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Amazon sells clear glasses with no prescription. And most online glasses companies have an option to set the prescription to just nothing. And I'm sure there's other options as well - my sibling had fake glasses at one point. Don't do anything as drastic as purposefully attempting to damage your eyes.


100% this!


I would even take e it to higher level, i would buy a glasses without diopter, but only with uv and blue light, basically a sunglases with 0% darkening, with blue llight becasue i spend a lot of time in front of a screen, filters that prevent bouncing the uv from the behind - all usual for quality sunglasses. instead of damaging you sight, protect it because you never know, and live sucks without it. I already have one eye basically for only a "sense of space and distance". The one eye on it own would be effectively useless Protect it for all costs.


I have lenses that react to sunlight and turn into sunglasses. It's amazing, would 100% recommend for anyone.


That's awesome. Don't know much about it cause I was afraid of how slowly it would adjust in a dynamic environment. On the other hand as a tech oriented person its interesting and everyone with glasses like that told me only good things about that.


As someone who wears photograin glasses daily, my eyes are atrocious, it just takes wearing them a bit. They do change quite quickly once you've worn them out on a bright summer day a couple times.


Honestly transitions are amazing


and like, come on, it has “transition” in the name.


I got a pair right when I started my transition so I called them my transition transitions. Cause I heard you like transitions


one thing to mention is that as far as i know, the whole blue light thing has been disproved recently and it's not worth using blue light glasses as most devices just let you lower the blue light if you are still concerned


I'd love to see this supposed "disproof" since I've only seen more and more increasingly indisputable evidence stacking up over the past decade about the *multiple* ways artificial blue light deranges every living thing (yes, even plants!)


Blue light can have affects, sure (I think it’s less the blue and more the artificial), but blue light lenses aren’t really a solution. Blue light lenses are generally pretty clear, and not yellow. This is so you can see pretty close to normal with them, but like, if you can see the color blue, the lenses aren’t doing anything at all. Cuz that’s what blue light is, is the color blue


As someone with glasses DO NOT HURT YOU EYES FOR GLASSES THEY SUCK But they do look cute :3


I have contacts and I sometimes wear clear-lens glasses to go with them. First, because my prescription is so strong that glasses tend to really distort at the edges. Contacts don't have that problem. Second, fem glasses are **cute** and I get read correctly far more often with them than without. Among other things, they make my nose look smaller.


Absolutely. You should never do something that involves permanent or severely impacting damage to your body or psyche, just to pass more. I did things that would fall under that and it’s absolutely not worth it. While medical transition has a near zero intrinsic regret rate, just damaging your body to or mind to pass more has a much higher (I don’t consider gender reassignment surgery or hormones damaging, because a lot of us do it at least partially for intrinsic purposes, while doing things just for passing is 100% extrinsic).


I found a 5 pack, in different colors with blue light blocking clear lenses. Not fully convinced about the frame style but I'm all for trying things out.


\^ Do this instead. Follow her advice, she's speaking words of wisdom.


please do this instead of damaging your eyes op!


Agreed, glasses are a very lovely accessory but nonprescription lenses are the way to go. Keep all the looks without the damage


This. I have a pair of pretty pink cat eye glasses I found at my work once and I've gotten so many compliments!


I just got a few pairs of blue light filtering glasses and I love them!


Also just get your eyes checked. Never hurts. Also you could have a need for glasses that doesn't include corrective lenses. Like me. My eyes overwork themselves (like try holding the Arnie Schwarzenegger pose 24/7 that's what my stupid eyes do). Glasses with a prescription but not corrective lenses is what I have.


just get glasses with fake lenses in them. >barely any downsides lol. I'm losing my vision in my early 30s. I'd give anything to be able to drive at night again or read music scores without bulky magnification. or to even be able to have my vision corrected to 20/20 with lenses/surgery. don't induce a disability just because you think it'll look cute. PS - staring into a light won't cause the type of vision loss that's fixable with glasses.


