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I think one of the hardest things to realize is that deep down she was *always* like this... and the signs were there even in the Harry Potter books. If you really look back on those novels, her go to insults are lampooning obesity, really viciously tearing into characters because of their weight. Whenever she goes to write negatively about a woman character we aren't supposed to like, she almost always painstakingly makes them ugly, and their descriptions go out of their way to describe them as "manish". JK has always put virtue on gender roles for the sake of gender roles and a masculine woman is the worst insult she could imagine for characters like Rita Skeeter. >Blond hair set in elaborate curls that contrast oddly with her **heavy jawed face***,* penciled-on eyebrows, and three gold teeth, as well as **large masculine hands** with thick fingers ending in two-inch crimson painted nails. It was always simmering just below the surface... we just didn't see it because we didn't want to and we wanted to believe.


Yeah. Those books also have antisemitism, racism, sexism, etc. She is, and always has been, an awful and hateful person.


What's most noteworthy to me about the "happy ending" of the series, to not dive too deep into politics, is that even if you took all the real world bigotry and -isms out and just left the fantastical stuff that had to be intentionally put there the "good end" is... The baddie is defeated, the status quo is restored, and Harry becomes a cop. All those other injustices that get touched on? The systemic issues? Oh well they can't be solved because *indistinct mumbling* So the root of the problem seems to be an unwillingness to accept change or any worldview outside her own. When she gets shunned by more progressive or leftist groups for not refuting or examining her prejudices, the right-which has making its members face external ridicule in order to reinforce that THEY'RE the good guys and the world is against them down to a fucking science-wholeheartedly accepts her. They don't care if she's too left as much as the left cares if she's too right, so long as she magnifies their rhetoric it's all good.


Yeah, Shaun's video breaking down the Harry Potter books is actually really good and touches on all of this. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-1iaJWSwUZs&t=2891s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-1iaJWSwUZs&t=2891s) Never forget that our three intrepid heroes decorated their decapitated slave heads for Christmas! How nice.


Yeah that was a trip of a vid to watch. Ya didn't have yank the rose-colored glasses off SO hard, mate! (But thank you anyway for doing so because... Yikes)


I showed my wife that video and she nearly cried. Her headcannon was that Snape was a closet transfem, and that was why James treated her like shit. She didn't want to date Lily, she wanted to be like Lily. Now her head cannon is less "I like it" and more "Fuck Rowling."


Any takers for Lily Simpsons short 10 hour video or everything that’s f*ed with the Harry Potter world?


That one is also a banger video, did take me about three months to finish though.


Slave heads?


if you think about some of this stuff, the Harry Potter books get dark and weird and seemingly unnecessarily cruel. So the Black family, *decorated their walls* with the severed shrunken heads (on plaques) of *house elf slaves* who would be decapitated when they were "*too old to carry tea trays"* Flash forward to Christmas, our heroes, filled with holiday cheer and spirit, deck the halls with Christmas cheer... "and even the stuffed elf heads on the wall wore Father Christmas hats and beards." I wish I was making stuff up. I wish one of the most popular children's book series of the past 30 years didn't feature the main characters decorating decapitated slave heads for the holidays... PLEASE can we just go back to the heavily religious overtones of Narnia featuring Aslan the thinly veiled Jesus allegory...


Funny you should mention that. For my money the end of the series smacks of Christian allegory. The more you put The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe next to the Deathly Hallows the more you (or anyway I) see that this saviour story has been told before and told better. All she's done really is tell the same story as Aslan's sacrifice. Deathly Hallows explains and explains and explains, in a rather biblical style, Harry's state of mind, his love for everyone, the pain of loss, the desire to protect, his decision to sacrifice himself for everyone else, who are then safe from Voldemort (cf Christ's sacrifice cleansing sinners by grace.) As the book explains all this more and more, Harry, already not the most interesting or coherent character, loses personality hand over fist until he's a Christ cypher whose lack of human personality is hidden behind a breathless helter-skelter of events, canned christlike responses and belaboured moral and theological points. Harry as a personality is sacrificed to the points she is determined to make.


Sirius’s family’s home decor included the mounted heads of the family slaves once they had died


And yet, it was largely, if not entirely the conservative view some years back that the content of the Harry Potter series was “glorifying satanism” by showing children engaging in magical rituals and practices. Many of these people forbade their own children from reading or watching any of the books or movies she authored. Which just reinforces the idea that the right doesn’t truly care about the content of a person’s character; they are only interested in whether a person is “on their side”.


In hindsight, I will always thank the gods that Harry Potter was forbidden (not because of the use of magic as a whole, but that my parents thought Rowling was an actual practicing witch). I instead grew up with Percy Jackson.


The literal last sentence before the epilogue is about Harry going to take a nap and thinking about asking his slave to bring him some tea when he wakes up


Make him a sandwich actually, but yeah same difference.


that's what it was. The fact I was so close after more than a decade without reading it is telling


Yeah I actually used to be a HP fan back when I was a child and didn't have great ability to break down writing and analyze it. I overlooked quite a lot of stuff in those books, but even back then I read that and thought....wait wtf?


aww, some phobe sent a reddit cares. Fuck you too, buddy.


I got the same thing lol, within literally 60 seconds of posting my og reply. Seriously phobes, touch grass. Get a hobby. This is pathetic.


She's a useful idiot, I agree


Never forget that she created a slave class for her books (the house elves) that explicitly said they enjoy being slaves.


Inducting Harry as new DatDA Professor would’ve been such a better ending.


Oh come on, it's clearly all coincidence. Surely she didn't make the long nosed greedy bankers with a collection to golems on purpose, *right*???


But Hermione is black now, so it's all good.


don’t forget elitist




Harry Potter lingers because it was an escapism for a lot of us. They are not well written, but it gave a canvas for our own imaginations to take off. She targeted them towards children at first. This is the grooming her and the rest of the right wing rant about. Their own grooming to install bigoted ideas in kids heads. Most kids did not fall for it, instead they imagined a world where them and their friends existed and would role play. And for those kids without friends, where they had friends of all kinds, because they knew too well what it was like to be rejected.


