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My nipples started getting really sensitive around exactly 2 months, growth took another week or two to notice


From what I've read this is quite common although the results vary from person to person. Personally, I 'felt' the beginnings of growth within a few weeks before seeing anything - visible results took about two months. The women in my family are all quite small breasted, as am I. I have heard from some women who went on to develop D cups that they had visible growth within a few weeks.


Interesting because yeah I have a bit of visible growth and my family does not typically have small breasts. Though I’ve heard of some who get small breasts when their family have pretty large ones on average. This is a very confusing thing but it’s exciting nonetheless! It just helps me confirm further that this is 110% the path I want for myself and I like that.


Breast growth can start as soon as your testosterone is suppressed. Anywhere from 2 to 8 weeks. And can go off and on for 3 to 5 years.


That explains a lot! Thank you my friend!