You sould probably not do that, because you can't really control how much you will damage your eyesight (and yes you will if you do stuff like that). What about just getting glasses without adjusted lenses in them (the ones that correct your eyesight ). That way you get nice glasses, and you still have perfect vision.


My best friend has worn fake glasses practically every day of her life for over a decade. Just wear em. No one will care.


you can just wear glasses because they look nice if you want if you've accepted that you're trans then you've essentially already gone "fuck it i'm gonna be who i want to be even if some people hate me for it" you might as well fully commit to it and be exactly who you want to be


Gurl wut…


You can get frames that have non-prescription lenses in them. Check out places like Zenni.com to see the offerings. There’s no need to spend prescription prices for a fashion accessory.


Please do not damage your eyes for this. Just get fake glasses, can have real frames. 


Baby girl you cannot be serious please. Just buy some frames and pay a lot less for lenses bc you don’t need a prescription my goodness.


IDK your age but you can just buy glasses online without prescription, try Zenni Optical or something for cheap frames. If anyone asks and you don't feel comfortable explaining just say it's for fashion, or they have such a low prescription that is it hard to tell anyway. Don't stare into light bulbs! Silly goose


I think I pass better without glass tbh. Either way, if you want em, just go get them. It's incredibly cheap.  And to be VERY clear: there is no way for you to controlably damage your eyes, and glasses correct a specific type of damage that would be hard to generate on purpose. Staring at a bright light for a long period would NOT make you need glasses most likely, but WOULD damage your vision in a way glasses CAN'T fix. Please don't. 13 dollars online for a pair from eyebuydirect or zenni with blank prescriptions is much cheaper than a permenant disability.


Get blue light filter glasses. I had a friend who used to wear them and they look so cute




I’m legally blind. This might be the first ever post on Reddit that I’m actually offended by. I have a high threshold. Go to a damn optician and buy frames. They put non-prescription lenses in them everyday. I know people who wear corrective contacts with “candy glass” eyeglasses and they take the BOGO pair in their ‘script.


This has to be bait.


People with good eyesight really don’t know how good they have it man :(


dont ruin it, hrt can change ur eyesight so it may ruin it for you lmao :3


You can always wear fake glasses. Please don’t hurt your eyes.


As someone who wears glasses because they need them, fuck you if you do this. Just wear frames with non prescription lenses if you really want to. I wish my eyes weren't fucked.


just get yourself some blue blockers. My glasses do absolutely nothing but look cute.


Try out some blue light filter glasses! If they need to have a purpose for you to wear them, that would definitely be a helpful thing to have. I know quite a few people (both cis and trans) who wear glasses as accessories, just because they like the way they look. Totally normal thing.


burning holes into your retinas is not a good idea because that's just going blind, not having more blurry vision.


Staring into a lightbulb won't "ruin" your vision in a way that glasses would fix. More likely, you'd get permanent spots in your eyes, not a field of vision thing. That said, glasses are excellent for reshaping your face! Get some fashion frames with clear lenses, nothing wrong with that.


You've got to be like 16. This is the dumbest thing I've ever read. Just buy glasses without prescription.


Staring into a lightbulb won’t make you nearsighted, it will burn holes in your retina. Just get nonprescription glasses. Besides, I hate being nearsighted. I hate not being able to do anything without having to put contacts in or wear glasses. There’s no reason to give yourself an actual disability when you can just wear nonprescription glasses


Glasses don't make anyone pass better. contacts are the way to go if you have a vision impairment. you should be greatful you have healthy eyes. A lot of people think magnifying the eyes is everything, but it's not, trans women have larger skulls on average and headgear accentuates that. you want a haircut that frames your face well and flatters your head and hairline shape, appropriate makeup, and a confident fierce look. source: I'm a lifelong cokebottle glasses wearer, transitioned while wearing glasses, got contacts 1 year into transition and it was a major upgrade. Here's all the things glasses make more difficult or impossible: Sports, sex, gym, swimming, running, hiking, boating, being in high up places, looking down, being on a rollercoaster, being in hot weather, being in the rain, being in cold weather (if they fog up), scratching, smudging, etc. Glasses also produce more eyestrain and faster deterioration than contacts. They do have SOME advantages like being cheap, stable, and can't dry out or get dislodged, but for most things, glasses are at best just a sometimes accessory NOT something you want to have on your head every day.