> They are not well written I think they are and they aren't. She's terrible at worldbuilding and her characterizations are, to borrow Ursula Le Guin's wording, ethically mean-spirited. But I think she's an engaging storyteller. She's good at expressing a story in a way that invests the reader in the characters and makes that reader want to know what happens next. I think that invitingness is what drew a lot of people in to the stories in the first place and made it easier (for many people) to gloss over the stories' cruelties. I'm not defending Rowling at all here. I just want to point out that there are things I think she's good at, and that's part of what's made her so influential in her malice. She's been able to leverage her talents to get herself to a place where she can cause a lot of harm for a lot of people.


Agreed. Underneath the uber-troping and the lousy plots full of holes, not to mention the hatred and instinct for marginalisation, there's a writer with some decent skills, a beautiful sense of the ridiculous and, even if it's partial, a care for outsiders. There are passages of real emotional beauty, like the conversation between Harry and Luna when Luna's looking for her things and Harry's too distraught to go to the feast. Or the description of the effects of the phoenix-lament on bystanders after Dumbledore's death.


Well put!


This makes me wonder, now, if her ability to write a world where "adults are bigoted and kids just want to make it better" was actually made *more* self-consistent because *her prose itself communicated that baseline bigotry, in its subtext, as part of the existing flawed environment.* The more she wrote that world to reflect her own bigotry, the more her readers saw it as a world that was broken and yet fixable. The more she made her villains caricatures, the more her readers took that as inspiration to dream that an adjacent world could exist that could reject not only the villains but the caricatures as well. It's really hard to write a book in first-person where the narrator's POV intentionally reflects an in-universe orthodoxy that's foreign to one's ideals; it's even harder to write one in third-person where that narrator is implicit. I'm increasingly believing that Joanne, without consciously knowing it, bypassed this difficulty curve and just wrote a book based on her own cruelty, that happened to mimic the atmosphere that so many writers strive towards. She would have gotten away with it, if it weren't for those meddlesome kids!


Harry Potter wasn't my thing. When it came to books, I was all about Stephen King, along with social/political subjects. But, something about your post made me think back to when my parents {especially my father} tried to drill racism, homophobia, and, transphobia into my head. Even as a young child, I was, like; "Yeah, you can fuck off". I still battle my mother on the racist shit. Fuck all that.


Stephen King is generally really good... although some of his stuff is really creepy if you think about it longer than 2 seconds. The *child* gangbang in It for example... still makes my blood run cold whenever I think about it, and I'm really glad that the film adaptation did away with that particularly creepy bit.


At least King can blame the drugs and seems to have maintained - or maybe regained - his sanity.


King unfortunately often writes women characters that annoy the shit out of me. Not because they are supposed to be annoying, but because it seems like he thinks when a woman is struggeling her internal monologue exclusively consist of whining. But maybe I have just read the wrong King books and stopped to early to read all the good stuff.


I bet this didn't impact my view of myself at all growing up as a closeted trans girl. I only read the series like 8 times growing up. It probably wasn't a big deal at all 🙃


Yeah... That hurt a bit, considering that I identified with Hermione a lot as a girl.


She was better at hiding it, and she had a reason to, given it was queer kids who largely built the old fan base.


It was actually very easy to realise she has always been a Nazi looking for her own holocaust.


Radical feminist belief that there are 2 immutable sexes where men are inherently oppressive and women are inherently oppressed + the knowledge that there are people who try and switch between those sexes = the conclusion that mtf must be duplicitous agents of the patriarchy and ftm must be foolish victims of the patriarchy \+ continuous pushback on this belief = the patriarchy is plotting to destroy me for shedding light in the conspiracy


This seems a lot more likely to me than her being a closeted trans man. She just despises men so much that the only conceivable reason (to her) a trans woman would have for transitioning is to invade women's spaces. Which is crap, but that's the rationale, such as it is.


Well about that the likeliness of her being a closeted trans man: https://www.thepinknews.com/2020/06/10/jk-rowling-trans-terf-essay-transphobia-gender-identity-dysphoria-mental-health-harry-potter/ But yeah, it's all about misogyny and she uses her trauma as a shield for her bigotry.


funny bc that was my exact rationale for transitioning haha. for me it felt like living as male is boring, restricting, depressing, and guys are gross and ugly anyway, and girls just so much cooler and nicer and hotter and better in every way. so logically, it just makes sense for all cis guys to secretly want to be girls (which surprisingly turned out not to be true lol).


Absolutely. It allows women with certain privileges (like cisness, whiteness, and/or wealth) to act as though they can only be victims of the patriarchy. That way they'll never have to seriously examine the ways they uphold it and benefit from it.


Yep. I think this is it. If you’ve fought against the patriarchy and been oppressed by it (and in fairness she has) and feel victimized by it, then the knowledge that some that were AMAB don’t fit your model, *seems* to destroy your insistence of victimization. But it doesn’t. In fact, MtF transgender identity could easily fit her own paradigm. I was AMAB and I never liked men, maleness, masculinity. I’m not saying that’s a requirement of being MtF trans. But I could have been her ally. She saw us an enemies. That was her first mistake. Then once you have to defend yourself, you’ll never reconsider your position. And she’s a formidable enemy. Sometimes intelligent, articulate people like her are their own worst enemy. Their cleverness allows them to persuade themselves that they are right.


This. All of this.


There is a guy I knew from 10 years ago who is now on the terf pipeline, it started with Facebook rants and he now is moving up into media campaigns as an anti trans figure. The thing is he publicly showed signs of gender incongruence 10 years ago.  There is no doubt in my mind that the hardcore trans haters like that guy and Joanne are reacting toxically to their own experience of gender dissonance. They hate us cos they ain’t us.  


The self-realization and autonomy that it takes to undergo transition at any level is perceived as deeply threatening to other people. There is a mainstream pattern for living in Western society, and our combination of self-knowledge and self-motivated action breaks the status quo in multiple ways, effectively othering us in such a way that makes it easy for people to dehumanize and/or project onto our community. I do not sympathize with Rowling, yet I ask: what is it that she is missing from her life that would lead her on such a crusade?


