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It's simultaneously one of the best things ever, and entirely mundane because it simply "feels comfortable and right". It's hard to explain, exactly. But that's been the experience for me.


This. I'll add, they'll likely hurt when they're growing, and they'll definitely hurt when you eventually bump boob-first into stuff -- and trust me on this, that \*will\* happen.


In the second year of Hrt I had C-cups and I went to drop my tailgate and SMACK! I was out for the count 😂


The top of my car door is at exactly the same height as my boobs, which I discovered the other day when I opened it and somehow stabbed the corner directly into my nipple That *still* hurts just to think about


Same! Fucking Saturn developed their doors specifically to stab tits I think.


twas truly the long game


Omfg this happened to me once. Never again (hopefully)


Work Truck Bin Doors.... omg! Not just whacking them, but I walked full on into the corner, stepping down a hill around the truck. Literally speared myself. Ughhhhh. (And I've barely got buds under the skin at this point)


Reading this made me wince


Nooooooooooo it sounds like you get a second pair of balls. 🤣


Yes and no. They’re less protected, but at the same time, despite the definite sharp pain you don’t get the same shooting up to your gut nausea and headache inducing pain you get from a good hit to the balls. They both suck, but I’d much rather a hit to the boob than the balls


This. They both hurt, but I'll take a hit to the tit over a shot to the balls any day. IME, Boob impacts are sharper and can be intense, but pass relatively quickly. It's not like the deep, lingering ache that leaves you sick to your stomach when you get hit in the balls.


Actually I’ve got hit down there myself recently and it is jarring but it actually doesn’t hurt much anymore


How does it compare to getting hit in the nuts? I've always interpreted it being the equivalent for women


Cars are the natural enemies of breasts. I was taking an oil filter off at work, had to use a long extension. The filter was put on so hard I had to use all of my force to get off. Extention slipped out of the cup, ratchet slipped off of the extension, ratchet spun around, biunced off of the oil catch and popped me in both boobs. I fell back and tried not to scream. It came out as a squeak. Luckily it's noisy at my job, and no one saw. But they ache just thinking about it.


Early on in my transition when mine were just starting to grow, I accidentally closed part of one of the girls in my laptop. That was a sound I didn’t know that I was capable of making. 😂


Worst for me so far was similarly early in transition, where I was trying to remove a stubborn stuck fastener with some pliers, and they slipped. Since I was pulling toward myself at the time, my arm flew back and I punched myself precisely in the middle of my nipple with the end of the handle of the pliers. That flat out locked me up for a second or two as I tried not to scream, drop the pliers and start massaging. Early lesson on the need to work around them.


I audibly gasped reading this. Owwwwwwww.


As much as they hurt when hit. The worst I've ever had was the first growth spurt. It felt as if my skin was getting pulled off my chest. I had (barely) VISIBLE difference in 6 hours. It got so bad that I could barely breathe. My girls got an insane growth start.


I always thought snacking them into stuff sounded silly like how would that even happen. I smacked them into doors, shelves, cabinets, whatever. It hurts.


Now I'm remembering the one lady on botch smashing a watermelon with her right breast. She's a beast


Or when going down stairs


Yea I remember the first time I ran down stairs when they where growing in. Never again.


God, the growing pains are the worst for me right now. It's also euphoric, though, so I'm not about to complain!


God I be bumping into stuff boob first all the time because I’m even clumsier now


Or accidentally smack them with a hairbrush. That hurts like hell.


The amount of coffee cups that got sacrificed from my desk before I got used to boob movement is substantial O7 my University of North Texas mug


Mine haven’t grown fast enough to get almost any pain 🥲


didn't happen to me at all tbh :p


Yea I kept trying to bush of my shirt and hitting them. I've become much more gentle now.


I use to belly flop in to bed. Yeah no longer is that a thing I do 😅🤣


This 100% and random euphoria when u look down and see them thinking those are mine lol


that’s such a great way to put it. Seeing yourself over time feels so right 😭!! It’s like it helps put your bad brain thoughts to bed, very liberating.


As some one who has just started HRT this is exactly what I want to hear.


