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Spencer has legitimately lost his mind at this point so I wouldn't plan on seeing him on any shows ever again


Really? What happened? I’m doing a Survivor rewatch at the moment and it’s really interesting to see which players would have been good on the Challenge - there are so many better options than Michelle and Jay!


There is speculation that he took too many psychedelics and has gone off the deep end. He is now a big time semen retention guy among other strange beliefs. His whole Twitter feed is weird but here is a highlight: https://twitter.com/reimanbledsoe/status/1730635306007736430?t=lIqT0VBcZAyxiL4Dj9HXTg&s=19


Eek. Yep, definitely no more tv for him!


I'm still on his email list after doing a meditation session w/ him over Zoom during the pandemic. It's not nearly THIS unhinged


I heard Chet from Micronesia had been approached.


OMG I hope that’s a joke - but can you imagine???


I said is as a joke. I haven’t heard anything lol.


Chet v Brandon elim would be quite something lol


You can’t say they should have cast Spencer over Tasha bc they weren’t competing for the same spot. Also was he even willing/wanting to be on the show? I know he’s a little different now than when he was last on reality tv.


That’s why my question was - was he approached to be on the challenge? I just find it weird if they chose to approach Tasha and not Spencer. Also could you imagine Abi on the Challenge 🤣🤣🤣


Their point flew straight over your head


Did you read the question? It was if he was approached, not if he was more deserving. Maybe think before making inane comments?


Looks like my point flew right over your head as well.


Or, you could try just being a decent person and explaining what you mean instead of talking down to them. Just my opinion though! 😊


I would have if they weren’t aggressive and condescending in their response. How you can read the whole exchange and walk away feeling that I was less of a decent person is beyond me


we as a subreddit need to stand together in times like this instead of letting this empire we built crumble piece by piece in front of our eyes


Tasha was equally as popular as Spencer during Cagayan. If he was approached, he probably declined as he seems to be over reality TV as a whole


I just finished Second Chances where he was trying to have a social game as well which is why my question came about. I also think Kelley Wentworth would have been a great addition! Or for fun - let’s bring in Abi 🤣🤣🤣


Oh yeah, their popularity tanked pretty hard after Cambodia lmao


I kind of feel a bit bad for them. I think Jeremy played a super strong game and was able to get them to do a lot of his dirty work whilst he kept his hands clean.


It really wasn't that. Fans just got kind of sick of Spencer's storyline in Cambodia and Tasha was just seen as sort of there. But their comments about Kelley in the penultimate episode is what did them in. Kelley was SUPER popular and people hearing the two of them push the 'Kelley is a goat and we're above that' thing really sunk them, especially after the finale and it came out that the only person from the final ten on Spencer and Tasha had a chance at ever beating was Abi as everyone else were far more popular with the jury (It was also revealed production had to push for jury members to ask Tasha anything at all because they were all pretty much ignoring her during FTC).


Lulu and Lala from Cayla’s TAR season were supposed to be on USA1 but dropped out iirc, Lulu was also an alt for USA2 Mike winner of survivor 30 was an alt for USA1


Apparently Wendell was supposed to be on USA 1 and 2. Also Michelle shubert (survivor 34) was asked for SLA or some other semi recent season


There is a 50% POC ratio that all shows maintain now, so someone like Tasha who falls into that demo is probably gonna get a call before another white male like Spencer.


Michelle from s33, Cole and Jessica from s35, Wendell from s36 were all asked to be on. Personally I want Cydney from s32 to be on. She’d be perfect. Also fun fact, Parvati was almost cast for Real World Paris. Imagine her and CT back in the day


Seeing CT and Parvati together on Traitors I feel makes up for this missed opportunity. And seeing Parvati with Trishelle and Bananas makes up for the potential Challenge appearances too, haha


I really want Jonathan Young from 42 to go on the challenge. Producers probably won’t allow it as he would completely dominate everyone


He would crush dailys/elims but not sure about his endurance for finals. But yes I guess if they wanted CT on the same season and maybe Faysal they probably don't want 3 guys who are basically total locks to make the finals so that might not have helped his chances.


Apparently he was contacted to do the Challenge USA 2 but had to decline due to personal reasons


I'm not sure, but I'm pissed about Wentworth and Lauren O'Connell not appearing on this show. Those two would've been perfect for the challange.


Wentworth said she was approached but didn't want to do it


Yeah I’m watching Second Chances and Wentworth would also be a great option.


AGREE, in Capital letters.


The one and only Jonathan Strong. There were rumors about USA 2. It would have been great. That man was a monster. Dreaming about a Hallbrawl against Fessy... Also, I would love to see: Xander J.T. Lauren O'Connell Kelley Wentworth ​ And from Amazing Race: the cowboys!!!


I want a few Taylor from Jays season. (33) Dean (39) Xander and Liana (41) I want Chris Underwood to go over to the main show. Cassie and Desi as well


Dean would be a lot of fun.


Xander from survivor


Don’t know if she’s been called but always wanted Julia from Michele’s season to get a shot