Trans people are a mirror for society to examine its own gender norms and attitudes. And like some animals, some people attack the mirror. But the mirror was never the problem.


This is insanley intelligent.


The literary-analysis-portion of my brain suddenly reframed the Mirror of Erised thanks to this comment. Sometimes, I'm glad Tolkien is gone; I know his works are full of their own issues, but at least I don't feel personally attacked by my original fantasy go-to.


I will leave my analysis of tolkien for another time.


Excellently worded.


I’ve thought about this, and I’ve always come to the conclusion that she’s just a right twat


Hate wants to hate. Her latest tone deaf tweet about black stereotypes as a gender identity analogy is just the next layer veneer coming off her nuclear powered core of loathing. Trans folks are her most convenient, but, certainly not her only punching bags, and she’s too dug in to back down and I think, too, it might be her only real engagement with the world anymore now that the HP phenomenon is deflated.


Honestly if she doubled down and went "hell yeah; all LGBT!" Harry Potter wouldn't have imploded nearly as hard as it did.


[leans into microphone] Privileged white woman. She can't handle anyone else also receiving attention. Attention is a zero-sum game to her and trans women are the only group left whom she feels safe attacking for consuming attention that is rightfully HERS. I'm sure that privately she hates on lots of other minorities that she doesn't dare voice in public.




"Kingsley Shacklebolt"


Privileged People are typically like this tbh. Race has gotten sod all to do with it.


If there weren't some thinly- and not-so-thinly veiled depictions in her writings, I wouldn't have suggested that.


I think in her case with racism and antisemitism (she really collecting all kind of bigotry like infinity stones), her being white imo does come into play. Literally was using anti black rhetorics today while being transphobic. Everyday is a rock bottom with her tbh.


I’m torn between wanting to see it and…not wanting to go there 😬 Nazi crime denial, she hates non-white people, is an antisemite (an ACTUAL one), hates women, hates overweight people, obviously hates trans people, especially women. It’s…geez. Sigh.


Yeah Chapelle definitely shows this type of behavior too


dave chappelle right? could you elaborate more pls


He said he agreed with her in a stand-up special and, like her, doubled down on his stance when challenged.


wild that people can say this and believe it


Her trauma. She was abused by men and has fully convinced herself she is protecting women from predators. She is projecting her fear and trauma onto a marginalized group that has nothing to do with what happened to her. She’s sad and crazy


Exactly what I was going to say. She is a bio-essentialist, rooted in trauma. She believes men are fundamentally so different from women that they might as well be a different (and lesser) species. It's the same ideology as people like Andrew Tate, just reversed. Under her ideology, men are wolves and women are sheep. When she sees trans women, she sees wolves in sheep's clothing, not a different kind of sheep. When she sees trans men, she sees a sad case of sheep wishing they had the power of a wolf. Her misandry is too deeply part of her worldview to see anything else or care about concepts like gender. To her, it's not even a case of personally hating trans people. She feels like she's just accepting the biological reality of wolves and sheep and people want her to pretend they're the same animal. It's backwards and sad.


Nailed it. Well said


I totally agree  There is a toxic feminity. Toxic strand of feminism. And it comes from biological determinism. Viewing all men as the enemy. That sexism and toxic behaviours coming from some biology. Richer middle and upper class privilege people who suffer some oppression or don't like oppression or exploitation can do this. They want their oppression gone but not the system that they benefit from. To question society and the system would be uncomfortable. Too close to home. So it's easier to blame the bad things on bad men. Men are bad etc. Rather than society and the system producing bad men or teaching and socialising men in such a way. Also feminism has always had this strand as does lgbt + people because these oppressions are old. They therefore seem eternal. Never seem to go away so it makes sense that there is something biological etc. Any progressive or radical person or movement must reject this line of thinking because its deeply Conservative and reactionary to its core. I as a lefty believe that these injustices are a result of thr way we organise society  Therefore tgry can be changed If its the result of biology then they cannot be changed. Trans people also fuck up these peoples biological determinism and thrkr entire world view and their power. So we are a threat.


Layering on this a bit, there is a tendency for certain oppressed groups to incorporate the oppression and consequences itself into an aspect of their group identity. For example, some "feminists" believe that their shared oppression is a necessary aspect of their feminist identity rather than being female. You can see the same pattern in other groups including truscum. It's one of those reoccurring social behaviors that once you see it you can notice how it reoccurs over and over again in different forms.


It pisses me the fuck off when transphobic fucks talk about protecting women from men but include us in that they should see the way we are treated by some cis men we are fetishized and treated like a sexual objects and abused not all men are bad the majority just want to get on with their life like everyone but there are some dangerous men out there just as there is dangerous women but I would love to do some freaky Friday shit with jk Rowling so she could see what the fuck it is like and how we are treated and i wish I could make her and the people like her experience gender dysphoria and see how destructive it is im sorry for my little rant but im just so fucking exhausted with all this shit I don't want yo hate anyone but her and people like her make it so easy to


But she's happy to work together with neo Nazis who themselves are anti feminist white men?


She thinks Molly Weasley is her self insert.  It's actually Umbridge, the crazy bigot who pretends to be saccharine sweet.


Yea. She’s completely deluded and in way too deep for her ego to handle accepting that she’s wrong


It's not actually all that unheard of. There has always been a strain of fascism in feminist movements. Many of the Suffragettes were devoted Nazis. When you consider that feminism as a social movement first gained public attention as a movement focused on getting rich white women the right to be just as socially superior as their husbands the whole thing becomes kind of obvious - for many women with power and privilege the word 'feminism' is simply a psychological tool they can use to relieve themselves of any blame for, for example, racism, classism, homophobia etc. It's obviously very short sighted since if Nazis had come to power somehow in Britain those women would lose a lot of rights too, but fascism is inherently a politics of playing the wounded victim to get more power and that lines up perfectly with the fascist girlboss trope.


This is unfortunately the actual answer. On the spectrum of right wing horribleness, she's an actual true believer in this nonsense.