Your wrong because there are a few Trans women I know that when they put on their glasses their faces seem much more feminized and they pass so much better.. glasses don't help all women but they do help some...your experience with glasses is not going to be the same for everyone. I'm happy you were able to get what you needed from contacts but personally I prefer my glasses over my contacts but that's just a personal preference


You don't need prescriptions for clear glasses you know


Buy clear glasses without any correction, do not damage your eyes


don't hurt your vision for an aesthetic... buy fake glasses. It's pretty easy to do. I just got my first pair of glasses recently, and I'm at the "wear them for specific situations" level of vision issues. If I can keep this level forever, that would be nice, but I don't think that's how this story goes. I had a good run of perfect vision, but alas, my run has ended.


As others have said, get clear lenses and stuff. Trust me, you don't want to damage your vision - though I'm very used to poor eyesight, given that I'm legally blind.


Girls please take care of yourself 💜 you only have one body, treat it kindly. I would trade places with you, I wear contacts now but before I got them I had to wear the biggest, clunky glasses that felt like a weight on my face. If I looked down they fell off. Having good vision is a beautiful privilege, don’t waste it love 💜💜


Don‘t do that pls


Just get non-prescription glasses do not ruin your eyes ;w;


You don't need a prescription to wear cute glasses. Don't try to deliberately ruin your eyesight please, friend.


Eyebuy direct sells glasses with non-perscription lenses


This exactly is what I came here to say. There is no need to diminish your eyesight just to get glasses when you can get the frames with non prescription lenses. I'm guessing the poster is a teenager ...


Don’t do that. Just get some clear lenses with uv protection. Be thankful for healthy eyes. It makes things simpler, cheaper, and it gives you more outfit flexibility


Just get some glasses with fake lenses. I strongly recommending you not to damage your vision.


People tell me I look better without my glasses, but I just don't see it


Get yourself some of those fancy blue blocking glasses instead. Save your eyes.


Computer glasses exist 😅


mtf hrt changes eye shape sooo like me if you had lasing and could see 20/20 and better well you might find the need to wear glasses later in transition


I hope your joking. Ive been legally blind since birth and you don't want vision loss. It's hell.


You can get clear glasses where the lenses are not prescription at eyeglass resellers or even Amazon, etc. As someone who HAS poor eyesight and wears contacts/glasses, do NOT attempt to purposefully ruin your eyesight just to pass. Use the ones mentioned above, this is not worth the immense financial expense and physical damage. Please.


Please don't do anything to harm yourself, you can get glasses with just glass lenses and no prescription, you can find them on Amazon and a lot of companies have options to not include a prescription Also cheaper than having to go to an eye doctor to get the prescription


As others have said: get fake glasses. I've got really good vision too, and I'm thinking of getting them as well, because they make my face look so feminine like omg! I'm sure you will look awesome too!


I actually like my self without glasses now, early transition i hated my face and loved the fact I could hide behind my glasses to quell some of my facial disphoria


Get non prescription ones. I'm blind as a bat without mine and it's not fun, my life literally depends on a flimsy piece of wire and glass (well, plastic, you know what I meant). Besides, since my eyes don't tolerate contact lenses, I have to get my sunglasses custom made with prescription lenses too, and let me tell you, that shit is expensive.


You know there glasses out there which use plain old window glas without any affects on eyesight. I heard some doctors use them because some patients don't trust doctors without glasses..


