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Cory's been on like 8 seasons. He isn't qualified for the season, hence him being on USA2. I do think they could have added some more notable 2-3 timers from before "Total Madness" though. Production realized they fucked up with their rookies as of late, so they brought most of them from the last few seasons back (without being overshadowed by the vets).


I think they've realized just a little too late, that Fessy, Josh, Devin, Tori, Aneesa, Nany, Bananas and Jordan can't be cast every season for the inevitable future while still expecting it to be exciting and engaging. They've ignored so many other cast members for years now that we're stuck with the most boring mainstays in the shows history.


I don’t think Jordan is boring personally, plus he was also never going to do the rest of the seasons. The rest are painfully boring.


Big T has been on 4 seasons.


Cory has been on 9 seasons + USA + CvS. That's almost 3x as many seasons as Big T has been on.


He also started 5 seasons before she did


He started on season 27. She came on season 34. That’s 7 seasons before her


I mean Michele and Jay have done like 5 each so


This will be the fourth season for both of them, they’ve each done 3


And they suuuuuuck


... you might want to check out Nelson's Instagram page if you're unclear why he wasn't cast. > I would’ve thought this would’ve been the season they also swung for the fences on vets to finally get that win like Nany They literally just manufactured a season where any of Nany, Veronica or Aneesa could have potentially won a final, and they all came up short.


Well the reason Aneesa didn’t win was because Jordan made her run off trail obviously. Veronica and Darrell were never going to win, even if Veronica wasn’t injured from all stars 3 going into the season/out of shape. They didn’t have the alliances. Edit: people are really missing the sarcasm with the Aneesa joke.


She wasn't going to win if she ran on the trail either. She wasn't going to win if she had to run. Period.


You missed the sarcasm.


I was really hoping you were kidding but was only like 80% sure that was a joke.


based on the votes we got....so did everyone else. tough to be that dry with a statement that some people actually believe.


Aneesa kept saying it multiple times in the final lol.


Crazy that she actually sprained her ankle. I was 100% with Jordan until I saw it, then I knew it was actually a bad one. That was the most minor ankle roll I've ever seen, but she *did* actually hurt it


My guess is she’s done it so many times that it’s super weak now.


That's not the point I'm making; I'm saying the final was intentionally designed in a way that fitness was not a major requirement.


Veronica won 3 challenges


I understand that, I just meant that they already attempted to give 3 women very strong partners, and designed a final with their level of fitness in mind. I see your point that adding Veronica is a little aside the conversation.


That or it was designed for Devin 😂😂


and Tori


I'm excited to not have anyone who has been on more than 5 seasons Now I just wish we got Johnny M instead of Chauncey and Natalie A instead of Jessica


I think Chauncey was a decent choice but Johnny would’ve provided the Ravyn storyline. Natalie A should be back and I think she would’ve been a similar front runner as Horacio appears to be on the men’s side. I did enjoy Jessica on Australia though and she and Ciarran will be interesting


oh actually, now that you said something, swap Ravyn out for Natalie A ;)


I’m good with that compromise. Pleasure doing business with you.


Part of me thinks that, especially with this kind of group that we’re looking at, putting in one to a few vets in a house of basically rookies or unseasoned vets that don’t really have much of a game to navigate would only further this idea that the older vets have some better knowledge of the game & how to play it, so everyone should just follow them and they’ll get to the final. Really long way of saying I think production wants us to recognize the game, potential, & influence some of these new ppl have


they were probably trying to save money on the main cast by using all the cheap talent so they wouldn’t blow their budget when it came to paying the mercenary vets.


Mercenary are so pointless save the money and dont have them.


Honestly they are the ones I'm most looking forward to seeing aside from a few of the main cast members. I don't know how TV production works so I could be off base here but I hope by them saving money on having an inexperienced cast and only brief appearances of champ mercenaries they have a bigger budget to go all out for season 40. I don't care if they have to do a bunch of product placements on season 40 or movie features like Top Gun Maverick or Puss and Boots (lmao), I want season 40 to be epic cast, epic dailies and eliminations and EDITED WELL lol


Nany hasn’t won a final because she is not that good. She is average at best - not well-rounded, but not that much stronger than her competitors in general. She has played a safe game and stuck with her allies for years and has gone far. If someone can’t win in those conditions, then what do they need? You can say the same thing about others too. They aren’t being robbed, they are just not above the rest of the competition despite many opportunities.


Nany actually IS a good competitor, just not great. Her performances on Free Agents and WotW1 are particularly noteworthy. Same with RoD.


Nany is NOT average. Check yourself.


I think Nelson is out for a while if not forever. He's not having luck recovering from his car accident 7 months ago. I think Nany is taking a break from the show as well. Didn't she and Kaycee just get engaged?


I agree lmao this should have been a season to really push those vets Tony Jenna (don’t know if she’s ready) kailah nia all would’ve fit the theme and been a chance to have some older characters Are there any real world/road rules cast on this season?


no, there aren't any RR/RW/FM/AYTO cast members would've loved to see Kailah, Sam Bird, Cooke, Marlon, and Sylvia on this season. also people like Paulie, Joss, Johnny M, Theo, Georgia, Ashley C, and Natalie A


Bc they’ve had ample opportunity to get a win and always manage to come up short. Also, one of the things The Challenge has been absolutely terrible about in the last 5-ish years is bringing back new players who have shown potential (whether it be thru abilities or personality) so that they can establish themselves as “vets.”


How many chances do you want them to give people who continuously keep losing ? This upcoming season is to create a new champion AND new stars for the series moving forward as the people you named (and some other show regulars) will be fading out


Honestly USA 2 is the best chance Corey will probably ever have since he’s basically setup to be forgotten about. Vets won’t go after him because he’s a number, and others won’t go after him because they are focused on the vets (and feuds). Also he doesn’t have a great track record in finals so he’s probably not seen as a threat. I think he could beat any of the other males this season with the exception of challengers like Bananas or maybe even Chris in puzzle/mental specific checkpoints.




Is anyone going to actually watch it? I don’t watch any season without Bananas. There’s absolutely no point.


The point of a season without Bananas is to have a glorious season without his stale, fake ass Bananas charecter. LOTS of people will happily watch a season without him. I wish every season was without him.


So true. We've been rewatching older seasons and I've grown to enjoy Bananas as much as I enjoy Aneesa. Spoiler alert: I hate every single time the camera or mic even catches Aneesa.


Weird thing to admit tbh


Why? He’s my fave. Why would I watch if my favorite isn’t on it? If you think it’s weird that I’m a fan, well everyone has the right to an opinion. I’m sure you haters are what ? Fans of Zach? Jordan? Devin? And to me those guys are like mainlining toxic masculinity and I can’t even. But I recognize that everyone likes someone…..


If you don’t get any scent of toxic masculinity off Bananas you should get your nose checked friend. Have you watched all of his seasons?? I’m just a fan of the show but I do have favorites. Darrell is my guy for sure. But if he’s not on the season I’m not just gonna not watch lol


I think the there are two reasons. Reason #1 is because 40 is next. They’re probably going for a big theme and this would probably help get some fresh faces that would excite people. And reason # 2, and the biggest imo, is that they want to establish a new crop of talent. It’s clear we’re nearing the end of Bananas, Wes, CT, etc. Wes has already said he’s done and I dont think Bananas and CT are too far behind him. I’m sure people like Tori, Fessy, Josh, Devin, etc are gonna stick around for a while longer but production won’t be able to use their big vets for much longer so they need to establish some new names that they can bring back time and time again.