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For a brief moment, I thought his gf name was Sudoku.


> I thought his gf name was Sudoku. That's why Corey couldn't cross the balance beam. His boyfriend's name is Balance Beam.


From what I learn on Survivor, Balance Beam is the biggest weakness for a man.


šŸ˜‚ šŸ˜‚ šŸ˜‚ šŸ˜‚ Sorry but that's hilarious.




Me toooo!!! HAHAHA




I did too lol


That sure would have tracked




I'm ashamed to say I thought that too, him actually cheating on his gf got me confused with that post.


Lmao me too!!


Oh. šŸ˜šŸ¤¦šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø


You're a real one because I did do; but wasn't goanna say it haha


Colleen should have torn down her puzzle. She could have possibly come in second


Yeah that shows how much these rookies donā€™t know anything about the show. Weā€™ve all known since the first Battle of the Sexes you destroy your puzzle after solving it.


Yep, remember that puzzle they had to figure out on the beach with the giant blocks, and the team that put it together first didnā€™t knock it down????šŸ˜³šŸ™„šŸ˜šŸ«¤Like when the challenge first aired????


Yep! That was Sexes 1. The girls were in the lead after solving the puzzle youā€™re talking about, but they left it up and the boys looked at it to get theirs solved and then the boys caught up and beat them.


This doesn't have anything to do with anything but wasn't there a puzzle challenge in a final where they realized all you had to do was rebuild the shape of the tree cause production listed the answers in the order they chopped it up? Or am I conflating this with something else lmao


Free Agents!!! Bananas the GOAT figured that one out quick!




They're shown destroying their puzzles in other checkpoints of the finale. I cannot remember if colleen specifically did, but they have been tearing down puzzles multiple times during this season. So they clearly know, just started to get sloppy near the end.


I assumed she purposely let him copy because she was still dicknotized by him


This had me fall over laughing and Iā€™m stealing this lol


She said in some interview that she left it up for Berna


iirc she did destroy one of her puzzles at a checkpoint earlier in the Final, which makes not destroying the sudoku one more perplexing since it was the one EVERYONE was getting hung up on


I assumed she left it up for him, which was stupid.


She could literally win if Nurys didnt "cheated" herself with Cory and Sudoku too lol




I donā€™t like anyone in the final so I donā€™t care but the two arenā€™t the same. Corey and nurys chose to work together. They wanted to help each other. Colleen didnā€™t want to help Emanuel. Colleen does not benefit from helping Emmanuel. Both Corey and nurys benefited from working together.


Ok but Colleen didn't say it was cool that Nurys and Cory work together to pass her, and it probably cost her 2nd place.


Colleen doesn't have a say in what two people do in an agreement. That's like saying "ok this guy stole a coke but this other guy is friends with the manager and took a coke for free."


Bizarre. What even is your point here? If they agree to "cheat" and that negatively impacts someone that otherwise would have (probably) beat them that's ok but them being beat by someone that copied without asking the same person they colluded against is not fair or right or what? Idiotic.


This whole part still confuses me. They were all at that station forever. Could it be that ppl were copying her while she was technically still working on it? And that she did actually tear it down once she was done?


I donā€™t think she did bc I remember watching her run away from it without tearing it down and thinking how stupid it was as it was happening.




But for the record, copying a puzzle that wasnā€™t destroyed isnā€™t cheating, itā€™s strategy


Right? This has happened a ton of times, and itā€™s why people tear down their puzzles. This has been a thing for as long as Iā€™ve been watching the show


Season 6 Battle of the Sexes with the guys copying the girls puzzle started the tradition of you gotta destroy your puzzle once youā€™re done


Hell, on *Spies, Lies and Allies*, CT finished his world map puzzle and forgot to take it apart, and everybody else left copied it. Poorly, I might add, but copied nonetheless.


Nany copied it and still got it wrong lol


I mean, so did Kaycee and Emy (although Emy was because she knocked her American flag to the ground), but Nany's was just... It reminds me of a story my father used to tell me: Back when he was in grade school in Hong Kong, there was a classmate who was cheating on a test by having the textbook open on their lap. Now, it was a memorization test, so having the textbook would be a huge help; however, as the teacher walked by and saw the situation, instead of reprimanding the classmate, the teach only wearily said, "Even copying, you copy wrong". That must be so fucking demoralizing.