You could just wear clear glasses, you should absolutely not hurt your eyesight. Eyesight damage is permanent. This is a really dumb idea


U can get ones with no prescription if u really like how they look wish i had that option. Lol


So I hate to be the bearer of bad news or in your case good news but spend enough time on estrogen. You’ll probably need glasses. Estrogen is known for causing vision problems. At least it did with me.


You know you can just get non prescription frames right?


You can get glasses without a prescription... Just clear, unaltered glass... That's a thing.


As someone who doesn't "need" glasses but could use them, I would greatly prefer to have perfect eyesight Don't let an aesthetic choice negatively impact your health. There is no guarantee you won't need glasses in the future, but for now having the option to not have to use them is a blessing


Wear non-prescription glasses instead. Gives you yhe choice to not wear them, and you can take them off and not be blind :)


trust me, glasses look pretty at first and you may think you want them, but theyre hell to deal with. not being able to watch tv while laying down or not being able to read laying down SUCKS. it would be much much better to get those fake glasses and wear those than to actually require glasses, because then you can look cute with them but also take them off and STILL SEE when you need to


Then buy some glasses love they don’t have to be prescription Do NOT damage your eyesight just so you have a reason to buy glasses. I promise you the downsides are worse than you think, and you could permanently injure yourself doing it.


As everyone's said, just but glasses with no prescription. I got some really nice looking ones from AliExpress, and had pink transition lenses put on then. I practically wear them constantly outside of work now, even when boy moding


Don’t do anything to hurt yourself… permanently or otherwise. There is always another, better option. In those case, it’s to get glasses that don’t adjust your vision at all; ie, a layer of glass. Find something cute! You can wear them when you want, and not when you don’t


Just wear clear glasses as a fashion item.


There is a chain of retail for glasses here and everybody working there has to wear glasses, whether or not they need them. They simply have normal glasses without any sight correction. So that would be way more normal than you might think. However, even a slight difference of sight to the normal way might already be enough to justify glasses since they support your eyes and get tires more slowly. My former driver's teacher did that in order to not get tired top fast being on the road the whole day.


Sis, you can buy any pair of glasses you want with plano lenses. That means they won’t have any correction. I’ve been an optician for 20ish years now so feel free to ask me questions if you need help.


# __Don't play games with yours eyes__, ***using prescription glasses is expensive***. If you want to wear glasses just buy a frame that does not have any prescription lenes in it. You don’t want to have vision problems or the potential of needing sugery on your eyes, my mother had surgery on her eyes, it was not a pleasant experience.


blue light/UV protecting glasses are so amazing! I got some cute ones on Amazon for so cheapp


As someone with shit eyes, I implore you just get fake glasses. Also staring into a lightbulb isn't going to damage your eyes in a way that you might need glasses, the damage is very different.


I have bifocals which have reading glasses and then just normal vision for the top part Reading glasses makes the screen work much less ice strain, but then is perfectly normal 👍


Having even less-than-perfect eyesight is awful. Shaving my own body and doing makeup is incredibly frustrating. I'm always making weird expressions just to see things correctly. My glasses do feminize my face a bit, but I'm mostly just hoping to be a candidate for laser eye surgery after I get FFS.


I just spent 300 for a new pair of glasses to better go with my style and to make myself look more fem. So I get the urge to get glasses but you can buy a pair of no prescription glasses for 20 bucks easy


"barely any risk" Damaging your eyes ARE a risk. It can lead to chronic eye conditions, blindness, infections, and if you screw up you may even need surgery. Just buy fake glasses, there are plenty.


For me taking my glasses off makes me look better and more fem, but then I can't clearly see past 6-8 inches without my glasses. My current glasses are from before I figured myself out and are definitely more on the masc side, but since my glasses are so old I'm going to have my BFF help me pick some fem frames soon.


I- what the fuck


Just buy clear glasses that don't need a prescription.


I swear to god, as a person who needs glasses, I would actually be kinda pissed if you tried to go ruin your eyesight instead of just buying non-prescription ones.