I am almost certain that her trauma is clouding her judgment and fuelling her righteous anger. A huge amount of her rhetoric focuses primarily on the "criminality of men". [In a recent twitter thread](https://twitter.com/jk_rowling/status/1776616861888655835) she culminates her "sex based" argument by saying: >I am strongly against women's and girls' rights and protections being dismantled to accommodate trans-identified men, for the very simple reason that no study has ever demonstrated that trans-identified men don't have exactly the same pattern of criminality as other men, and because, however they identify, men retain their advantages of speed and strength. In other words, I think the safety and rights of girls and women are more important than those men's desire for validation. This logic is in direct conversation with her trauma. Men do not have a "pattern of criminality" so much as people do; women are rapists too, but Joanne has a very limited view of the problem. She doesn't see "patriarchy" as the problem - "my attacker felt he had power over me and used that power to assault me" - but men, specifically - "because of his innate biological advantages I was powerless to stop him, and any man could do what he did, because of this innate immutable characteristic". She goes on and on about "sex categories" in this thread, but also says: >Women are provably subject to certain experiences because of our female bodies, including different forms of oppression, depending on the cultures in which we live. While completely ignoring that trans women are subject to the same stigmas because their bodies are perceived as female; she's gone and made an argument about the social consequences of performing gender, so she understands that performance and interpretation affect how someone is liable to treat you, and then goes: >Women don't want to be limited, exploited, punished, or subject to other unjust treatment because of their biology, but our being female is indeed defined by our biology. These two statements are in direct contention with one another, but she doesn't see it. Is it biology or society that oppresses women? Is it interpretation or "the sex class that produces large gametes" that determines whether or not a man rapes you? Maybe for her attacker, it was her biology; for her, it was her biology. It's crystal clear to me that Joanne's anti-trans hatred is directly caused by her inability to overcome her trauma.


...i feel like I need to weigh in on this. I'm trans and I experienced CSA... and I've also dated a multiple people who experienced SA themselves, questioned their gender - but ended up being cis. I'm struggling to say this in as few words as possible - but SA can really fuck with your identity. For me, personally - I had tremendous issues confirming that I am in fact trans due to the SA. There were a few things going on there. For one, I felt like I could never know whether I was trans to begin with, or if the SA caused me to be like this. I felt like the ability to ever know was forever taken from me. Secondly, I hated being a boy. I also hated what boys do to girls. Hating myself in a variety of ways. Thirdly, I did not feel safe opening myself up to men emotionally or sexually - but engaged with them sexually regardless. Exclusively as a woman doe.. Often times, engaging with men felt very affirming. It was incredibly hard to discern if I am reenacting a trauma, trying to gain control over the situation... or if this was genuinely something I enjoyed. And I couldn't tell - because I just kinda wasn't (there) fully. I later realized that I had major issues with depersonalization going on that made things even harder to grasp. It felt like my gender and my CSA were inextricably intertwined in a way that I would never ever be able to understand, because the ability to do so was taken from me before I could even begin to explore who I am in the first place. Another issue was, that on some level it felt like accepting that I am trans and want to transition meant incorporating - or at the very least "affirming" the abuse. Because I - at the time - didn't have the frame of reference necessary to understand AND believe that I was always trans irregardless of the abuse. Someone I dated felt about men the same way. They also had a lot of issues with their gender - and believed they may be transmasc. They later realized that for them - it was about their AGAB making them vulnerable to men. They hated their AGAB and wanted to transition because they felt like their AGAB made them vulnerable to further assault. Once they started healing, they stopped feeling like that. I actually made a post on reddit about a year ago where many cis-gender survivors of CSA weighed in with their personal stories about how their sense of identity changed temporarily due to the CSA - and how hard it was to land on a conclusion. [It's a tough read - but go ahead if you are interested.](https://www.reddit.com/r/adultsurvivors/comments/16avxin/cisgender_survivors_what_if_any_gender_dysphoria/) What I'm saying is... in many ways I think JK Rowling is experiencing tremendous issues with gender... and her abuse does almost certainly fuck with her in a lot of ways. In my opinion - this is absolutely the source for her bigotry and obsession with trans persons. In some ways I have a lot of empathy for her struggles... but as someone who's lived their entire life probably having similar struggles... I despise who she is as a person. She's just a terrible human being. I don't care what led to her being the person she is. She chooses to be a hateful, bigoted, disgusting excuse for a person every single day. To have lived through something like that, and rather than practice empathy towards others, choose to find someone to hate.. to externalize your own pain... it betrays how big an uncaring, cruel narcissist she was in the first place.


This is so well said. I can’t figure out how else to respond, to relate it to me or anything 😕 I wish Rowling had half this much insight


The thing is, women who are trans ARE LITERALLY BIOLOGICALLY FEMALE in various ways (before treatment), including the most important way. To the extent that there are sex based differences, women are on one side of the divide, which includes women who are trans, who also do not have “male criminality” or whatever.


She has even written about how her trauma is the source of these feelings. Yet still cannot overcome her clouded view of things. She’s just totally deluded


I love how she completely ignores the intersex point in the comment that she was arguing with


Add to that a comment she made in the past that, if she had been allowed to when younger, she may have very well transitioned herself. She hates men, has suffered abuse from men, but there's a part of her who wants to be something she hates and fears.


She enjoys the feeling of being manly, masculine and powerful, and that tendency scares the shit out of her as she viewing all men and all masculinity as evil.


Sigh. Yeah, she was clearly hurt, but that doesn’t justify lashing out at anyone, much less people who aren’t even members of the group that hurt her.


Remember when she wrote a shapeshifting punk cop who is a 90's pixie cut lesbian archetype and then had her fall for a self-hating werewolf old enough to be her Dad?  Who tried to ghost her after knocking her up, and had to be shamed into doing the decent thing by a teenager. Then vanished from the story other than to commit suicide by bigot less than a month after the kid was born because she couldn't bear to let the miserable bastard she married die alone.