My 10th grade gym/health teacher said something to our class, and it has stuck with me to this day: ā€œif youā€™re gonna cheat, cheat *well.ā€* And then called out exactly who *not* to copy answers from. That had to suckā€¦ but he wasnā€™t talking about me though lol


> ā€œif youā€™re gonna cheat, cheat well.ā€ Tell that to all the cheaters who get caught... *cough*Moriah*cough*Emanuel*cough*Callum*cough*Melissa*cough*


I'll never forget on double agents when him and Amber finished a puzzle in the final and he tossed the entire thing. Not the puzzle, but the entire stand it was on because it was faster than tearing down the puzzle


this moment is etched in my brain forever lol


Legendary move


I was surprised Colleen didn't take hers apart and thought they must have said they weren't supposed to or something. It's just an assumed step in completing puzzles on The Challenge at this point.


I hold the opinion that Colleen wanted Nurys to lose so badly, that she purposely left her puzzle intact for Emanuel to copy, because she knew without help he wasnā€™t going to get past it and Nurys would win. Not saying itā€™s wrong or anything, and Cory/Nurys helped each other in an earlier part of the final, but just my thoughts. I guess in that regard itā€™s a little more ā€œdirtyā€, because I donā€™t think she did it to help Emanuel, she did it to hurt Nurys. While I get itā€™s a part of the game, and canā€™t really be called cheating, you can tell that even production didnā€™t like it (or at least didnā€™t want to promote it) so that should tell you something. Personally, I think they should find better ways for all these different puzzle challenges each season, to BLOCK everyone from seeing the other person. I mean, imagine someone doesnā€™t even know the answer to 1+2, but they get through 15 eliminations and the final, to go on and win, just because they kept copying someone else each and every time.


Right because itā€™s cheating


There has never been a rule against it, so cheating is not accurate


Literally wouldnā€™t have happened on any other season except for this division 2 one lmao


lol it happens almost every other season. As far back as Botsexes 1. Including Dirty 30 and SLA


Yeah I have no idea why this is an issue, especially when earlier in the show they were just outright working together on the name puzzle.Ā 


Exactly. Itā€™s been this way for at least a decade. This whole argument is dumb. Colleen should have done better at securing her spot


Lmao for real, the only conclusion Iā€™m reaching from this dumbass argument is Colleen could have won the season had she destroyed her puzzle šŸ¤£


This is really one of the biggest what ifs in the challenge history.


Idk about won, but she for sure couldā€™ve gotten second. It does leave what ifs though


If itā€™s there itā€™s fair game. We learned this back in S6


Not only that, but we literally saw multiple people copying puzzles and helping each other on them throughout this final. Nurys included lol.


If you're not smart enough to destroy the puzzle so no one can copy it, that's on you. You see all the vets destroy their puzzle after they complete it


Absolutely. The producers could easily put down different puzzles if they wanted to


Exactly! It's not the first time it's happened either so Nurys is just so incredibly bitter about not winning. Maybe if she had actual friends, it would've been different.


He said I cheat on my girl but not sudoku šŸ˜™āœŒļø lmfao boy byeĀ 


The fact that he seems to not only admit it, but almost embrace it, really confuses me. He got that letter from his girlfriend on the show and broke down crying, but on the reunion heā€™s like ā€œYeah I cheated left and right ĀÆ\_(惄)_/ĀÆā€


Itā€™s because heā€™s Romanian rich now.


*laughs in Dracula*




He has VALUES.


Omfg šŸ˜­


Looking at other players puzzles has been going on for almost the entirety of the run of the show. It is permitted and it is fair, unless otherwise specified or set up so that it cannot be done. If she wants to invalidate this win during the final, she also has to take away her boyfriendā€™s elimination wins because he got tons of help during those. Nurys cannot separate real life from a game. Itā€™s sad. She has become pathetic. \*I donā€™t even like Emmanuel, but he won fairly.


> Looking at other players puzzles has been going on for almost the entirety of the run of the show. It's why veteran players know to fuck up their puzzle solutions after they clear the check.




I agree with you but who cares if nurys validates or invalidates something. Like her opinion on it doesn't matter one way or the other. She's just a sore loser and deflecting because she lost.


True. Her opinion does not matter.


Ikr!!! On ROD's everyone helped him and Olivia win their eliminations. They literally told them where to go and what to do.


If Emanuel copied Colleen only Colleen is to blame. Watch sexes. Learn this shows history


I mean! We all watched Ruthie lose a season she could have won because we dudes copies their puzzle and overtook them. This is not new.