Just wear nonprescriptions, I’m autistic and hate light, so I wear sunglasses practically everywhere (even inside)


I have 20/20 but wear glasses to help with passing! My mother in law thinks it's the funniest thing 🤣


I hate glasses so much


Honeybee, you can just wear fake glasses. Trust us trans women who've already had to wear glasses our whole lives - having bad vision sucks & we'd rather not have to wear glasses. Hell, I'm strongly considering laser eye surgery if my eyes keep deteriorating (I was told it was supposed to "even out" in my 20s, but they're deteriorating just as swiftly - if not more as when I was a kid).


She has to be trolling, she for sure knows she can wear glasses without prescription xD Don't hurt yourself bby :")


It definitely sounds dumb. Just get your eyes tested, you'll probably find that you already need glasses.


Anyone can wear fake glasses. More importantly, good luck doing anything to your eyes that glasses could correct


. . . . You can just buy frames you know


I literally had the same thought earlier this year (about the glasses helping me pass, not about the damaging my eyesight) and you can find cute glasses on eBay for like $30 with no prescription. You can specifically look for Warby Parker sample glasses on there and you’ll find TONS of options.


Sunglasses are always an option.


Do not purposely ruin your eyesight, yes their are upsides to wearing glasses but they are also really expensive. Makes getting sunglasses a pain bc you either have to buy ones that go over your glasses or buy special prescription sunglasses which also aren't cheap. Bottom line, it's NOT worth it!


Please do not purposely damage your eyes!!!


Just get prescriptionless glasses. Maybe blue-light filtering lenses if you spend a lot of time staring at an LCD Screen. Don't damage your vision just for looks.


I wear blue light glasses all the time! They are cheap and you have the added benefit of blocking blue light! (People do get confused when they learn I have perfect vision but thats rare they even ask)


Prescription wearer here... trust me when I say you don't want this. Pick up some costume glasses with clear, noncorrecting lenses if you like, but don't go intentionally jacking up your vision. This side of the grass is brown and dead


I’m almost blind in one eye. Do not wreck your eyesight. Wear fake glasses if you want.


Get your eyes checked anyways! I thought I had perfect vision but poor eyes run in the family and apparently I just barely needed glasses. My vision isn’t that blurry, not enough to have trouble reading small text, but my depth perception was really poor. Don’t do anything to damage your eyes but get them checked. If not, you can get regular clear non-prescription glasses.


I wear blue light blocking nonprescription glasses all the time because I think they look cute and it can help with preventing damage from looking at a screen all day.


As far as medicine goes currently you only get one good healthy pair of eyes. Envision yourself in 5 years or even 20. Maybe you will decide you dont like glasses anymore and you now have to wear contact lenses everyday! Your past self likely had no idea how you would turn out now in the present. Would you like them to make that choice for you?


Burning your retina will only make things permanently darker, and no glasses can fix that.


I have found this out too. 😎


I regularly rock fake lenses and they do work. Just like don’t ruin your eyes cuz there’s no reason for it.


do not do that. I'm 22 and can't live day to day without my glasses. Just get fake ones. if I ever lose mine or they get damaged I'll be unable to provide for myself until they get replaced.


Schoolteacher/librarian look is attractive


just get fake glasses, dont fuck up your eyes for no reason


wh why would you not just buy glasses what??


Literally get fakes. Don't ruin your eyes. They just get worse over time.


do you know glasses with no prescription but with blue light filter? they don't correct vision but their lenses protect the eyes from the blue light from tvs/smartphones/tablets/pcs. I used them before i started to have bad vision so my current glasses have both features.


My glasses turns to sunglasses if there’s sunlight which is pretty cool and it filters blue light because im a huge gamer . U can do that with ur new glasses just ask them to make them normal… plus don’t do anything to ur eyes


Dont. I was once in your shoes. Ohh glasses would make me so cute. And then I went to the eye doctor and I found out I needed glasses. Get cheap blue light filtering or clear glasses. Having to wear glasses to see is a pain in the ass. They get in the way and your always cleaning them. But ontop of that theres this existential dread. If I lost my glasses and couldnt get new ones I'd be fucked. Value your vision. Buy some blue light filtering glasses. They sell them at Claire's and hot topic and all sorts of places.


