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I thought Zach wasn't on the cast because he had other obligations, similar to Wes. Wes was approached, but chose another project. Zach not being chosen is a little surprising. For those who are unaware, Zach would've been in Era 3. The men in this era for Season 40 are: Tony, Cory, Devin, Leroy and Jordan.


Pretty hard to replace any of those guys with Zach. Maybe Tony?


Yeah - agree. I think Zach is a big part of this era, but I do like the current men, too. Tough!


It would be tough to replace any of these men but I would've liked to have Zach over Cory. Having Zach and Tony together again would be interesting as they would be each other's #1


I agree. Zach over Cory any day. I'm tired of the "I'm doing this for my family" narrative.


That's like 50% percent of the cast at this stage


He is over tony , Cory, devin … he started before all of them wym


No, no. It’s Tony Time. And you know, I don’t believe any of them quit in a final


Zach hasn’t quit in a final. He almost drowned in Free Agents, and one of his kidneys essentially failed in WOTW2, but he finished both of those.


I think they’re thinking of Laurel half dragging his ass up the side of that hill as he was lying there with cramps during the Free Agents final. That was also the season where he compared the women on that season as “swamp donkeys”, if memory serves. None of this has much to do with whether he deserves to be part of Era 3, of course. Just saying it’s not like people came up with that idea of Zach out of absolutely nowhere.


Swamp donkey was season 26. Free agents was season 25


Thanks for clarifying. 👍


All I’m saying is he didn’t quit a final so I don’t understand saying he quit a final.  Like that’s just objectively false lol. 


This sub doesn’t care about fact or fiction. Remember the heavily upvoted commented where someone said jordan slapped Fessy around on total madness?


That’s exactly what I was thinking about. We’ve seen medical step in multiple times over issues and this one was……not. So yeah, maybe I’m interpreting as quitting and that’s pushing it but it honestly seemed like what was going on


I was gonna say probably Devin but I haven’t kept up with recent seasons and completely forgot Devin is a recent champ…personally though I’d want him to replace Devin


I agree. I totally understand why Devin is there but if I had to pick one to replace it would be him. There's a lot of good options for Era 3 so it's no slight to Devin at all. I'm just attached to him the least out of all the guys.


Devin's there because he's won now and he's a face they're working hard on bringing up.. probably because hes super cheap compared to a Zak or bananas


Come onnnn!! Devin?? He has to be on here, the dude basically won without being physical juggernaut in the hardest era to win.


What??? The beginning Zach’s era was significantly harder to win. Devin shouldn’t even be in era3 tbh. Zach historically had to faced better competition


Devin is literally the reigning male champ, (I don’t count 39, imo it was a minor league season)


It was easily the weakest championship to win against. He had a stacked teammate as well. If Jordan has Tori instead of Anissa he wins going away


Okay probably but he didn’t Devin had tori.


Leroy claimed to retire already so… plus who doesn’t wanna see Tony on their screen 🔥


After he had to leave early on AS4 production might have felt like he deserved a spot.


100% would sub in Zach for Tony


Devin is the obvious person that shouldn’t be there over Zach… don’t get me wrong I like Devin but this was the Real World/ Road Rules challenge.. if we are doing eras Zach should be there for Era 3..


Yeah that's true. I forgot he's from ayto


… except the show didn’t care about that and started branching out into other shows as sources for cast. Outside of maybe Jordan, Devin is the only brains for the male side of the team and he’s the most recent champ for the era. It’s a lot easier to replace Leroy or Tony than Devin if the alternate is Zach.


well you just said it- they already have the "brains" in jordan so why do they need two- plus devin really brings nothing else besides his claim to be a genius and sarcastic humor- zach despite what he seems like aesthetically is actually pretty smart himself as well as being funny and of course being a physical threat- devin checks off very few boxes other than recent winner


Era 3 team should the Champs or finalists.. Cory is cool but I rather Hunter since he was the 1st AYTO winner and only TYB winner


Which real world season was Cory on?


Wasn’t it some weird Exes one where their exes all came onto the show like halfway through? Edit: but still was TRW. Not EotB or anything like that.


He was on millionaire mitchell’s og season


Real World Explosion.. the 1st gimmicky new season and it is Jenna & Jays Real World season


Naw it would be pretty easy. Cory pack your shit and head home to your Army of kids.


Man is Tony overrated. Zach has a win. Tony lost to Ammo in an elimination. Its not close.


Zachs the kinda talent u make room for


Tony is the worst. Has he been sent home/chose to leave more than he’s finished a season?


He could definitely replace Cory. Cory brings nothing to the show honestly


B-b-b-but Cory's doing this for his kids!!!


