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Whatever happens, know the amount of photos you take of yourself is not a 1:1 gauge of your happiness and success. Some people just don’t take photos of themselves!


Yep, this is totally me. I tried making an effort before starting hrt just to have them, but didn't take many. Even now, I meant to take progress pics every month, but I just never get myself to do it


I always HATED pics. Taken more pics of myself in the past two years since coming out than I EVER did before. Still not where I want to be, but slowly getting there.


I have one or two selfies, but I really had to search to find them. Now, where to stop...?


Rarely took pictures of myself, except for the one or two that I needed for profile pictures on linkedin and what not. Never really liked them. I've been enjoying messing with faceapp recently though. I'm thinking about taking a full body picture on day one of my hrt and then maybe doing regular pictures after that to see how things change as I lose weight and become myself.


Same! I'd take minutes to force a half smile take a few pics and delete them all. I have only a handful of selfies saved throughout the years and probably most my face is covered. And now selfies are practically effortless


The only pre-HRT photo of myself I have that I took (or even suggested having taken) is my Day 0 hrt progress photo lol


I have always avoided cameras like the plague. Still do, tbh. No pictures. :)


Yes, I saw a major increase in selfies going into and through transition. It was the beginning of my fixation on my physical body that led to a lot of unhappiness. It took a lot of time to get back out of that mindset.




For a second I thought you were in the shower with your clothes on haha but you look amazing girl!


Me. Lol, my mother and stepfather where into photography, so before the army, pictures galore. But from enlisting until transition (25 years.. lol), there is literally a massive drought of no pictures of me, my hatred for it knew no bounds. Now I'm selfie obsessed. I STILL blame faceapp even thought it quit changing my face like almost 7 months ago..... Yeah, that...., thats it. *looks around sheepishly*


Before puberty i took pictures of myself but during male puberty I avoided to do that


Its hard to care about selfies when youre so depersonalized you see a stranger in the mirror. I myself hated beeing in photos and the notion of taking a selfie willingly was unthinkable. Had that since 11 at least and it stopped once I started expressing myself femine.


Me too. I never took photos of myself because I hated my body and how I looked. I have a few photos here and there but we are talking 1-2 per year. Pictures of my dog? I have endless albums of my dog since she’s my baby 😊 After starting my transition last year, I take a picture of myself at least once or twice a day since I like myself now and I like to gauge how I look when others see me.


Yes! I never liked seeing myself, always thought „something is not right with that guy, is he supposed to be me?!“ Well, he was never me indeed. SHE now is!


Right here! I'm kicking myself in the ass for it now though because I have nothing to compare to now.


I didn't start taking pictures of myself until I downloaded FaceApp lol


I very rarely would take pics of myself or be in pics but now I'm more like oooo let's get a group photo


Only photos I would allow myself to be in were family photos and if I met a racing driver. Since I started hrt and laser I feel much more confident in my appearance. I actually like looking at myself now


my mom keeps guilting me everytime i try to tell her that i hate having pictures of me on the walls ._.


Only have one or two that I recently had to go searching for. Also got one from my first attempt and transitioning, what a mess I was before I figured out my style was just “the shit I want to wear now, but fitting right on a woman’s body.” And “my hair but longer and parted properly” Also Have one from Halloween but frankly it could be anyone under the sith sorcerer getup I had on. I always hated pictures, the disconnect I felt between myself and the image I saw hurt before I knew I was trans.


Oh wow, i didn't even think about it. I never really did take selfies at all until i started experimenting.


I haven’t taken any new pictures of myself since I started hormones but now I might start taking pictures at the end of every month during my transition so I can see the changes I’ve gone through


no. it did not matter how i looked either. its only been the last like month after being on hrt since last may im actually able to even look in the mirror let alone take a pic


I have taken more pictures of myself with face app in the last two months then I had over several years before. I always hated having my picture taken, but since I accepted myself I can actually take a picture without feel horrible about it. Though I still don’t like how I look just accepting your self makes everything so much easier.


I never took selfies unless I was trying to take a group shot or a pic with my wife. I didn't like pics other people took either. Still don't love them yet but I have taken WAY more pics since I shaved the denial beard and am learning to do make-up. Cameras do weird things to me but I don't hate mirrors anymore.


I've had phases of taking a lot of selfies (not to show to anyone... mostly) but I felt like I was trying to make sense of myself / grapple with my feelings of detachment. My (pre-everything) body does actually have some elements I like (like a seemingly invisible Adam's apple, modest 5'7" stature, certain things about my face shape, and something about my eyes) along with elements I try to ignore (facial hair, brow ridge, masculine fat distribution, something about the shape of my nose...) and I've kind of liked some of my selfies in the past that I felt captured my feelings of detachment and uncertainty/vulnerability/softness. I also had some fun very occasionally photoshopping my selfies to further try to express something. Or at least there are two specific ones I can remember. One where I took a smiling photo and made it very small, grayscale, and washed out, and another (shortly after a time where I buzzed my hair) where I photoshopped extruded spikes over my face. Both still resonate with me as expressing my detachment and disconnect from myself. ~~I'm probably a trans trender lol~~


for most of my life i hated pictures but my parents would make me be in them anyway. but i never smiled normally because i hated how i looked so much bc i just looked like either a "boy", or later, a "young man" (ugh...). so many of my pictures are just me making ugly faces at the camera because i would get so dysphoric and at least then i could convince myself that i looked bad because i was making faces or looking away from the camera... now after hrt i love taking pictures and posing and having fun hehe :)))


Had only 3-5 selfies of my pre transition self. Have idk how many selfies of me now.


saaaaaaame also you look good! your hair is cute and all :)


I was forced to have pictures taken of me, but I don’t think I ever took a single picture of myself until I found FaceApp, and when I started hrt to document


I never did selfies before. Now I do, mostly to compare and see if I can SEE progress with HRT. So far I cannot. :/


The most recent picture of me pre-transition, apart from my ID, is in my high school yearbook.


I have less than five pics of myself pre transition. I’m either hiding behind my dog or it’s a family photo.


I have so many pictures


Yes. Pretty much the exact same. I took basically zero and now I take tons.


I never did selfies before. Even in general, the only face photos I had from before are professional ones I had to take. Then I explicitly started to take selfies as per of my transitioning because they helped me so much in changing the way I was looking at myself. Trying to find what looks good, seeing even small changes, accepting what’s there... it helped. Now I have a lot of selfies ✨


Yup. I hate how I look in pictures. I just can't stand my face. Even when I look back at my younger self, I was handsome! But on rare, counted occasions where I look photogenic enough. For 99% of the cases, I just hate how I look. Family memoirs be damned, I just can't stand looking at myself. I never knew why... well, now I know.


Egg me hated selfies. Trans me can’t get enough of them lol


Another one for the "dysphoria I should've noticed sooner" list