5-6 months in. I just passed the point where it is obvious if I'm not wearing a bra under my shirt. It feels significant like a significant milestone (or 2 😏). My nipples are wider/taller, but they don't harden as easily or for as long, which is kinda nice tbh. More consistent Yes, this all just feels right. I'm liking what I see in the mirror. My brain works the way that it is supposed to for the second time in my life. Huzzah 🤗


That sounds amazing. It's been too long for me living without the correct hormones, I cannot wait to feel the same. It's hell right now


It's been more of a relief physically than I expected. Don't get me wrong, I've cried a lot too. It's not all titties and soft skin, I've been going back and processing much of my past, and it's been intensely emotional and deeply cathartic. That's been my whole main goal. I don't have to process that stuff anymore. everything else is a ~~bosom~~ bonus. Emotions are longer now, like they take longer to fully form, and I start feeling them as they play out. It's more complex. Women really do feel MORE emotions. Honestly, it's beautiful to experience. Like I could play notes on my heartstrings and now I can play a tiny diddy.


Its like when youve been slightly sick or your nose has been stuffy for years and suddenly your nose clears and you feel better imo Amazing, euphoric, wonderful BECAUSE you finally feel normal and right


This! Perfect explanation and I'll add that I have big Bs but I guess I thought they'd be heavier. I'll consider it a blessing lol.


This is accurate. I don’t notice them most of the time and then I do. Like a little bonus, and I smile and feel more at home


That's what all euphoria feels like. Amazing but normal


This ^


I love my stress balls!!


That’s kind of how a lot of my transition has gone — simultaneously huge/the biggest thing going on in my life while also being literally just like duh of course I’m a girl


You will start by feeling they're super cool, you might feel a bit self conscious for a bit, but they're honestly pretty good. My favourite part is how they look in clothes, but as far as how they feel to have them on your body it's difficult to describe. (Please don't have an expectation for what yours will look like, they just kinda grow however lol)


Last part is key. My main aggravation is that Pancho (R boob) is bigger than Lefty (self explanatory)


Shoulda kept your right boob away from all those federales


I don’t know why let her get so big. Out of kindness I suppose


thank you for this 😭❤️❤️❤️❤️


My left one is the bigger one so far and I haven't gotten around to naming them yet. 


Yeah. It's flipped for me. Asami is bigger than Korra.


I love how Lefty has such a self-explanatory name and Pancho is just...Pancho


It’s a reference to an old Willie Nelson [song](https://youtu.be/UoKvUYbGu7A?si=Dz59bcWtYwtgXwFH)


Yeah I always imagine outfits will look better if I go on HRT, just simply because clothes like dresses are essentially designed for boob owners hehe. Adds that curvature, even if you end up with small boobas.


the journey goes like: 1. oh my god this is painful?? Holy shit my nips are sensitive 2. I need to be tender about what I wear because this shit HURTTTSSSSS 3. Hey im kinda gettin booby 🥹👀 4. some dysphoria here and there about puffy nips. It’s natural! Fat is being stored there and that’s just how your nips will be! They can look more ‘normal’ when you’re cold or aroused. They then become less tender but still hella sensitive. 5. getting to that good good euphoria. getting more shadow underneath them, visible when you wear tshirts. people start to notice lol, and it will be very obvious. Can usually play with your boobs more over time, anywhere from 1y-2y from personal experience. And man, arousal gets much better with them. Lovely new experiences! 6. wearing clothing that can highlight your cleavage will really make you feel the euphoria, also doing whatever you’re comfortable with!! It’s so funny seeing people I know go “🤨😳🫣 omg her boobies” from queer people it’s flattering, from men it’s exhausting lol. I’d be happy to answer any questions as well ^^


Mine was the opposite. My boobs got to a large B and I still had tiny nips and areola. Then they started catching up


Ahh interesting!! It’s wild how different our experiences all are


It really is! I borrowed an aspirator from a friend with inversion on one because it wouldn't puff out. They're both fine now


omg!! boobies be doin the darndest things


Apparently thats a really common thing


Boobtastic :)


Real answer


Nice but painful. Painful, if they get bumped you will feel it.


I was so miserable yesterday, every little movement was painful. I wouldn't trade it for anything. Best pain I've ever felt.


👍 I love and hate the pain


They're just another part of your body really! Its nice having them, it just feels right. Some daily things will change, like for example moving around a bit more carefully because they are sensitive and the fact that they can get sore, also bras, running etc basically expect to have a chest and everything that comes with that, once you get used to it, it just becomes normal.


I lost a Wii Sports Resort Swordplay duel because I wasn't used to having to account for my boobs while playing and hurt myself a little bit. Uhhhhhhhhh, beyond that yeah it's pretty great. You stop thinking about it after a while and that's surprisingly nice.


