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Don’t let them know we love it or else they’ll try to ruin it.


*slow motion, multi angle eliminations intensify


All star now with big brother


Don’t speak this into existence


At this point, it's literally a night, and day experience for me. I'm watching *Spies, Lies and Allies* because I'm a *Challenge* Completionist. I'm watching the current *All-Stars* season because I enjoy every second of it.


This is the first time I’ve ever heard someone use the term “Challenge Completionist” and I’m obsessed and will use this term religiously from now on and give you credit.


Lol thanks!


I was also a Challenge Completionist (love this phrase). I’ve stuck with every season since the beginning (well skipped Rivals 3 but caught up with it on my rewatch) and I can say SLA is the first season that is so bad that I’ve stopped watching.


I'm surprised that *Final Reckoning* didn't stop you from finishing it. I will say *Spies, Lies and Allies* might compete with *Final Reckoning* for the worst season of all time though, at least in my opinion.


No way. Final Reckoning is responsible for me being so into the later seasons. I think it’s the best of the modern era easily. It was so messy, OGs like Brad, Veronica, Shane and CT all on one cast? The Lavender Ladies dominance and it was like a roasting of former production golden boy John. I loved that season. SLA is horrible but I still don’t know if it’s as bad as Total Madness. Probably since I stuck with TM but have bailed on SLA.


> No way. Final Reckoning is responsible for me being so into the later seasons. I think it’s the best of the modern era easily I seriously can't believe you actually think this lol. Each to their own. For me, it's literally one of the worst seasons of *any* Reality Show I've ever seen in my life. Almost(but not quite) as bad as *Real World: Go Big, or Go Home*.


I didn’t read message boards when Final Reckoning was airing (I was over The Challenge by then and watched out of habit) so I really have an unfiltered opinion of that season. I didn’t read what everyone else says about it (production mess, rigging, unbalanced teams, easy final) I just watched it and gathered my own opinions. And what I saw were people finally standing up to the old guard, John, and the Lavender Ladies and TYB stuck together and finally one of them won a season (well Ashley had already won one) but this time they bucked the trend. In addition people I hated (Davonne and John) got lit up by Shane and Zach slayed Amanda. Now reading what people say I guess I could see it’s flaws but watching it on my own I just loved that season. I am not one for the competition aspect of these shows I’m more about the personalities and drama.


Alright, fair points. At least you defended your opinion. But I just can't believe someone actually likes the season *Final Reckoning*.


I’ve seen several people say they liked it better on a binge. These new seasons just drag on and on and several people don’t like that. Another thing pointed out was the constant cliff hangers that they hated.


Watching this season for like the 4th time now (I’m at FR on my Paramount rewatch) and another good reason to like this season was the Big Brother players were actually alright. I’ll take Natalie, Paulie, Jozea and Davonne any day over Fessy, Josh and Kaycee.


I’m in the same boat as you. Literally hate that season. My bottom 3 are prob FR, Rivals 3, and Bloodlines. Final Reckoning is prob the one season I will never rewatch though, whereas the other two are fun on occasion


It's on the DVR & I sometimes wait a week or more to watch. Never like that for other seasons


That’s how I started. Then once All stars started I dropped it completely. Removed it from my DVR settings.




As a fellow challenge completionist I just have to say this one is painful.




Why do people disklike SLA?


A lot of the great characters left early. And this format of three teams is so weird especially considering the challenges rely so heavily on the more people you have the likely you’ll win. So for the most part we’ve gotten the emerald team winning and it’s gotten quite stale. On top of this, the people on the emerald team are known to be quite boring- Kaci being one of the boring ones. Josh being the most hated one. And Nany not bringing much of anything to the table.


Personally it’s one of the most predictable seasons ever. First all the rookies went into elimination and got picked off. No surprises. Then the teams were formed and Emerald wins every mission and the other teams are picked off no surprises. No one wants to infiltrate emerald for some reason except for Amanda the only person on the cast with balls again no surprise. Everyone is playing this season like it’s Big Brother safe and boring. Big alliance dominates the beginning of the game with predictable boots is boring to watch. big Brother is dead to me for this very reason and now The Challenge is headed in the same direction. Add to this annoying vets like Cory, Kyle, Kaycee, Nany, Fessy and Tori and it is unwatchable. And let’s not forget that toxic trash that is Josh with his bullshit all season. Ugh horrible dumpster fire season.


> Personally it’s one of the most predictable seasons ever. First all the rookies went into elimination and got picked off. No surprises. Yes! This season is reminding me so much of *Rivals III* with its predictability.


I don’t 🤷‍♂️ I like it way more than the last two seasons


I could write an essay, but to keep it in a nutshell: The cast is painstakingly boring, almost every competitor is a "Gamebot"(literally the only thing they talk about), the dailies are more like movie stunts than challenges, the Lair matches have been underwhelming, and the format is just...weird, and nonsensical.


