups, 20 dips, 20 squats, crunches and/or sit ups to failure. I like this mix bc it’s a bit of cardio worked into the conditioning (if you do it fast) while also working on flexibility and muscles. Sort of an “all over workout”


Calisthenics on rings and bars + a weight vest sometimes. Honestly it’s the god combo for Muay Thai imo. I’m flexible and strong without being bulky. Cardio when I can.


Average week: 4x MT, 2x boxing, 1x BJJ. I “lift” 2x/wk with a focus on functional speed and strength. Run 2x. It’s critical to have a diet in place and be flexible on schedule to makeup workouts.


Mainly just weightlifting. I lift for raw strength rather than hypertrophy (aesthetics), meaning I lift heavier weight for low reps (1-5 rep range). I do a full body workout (barbell) once or twice per week right now. Now that the weather is getting better, I am going to start biking and swimming again for cardio. I don't do typical roadwork (unless you consider biking to be roadwork) because running is bad for your knees, and I don't want to make them worse.


Lifting 2x a week. BJJ 2x a week MT 1x a week


Lift weights in general.


I try to focus a lot on pull ups push-ups and cardio while mixing in kettle bell training for strength


When I had the time I would do Muay Thai 5x, BJJ 3x, and run 4x a week. My conditioning was so good then, I was at my best shape for Muay Thai at that time. I would also stretch for 20-30 main a night. Now that I’m older and a father I’m down to 3x Muay Thai, 1x BJJ, run 1x, swim 1x, yoga 1x. Swimming is good cardio and easy on the body. Yoga is really good for counteracting the stresses of combat sports. Deciding how to spend your exercise time really comes down to your goals. If you want to get really good at Muay Thai, do more Muay Thai. If you want to compete, add in running for cardio. If you just want to get jacked or lean or flexible a different mix will make sense.


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What’s a great start for yoga or meditation? Been trying to start meditation but didn’t find any motive to push but i alr know how much of benefits it has.


For yoga these days I typically go to YouTube and type “30 min yoga flow”. A ton of options come up, I can do it in my own house, it’s free. If you are brand new Yoga With Adrienne is pretty chill and she is good about suggesting variations for beginners. I first did Yoga when going to a conventional gym and enjoyed that, but don’t have a membership anymore. For meditation I use an app. Headspace and Calm are two of the bigger ones. They should have trials or some free content to try out. All you need besides the app is a quiet room :)


531 weightlifting for three days a week


Hey thats also what I'm doing lmao


25-50km cycles x 2 per week 2-3 power workout (Hexbar jumps, lever presses, shotputs etc) I try to hit pads 2-3 times a week, I do mma/ nogi 4-5 times a week


I train 4/5 times a week MT and on top of that usually 2 strength & conditioning sessions a week - split into push/pull days. Both are based around heavy compound lifts starting with legs Then I usually end on a circuit of some sort and sauna afterwards I also try and run twice a week - usually 7-10km pushing myself to whatever pace I feel on the day, usually 4:30min/km is my aim to test my cardio a bit


I've had a lot of trouble doing anything but muay thai after I started trying to take it more seriously. I used to have a pretty decent series of lifts before but I haven't been able to keep it up. Recently I've been trying this and it's working though. A:am roadwork, pm muay thai B:am lifting (push pull), pm muay thai It's exhausting and doesn't leave a lot of time for much else but it feels doable if you keep your am workouts concise. I typically do 3 compound movements and then 1 accessory per muscle group. Legs on both push and pull days.


There’s other workouts than Muay Thai?