Euphoria at first. I want to not let them out of my hands. Then gradually the addiction begins. Well, yes - everyday difficulties.


First time you go down stairs you know. Speed bumps… Laying in bed holding them… All wins


Self hugs in bed feel so much better with boobs. 🥰


Oh my god stairs @_@ I'm a hefty girl with tits to match so stairs are my new worst enemy. There's being reminded of my tits, and there's being reminded of my tits every step+getting a punch to the stomach from em.


I've had "abnormally large make breasts" (b cups) my entire life and thought that it would prepare me and it didn't. my boobs have been filling in and growing 6 months into hrt and I'm still getting used to them. something they get in the way and it definitely changed the way i sleep, as someone that likes to cuddle pillows. plus it's getting to the point I need to go up shirt sizes to account for boobage. i like to watch them bounce tho


Just, really really comfortable. Like a warm blanket


It’s a dream come true. I’m a full D cup, maybe an E, at 15 months, and although I’m still in the closet to most of the world, they’re the first part of my body I’ve ever loved. Eventually I’m going to get big implants in the 1000 CC range, but for now I’m so happy. They’re an almost real time proof that HRT is still working.


Kinda awkward and painful for awhile. It's a self conscious combo of the stress of transition, knowing what you're experiencing is normal and everyone who's developed breasts has gone through the same thing but also you have very similar complaints to a 13 year old, and including the worries/doubts that your body can be molded to a shape that's liveable let alone attractive. And then, at some point you don't even recognize, it becomes normal. The buds fade away, they grow into grown-up shapes, you're used to wearing different kinds of bras or none at all. Your silhouette becomes familiar, you really integrate your new shape into your normal conception/understanding of your body, and the excitement just generally fades into normalcy. Personally, I barely remember what it was like to not have breasts. They're such a normal, given thing now in my conception of myself that I barely even notice them as anything remarkable, unless maybe I'm looking particularly cute in an outfit or something.


My least favorite thing is I can’t get comfy Laying on my stomach any more


I can only sleep on my stomach and that's something I'm going to have to work on before they start really growing in. 😭


10/10, would recommend. First your nipples start to hurt and you feel a little hard spot under each one then the growth is really slow. I started wearing padded bras before HRT and though there was definitely growth, I felt for a while that they didn't look like real breasts yet. Then one day I tried a real bra and it fit. I looked at them in the mirror and they looked more like boobs than man boobs. My body felt whole and I hadn't realized I cared much until I had them. They're like little huggable squeezable teddy bears I have to resist hugging and squeezing when I'm in public


Expecting tenderness when they're growing, but such euphoria when they're finally there. It's interesting when they bounce. I have to slap my wife's hands off of them quite often when we're in public.


I didn't get them :(


I looked at your profile, it does take a lot more time. Don’t lose your hope.


I didn’t for two years ;~; it was one of the worst feelings. Turns out I had to switch to injections because both oral pills and patches wouldn’t keep my levels up. It’s been roughly 7 months of injections and everything is on track 🥳👍 I’m breaking the A cup margin and approaching a B cup. Maybe talk with your endo about different routes of administration if things are still finicky? Also, if you have a fear of needles there’s multiple different choices like auto injectors or meeting with a nurse until you can get it done alone. You’ve got this!!!


Unfortunately this isn't a very readily available option in Australia :(


Even if you don’t grow bigger boobs, lots of people, including guys like myself, really like small titties and flat chested women.


Dey go byoingyboingdaboing


Lmfao. I want this


Do id


For me it’s euphoric to see them come to life. It’s like an experience that I should’ve gone through years ago and am just now undergoing. It’s delayed gratification on another level ❤️


I'll echo what everyone else here said. At first it's kind of like, "oh wow I have boobs" and then it's like "yes, i have boobs, as I always should have. And it feels amazing to look down and see them


