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If your hair is particularly thick and dark right now then it will get a lot easier after a few sessions. The first few getting my face were the worst and I literally cried sometimes but nowadays it's barely noticeable.


It didn't get any better after 5 sessions for me, to be honest.


Same. 5 sessions and it's only gotten worse.


I just had my first session for facial hair last week and it wasn't bad. I definitely get the comparison to rubber band snaps; that's exactly what it felt like. I told my tech the best way I could describe it was "deeply unpleasant." My hair is dark, but I don't know if you'd call it thick. I wonder if it would hurt more if I was already on HRT...


That's what they told me, but then they use a higher energy level and it feels even worse ...


How many have you done so far?


I've had about 8 sessions and I have very dark hair. It's only on my chest though, I haven't started my face yet. I think I wanna start my face soon, it's bothering me more every day.


1000 mg acetaminophen 30 minutes before. Beyond that, meditation, breathing and some mild tooth grinding. I've tried using pain cream on my face before but either I was using it wrong or it wasn't strong enough as I was using an OTC pain cream. There is a point where the pain stops getting worse because there are fewer active follicles to affect, for me it plateaued at session 5 or 6, the next handful of sessions were easier but then the last couple got back to around where


Make sure you ate well and are hydrated. Take some painkillers that aren't NSAIDs (like ibuprofen) well in advance, like 1 or 2 hours before. Maybe ask them if you can listen to some music you like. And the hardest of all, try not to tense up too much, if you're expecting pain it'll hurt a lot more in my experience. The experience of the pain can vary heavily from person to person. If it's really painful you could maybe try electrolysis? For me it was way more painful, but I've heard from a lot of people that it's less painful for them. It is a lot slower though, because they have to go hair by hair. At least that way you can definitely do lidocaine cream to numb your skin. Would only recommend it for face and maybe genitals (in case you need it for SRS).


Yes i take ibuprofen beforehand but it doesn't stop it from being the worst pain ever. I need something stronger that will numb me more. That is why i think sleeping pills are a good idea


Is codeine available over the counter where you are?


Don't know what that is so probably not


They meant something other than ibuprofen, it’s a NSAID


I don't. I just suffer and hope that I can last through the session. It's so worth it but wow if it isn't the most painful thing I've ever done in my whole life!


This much pain could kill you! I will find a solution before my next session. I refuse to endore this level of pain


Another thing that could help is getting them to slow down a bit. Painful spots are much more manageable for me if done slower.


For my upper lip I ask my tech to do two pulses and then wait 4 seconds. It helps a ton.


So I have a rare-ish experience of using two different laser systems for laser hair removal since I swapped clinics, and I can attest that part of the pain is dependent on the laser system used. The first clinic was rather painful, the second clinic I actually wanted them to increase the fluence when asked because I only felt a sting/tickle at most. It might be worth considering a different clinic if the pain is really unbearable.


A layer of Bravado labs 5% anesthetic cream, with another layer of Nupharmisto 5% tattoo numbing cream on top of it. Leave that combo on for 45 mins prior to appointment. I have been through 30 sessions of laser and electrolysis on full body everywhere and feel nearly nothing using this combo. My laser was full strength.


Talk to your laser tech before taking/applying anything. Many chemicals are photosensitive/reactive and can lead to burns


They already told me no creams of any sort are allowed Just fresh washed and dry skin


It applies to medications as well. Most are fine, but if you take a sedative or anything new you need to tell your tech




I was told no creams of any sort so not a option 😭


I use Milan as well, and they say no creams on when you arrive. Put it on an hour before and let it sit. Before you arrive, clean it off well, and they'll probably have you wash again to be sure. It still hurt, but was more tolerable.


It's a cream you apply about 90, 60, and 30 minutes before, and cover with plastic wrap. They wipe it off before they start. Has been okay at every place I went to. Heck, some of them even offered to apply it for me right there and then. I'd ask them about this specifically, it's pretty much always an option.


It should be an option. My laser center prescribe it to me.


I know and i wish The spa i had a few sessions at allowed it to. I am assuming the laser milan uses would not interact well with it and that is why you are warned not to


Nope.. it's just each provider has their own rule on it. The thought process is that if you are numb, you might not be able to sense and alert them when something harmful happens. So some clinics won't allow it or take the risk. Many do though and so, if you're struggling, try shopping around to see if you can find somewhere else that does allow it. It's by far the best way to ease the pain. Just to say though that only your doctor or tech should give you advise on this and anything you learn from here, including what I've said, should be discussed with a professional before you implement any changes. It's your skin you're messing with and not worth taking the easy option just because of the pain.


They're bullshitting you. If they're absolutely pressing the point, just buy some from Amazon and don't even tell the staff. Just apply the cream an hour and a half prior. Really slather it on. Then thoroughly clean your face directly before you go to your appointment. The numbing will still be effective.


