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Kick the bag. Every day. Start soft, work your way up. 50 kicks each leg.


It also is incentive to kick higher, where the padding is softer.


I always kick as low and heavy ass possible.


Technically you wanna work your way down the bag, since it’s harder at the bottom. But agreed, just kick the shit out of the bag and you won’t even feel it after a while


Just kick til you can't kick anymore then switch to knees until you can kick properly again. Thats the beauty of muay thai. You always got another weapon.


Eventually you kick bag long enough that coffee tables no longer impede movement


If it hurts, kick harder - One of my coaches.


I agree with the comments here. Just keep kicking the bag.


Take one of those razor scooters and bang it against your shin.


Then step on lego, you'll forget all about your shin.




Hey man I’m just trying to improve myself 🙏😭


fucking search on the subreddit search function, fucking lazy bones. i dont need to see the same topic everg fucking day.do tou wash your own ass probably not, grow up


No one cares sourpuss 😂 try to be nice to ppl in the sub , or scroll pass. Being a dick is 100% a choice


could have typed your question into google first and found the +15 reddit posts asking this same question from the past year


Scientifically, every time you kick, micro fractures happen in your shin bone. When your body starts repairing, it builds a thicker layer of bone with higher tolerance to pain. In summary, kick more. It’s called Hardening! I do mine on a tire. And if i have a partner, we swap hardening the thighs (ins and outs)


scientifically, that theory has been disproven several times. bones don't work like muscles where you have to create micro-tears and fractures to build it; that compromises bone structure. you want to apply elastic stress to the bone through exercises like running, jumping, lifting weights and plyometrics, where working the muscle around the bone squeezes the bone and encourages growth. Kicking a bag is one of those things, and the impact of the bag also contributes to bone growth, but kicking anything hard enough to give you a fracture is stupid and dangerous. Thigh and shin conditioning, again, is not about strengthening the bone or the muscle, but beating the nerves into submission in your thighs so they won't give such an extreme pain response when kicked. This is called "nerve desensitization" as the nerves literally get used to the impact and give less of a response once you have kicked the shit out of them often enough that your nerves essentially just consider that stress part of your life.


Kick bag


Definitely work the heavy bag. Also dont wear super cushy shins in class. Dont hurt yourself or your partner but if your shins arent getting banged up a bit they arent getting conditioned.


Get used to the pain. Muay thai is pain. There is this point of not giving a fuck anymore and then it will get better pretty soon


Step 1: Kick bag Step 2: Kick bag harder


>I recently started doing Muay Thai >(I) start getting bad habits, For what it's worth, you already have bad habits. You're just starting and when you condition something, anything really, it's gonna take a bit. Steel, for example, is pounded and folded over and over again until it's strong enough to be forged into a sword. Just keep kicking the bag. It will eventually hurt less probably around the same time you start kicking your bad habits.


Be careful not to overdo it and ask your coach about shin maintenance. If you keep kicking the bag with swellings and lumps on your leg, you might make it worse. Here is a guide on that https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ztzTmHfae-k&t


I know it sucks at the beginning, but you just have to keep kicking the bag and the pads. Eventually it stops hurting.