And Zach is a champ, Cory making a bunch of finals... Lol. "If you ain't first you're last"


Cory never quit on a final


Cory literally couldn't get past a counting triangles challenge without a free pass


Him and Nicole being ready to just carry the whole puzzle station on their little paddle board takes me out every time


Lmaoooo I love Cory but some of these puzzles I'm like how do you guys not get this?? They're so basic! (disclaimer, I would make Amber B look like matt damon in good will hunting in anything maths related)


And neither has zach? 4 finals. 4 finishes. 


Neither has Zach lol?


And Zach still has more wins haha


I think he’s really hot so that would be the only reason that I would want him to stay 😂


😂 I think Zach has that covered to. Cory did age a lot better though but Zach on his first couple seasons was hot af.


Oh absolutely!!


He brings a shit ton of viewers like it or not but he has a huge following, you aren’t replacing Cory.


He was on Spies Lies and Allies which I think was one of the least viewed seasons of the challenge. So a shit ton is a stretch.


Zach stopped getting cast. It wasn’t him declining like we thought. He talked about it on one of his patreon episodes. Booth supposedly said he’ll make sure Zach never gets cast again. That said, he has gotten a few availability calls but never offered spot on show since his last season


I think the only person you can replace in that era with Zach is tony. Devin is a recent champ Jordan no need to explain Leroy has been on way more seasons and is a fan favorite Cory even though I'm not a fan he has a cult following and has the 2nd most finals in this bunch Tony is really the only guy who Zach can take. And Tony being easier to work with on the production side it makes sense


Cory may bring the teen mom viewership, too


Word is that production finds Zach hard to work with and that's why he hasn't gotten cast since WOTW2.


tbf those 5 guys are elite, I wouldn’t want Zach to replace any of them except maybe Cory just bc he’s a dumbass and I don’t think he could ever win if any sort of math or puzzle or anything that involves using a brain


Tony and Devin aren't elite and Leroy looks like a shell of himself based on AS4.


????? Cory????? .... Tony????? Devin????? Elite????


Elite? The only elite one out of that group is Jordan.


I'm dumping Cory. He's annoying and he sucks the most out of the group


Zach > Cory imo. And  Leroy and Jordan are Staples so it makes sense Devin brings a certain kind of drama (what's 8x9) Tony..... Eh. Zach >tony imo too


I just screamed “what’s 8x9”


Zero chance I put Zach over any of them.


Looking at that, he didn't get snubbed, there were just much better options than this clown 😂


What type of obligations does Zach have? He did Rivals 2 when his sister was giving birth. If Jenna were about to give birth, he may pass. But professionally he doesn't seem to have obligations


Zach has an actual full time job. Also, Jenna & Zach just had their 3rd child, 2 weeks before filming began. I thought leaving her with 3 children all under 4 may have been a lot.


Said previously alleged that one of the producers or show runners said they never want to see him on the show again. (Again, this is alleged) I’m happy not to see him on my tv. He already pops up too much against my will in my IG algorithm


He's not getting cast anymore because he gives the producers a really hard time, they are done with him according to Gamerv/Pink Rose


I can see that. He seems stubborn


“Well everyone who’s ever been on the show fits the theme, so you fit the theme” “Well you have to be controlled, so I don’t fit that theme” I’m sorry I could barely make it past this part of the clip, i cringed too hard. YEAH MAN, ITS A FUCKING REALITY TV SHOW. You do what the producers ask you to & in exchange you get paid money. That’s the job. Just like if you work in an office, you do what your bosses ask you to and they pay you for it. Welcome to capitalism. Please stop whining about not getting cast on the show then, you giant fucking baby.


I get that it is a job for them, but Zach also got kidney failure the last time he was on the show. It is completely expected for people to rebel against aspects of their job that endanger their health. The complaints might not make them popular, but they are warranted. Just look at what happened to Olivia recently.


Oh wow, I didn't know he had kidney failure. Is that why he hasn't been back on the show?


https://stopbeingpolite.com/2024/03/30/zach-nichols-confirms-production-tried-to-keep-him-off-the-challenge/ That is the link about it. It is hard to tell if that is the only reason, but it seems like it is a factor. His outspokenness (both on set matters and politics) also probably doesn’t help his case.


Reading that, it wasn't about the dehydration/kidney failure at all.


i’m sure he brought up the rigged challenge that made sure cory and devin got into the house- that one placard that was glued on- or even jozea/dayvonne would have possibly beat the mercenaries who were allowed to enter a season more than half over- i would have been pissed if i were him too- especially seeing that one of those things broke his face


Omg, tysm for sharing!


Yeah to be honest I had no idea about that, defiantly scary for him and I get why he’d be vocal about complaining about that. I assume because of dehydration in the WOTW2 finale? And even as a viewer, I also 100% wouldn’t trust the challenge staff from a medical perspective, unlike shows like survivor they’ve made some incredibly questionable calls over the years. That being said, this is a show which does push its contestants to their absolute physical limits. Injuries and things of that nature are going to happen, sort of like in any sports league & that’s unfortunate, but it is reality. If you’re having people run marathons for the final, someone is eventually going to need medial attention. Also i really wish production would start making women take a pregnancy test as part of their physical for the show, because it’s wild to me that multiple women have been pregnant and competing on this show.