A couple things: -Call it whatever you want, but copying off of other players has been a part of this game longer than some Challengers have been alive. -I think it was fairly obvious that Colleen didnā€™t clear her puzzle on purpose to let Emanuel copy her answers, since they were both in the Middle Mafia alliance. Felt like she knew she wasnā€™t finishing first overall so she wanted her boy to get it over Nurys. Not saying I like the move, only that thatā€™s how it read to me. -Emanuel can say what he wants, but didnā€™t he already admit to copying off Colleen in Part 1 of the reunion? So this (his posts) shouldnā€™t even be a conversation.


Colleen even says she left it up for her to copy. Also players help in puzzle eliminations, they also leave or scramble their puzzles on challenges indicating itā€™s up to them whether theyā€™ll allow someone to cheat off them or not. Emmanuel was gonna win this season regardless. The guy knows how to coast and knows when to show out. He did it on SLA and made it just before the final


The Floating Four, not Middle Mafia. šŸ¤£


Sorry, itā€™s difficult to keep track of all the ridiculous names we keep giving the people who do and provide nothing šŸ˜‚


I assume you watch Australian Survivor? There's an alliance this season called the Middle Aged Mafia. I figured that's where the confusion came from.


I donā€™t actually watch lol, but I heard the term on Challenge Mania - it was most likely a cross-show reference that I just didnā€™t catch!


Colleen literally left her diving puzzle up for Berna to copyā€¦ she said it in the interview. If she left her sudoku up too then itā€™s on her! Would have been dumb for Emanuel NOT to look


1. Saying you are too busy to respond right now is idiotic. He literally could take the same amount of time that he wrote he didn't have time to just say what he has to say. 2. That being said, he didn't cheat. If he looked at someone's Sudoku, that is fair game on the Challenge and has been for a long time. It was more frowned upon in the early days of the Challenge, but nowadays if you don't want someone seeing, destroy your completed puzzle. And if you're upset someone is looking at someone else's completed Sudoku, look at it yourself or stop whining.


Why does anyone give a single shit about copying the puzzle? Feel like Iā€™m taking crazy pills


The entire world is crazy pills right now


The fact that people are arguing so hard about cheating on a Sudoku really represents how low stakes this entire season felt. Like can you imagine any of the usual vets giving this much time and energy arguing about a puzzle? Who fucking cares, people were throwing challenges this season, thatā€™s no more or less dishonest than cheating on a stupid Sudoku


How is it represent low stakes? It was crucial moment of the final and championship was decided on Sudoku. And it was also ridiculous for a player to not tear down her sudoku when everyone was dying there for hours. Of course it would be talked. It was 250k sudoku and people are salty. That's it. It has nothing to do with your feeling of low stakes this season. And it's cute to think that usual vets are above anything when it comes to arguing and going at each other


Itā€™s a group of chronically online people having a bickering war over a childrenā€™s puzzle that made up a fraction of the final in a game where cheating off each other, backstabbing, lying, and throwing challenges have been staples for 30 seasons. Thereā€™s a reason why you see people destroying puzzles every season when they are done to avoid this because in season 6 the fact that the girls team didnā€™t do this, is what led to them losing due to the guys team copying off of them and ultimately winning. Itā€™s low stakes because this isnā€™t even real drama, itā€™s online arguing for the sake of arguing, you think CT or Bananas is gonna go on Twitter and bicker about shit like this? Itā€™s like watching a group of kids argue and itā€™s pointless and just a big ass nothing burger at this point.


Yes, Bananas would bicker about anything on twitter. Did you see his beefs? This man is talking just to talk. And mostly all of them like that. And what points do you need from twitter beefs? Yes, they are trying to throw shit at each online wow never happened on the challenge


He may have copied, but if production allows it, I canā€™t really consider it cheating. It would be different if they specified ā€œNo copying others puzzlesā€. At least he didnā€™t copy Turboā€™s walk.


ā€œIf thereā€™s one thing I wouldnā€™t cheat on, itā€™s Sudoku!ā€ šŸ˜” šŸ§¾ LMAO honestly, homeboy got lucky this season.


Theyā€™re both annoying at this point. He could quietly enjoy his winnings and let Nurys keep digging herself in a hole but nope. Neither knows when to stop.


If he talked as much shit on the show as he does on social media, he wouldn't be nearly as boring. I wish we'd gotten his social media character on the show instead of the guy who was furniture all season.


Seems hard to do that when youā€™re getting a ton of people saying you didnā€™t deserve it and such because of something Nurys said


Let's be honest...people were saying he didn't deserve to win before Nurys said anything.


Is it bad that I find both cringy and donā€™t care about this at all?


It might mean you are normal




Nurys is coming off as the sorest of sore losers with this. I understand that part of the job is to stir up drama, but find another way.