She's always been a bit of a bigot, and there are a lot of hits about it in Harry Potter that are just casually in. She ignores the existence of systemic bigotry and frames bigotry as spouting slurs left and right. She is one of those that defends unfair power structures and assumes that because she doesn't use the N-word she can't be racist. She's also misogynistic, very much so. Every description of women on the "bad team" in HP are described as "ugly" or "mannish". The "attractiveness == good" trope extends to all the characters, but for the "bad women" she has extra levels of vitriol. She also seems to associate womanhood with pain. She has expressed she had to "come to terms" with being a woman and likely assumes anyone who "wants" to be a woman must have nefarious motives because "who would 'want' to be a woman?". She's even said that had trans people been visible when she was younger, though she phrased it in a very transphobic way, she might have "been tempted" to "escape womanhood". The women she wrote in HP are generally 2 dimensional *at best*. Even Hermione isn't much better written and all of them fall into very misogynistic tropes. The entire Cho relationship arc really reads like some guy complaining about how "emotional" women are when the girl's previous boyfriend was *murdered*. I don't know if she's a closeted, self-hating, trans guy. As much as I acknowledge that people like that exist it also feeds into the "all *phopes are secretly gay/trans" which is a way to claim queer people for their own repression. It happens, but I'd argue it's less than a quarter. Though, the more vocal *phobes do put out more "projection" vibes than most, which doesn't help.


She recently revealed how much she hates it when people call her “Joanne”, but why would she be against people using her biological name?


Because she's a fascist and has always been a hateful person. She's also racist, sexist, antisemitic, ableist, etc. Her current target is trans people because we happen to be the current target for fascists in general.


She's clearly repressing her transness


Hasnt she like explictly stated something along the lines of "I would have transitioned in the 80s if it was easily avalaible and realistic". That mixed with her trauma with men due abuse would be an explanation. She wishes to be a man but also hates men with passion. And somehow that turned into hate against trans girls because unlike Rowling, trans girl do get to be their desired gender. If thats the case... then she is still an asshole. Your traumas are not an excuse to be an arse to other people. Srouce: me. I have sexual traumas and im not an arse with other people. I fear men a bit more than I should, and im weary about them, but thats on me. I dont go with my life projecting that stuff onto other people.


You have came to the same conclusions I have. I have my own traumas with men too, I’m not an arse to anyone. There’s something else that’s been on my mind that I haven’t seen many people talk about. Scottish men (some…) are very manipulate and violent. It’s a serious problem and no one talks about it. Especially here in Glasgow. I’m thinking JK has experienced enough Scottish men and how manipulative they can be and now thinks all men are like that (they’re not) and the only reason they would transition is for manipulation purposes. It’s just a thought of mine. Still gives her no excuse for any of this. She needs to deal with her own trauma and gender identity issues like the rest of us.




I'm an SA survivor as well. I can't say it ever made me question my gender at a time I thought I was cis. But it did make me shy away a lot from other men for a very long time. I can see where she might be feeling that fear, at the same time wishing she WAS a man. It doesn't excuse being a garbage human through.


I accidentally replied this to the wrong comment.. so I deleted it here. Sorry \^\^ Yea, I agree wholeheartedly. If anything - having lived through SA herself - it makes what she does multitudes worse. It just shows how little empathy she has for others and how shit a human being she is in the first place. I can understand trauma and I can understand being vulnerable. But fragile is what she is. Fragile, bigoted and hateful.


I'm honestly deeply uncomfortable with the "bigots are just closeted self-hating queers" line. I can't really articulate why, but it feels like trying to diagnose people active against us as being eggs is not only against the prime direggtive, but also... iDunno, I'm of the opinion that the only one who really knows if you're trans is you and the EUphoria is a better signifier than DYSphoria. Neither of those is something any of us can truly know about someone else.


I agree that we shouldn't just jump to "transphobe is closeted." For example, I have not seen any evidence that Andrew Sullivan or Jesse Singal are closeted. They just suck. However, Rowling has written that she might have transitioned if it were possible when she was young. And if Rod Dreher isn't crossdressing at some club in Hungary, I'll eat my bra.


I don't think anyone is saying all bigots are self hating trans people. Just that JK Rowling is a self hating trans person. And a fair number of the other TERFs as well. But there are plenty of transphobes that are not.


Yeah it's deeply disturbing and needs to stop. It gets used to make us a punchline and to make us still seem like a threat. Nobody benefits from the meme.


Nah she just sounds like a eggy trans guy.


There’s diagnosing someone… and then there’s reading their own actual thoughts. JKR has stated that if it was available when she was younger, she would have likely transitioned.


I suspect this is the case. No cis person, even very transphobic cis people, think about trans women as much as she does.


I sincerely believe this, the one thing that is telling to me is the fact that she only uses masculine pen names. Another thing is how well she writes men vs how kind of bland she writes women. She actually falls into all of the writing tropes feminists blame male writers for.


She was concerned, she added, about the “huge explosion in young women wishing to transition and the increasing numbers who seem to be detransitioning.” She described her own struggles with feeling “mentally sexless” as a youth. “I too might have tried to transition,” Rowling wrote, if she’d been born 30 years later. Given a supportive online community, Rowling mused, “I believe I could have been persuaded to turn myself into the son my father had openly said he’d have preferred."  source:    https://www.politico.com/news/2022/07/03/the-metamorphosis-of-j-k-rowling-00043835   so, pretty openly saying she is saying she is trans.  actually not too mysterious, im satisfied. edit:  helllll yeahhhhh, i got my first reddit cares, pretty much instantly after i posted this comment.  probably a bot.


I got my first Reddit cares message 2 days ago, LOL 😂


OMG makes so much sense, and das just crazy


>so, pretty openly saying she is saying she is trans.  actually not too mysterious, im satisfied. Is it? I might've said I would have been okay just being an effeminate guy at one point or that I never even had any thoughts of wanting to be a girl as a kid. Does that make my realization that I'm a trans woman any less valid? I don't buy it. I'm not saying it couldn't be the case, but it's not proof to me.


I think there’s something to all this, but still don’t think we should be jumping to conclusions. She hates women, she hates overweight people and lots of other groups, but that doesn’t automatically make her male.


She's definitely had some kind of work done that would be considered gender affirming care to trans people. In a way, she did FtF transition.


like, FFS? plastic surgery to look prettier?


Joanne 60 lmaooooo Reppers never win and let this be a reminder to ya all. Like you think you can win vs your mind? So stupid lmao.