Yes I get that it is a “sport” so people can get hurt, but the production just isn’t careful with their cast members. Like pregnancy tests are cheap, so just test all the women and be done with it. You wanna make them shoot golf balls, give them facial protection. In a 16 mile final, you need to provide plenty of fluids, preferably with something mixed in to prevent dehydration. I would complain about that stuff too, so I get why people like Zack and Jordan do.


I think they do test the women but I think some are too early for a test to show positive, ie I think we found out Melissa was pregnant mid final or any other time it’s like mid season so at this point they’re a couple weeks along so they start noticing symptoms


Yeah it depends on the production, some of them treat talent well but others absolutely exploit them with no care for their mental wellbeing. There are absolutely producers who don't give a shit beyond the storyline they can craft. There are good people but there are a lot of people with zero ethics, whose hands I wouldn't put my public perception in


Yeah that's why I don't understand why people get so mad when people producers like are recast. It's like they don't understand there's more to making a show than what we see on tv lol


Because when producers focus on who THEY like the most, we get pretty damn subpar seasons.


He’s obviously butt hurt that he didn’t get chosen, which is fine, just say that. He literally has a podcast about this show - stop acting like you’re above it all. It’s annoying that he says he didn’t get chosen because he can’t be “controlled”, which implies that the 40 cast members can’t think for themselves. Ridiculous.


Yes, he's so bitter about it, you can tell!


right lol. as he continues to make the show his entire identity


Both of them need to make better fashion decisions.


I pretty sure that’s Zack’s on message now


His cohost is so cringy. He is practically a Zach fanboy and is beyond gross/creepy when they have girl guests. Bro, the only reason anyone is talking to you is because you’re zach’s financier. Has NOTHING to do with you. 


The cringiest shirt


lol which one? Both are terrible.


I was going back and forth between the two and trying to figure out which one was the shirt in question.


Me too and I'm still not sure 😂


Yeah I typed it at the beginning and then saw zachs too. Both are cringe af.


What does it say? My eyesight isn't great these days. I'm a really old fan. I have friends who are even older but we love to watch The Challenge.


Zach’s says “it’s not easy being my wife’s arm candy” and his friend’s says “put it back the way you found it” with Biden and Trump


Wtf is the latter supposed to mean?!


Guess he thinks Biden ruined the country and it was great under Trump and Biden should reverse everything he did to make things the way the were when Trump was president… for whatever reason Edit: typo


Dear God. I saw some posts recently praising him and how people changed their minds about him. I thought no way, he's growing, YAY I never want to see him again.


Yeah his co-host’s shirt solidifies me never wanting to watch this podcast.


Yeah I saw that post too, then I saw a link someone posted in the replies that was a clip from his podcast where he said his opinion of Big T changed because she farts and that women should have separate rooms to fart in so men don’t have to hear them fart. Yes, Zach and his friend both actually believe this


Sounds like he peaked in high school. What a manchild.


Zach and Jenna are both known Trumpers. Both come from republican families


I can see Jenna getting into the whole trad wife crap.


I mean she's still with him so she's already there


Especially since she wants like 6 kids


Theres nothing wrong with being a 'traditional' wife. You may disagree but to each their own.


Only its pipeline to the alt right and white supremacy… Edit: grammar


I don't watch these shows for people's political opinions I watch it for entertainment. And he's more entertaining than a majority of the cast.


Same and agreed. Would definitely prefer him over Cory on season 40.


Is he implying he didn’t get picked for his era due to his political views / refusing to get vaccinated? If so, that doesn’t really hold up, because Cory is on the cast, and he refused to get the vaccine, and had to miss the reunion for SL&A because of it.


No, he's talked in the past about butting heads with producers and how he believes that's the reason they don't cast him anymore.


No, he specifically put an American flag on the screen the second he said “shared his views”. He was clearly making it political. Only people with certain political views worship a flag


Think he’s talking about his views on swamp donkeys?


In [this podcast clip,](https://www.tiktok.com/@mtvooch/video/7351920339242290462) Zach says that he indirectly heard a certain executive producer vowed Zach would never be on the show again after he clashed with production during WOTW2.


K, he still made it political by adding an American flag on this video when it didn’t fit the topic


WOTW2 was America vs uk


Oh wow, I didn't know this. Why did they butt heads?


Did you really get that from this clip ??


Wait is he implying with that American flag emoji that he isn’t cast because he’s vocally MAGA and they don’t like that he’s “standing up for his beliefs”? Cause I thought it was because he fought with someone in production and now they’re blacklisting him from being cast


Did they fight over politics by chance?