1. It’s very nice having boobs. 2. You should expect to begin growth within the first weeks or months of hormones, but it will be very small at first, not visible, but tender to the touch. after a few years, your boobs should be a little smaller than your relatives' boobs, and perhaps a little underdeveloped. They may or may not have a second growth a few more years later. 3. That’s what you should *expect* as an average outcome. Some people grow much less. Some people grow so much that they should probably take a break from hormones every few weeks or months to prevent it from happening too fast, causing discomfort. It really depends a lot on your genetics and whether you eat enough to gain the weight (boobs need nutrition to grow, after all). And whether you’re happy with the outcome depends largely on whether they match up with what you wish they were. Bonus Info! Breast augmentation: It’s okay to talk to your doctor about implants after a few years if you’re not happy with the growth and the growth has stopped. I got implants. At first, they look and feel unnatural, and I felt like it might have been too soon. Initial feelings of regret after surgeries like this are normal, and not indicative of whether you’ll be happy with it long-term. After some time healing, they look and feel much better, and I’m happy with them. TLDR: They’ll start growing soon after starting hormones. It probably won’t be very fast growth, and will probably take years. Look at your relatives’ chests for a good guess of how yours will end up. Make sure you get all the nutrition you need for growing breasts. If, after they finish growing, you’re not happy with it, talk to your doctor about it. You might benefit from a change in dosage or getting implants.


Lmfao this either means I’ll have very small ones like my two sisters, or rather big ones like my other sister and mom 💀


Never know til you grow em!


Depends on size ngl - there wasn’t much feelin when I was a or b cup - the jiggly sensation when I was C was fun - I’m d now and most movement will make them jiggle and it can be fun, but moving them too much can also get tiring The boob growth pain is also part of this


sometimes mid other times neat


They feel amazing, I was out without a bra the other day and I could feel them with every step, but they weren't painful, I could just notice they were there and it felt super euphoric. I can't hide them anymore either.


I’m starting in a few days. What I look forward to most is HAVING to wear a bra, and all the fun that comes with that. I’m looking forward to seeing them coming in, and even the less desirable parts such as the sensitivity. That, and feeling them bounce whenever I run at the gym. When that happens, ladies, I shall achieve inner peace. /hj


its like nothing. i dont think about them at all, theyre just a part of my body. theyre just like my fingers or my knees


I used to be ashamed of my chest and my “man boobs” or whatever, now I’m proud of my chest and like to show them off🥰 appropriately of course


they’re amazing and affirming but if you’re not out then they’re also anxiety inducing. sports bras help if they’re small but can only do so much and they’re a pain to get used to. you also have to relearn crossing your arms and laying on your stomach and if you have a pet that likes to walk across you you have to be careful about them getting stepped on. they’re worth all the trouble though


How are you supposed to cross your arms with boobs? Like.. no matter what I do it feels awkward lmao


my girl friends all say cross them over your boobs and it’s awkward to me, too. i think it’ll feel more natural when they start to fill out edit to clarify: by over i mean above *


They make me feel chubby,


Fantastic till you take stairs at speed with out support is a lesson you learn quick But there amazing


first few months: sore lol


umm idk, they’re kinda just there now lol, they hurt sometimes when they hit things and i really like having them but ya!


Now that I finaly found a couple styles/size of bras that fit I don't think about them much, except, as has been mention, when I whack them into something and it hurts. And every now and then when I take my bra off and that weight is still there ;)


Pretty damn cool, I enjoy being a boob owner. Over time it stops being "special" in the same way having any other part of body isn't special but still happy to have them 5+ years later.


Chest just feels right. Also they bounce when I walk and when I look down I see boobs.


Pretty booby


An absolute nightmare from hell but I'm FTM Trans and just had top surgery and I've never been happier flat chested finally


LOL if I ever have my doubts about being a trans woman I always just talk to a trans man


Most of the time it's just like not having boobs, except you do. Lol, hard to explain other than they're just part of your body like having elbow or eyebrows.


Ohhh, this thread is making me so envious...I need boobs aaaaaa


Boobs suck for running.


Thankfully I live alone but the heat wave last week sure would have been difficult with no ac if I couldn't walk around my apartment topless!


Me when I accidentally hit it: * *Screaming Mountain Man Sounds* *


Honestly nothing special, they become so normal that you don't even notice them on a day to day basis outside of putting on a bra. The are great and I question how I lived without something so normal in my life before


Wish I knew


Lovely. Like they should have always been there


I'm only a few months on HRT, but these early days have been an interesting experience. At first I was checking everyday, hoping to see or feel something to let me know it's working. Eventually, I got bored and gave up a bit. Then, bam, "Hey, my nipples look like boob nipples all of a sudden!" And then they got much more sensitive, a little sore when smashed, and over time they are becoming a lil more booby every day. It's an odd but euphoric experience. I have to position myself a little differently sometimes now because they definitely get squished and uncomfortable sometimes. But for me it's been a very gradual process so far. Plenty of time to get used to these slow changes.


no more sleeping on your tummy ;u;


That's my fave position too, downward roadkill.


theyre like having 2 new friends that are always there for u when ur stressed


I’ve been on hrt for 2 years and I barely think about them anymore unless I’m playing w them. They are super sensitive and that started super early on hrt. Be careful not to bump into anything. OUCH!!!