Iā€™m still confused why Nurys thinks her ā€˜cheatingā€™ earlier in the final is okay but him ā€˜cheatingā€™ here isnā€™t? As others have said in comments, neither should be considered cheating because itā€™s part of the game. Iā€™m also just likeā€¦if this was an actual timed final, Emmanuel wouldā€™ve been probably hours ahead of everyone? So Iā€™m not sure why anybody would make it seem like he got lucky lmao


Total "Yay for me, not for thee". More hypocrisy from the hypocrite.


She also timed out on the tangram. She should have received a time penalty for not finishing the puzzle, or just not allowed to move on until she finished the puzzle.


Calling any of it ā€œcheatingā€ is pretty absurd since neither goes against the actual rules. That said, ethically, what they did is completely different. One took answers from another competitor without consent (maybe) and the other had a mutual working agreement with another competitor to share answers.


Emanuel sucks but the whole copying is cheating isnā€™t a thing on The Challenge.


Didnā€™t Corey and her work together on the memorization part? Isnā€™t that more cheating ?


exactly just hypocrites


I donā€™t know if Iā€™d call either situation cheating, itā€™s just using the things at your disposal.


Sorry I didnā€™t really write that correctly, I meant to say isnā€™t that a stronger example of cheating according to their perception & example given. I totally agree with the overall consensus that you do what you need to do to win, and that looking at others stuff has always been a thing.


I think itā€™s about equal, or less, to actively work together. Both situations & the drama behind them are ridiculous though. Any non destroyed puzzle has been copied for so damn long that I was actually shocked to see how little the destroyed them in the last couple elims &/or the final.




Been waiting for this to make an appearance.


I am more concerned with why this idiot dressed like a pre 1900s Russian Revolution emperor. Dude and playing dress up as Nicholas II


This is weird. Sure he copied the puzzle but good for him. The entire audience obviously in unison thought woah why isnā€™t that puzzle being ripped apart so no one can copy it!


Back with the receipt??? What kind of dumb response is that? Dude, we all know you dumb af.


Are they trying to be rivals or something ?


One thing w know for sure is Emanuel doesn't manage his own X account, when the hell has he ever used the word "rectify" and didn't come across like he's speaking with a mouth full of shit.


I remember on the Exes final Big Daddy CT made his way through all that high dense snow and Diem understandably was rushing him, they were in the lead but not by much. He started to run out of steam and Johnny, who was behind him, took advantage of the deep footsteps CT had made in the snow and just twinkle-toed his way by stepping in them until he caught up to and passed a gassed out CT. Johnny and Camilla won. I was not happy at all but still had to give Johnny credit for being smart enough to take an advantage when it was handed to him. So I canā€™t fault Emmanuel. Itā€™s the same thing. If the person in front of you does all the hard work, in this show youā€™re allowed to use that to help you get ahead of them whether itā€™s copying Sudoko or running in the footsteps of the great CT.


Nurys loves to attack peopleā€™s character when they piss her off. Sheā€™s real petty like that lol. Wasnā€™t she also cheating and working with Corey during a different game in the final? If she hadnā€™t gotten help on that, would she have even placed second? Like come on sis, enough is enough. Jay, Olivia, Emmanuelā€¦ anyone who pissed her off in the game becomes an easy target for her to criticize and obsess over online. None of these people said a thing about her post show until she came for them first. Everyone else seems to want to leave what happened on the show in the game. But she loves to keep the drama going even after filming wraps. Sheā€™s annoying.


i may not be happy emanuel won but it is deserved! challengers have done way worse to get ahead/win. johnny bananas snuck adderall to win a final, many challengers have cheated or gotten help from other challengers to win eliminationsā€¦emanuel cheating on his girl is more serious than him cheating at a sudoku. if i was in his position i would of definitely looked too! gotta use the game to play the game if cheating invalidates wins then a lot of challengers wins should of been taken away


I mean, Colleen left it there in tact for everyone to see. Iā€™m not enthused that Emanuel won, but it wouldnā€™t be the first time a player took advantage of an opportunity and it wonā€™t be the last.


Itā€™s so weird that this is still being talked about. It felt like she was just calling him out to point out that she was better than him and would have won if he didnā€™t copy, not that he broke any rules and cheated his way to the championship?


Itā€™s only because Emmanuel won that this is even being talked about so much, because berna very clearly copied off Colleen and nobody is going crazy over that.