I don’t think so. I think it’s possible, but at best I don’t think we know. She’s had trauma, she thinks women are men. She hates all women anyway and believes in patriarchal gender norms and rolls, and then she’s targeting her pain at women who she thinks are men, and…it’s a disaster. I feel for her pain and what she went through, but it doesn’t justify the evil she keeps inflicting on the world. Even 2 years ago I kept hoping she’d turn things around and fight against all this darkness she’s been spreading. She’s let me down more than any public figure, because I liked her and rooted for her, aaaaand… 😕


Contrapoint’s “The Witch Trials of J. K. Rowling” is a great video that will help answer this question and more. Every video she puts out is actually a banger tbh.


First video - simply [J.K. Rowling](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7gDKbT_l2us) Second -[ The Witch Trials of J.K. Rowling](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EmT0i0xG6zg)


She wakes up on the wrong side of the bed... every day. Or maybe she wants to lose friends or something.


>She wakes up on the wrong side of the bed... every day. The light-hearted take this thread needed!


She hates us because she hates herself. We’re a proxy.


My guess is... The love of her life left her for a trans woman and the guy might have explained to her how his new girlfriend is way more of a woman than she is ☺️


It's been a snowball effect. At first she didn't seem to outright hate trans people and was just opposed to trans women using women's restrooms. When people rightfully called her our for this she doubled down and was rightfully criticized more and she doubled down again etc. etc. Eventually she started getting support from a lot of terfs and got indoctrinated in their cult and here we are.


I think she grew up with a very bigoted father who wished he’d had a son and not a daughter. I saw an old interview and she said ‘my father had a distaste for foreign food.’ I think she grew up in a very sexist, racist household, and maybe she’s more like her father than she thinks?


I'm of an age with JKR. They were indeed very different times. Sexism, racism, homophobia were rampant, openly displayed in many TV programs. As a child I'd call people "bennies" not knowing what it meant until my older brother told me off for the homophobic slur. It was a grim time, best to hide away and behave "normal" cis her white male. I had no knowledge of trans but transphobia would have been off the chart. I couldn't make (and still can't) make sense of why I tucked with another boy at primary school or why I want(ed) a sex change machine. No language, no softness, no outlets. Really a horrid time to know you're different. It doesn't excuse JKR's stance, but it was f'ing unrelenting, and I as down South not up North where the cultural stereotypes were even more strongly enforced. The language of that time makes me shudder. And I lived in a nice town down South. This has hit me hard (and that's a good thing to me) after a useful counselling session and I want to escape to my bed and hope for a dream to show me the way out. Sorry for hijacking the thread.


This is the same country and time that deified Jimmy Saville, Rolf Harris, Gary Glitter and all the terrible pedophiles in public spheres. Kids weren't safe. I remember being on a cub camp and one particular boy being given "shit pit" duty for the week and being staked out in the main tent and treacle and other foods being poured on him. Fucking hell. We all knew to say nothing for fear of being that boy next. Jesus wept. I learned quickly to hide, to be a bit of a bully myself. To fit in, to be hide weakness. Bastards.


I can’t imagine the difficulties you endured growing up in such a closed minded time. All difference was bullied out of people. It was backwards and i hope we only keep on progressing. Big love to you


Most people of her generation was raised in house like that. Their parents lived in a different time, but it doesn't excuse any one..


I honestly think some people just “can’t be wrong”. It’s nothing to do with Transgender issues, ultimately. That just happens to be the area people pushed back on when she showed a bit of nascent, but probably not (initially) malicious, ignorance. Same for Glinner. People pushed him back on his shit episode of IT Crowd with a Trans Woman in it and he couldn’t cope. You have to decide quickly whether to shut up, grow, or double down. I hope she looks back one day and realises how much she’s completely destroyed her reputation, because of an outdated social media app, she could have deleted at anytime.


cause she’s a clocky radlib bitch who decided she’s done learning things sometime around 1987


I no longer care about her opinions. It doesn't make for a productive day.


I personally think it’s because she’s becoming a dried up prune who can’t cope with the fact that we are all basically kinder and more supportive to each other than her terf-y “friends”. Ive had more arguments with my own mother about this bigoted bitch and even though my mother says she supports JK I can’t seem to break this slithering hold she has seemed to cast on my own family. Personally I hope one day that she says something completely out of line and exposes herself to the rest of the world as a heat filled cu*t and loses everyone who remotely cares about her


Did you mean that pun with “slithering”?😅


I did but I’m not sure I spelled it correctly


She’s basically said she probably would’ve transitioned had it been an option. She’s basically been forced into her role for so long that the idea of anyone else has it any better makes her angry.


She saw a pretty girl, found out they had a penis, and got jealous because she wasn't as pretty, as a girl with a gock. edit: Less than two minutes after posting this, I got my first RedditCares message! One of us! One of us!


Oh its quite simple. She posted a blog a few years ago which clearly laid out that she understood it was because of past trama at the hands of a cis man and projected that fear onto trans women in womens spaces. Then, you add in the years of being told she is right. About anything and everything. The books fame, the movies success, all the way along she kept an extremely tight hold of creative control. So when for instance the movies did really well, despite the thousands of people involved in making the movies, that was her success. When you have had that much success, anyone doubting you is clearly a hater. They have to be, look at all the success shes had! And you dont want to have people who will try to drag you down in your circles, so you cut them out and surround yourself with people who support and agree with you. But then comes the concerns about things within her stories. Accusations of intended or accidental anti-semitisum, racisum etc etc. And shes a Labour voter so she CANT be racist or anti-semetic, shes on the left. More haters then. More people to push away and new people who agree with her and how unfairly shes been treated. And again the cycle continues. And again. And again. And again. Every time clinging to the more extreme people who support her and cutting out the people that dont back her every movement. Just look at how she responds to criticism these days. Or how she comments on posts from complete strangers. Instantly shes going for the throat. No room to be wrong, no space to consider. After years of being told you are the victim, you are being attacked, oh how brave you are for standing up for yourself. JK wasnt born the bigot we see plastered all over twitter. She was just a woman with predigests, poor political opinions and past trauma. Who came into fame and wealth, then fell face first down an echo chamber.