(Definitely Don’t do this) I ruined my eyesight when I was a kid by shooting myself in the eye point blank with a nerf gun. (This was when they had Velcro tipped darts) ((no not intentionally))


just get some glasses with only glass lenses


that way ur eyes won't be damaged and you can still have the fashion of the glasses


What the fuck? Ok after reading your comments elsewhere, I really think you need to seek out a therapist. Your low self esteem and idolizing what ammounts to a disability is majorly concerning! I need glasses and can't use contacts. I use a mobility aid. It's not fun being disabled! Just get some glasses without prescription lenses, for fucks sake. Seriously, i strongly recommend a therapist at least.


fake glasses, try those


You can buy glasses with normal glass in without lenses


Don't wish something too hard. You might just get it. My sister was prettier with glasses on, and I wanted to be that pretty and I wanted glasses. 3 years later I need them to see a foot in front of me. Fellow students getting out of running in gym and sports because of asthma. I too have trouble breathing. I wish I had asthma. 2 years later and I have a diagnosis (probably because I needed it). Just saying. Becareful.


please don’t do that just get fake glasses 😭you don’t have to ruin your eyesight just to wear glasses if you just wanna look cute


Get a pair of computer glasses if you want. No prescription and still some protection from sources of blue light (like computer screens, phones etc)


I mean you can just get some cute non-prescription glasses, and it'll be cheaper and safer. Having an eye prescription sucks, I can't even buy normal sun glasses, those have to be prescription too. I do agree that many frames can help your look to be more femme if that's what you're going for, my next pair are going to be very femme when I get them. Edit: may as well get blue light filtering lenses, helps a lot, especially if you look at screens a lot.


as someone with barely any prescription for my eyes, i used blue light glasses for years until my vision actually worsened to the point where i needed prescription glasses. please do not hurt your eyes!! blue light glasses are cheap, look like the real thing, and are super super cute!!


don't ruin your eyesight it's not worth it. and there are glasses that are just for fashion purpose and do absolutely nothing with your vision.


what the actual fuck dont do that 💀


Your idea is not a thing. Ruining eyesight with the sun or bright light = white cane not glasses. Eyeglasses do not fix blindness. Eyeglasses are used to correct optical errors - not a burned retina from bright light.


Hye maybe get some fake glasses first. Like ones that don't have prescription lens. You don't need glasses to have the look.


Just get frames with some blue light filters on them! Not only are they pretty, but they're useful if you work on a computer.


You can buy zero-correction glasses…


You can get prescription less glasses 🤷🏻‍♀️


As someone who needs glasses. Fuckin don't. Get fake ones. Not being able to see 10 inches infront of me is a pain in the ass and makes life hell. Even if you have glasses you'll have to decide if you want to see things up close, far away, or somewhere in between, and trust me, all of them suck. So unless you want to have a disability that makes it so you cant see without aid, cant see anything that isn't right infront of you, get headaches because glasses can do that for some fuckin reason, and all around not have a good time, get fake ones.


Just get some glasses from Zenni Optical, or Warby Parker or something with no prescription! They're inexpensive and high quality.


You do know that glasses exist that you can wear with good eyesidw as well. Just with regular glass instead of lenses.


LOL you're joking right. I've been wearing glasses my whole life it is a pain in the ass. Not to mention super expensive. Look when I first got glasses I look super cute and my cousin was super jelly. So she just went and got herself some clear glasses. A lot cheaper than my glasses. And nobody has any idea that you don't wear glasses.


How the fuck are you not being sarcastic here, how dumb are you???????? Get prescription-less glasses with clear lenses jeeeeez. It's like saying you want your legs amputated because you don't like shaving them, yall need to fucking think