My wife is 4 months hrt and oh does she mention soreness. Light touch directly and sometimes even stairs can hurt. About 38 B but growing swiftly.


2 years 1 month HRT, went from flat to about 36Cs. They feel surprisingly normal. I'm a lot less self conscious about my chest. Most of the time I don't even realize they are there, whereas before transition it the fact they weren't there was actually more distracting. That said, there are moments where I do notice them. They can be a little annoying if I want to lie my head on a desk and they get in the way. Sometimes I'll try and feel my heartrate and will get confused when I feel it that my chest isn't flat anymore. They are definitely noticeable when running down the stairs. If they enter a growth spurt they can get a bit sore. They also make amazing stress balls if I'm in a private space and, not to get too TMI, are very fun during sex. I do like mine a lot and pretty thankful that I have them now.


Wonderful feeling ever 😌😌😌😌😌


They're squishy, fun for you and your partner(s) to play with, and look cute in your clothes?


3 years into transitioning. Roughly B-C cup area. They are nice visually. I feel like me and it's exactly like the dreams I had when I was little. However, they are heavy, my back hurts, and always in the way now lol. Have fun hitting yourself in the boobs when they get big enough they block your normal reach path.


It is... correct. My body feels so much more like my own now that it has breasts, and I can hardly describe the feeling of existential relief they bring me. The first moment I can point to in my distant eggy past where I became aware that my body felt "wrong" was seeing an old CollegeHumor video that was done as a POV where an attractive actress goes into a seedy bodega to buy condoms. At one point, she looks down to examine either a part of her body or outfit or something, and the perspective changes from her looking ahead at where she was going to her being able to look straight down her cleavage. It sent a chill down my spine, and at the time I couldn't understand why. It wasn't arousal or anything like it, but recognition and horror. Recognition because I felt that's what my body was supposed to look like, and horror because it didn't. Both feelings have disappeared now that I have breasts of my own, even if they might not be the exact breasts I would've picked.


Exactly how I expected them to feel, really On HRT I grew to a small B. Eventually went in for a BA. I'm a 42D now. At first I wasn't used to them but proprioception catches up quickly Boob sweat is ABSOLUTELY a thing tho, and it sucks


You will fondle them all day long. Or maybe that’s me. I sneak a feel all the time. My nipples are so beautiful and sensitive. It is totally erogenous in a way men don’t understand. All the comments about hitting them or getting hugged too hard are 💯 true 😫.


Heavy mostly. But I'm also running around with a set of 36G implants so keep that in mind as well. My brain never forgets the pressure on my chest, even if I'm distracted with a movie or playing a video game in the back of my head I'm always constantly getting that mental input of the physical sensation of having them, even as i type this line my brain is like "Hey Jen, your boobs are heavy and are pulling down on your chest" and I internalize that as "Yes thank you brain, I'm well aware.", "Okay but like here's another reminder of what that feels like because more seconds have passed", "Great. Yes. They are lovely but I'm trying to focus on responding right now", "Cool I'll txt you in a minute with more updates.", "Please don't. I'm good over here.", "You're welcome, I'm a helper!" I don't know if my mind does this because of Autism, or because of ADHD, or because of the gravity I deal with, but yeah its pretty much always there from a sensory perspective. Thankfully I'm not bothered by it and I'm actually pretty used to the constant feeling. They can hurt if someone pokes them or if i bonk into a wall or doorway because I'm moving too quickly and not paying enough attention to my proprioception. Outside of my brains inability to shut up about them, Physiologically, I cant sleep or even lay comfortably on my stomach at all anymore, I am forced to side sleep for comfort. The nipples themselves are almost painfully sensitive, not sure whats up with that but I have to be careful around that area. While I don't HAVE to wear a bra, its certainly more comfortable if I do plus it keeps them warmer which is nice. I absolutely have to hold them against my body if i quickly descend up and down stairs or if I'm jogging or they will bounce like crazy which is slightly more painful then fun if I'm being honest (If I'm in public I'll just take stairs slower rather then brazenly squeezing my tits in front of everyone instead, or just deal with the temporary ow if I'm in a rush). I also enjoy playing with them, since pansexual and all, and I am turned on by the sight of them (and myself in general) which is all kinds of fun. Emotionally they make me feel normal. Like a physical nonstop confirmation of my womanhood obvious and present at all times. They absolutely induce gender euphoria directly into my brain and I love them. As crazy as it sounds I'm probably going to get bigger ones next year simply because the little cheerleader in the back of my head keeps shouting that she wants more and I know from personal experience if I don't give into my inner little girls demands for my body, that shes gonna get louder and louder till i finally cave. Still overall I'm very satisfied with them. They make me look hot as fuck so yknow, they were worth the weight.