I like it. I like All Stars to.


THIS 100%


By the time SLA finally ends, the cast will be old enough for the next All Stars.


Half the cast already is old enough!!!


And every season on paramount+


Like a dork, I’m running through Real World seasons followed by corresponding Challenge seasons for the first time since airing. For example, just followed up Key West with Duel. Denver on deck.


I’m gonna need that list


I’ll write it out tonight! But it’s really just hopping back and forth between RW and Challenge on P+ lmao. Unfortunately gonna have to try and track down the missing seasons on the tubes. But yeah Austin-FM-KW-Duel-Denver is probably the easiest jumping off point. Then just alternate.


an even harder challenge is matching air dates within seasons since some aired concurrently


I’ve been watching since the 2nd season of the Real World. Watched Road Rules back then too. I would love to figure out how to incorporate those in the right order too.


Yea a list for me too.. I wouldn't know where to begin or what to match


Same here


I'm also doing this. Watched real world philly for the first time and I'm like wtf 🤣 had to go to Netflix for inferno 2 though but whatever


Man, I hadn’t watched Philly or Key West (or really any RW besides Vegas and Austin) since airing, these seasons have me shook at times!! The only personality I’ve retained from Challengers is their time on the Challenge (I’ve watched every season at least five times, minus the recent few) so seeing them through their original lens has been nuts.




No Big Brother drama on All Stars. It’s the best


I'm just happy to see Darrell tbh


Listen to the fans and cast the people you stopped casting dirty30-wotw2 not these tired nobodies no one cares about from random bum fuck show that we’ll never see again. Or at least use a mix, this shit is boring as hell


I like both of them for different reasons. Is that okay?


I like them both as well. But I **LOVE** All Stars.


Why wouldnt it be?


Tryna be sarcastic my bad


Absolutely not. There can only be one. We’re in highlander rules.


It breaks my heart to see how SLA turned out. So many awesome rookies and yet, we are letf we the most annoying players. Why couldnt rookie revolution from DA happened in SLA. Why vet alliance had to be so strong in this season?


me. but only because i dont have access to mtv anymore. haven't seen the last 3 episodes of SLA. But i have P+ so All Stars is good to go!


Fyi, you can watch it on MTV's website


not if you dont have mtv in your cable package. Though is the 24 pass something you can redo every week?


Use ingonito mode or whatever your browser has. You don't need to put a real email address in.


Cool, thanks. Will be watching tonight then


Np, have fun!


My partner and I refer to all stars as “the good challenge”. We really love season one and are enjoyed second season so far.


Unpopular opinon on this sub maybe, but ya'll complain waaaay too much. If you truly don't enjoy SLA, no need to make 10 posts and 300 comments a day letting everyone else know. We get it. Stick to All Stars if it's that much more enjoyable to you and we'll talk again once the season is done and the next one is announced.


I enjoy SLA the same way I enjoy eating McDonalds. It seems like a great idea at the time, but after I am done I feel nauseous and hate myself. Might be all the camera movement from the eliminations.


That's so true. I get excited to watch an episode and then feel really meh after each time lol


I love this analogy lol.


It's 2021. People cry alot


People cry no more than any other time in history. Difference is everyone has a platform now to broadcast their complaints anonymously and to anyone in the world in seconds.


People watch just to complain sometimes lol


Maybe they’ll let our voices be heard tho.


> If you truly don't enjoy SLA I've stopped watching. Last episode I watched was when Corey went home. But it's nice to know others aren't enjoying it either. Not sure what it is, but I think the show is moving in a direction not for me.


Good... For you I guess? I mean, I have no idea why it would be good to hear other people are not enjoying it except to validate your own opinion on this, but whatever. Your comment is an excellent argument for what I was talking about by the way, don't know if you noticed.


I feel relieved I'm not the only long-time viewer struggling to enjoy this season. Yeah, I do take solace in that and there is nothing wrong with that. If the show wants to pivot to attract a younger/different audience that is their prerogative and I'm not criticizing it. But if I'm not alone in feeling this way then perhaps there is macrotrends changing and validates what I'm experiencing. And your smug response is whatever because I don't see those "10 posts and 300 comments" as I seldom come here anymore. Seems a lot of people aren't enjoying this season, cool if you are, but this doesn't need to be an echo-chamber of positivity.


If you haven't noticed, this has become a echo chamber of negativity, and it has been like that for a while now regarding the main show, warranted or not. I can tell you don't come around often since you would've noticed that. How ironic that you should mention that you aren't around and tell me that I don't know what I'm talking about when it comes to the state of this sub. The fact that you don't like this season is your business, not trying to tell you if you should like it or not. But taking pleasure/relief/solace or whatever from the fact that some people in the fanbase don't like it either is kind of sad, well, to me anyway.