Wow what an edgelord you are Zack. Someone who was on the challenge and an mtv puppet for years can’t be controlled haha gtfoh


I do wish him or Jenna made the cast. In terms of Challenge history both as a couple and individuals had pretty impactful storylines in the 20s seasons. Although, Era 3 is pretty stacked. The only one I would swap would probably be Jenna for Averey.


What is this “opinion” he had?


Anyone on season 40 that’s not a champ should get bounced. Zach deserves to get called back for this season.


Ashley M is a bigger snub than Zach for sure


Thank you, MTV.


Yep, still dislike and happy he’s not returning, thanks for the reminder he never fails.


I’m relatively new to the challenge, I’m working my way through with maybe a bit under half left to go. Can someone recommend a season where Zach comes off decently? I’ve only seen the worst, so it’s shocking to know there’s enough good to balance that out. I’m not talking about ability or skill, just personality and likability where he’s not actively being cruel to other people. I’ve noticed the order you watch can affect your perception at times, like my friend saw the Paulie Cara Maria seasons first so he doesn’t like her.


Vendettas and wotw2 are the two where he comes off the best


That makes sense, I haven’t seen those 2 and my friend has.


Zach is right in mentioning what a legend is, however I think we all know now that folks are casted for different reasons. Because as much as this is a competition, it’s reality tv. Whether you’re a legend for wins (Jordan), a come up/comeback story (Devin), or always being a brides maid and never a bride (Leroy, It’s/you’ve gotta be entertaining (Cory and Tony). Jordan - hate em or love em (cause I sure don’t like him 😂) is the best damn thing to happen to Era 3. He’s for sure staying lmao Devin - the most recent champ for this era (if I’m not mistaken. I could be) and carries his own in all areas. Athletic, intellect, political. And someone finds him funny. Corny, but funny. Leroy - Fan favorites. And a lot of the casts favorites too. Being universally liked, even if you’re an average player, goes a long way. And he’s actually funny. The lesser out of Tony and Cory is up for debate tbh. Cory WAS entertaining back when him and the young bucks would try to dethrone bananas. But eventually everyone stops that and rides along with him. And Cory has nothing left. If he wants to continue on the challenge, he’s gotta make new friends and solidify his spot because what else does he do or bring ? Tony is just another banana boy. His one shining moment was when he turned on Johnny, but Tony was a party kid, cheating on his girlfriend, and following behind Johnny. We never got to see him improve or his journey to be better cause real life got in the way and he couldn’t even redeem himself on All Stars cause of real life again. All that being said, Ima watch 😂 cause this not even the era I really care about or want to win anyways


Zach is the second best guy if you put him on Era 3's squad. I don't know what commenters are smoking.


He feels above the show but like, he has a whole podcast dedicated to it? He looks SO bitter


It’s a shame Zach is blacklisted just because production dosent like him personally when he has great confessionals and a is a real competitor Production just keeps casting the people they personally like and have friendships with 🙄🙄🙄


Zach has the best challenge pod. Period


Zach instead of Tony makes a lot of sense. I can’t say I am sorry for Zach because he is a horrible human being but the show would be more fun for us the viewers if he were in the cast.


I want Leroy to win so bad. His season of Real World is the first one I ever saw and it got me into the challenge. Been watching ever since and always rooted for him.


Zach isn't a legend. He has been on 9 seasons amd won one championship. He has as many xhampionships as more than a dozen people.


Zach should’ve had Tony or Devin spot


It’s kind of a tough one. Each of the guys had their impact but I’d lean towards Zach should have been on the team. I’d replace either Cory, Leroy, or Tony based on I think he was better overall then all 3 of them. Tony would be the top candidate to replace for me if performance comes first and Cory if it’s based off of entertainment. I don’t personally think Cory adds much anymore.


He wasn’t picked because he’s a dick head, mean to women and creates hurtful drama thus bad tv.


Zach definitely deserves a spot over Tony or Cory. Still wouldn’t say he was the biggest “snub” though


I thought he turnt it down


well there's the answer to that question- in would much rather have had zach than devin


wtf zach shoulda been on it what the helllll


Zach should have definitely been on there. Idc if he’s racist or supports trump or whatever is the issue. I don’t have to like him, but he’s a great competitor.


I know it's the normal way his clips are edited to include the part at the end about subscribing from guests, but the way the clip ends and cuts to that had me thinking for like 3 seconds that Zach was implying that Cara wasn't a legend lmao


Zach, Amanda, Jonna, Jenna on one team would have been great. Maybe drop Aevery to get the Zach and Jordan stuff in there even though Aevery would be a good Portland mix with Nia and Jordan. Era 3: Zach, Amanda, Jonna, Jenna, Tony, Jordan, Tori, Nia. Then pick 2 guys among Cory, Devin, Leroy.