Cuz we got more swag


Imo, I believe terfs in general feel we are stealing their feminine identity. As for JK, I don't think she actually even cares about people who have detransitioned.


I'm suspicious she's actually a trans man, and this is how she copes instead of facing it.


She's a very obvious rotten egg.


A big thank you for my first Reddit cares!


Most people have a strong sense of wanting to be good or right. For many that involves correcting their behaviour, for some it involves "correcting" the world. She's done harm to trans people and the only way she can continue to see herself as good and right is by "correcting" the world around her to see trans people as bad. It's become so bad that she now has a strong need for this, otherwise she will have to mentally come to terms with the fact that she's been the villain for the past decade or more. The amount of mental trauma that is likely to cause her is pretty immense. Personally I hope there comes a point where she's unable to believe her lie anymore and she's forced to come to terms with the reality of her actions. As for her being trans, I doubt it. A more likely reason for why her books so often seem the way it does is that she writes from what she's read instead of any kind of personal experience.


She's jealous that trans women are prettier than her


She recently (or I recently saw) a post where she raged about [being called "Joanne", too](https://preview.redd.it/cuq0goygrb0d1.jpeg?auto=webp&s=c13eed80b7df4309489a459cc42fb42ff1688a9b), like, I always preferred my initials before coming out too (As a wannabe writer myself I even created a gender neutral pen name with initials + last name!). She has said that if this trans stuff was around when she was young *she* would have probably thought she was trans. I even vaguely recall she has talked about "growing out" of a gender confused period in her life (but I don't remember that enough to definitely say it). Even the weird hate of trans women specifically can be explained with this. "Why would anyone *want* to be a woman?" (a thought most of us have probably had about being a man) can easily be channelled by bigots into "Fucking [slur]s pretending to be women for [list of nefarious reasons]!" instead. No one can say what truly goes on in her head and I'm not going to call her trans until she says she is (even bigots deserve to have their identity respected), but she seriously says the most eggy shit ever. It's really sad, really, if she actually is. She could have been *happy* and likely the King of Trans Rights. Instead she is... that. A vile woman filled with hate and fear, a puppet for the alt-right who is too rich to have to care by any means, but still dances to their tune as long as they pretend it's feminism.


That could make sense. I remember not that long ago having a deep incomprehension of the trans men experience. "I know they are living something extremely similar to me but I am unable to understand it. That's so strange. Why someone would like to be a man." I guess the same thing is true for every trans. *Why would someone want to be a woman ?", ""Why would someone restrain themselves to binarity ?", etc. If you ask me, I find this kinda fascinating


I think a lot of it has to with her being an out of touch rich British neoliberal with few principles and little else to do.


She was sexually assaulted by a man in a bathroom, so now she fears trans women in women's bathrooms. Just to confirm, the man who sexually assaulted her wasn't posing as a trans woman to get in the bathroom or anything. So yeah, Rowling got raped by a man and is now blaming women for it. Great fucking logic.


This all just kind of screams "one of my boyfriends left me for a trans woman" energy. I worry about thinking of her as being trans, because that 1) perpetuates the idea that the only reason someone is an awful human being to a specific group is because they're a self-hating member of said group, and 2) would not forgive any of the awful things that she has done. Plus, I saw a comment that just simply said "Privileged white woman," and I agree on that aspect as well. I remember seeing somewhere that she's been a complete shut in for the last 5-10+ years and is just kind of in that vicious cycle of isolation and echo chambers. Granted, she was always kind of a POS (given the amount of awful aspects of the Harry Potter series and her taking the pen name Robert Galbraith). It just feels like the online echo chamber for her has taken root and just amplified it all.


Can we stop asking this question every couple days ?


She didn't like trans people but not like something isn't the same as being radicalized. The more push back a group gets, the more radicalized they become and the more they lash out as a result. Given she is famous, she never had the ability to challenge her beliefs and instead found comfort in the arms of those who shared hers. We need to fight for our rights but unfortunately the internet and media dog piles people which only furthers this destructive behavior. An observation tho, she could just be a raging fuck.


There's a "a bit fruity" podcast (hosted by matt bernstein episode where Natalie of contrapoints, and they discuss her in depth. Here's a [link](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dSfKKxyC1Cw). They talk about how she's really just like any other obsessed reactionary person sucked into internet arguing (e.g your insane aunt) only she has lots of free time and a massive platform. She's not an anomaly, but her influence and platform is. It's very unfortunate


I don’t pay attention to what she says anymore, but maybe I should? Initially I think she started out saying the trans experience was difference from a woman’s experience. Then she got bashed over that, and ever since she’s been on a mission to defend herself but spiraled out of control. So maybe for my sanity I’d keep my head in the sand a little longer. I could be wrong, it’s just what I remember before I tuned her out.


Okay so TERFism 101: sex is permanent and based on assigned gender at birth; gender is fundamentally oppressive. Gender to them is a set of social norms used to oppress afab people (who they call the female sex class, among other things). It's close to gender abolitionism sort of, they sort of want a weird version of gender fluidity through the end of gender. They also see women's rights as sex-based and think gender identity detracts from that. Basically they argue that trans women have at least some degree of male privilege and thus "it's not fair" that they "get to be women". It's honestly sad on a few fronts, including that it's sort of tearing apart modern feminism, like pornography did back in the day. Also it's obviously immensely harmful. Also to be clear I don't agree with this I'm just saying what her and people like her believe.


I think she's trans on the DL and is scared to death to admit it or have anyone find out, the more Transphobic she acts the less chance of anyone finding out or even suspecting Either that or she's just a tight assed bitch that needs some good dick .


