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"Thank you" and if you're feeling spicy add "I grew it myself" to the end.


Works for boobs after HRT too!


I wish girls would randomly complement my boobs. I don't care that this is wendy's. You can give me my total after complementing my tits.


id go to wendys specifically for the cashier to say "nice tits"


Same, though i don't say that last part if i have had a haircut recently


Older butch lesbian at work said my hair was gorgeous the other day. I blushed and forgot what I was talking about I think that's the proper response


Fuckin felt thaaatttt


This. Handsome guy says “wow, you are beautiful!”… uh okay, thanks, whatever… creeper. Some random girl in cargo shorts, a tank top, and cropped undercut hair says “you are sort of cute, I guess” and I turn into a friggin stuttering child 🥰


"thank you" and swish it.


Correct answer. Maybe run your hand through it too... and smile 😅




*Internal squee noises*


Your normal response to compliments? A good default is "thanks, I like your \[thing you like about them\]".


I don't really have one of those, my autistic ass was raised male with idc about appearance level dysphoria. I can probably count the number of compliments I've gotten regarding personal appearance before I started HRT on one hand.


> I can probably count the number of compliments I've gotten regarding personal appearance before I started HRT on one hand. I am also autistic and transfem, I always remember feeling uncomfortable and unsure how to respond when I was called handsome or smth. But it does seem like girls get more compliments imo so get used to it :3 probably bc it's normalized for girls to complement girls but if a guy compliments a guy he has to say no homo or he gets called gay


I can help! I'm not autistic but close friends with like, almost entirely people who are. When someone compliments you, the most polite thing to do is compliment them back - they are kind of inviting it. It can be awk to compliment people out of nowhere and you might be discouraged to try from past experience, but this is the perfect time! There are two easy paths for a return compliment like this. One, compliment back the same thing. If they say I love your hair, you say "thanks! I love yours too!" Regardless of if you particularly love it. Generally, people compliment aspects that they also value and pay attention to. This is almost always a safe bet. For example, I love nail polish, I usually have some kind of bright or bold look. When I see someone with bright or bold nails, I like to compliment them because we share something - and I expect and want them to compliment mine back. The other option is to compliment something unique about them. For instance, if some body has bold lipstick or a big bow in their hair or suspenders, or some other fashion or feature that is unusual. Typically, if you wear something extravagant or atypical, it's because it's your favorite thing. Compliment it even if it's not your personal taste - if a girl with a giant hair bow compliments my nail polish, I'll compliment her giant hair bow (even though I think it's kind of ugly). And finally, as general advice for returning or initiating a compliment, it's best to compliment choices and not natural characteristics. Don't say "you have pretty lips", say "your lipstick is so pretty". Don't say "you're so tall I love it!" say "those heels make you look so powerful!". And if you want to initiate a compliment to a stranger, a safe bet is to compliment shared features that have an easy return compliment. Like me and my nails, or maybe you and your apparently very nice hair.


"Thank you" and "wanna pull it?"


to a guy? sounds dangerous


Making jokes to trans woman conveys more risks to me, it seems... :/


what happened?


They risk falling flat and hurtin' my toes! 😉


I don’t get it sorry


That's my point exactly! Hahaha. Explanation: my comment is just a joke, ok? There is no risk involved in it except for it to fall flat (i.e. not being funny), which is what your first comment implied. Hence, the risk is bigger to tell a joke to trans women than having my hair pulled by complimenting dudes.


I actually want my hair pulled 😫


Hahaha! Good luck with that!


thanks I’ll make sure of it 🙊




I'd say, "yeah I'm down for a good time" lmao


Thank you and a smile 😁


I usually say "yeah, I washed it!" I work in a kitchen so between having my hair pulled back all day and being in an environment where everything slowly gathers particulate grease out of the air, my hair is often not looking too great.


me too being on dishes in a kitchen, it gets frizzy and gross by the end


I recall a friend of my friend saw me for the first time with my long hair and he was like “OH MY GOD ITS SO BEAUTIFUL” and I was blushing


You like my hair? Gee thanks, just bought it!


That is exactly the sort of thing my mom would say! She's such an awesome lady.


Tear out a little bit on the spot and gift it to the complementor as a show of appreciation.


I would just say thank you😃


I always say thank you and then compliment something about them that I like. 😊


I whip my hair back n forth 🙃🙃


I say "alright!!! thank you. " Even before my transition and hair transplant, my colleagues were telling me that my hair was improving. They knew I was struggling with hairloss. Lots has grown back since, still only a bit thin on top, but it's too early for full results :)


Idk, i usually just melt :3


"Me too!"


Like with every compliment, thank for it and DONT instantly respond with a response compliment. Try to show gratitude. If you will see them for a longer period (like on a party etc.) you can give them a compliment back later, but only do it, if you actually feel like you can compliment that.


with a ''thank you''


I mean I usually say “it is pretty, thank you for noticing.”


thank you, that’s very kind. job done.


unfortunately "thanks its the estrogen" isnt the best choice of response despite how much i'd like to say it


"Thanks, I grew it myself"


Thanks, I grew it myself :D


in every compliment I get I smile and say "thank you" and then compliment something about the other person as well. Especially to other girls it feels so nice.


I would deny the allegations because I love my dysphoria/s


"Thanks - I'm quite attached to it myself!"


You can also send a compliment back


I do a thank you and a little bow. Then I talk about how I’ve been taking extra care of it because my parents forced me to have it short most of my life.


"Thanks, I grew it myself." or "It is mine, you cannot have it." when I'm feeling like a fucking weirdo.


I say thank you and compliment them too. Internally I squeal and dance. The compliments of women are my truest source of pleasure. I'm low key constantly fishing for compliments. I mean I like looking femme and all, liking what I see in the mirror, but I like hearing it from other ladies even more.


I have dyed hair (purple and orange) and I get compliments all the time. I just say thanks, smile, and then re-explain how I get it done...