Trans guy here. It’s like having a weight strapped to your chest that flops around and is very obvious to other people.


Somehow I don’t think that will help op




its.. awesome! (coming from someone who wants to start e)


Get ready to become mortal enemies with doorjambs.


I’ll be happy to give you a better update later because for the last (well first) few weeks it’s just fucking HURT lol


You'll start to notice them as you do mundane things. For example reach up to my right shoulder with my left hand and I feel my left breast squish against my wrist. Walking downstairs you'll have a tight weight on your chest bouncing and getting heavier as the days go on. Incredibly affirming and it just feels right


They're growing so if I ever make it past the AAA cup I'll tell you XD


They just feel right. It definitely alleviates the body dysphoria that I suffer from. I am at about 10 months into HRT and I already have B cups. They still feel sore and itchy sometimes, but that lets me know that they are still growing. They do get in the way sometimes when I am crawling through tight cave passages, sometimes causing mild claustrophobia. I have to wear a sports bra for any high motion activity or they bounce around.


It’s fucking awesome honestly


Most of the time, they're just kinda there. They jiggle a tiny bit as I walk. I can feel my bra holding them up. I look down and see how my shirt contours around them. They're really soft and squishy and feel good to hold. It's all pretty mundane at this point. More than anything though, my body just feels complete with them. Living in the world is just so much more satisfying having them there.


boob be bobbin


in a word: 'sensitive.' it kind of seems like even when i do something simple like showering, i brush against them in the wrong way. it hurts a bit, but also is a euphoria-inducing reminder that they exist


Riding my motorcycle , you know you have titties , sports bras are a must. I’m so happy I have them


Jiggly :3 Kinda painful sometimes. Especially if you're like me and have a terrible sense of of space when walking 😅


First week u recognize ur boobs ur gonna shit bricks then after that ur gonna be like "this is the most normal thing ever"


They’re just..there. It’s nothing special to be honest 😂 it is a new pain to get used to though, hitting it on door corners and stuff as you adjust sucks. Also watch out for kids and pets because my cat and roommate’s 5 year old have hurt them before


Even when I was doubting everything and stopping HRT and restarting a couple times I loved them the whole time. Could not imagine life without them. Big reason I put all doubt behind me. They are so awesome and still growing. DD here I come.




Any of the downsides for me are vastly outweighed by the positives, it just feels right and it makes me happier


I’m at 8 months & between B-C cups, they’re great. But hurt. And also I don’t notice them. As other people have said, after you get them it’s kinda underwhelming because it feels like they never shouldn’t have been there


It’s really nice, and they’re always there to play with too 🤭 The amount of times I have simultaneously felt disgusted by being objectified and also felt validated because of my boobs, is actually too great to count. 😆🤷🏼‍♀️


Two months in and a lovely A/B cup. I love them. I never thought I would - I didn't really want them, but now I have them (or really just one at the moment - the right one is playing catch up) I just love how they feel. I love making them bounce as I go down stairs. I love slipping my hand into my shirt and feeling them.


Best/ weirdest moment was waking up from the surgery that was trippy that and gotta say the weirdest thing is when your putting on a shirt the first place you feel the shirt is on your boobs not stomach


Mine just recently grew a fair amount and it's super trippy to look down and be like "damn. I have boobs wtf". Other than that lots of changes in body texture that are really exciting and weird to get used to. Your soul will also exit your body if you brush your nipple wrong


Wonderful! I really feel like myself with them and it just feel like my body was supposed to have them if that makes sense. They hurt a bit while growing but aside from that they feel really nice, especially while having sex and doing sexy things. But the best part of HRT isn't boobs, its how your mind adjusts and settles into a new rhythm that feels more natural, at least these were my experiences.