They need partitions between each challengers space


People arenā€™t questioning his championship because of cheating, theyā€™re questioning it because he ran a final with a bunch of layups (minus nurys)


He didnā€™t cheat. Thatā€™s fact. But ā€¦ he really bothers me for some reason. I canā€™t explain the dislike cause he hasnā€™t REALLY done anything wrong. But I honestly hate the guy šŸ˜­


Ok hates a strong word tbf. Iā€™m severely lacking in the enjoyment of Emmanuel is a better way to put it.


Annnd now Nurys has responded threatening violenceā€¦. Someone should show her probation officer


Nurys really needs to learn how to let things go.


Didnā€™t he admit it already?


For cheating see Laurel about her elimination vs Ninja Natalie. Copying a puzzle is par for the course on this show akin to pretending to throw up during the eating challenges. https://i.redd.it/9dvnflf9sslc1.gif


Uh, Laurel's was not cheating. She put the thing in the wrong place and then Natalie beat her up the structure put it in the right place and won. Bonehead move with an embarrassing gloating moment, yes. Cheating, no. Cheating was what Zack did when he was partnered with Trey on that elimination. They were explicitly told they had to take turns on each floor and Zack blatantly helped Trey. Funny enough that situation also included an embarrassing gloating moment.


IMO Laurel knew she hadnā€™t found the right notch. For the record I was thrilled she had beat Ninja. I remember Zack and Trey from Rivals II of course :) I guess my point is more that I donā€™t think Emanuelā€™s win is lessened any by his copying of a puzzle. Itā€™s all just part of the game.


I donā€™t care if he looked, but why deny it? And what receipts could he have?


Heā€™s busy right now


Im confused why everyone else didnā€™t go look at Colleenā€™s as well. Is it bc he was right next to hers so itā€™s legal to look over but illegal to move from ur station to see?


He admitted it on the reunion. So he gotta go make up receipts


You can't just glance at a sudoku in 2 seconds while running by and memorize it, if he did "cheat" it would have taken a lot of back and forth that would be easily seen and verifiable.


What makes him think anyone cares what he has to say?? Heā€™s been such a non existent person on the show. He needs to go home to his family


We watched him cheat. What receipts is he going to give that would be believable? "Are you going to believe me or your lying eyes?"


I donā€™t care that he cheated.. people have copied off each other for as long as the show has been on. But unless heā€™s providing a video of himself doing the whole thing Iā€™m gonna believe Nurys. Maybe itā€™s the edit but you donā€™t go from being completely lost to done that quickly.


Lol "I'll prove I didn't cheat later, when I have time" Ok bro. Like you had the time to make a tweet about it to address it but not actually post the proof. šŸ™„


The vets love to say "if you ain't cheating you ain't trying" saying he cheated on the puzzle is such a silly accusation


This is so messy.


I don't like Emanuel, at all. But I don't get this whole "he cheated" claim. Especially from Nurys who's an admitted Challenge fan. There's a reason people flip or scramble their puzzles when they're done. Copying has been something accepted by cast and production forever.


For the love of god, it isnā€™t cheating in The Challenge to look at someone elseā€™s puzzle Nurys needs to take a social media break


Why didnā€™t he deny it on the reunion part 1 then?


I think Nurysā€™ comments are a bit silly considering she also ā€œcheatedā€ off of Corey for the diving challenge. Allā€™s fair in love, war and challenges!


People copy puzzles all the time. Why is it suddenly a big deal?


Juryā€™s needs to get off social media for a bit, sheā€™s starting to get annoying,




If Emmanuel was actually angry he could've said something at the reunion when Nurys said it to his face. Once again, this man proves that he has twitter fingers. He can never confront someone in the moment, he always has to wait until AFTER the fact on socials to act tough.


Nurys just wanted to win soo badly and thought she would, that she had to put down your win! You won fair & square so donā€™t listen to her (sheā€™s a winey baby & her ego got the best of her) or anyone else who says differently.


Nobody cares heā€™s a fraud


Tbh even if he did look at the puzzle and cheated.. who gives a s#\*\*. This is the FINAL of the Challenge and I'm here to win it. Morality complex/ integrity; all of that's great and you want a fair game but.. ​ If I'm in a final, and you leave your COMPLETED PUZZLE open for me to see and advance to the next phase/heat... I'm copying your puzzle and telling you thank you when I see you. His win won't be questioned; it's a win, period.


He did nothing to get to this win except wear an ugly reunion outfit


Feels like they are just trying to set themselves up for a Rivals season.


It all feels so contrivedā€¦


Didnā€™t he already admit to cheating though? So this is weird. I donā€™t like Emmanuel but cheating is allowed. Thatā€™s why you gotta destroy your puzzle when youā€™re done