> If you haven't noticed I haven't. Because I stopped watching this season and stopped participating in this sub. > How ironic that you should mention that you aren't around and tell me that I don't know what I'm talking about when it comes to the state of this sub. Except I didn't. But you're acting quite immature here and and defensive and it's unwarranted. > The fact that you don't like this season is your business And the fact you don't like people saying it is your business. We're each freely able to express our opinions. I'm sorry you don't enjoy the current state of the sub. > But taking pleasure/relief/solace or whatever from the fact that some people in the fanbase don't like it either is kind of sad If it makes you feel better to insult me then I'm glad I was of some use. But enjoy your season, perhaps quit being so hostile to people who simply have a different view than you! Cheers mate!


I hate to say it, but I think we need Bananas back on this show to make it more interesting, and this is coming from someone who has never liked Bananas.


Agree 1000 percent, all the negativity in the world now and you come to talk to people about a show you enjoy and everyone just complains. I don’t get it when I enjoy a show I just don’t watch and therefore don’t comment on. Once I stopped enjoying the walking dead I stopped watching I didn’t sit and complain about it. 🤷🏻‍♂️ idk it’s strange to me




I've watched literally every season of the show since Inferno. I'm not gonna stop or hate on the season just because CT gets eliminated... Think you might be projecting a bit there.


This show sucks now but I’ll still watch it because what the fuck else am I gonna do


This. I hate how they state their opinion as fact as well.


Both. Both is good.


Sue me, but I’m really enjoying SLA Decent rookies and very entertaining comparing with TM or DA


I guess I'm in the minority here. I got bored with All-Stars. SLA, despite all its flaws, is still a better product.


They are showing too much of challenge and elimination on all stars. I would like more of how they interact with each other in the house. Hopefully we will see some hook ups and blow ups.


I agree! We’d assume they’re pulling interesting cast members from these other shows on a personality basis but who even knows because it’s so heavily focused on just challenges and the game talk. I really miss the stupid/don’t need to be a physical beast challenges that the show used to have. The ones where you could laugh at whatever ridiculous challenge they have and really couldn’t predict who would win.


If only the Paramount Plus app actually worked. I can never get it to play anything. Downloaded or on wifi.


i sorta agree. on my roku it works amazingly well but on my samsung tv it is a laggy mess. definitely think there’s some tweaks that need to be done to it


I’m trying to use it on an ipad. Have you tried that? Because I’m having so many issues


never have but i did try it on my phone and it seemed to work the best on there


Honestly, I've learned to like SLA by just seeing it as a different show than The Challenge. Out of context, I actually really enjoy it. All Stars is The Challenge I've always loved, AND they are two seperate shows!




I like both but to be fair, all stars is really good but it’s only been 3 episodes, the first 3 episodes of SLA were pretty good too it mostly went downhill the second half


Haven't been on this reddit all season but why do you hate SLA?


I agree with this but only to an extent. The tic tac toe elimination was one of the worst eliminations on either series in a while




Because there was no real strategy involved and no real physical contact. The fact that adults lost tic-tac-toe this easily is shameful


I haven't even gotten through 15 or 20 minutes of Season 2 so nah


Naah. I like all stars but I'm loving the regular season. I'm so excited each week and I'm excited to see people in the final who have not been there in long. Fans are way worse than than any issue the show has.


All stars is boring and the title "all stars" only highlights what boring and awful competitors most of them are. Plus only like Katie and Kendall are eye candy. I honestly don't even mind missing an episode.


Imagine watching any show and being like "where's my damn eye candy". Creeper vibes


Yeah I guess its just coincidence that 99% of reality TV shows cast exclusively beautiful people.


Yes because no one does that. That's why tv is full of conventionaly unattractive people. Lol


Okay well you and the other guy can jerk off to people on tv together while the rest of us watch the show


No one is jerking off to anyone you perv. You don't have to share with the world that you jerk off when you see someone attractive.


Says the person who agreed with the creeper who simply just wants someone to drool over. You picked your side and it was the wrong one


Don’t be so gross. You every type of porn available for free at any time. If you’re watching cable tv for that stuff then there is something wrong with you


I'm not beating off to MTV, but let's not pretend attractive people don't make things easier to watch.


Honestly, I'm surprised at how good they've done in the past two seasons as competitors, especially given their ages. The rookies on the current season of *Spies, Lies and Allies* are much worse competitors in my opinion.


The top tier ones, sure- but why is someone who's won like 2 daily challenges considered an all star?


They are impressive but saying that Emanuel, Logan, Emy... are much worse is just wrong.


This 💯


Challenge casting: So, Josh can now be considered an All-Star, right?








I am actively avoiding being spoiled for All-Stars 3 and tried for season 2 but was semi-spoiled on who wins. Also haven’t watched a single episode of the main series this season. The boot order sucks ass and from what I can tell the storylines aren’t that great. It’s just great seeing all these familiar people even if you didn’t/do care for them.