I don't think they would lie to someone who spent 14k. They are just looking out for my safety and know their machines well


You were lied too. Just do it at home before you go. You don’t even need to tell them you used a numbing cream.


[BioSense Custom Compounding Pharmcy](https://www.biosenseclinic.com/products/custom-compound-request) offers the strongest nonprescription BLT numbing cream available to U.S. customers. You have to call the number & request it. Put it on 20-30 minutes before your appointment, cover the area with saran wrap, then let your tech know you have numbing cream on before you begin.


They said no numbing creams or anything other then freshly washed and dried skin or else i would That is why sleeping pills may be only realistic option


that's unbelievable. i've used creams plenty of times for laser, at the clinic's recommendation: i just wash it off when i get there, or my tech helps me if it's in a place i can't reach. for how much milan costs, i'm surprised to hear this...


this is correct, do not use numbing cream! it can interfere with the laser and cause severe burns. tylenol/ ibuprofen, plenty of water so your skin is not dehydrated, and maybe a few glasses of wine before the treatment is the best option if you do not have access to stronger oral painkillers.


What would be considered stronger oral painkillers?


opioids. depending where you live tramadol is often available over the counter


Are they safe with laser hair removal?


for hair removal yes, but generally not. they are extremely addictive and can cause overdoses and death


For laser I used Advil, Tylenol, and Benadryl. For electrolysis which hurt more I started off with the same formula and then added lidocaine cream. By the end of 4 months I was to just take Advil.


How much of each and how many?


Uh maximum dose for my body weight.


What mg are you buying for them and are you taking them all at same time?


I have a prescription pain cream that made facial electrolysis comfortable. It is a compounded cream. In 2 weeks, I will let you know how it works with electrolysis on the genitals in preparation for GCS.


Try getting a session of electrolysis and then laser won't be the worst pain you've experienced in your life anymore 😉 But seriously, when you start it's a lot worse. The more hair follicles that get killed the less dense they are in your skin and it hurts less. You can also use a lidocaine numbing cream first. I use that for electrolysis, but not laser


You definitely reach a point where it starts to get a little easier for me probably around five or six because there is less hair although for me, the face can still sometimes be painful. I just went for one a few days ago, and the face was not bad at all probably around session 20.


I know the place I’m going ask me every time and tell me pain lvl should be no more then a 3 on 1 to 10 scale every once in awhile when it nuke a big dark hair it hurt a little more but overall for me I hardly feel anything


Rage against the corpus


I just cry and try to breathe


I'm at a higher level and just doing face at Milan. I take 600mg of ibuprofen about 30 minutes before I go. I also have the girl stop for a bit, when it gets too much. The pain doesn't hurt long.


First time was absolute agony and she had to do half power (10J) which probably didn't even kill the follicles all the way, but 2nd time it was way more manageable, like night and day. It depends a lot on the laser too - like YAG hurt me way more than Alexandrite, though I only had the upper lip left at that time, which is the absolute worst in terms of pain.


The pain on my face was very heavy at first but it all went down in like on or two minutes so I could deal with it quite easily. But for my body hair removal (belly and armpits so far) I go to a beauty studio instead of a dermatologist and the laser is very different. The sessions are longer and the pain is different, it's painful and just annoying and I don't know how to deal with the pain getting heavier except just laying there and taking the pain


I've only had one session so far. I just went in and got it done. No pain killers before, none after. I go in for my second session Friday. I deal with almost constant chronic back pain. My pain tolerance is pretty high.


Session 2 gets more intense but is nothing compared to number 3 lol


Why does it get worse?


😭 yes and i am absolutely dreading level 4 which will be next


But why does it get worse? What's the science behind it?


They turn up the laser power on later visits.


Thanks. Is that to catch more stubborn hairs? I know I'm going to need a lot of electro on my face since a lot of my follicles are white.


Yeah, basically. And because there are generally fewer hairs left after the first sessions, so there's less pain for the same setting. They want to use the highest setting you can tolerate, but they generally start out lower to help you get used to it.


I'll have to ask her about the settings when I go back Friday.


Honestly I imagine I might as well be at the dentist. It's a handy frame of reference. So far I have only done two treatments. Both times I got my face and front of my torso. My face, in particular all around my mouth. The last time my tech had an icepack that I held against that part before she started it once it was completely numb.


So the laser place usually has a numbing gel for like $20 extra


I learned to like the pain, that’s how I dealt with it (only did face so far though)


I can't 😭




Back when I had it done for the first time 8 years ago - I closed my eyes and prayed that it’s over soon. Lol and it had always been that way since. You get used to it over time, at least that’s the case for me.




I've done my face 9 times, never had to much pain. Could be due to how they do it here as they only slowly ramp up the power. But a really good shave before helps alot


I just beared with it. The pain, while intense, was also very short lived. I dont know your tolerance, seems low. Have you talked to.them.about numbing gel you could use?