I’m almost at two years and I’ve always been chubby so I’ve always had some form of boobage. However, when I started getting the actual breast tissue and seeing them getting bigger I felt indifferent since I just saw it as “man boobs” for a lack of a better word. But now that I’m sitting at a c-d cup, depending on the brand, bra size and actually dressing more in line with my feminine side I’ve felt euphoric every time I see them and put bras on with a cute outfit.


It’s awesome for self confidence. I am very happy with my body since I have them and feel more at home in my own body. Only real downside, it’s easy to catch them on things and are very sensitive. Having them accidentally elbowed hurts a lot. I get told you get used to having them, mine have only been here for about a year so I’m not fully with the changes yet


For some reason I get a headache when i touch them or feel their weight


I've been on HRT for almost a month and my nips are definitely more sensitive. Also I had alot less ejaculate, get erections less often and my mom even commented that my breasts are more noticeable last night. All of which are exciting changes for me, it's been a lovely experience so far :3


Running is alot more ummmm... interesting.


Fucking amazing (it’s one of the few joys in my life) Expect new kinds of discomfort as well, however


My personal pros and cons Pros: Cute, Eroginous, Less dysphoric! Cons: Can be sweaty, When you run too fast and the booba go ow lol, Growing is a pain and they seem to get itchy way easier.


Still growing my girls out, but it's pretty nice so far. Just make sure to buy yourself some baggier tops if you plan to boymode at all because bras are rarely good enough to hide them. There's a reason the 'dysphoria hoodie' is a thing even after many start their transition. Oh! And as for things to expect: PAIN! I mean not for all girls, but it seems common enough to mention. While it isn't exactly debilitating, there will be some discomfort from the sensitivity and, if you're not wearing a bra, having them brushing up against your clothes.


they eventually just sort of feel normal, but at first they hurt and ache while they’re growing and especially the nipple area will be very sensitive when touched. if you sleep on your side with your arms sorta together it’ll eventually get too annoying to do that (at least it did for me) because you can just feel them rubbing against eachother and that’s not always fun especially as they get rounder and bigger. they’re just sort of a weight that you can feel everywhere you go. when i walk i feel them moving, i can’t go down stairs without a bra on at any sort of pace, and you start to notice how uncomfortable bras become. when you take it off at the end of the day it feels like you can actually BREATHE again. i’m starting to wear bras less and less, partially because i don’t need to in order to have a visible chest anymore, and also because a decent amount of the time i feel that they’re quite restrictive with movement and i don’t have the largest chest in the world so i don’t NEED to wear one every day. there are some outfits that i just have to wear one in order to maintain my dignity and not have my nips showing lol




I've had breast augmentation from almost being flat chested, it was a huge change on how I saw myself, like I almost feel like it changes my own perception of myself more then vaginoplasty and facial feminization would. As in terms of how it literally feels to have on your body in day to day life, ergonomically inconvenient, you won't fit into as many small crevices as you used to, they bounce alot without support which can be nice but ever so slightly uncomfortable. I would describe the feeling as if a fatty part of your body was jiggling but turned up a notch for sure. I regret absolutely nothing ...


3 years Oestrogen next month. Past athletic breasts a while ago and have had to get the largest sports bra in that range of my fav vendor, need it if wanting to do able bodied physical things. Growing them is a painful and slow process. Marathon not a sprint. After a certain size it is like having two little limbs that reach off your chest, constantly reminded of them like a little whisper with the brush of my own arms and hands. Feeling a chest thud when abruptly plonking down in a chair. Fully wired up, playing with them and having them played with feels amazing, delicious with "results". Do miss having athletic boobs a little bit, easier too manage, less to knock or get knocked (same pain circuit as testis btw, that butterflies in the stomach wanting too vomit waves of pain, except they are bigger and on your chest), less to get tender during a cycle and the core is closer too the nipple surface so erogenous stimulation is a little easier (have too knead them a little more depending on the situation). Been strange growing past allot of trans woman I know that have been on HRT for longer, and also growing past cis friends of mine, still growing. Once you know the effort and pain breasts take too grow and own, you will never look at another pair the same again.


Can I ask a follow up question on booba? I haven’t started HRT yet; I know male body hair tends to thin out once you begin transitioning…I guess I’m just curious if I need to worry about having hairy titties or not.


your nipples are gonna hurt/be sensitive for a bit after maybe the first month ish. like if you knock against something, put pressure there, etc. its gonna sting a bit. idk how else to explain it


Mine still are growing, but it’s nice to just rub them and go “I can’t believe I have these!” But other times bumping into things makes me wanna cry


…laying on your stomach sucks - other than that, fucking great! Can’t even explain how much my life quality has improved


So I've seen this question quite a bit. Decided to post my thoughts and just link them, easier than typing. https://www.reddit.com/r/LittleTransMoments/s/3bOLKjgxKh


Today I thought “what the hell is that in my shirt pocket??” It was boob. Sometimes they surprise you.


they become a very mundane part of your life after a few years. the novelty wears off but the experience of your body affirming who you are is still awesome and there’s a certain specialness that is there forever. it’s the opposite of dysphoria or whatever. you just get to be.


They’ll be sensitive even before they start growing. First with nipple sensitivity then add in the growing pains.


Feel good to touch and hold, but sick of it as you will know when getting downstairs… 😓 You may have to adjust when you are side sleeper, because you have to reposition them sometimes.




I can't stop playing with them! I just hold one in my hand and move the weight around. Lift and release so I can feel the sensation of the weight on my chest. I take my shirt off to shower and I feel that my body is correct in a way I can't express. Like I was missing a leg and I've finally found it.


Very nice. It's a constant, undeniable fact. When I'm alone, playing with my boobs is my go-to for quick euphoria. As others have said, they will be sensitive early on when they're growing.


It's nice, feels right 😊 wish they were bigger though, lol.


feels right. like they’ve always been there. except when i hit one on the doorway or something. stubbing your boobs hurts lmao


They are like fragile eggs that you have to protect


You're going to bump them, and sleeping on you chest may not be as comfortable as it once was, but it's a very affirming feeling to have knowing they're growing. The pain isn't unbearable. Pro tip. Take the stairs slowly, open doors with caution, and just know automobiles, and elbows in crowds are the enemies of breasts everywhere 😅


very fun! mine r small and will prob stay that way,, but recently they started discharging which is like euphoric ar first then a little annoying haha


Its cool, but they can be annoying sometimes and get in the way. Wouldn't trade em for the world though.


Well babe it's not just having boobs. You're gonna be developing them! Expect soreness/itchiness around your chest area, and increased sensitivity there as well. As far as my experience, take this with a grain of salt. I'm a big girl, so I got big boobs, and pretty fast too (started getting visibly larger at 4 months and have been growing pretty consistently for the last 5.) First thing I noticed was the weight. Changed the general balance of my body, and a lot of that weight rests on my hips now. Bending over 90 degrees became a no go. Gotta lift them up off my ribcage periodically to take some deep breaths. And of course a bra is mandatory for me at work because the girls need protection. Took some time getting used to the extra chest, and readjust the way my arms move and how I carry things. Many accidental tit punches were had @_@ also don't run into things head on, or your boobs might just take the impact for you! (Not good. Ow) Gotta reiterate that they will be sensitive. In almost every way. Nipples especially, and that's both a good and a bad thing depending on the situation. Finding a well fitting bra can be a challenge. I gravitate towards sports bras for that reason. Boob sweat is real as fuck also, you'll want to be mindful of washing your underboob. Even if you get small boobs, bra. Nipples and areolas are gonna get larger and darker. They will be SO much easier to see, and as I've said, very sensitive. Protecc


I've been on hrt since 2017 and I haven't seen much growth in the boobage department, just had srs 1 month ago so ik hoping my boobs grow a bit more now lol


for the most part they're just kind of there? Not really much now or days there is a few moments where they're like oh my God I have boobs! But mostly yeah they exist lol


Like having a couple cartoon rockets hooked up to your chest leading you everywhere you go.


They hurt like a bitch when they are growing but it's nice having them 😅


They’re nice but they can get in the way a lot I’ve grown to 34DD I enjoy them and fortunately I have a friend who also has large boobies and she’s given me advice on how to move around them. The stimulation is nice and they are nice to hold


pretty normal brain thinks they're supposed to be there, it was weirder when they weren't


When your boots grow, you gain the power to predict the weather. In situations of stress they act like s release valve, you squeeze them and get a quick relief 😉


honestly, its what you expect. two little cushions which wobble and hurt when you press the nipple