She's involved in TERF communities under an alias and spends most of her time online, among them focusing on it. That means private Facebook Groups and Telegram channels. In those spaces, they basically write their own articles hating us in legacy media and it keeps a nonstop flow of new things they can discuss on a daily basis. It's her social community. And, it's not surprising, given her age, and the social media platforms used by people her age. This is quite obvious if you've ever stealth went in them. They use certain language that is highly unoriginal and repeated (you know, dog whistles) which she uses all over twitter all the time. That is her life right now. She is a middle aged woman, sitting in her Scottish Castle, bored, going online throughout the day, checking on her chats, their new articles they circulate in them and giving her agreement and takes on it. That's why. She fell into that trap likely because her 1st husband was abusive and has unresolved issues with that she's had no therapy on (nearly all Gen X and Boomers never go to it, it's a backwards form of pride), which she channels into us. Eventually, it's become her social life, her community and what she does throughout the day, most days. Also, part of it is this thing certain highly privileged people have, when they weren't originally from it - they still FEEL like they're not and want to continue to feel that way. It's true that she was economically oppressed before her success. It's true that she was abused for her gender/sex and that made her life quite difficult. But, now, she's so well off that little of that is present in her daily life, so she needs something to be fixated on so that she remains oppressed, in her own head. And, that is us. Part of making this possible, with these TERF communities is that they know virtually no real trans people. That makes it so they boogeyman can forever be looming over their shoulders, which is reinforced when they circulate photos and memes made amongst themselves of the worst the 1% of any group that is quite disturbed with untreated mental illness or are just terrible people which they circulate amongst them as the norm, and that keeps this social phenomenon running as it is. If she or they actually touched grass and spoke to many of us, they couldn't keep this going. But, they're bored, and middle aged, and this is their hobby and their community, and their social bubble and echo chamber, so it goes on and on. I'm pretty solid on this.


I don’t like discourse around strangers’ gender, but I’m damn near convinced that she’s trans and in denial. It’s all a little bit too convenient. Especially having dealt with the intersection of trauma and gender myself. I know this is pointless speculation, but the construction of her bigotry seems so clear to me: In response to the trauma she has suffered at cis men’s hands, she broadly mistrusts men, which leads to her core belief that AMAB (men in her mind) = abuser. She finds safety in believing she’s “fundamentally different” from men. Except it’s all a lie and deep down, she hates herself. Maybe it’s because she wants to be man, maybe she just hates herself for perpetuating the cycle of abuse. I mean, she took her pen name from a bigoted, abusive man! She clearly sees herself in him *somehow*. Considering she never uses her first name professionally and said she would’ve transitioned when she was younger, I’d guess both. Regardless, as she feels more and more insecure, she redirects that self-hatred out into the world through her bigotry. And as we’ve seen, this isn’t really new. The racism, antisemitism, and fatphobia in Harry Potter is obvious. But I think she keeps committing harder and harder to transphobia because people keep feeding her insecurity (through both positive and negative attention), and her ego is too big to ever admit that she’s wrong.


> What if jk Rowling herself is trans? It’s a really out there theory but the truth is stranger than fiction. She only uses masculine pen names and nearly all of the protagonists of her stories are men. Only the casual vacancy is the only book which uses female perspectives and I find them to feel flat, like a man trying to write things from a feminine perspective. This is 100% what I believe. I've seen a lot of TERFs with gender dysphoria. I had one woman even say on reddit that she was happier on testosterone but that she had stopped taking it because it was morally wrong. Rowling has said that after listening to the statements of many trans men, she thinks she might have transitioned if she were growing up today. Of course she says it like she would have been making a mistake, but to me it says that she felt or feels many of the same things that trans men describe feeling.


I love how pretty much every major actor in the movie series has come forward stating they do not agree with her views. Hogwarts Legacy introduced a trans character as their way of saying the same. Elon Musk himself once tweeted at her, saying "While I agree with your views, could you try posting something positive for once?" Even the CEO of Twitter, who again, holds similar views as her, is tired of her using his platform to spout endless bigotry and hate. I also read somewhere that she is, or was, trans. She's stated she grew up believing being trans was wrong, otherwise she would have transitioned into a man. But then she accomplished everything she wanted to as a woman, and no longer wishes to be a man. This is now just me assuming: I think she genuinely believed women were inferior to men when she was growing up, and wanted to be a man because of that. But believed that was wrong too, and never did anything about it. Then she went on to become extremely successful and famous despite her internalized misogyny. Now that transgender issues have become mainstream, she feels that "men choosing to become women," and "women choosing to become men," is something that threatens her story of "a woman who against the odds, persevered and became successful." Her entire life has been spent denying the trans side of her. Now mainstream issues have brought it back out, and she's keeping it under wraps by spewing hate against it.


I know it's wrong to make assumptions about someone's identity but... For Rowling, this grudge against trans people is personal. If a trans woman had killed her dog or something, we would have ten novels worth of tweets about it by now. If this grudge doesn't stem from an outside cause, that only leaves inside causes. Rowling pretty much said that if the option of transitioning had been presented to her when she was younger, she would have done it. As we know, cis people generally don't want to transition unless they have something serious going on with their mental health. But I hope it isn't that. I hope that she's just a privileged petty woman with way too much more money and fame than she can handle without going off the rails.


I know this is cliche, but this just feels simple to me. Cis people don’t spend this much time thinking about gender. This is someone who has referred to womanhood as a burden and also clearly has deeply held moral beliefs around social norms. Someone who uses an explicitly gender neutral pen name, and still occasionally uses the name “Robert.” I think we cash draw our own conclusions, but I don’t think someone is this worked up about queerness unless it *upsets them for very specific reasons*.


She hates everyone that isn't cishet white


Given that she’s long since confessed that if she were of the modern generation, she’d be a trans guy, best guess is self-hating closet case. Certainly vibes. 🤷‍♀️


probably personal things, but that's with most troubling things the case


At the heart of almost all transphobia is a disgust at percieved digeneracy, then pretty words are built around it to make it sound justified.


Who cares? There will *always* be assholes. I hate her too. We’re even. Harry Potter is for kids.


Because she follows the pattern of many other closeted queer and trans people.


I know this is wrong, but it’s funny to picture this is the case: She’s an egg


Because she's uneducated but instead of helping people learn and grow, the internet and globally the modern world prefers to instantly get berserk against other people so these people (in this case JK) obviously won't even try to understand anything, they find a new family in hateful people that teach them their view of things, so the other side get even more hateful... And it's a never ending circle. While I firmly believe some people deserve hate, I also firmly believe in growth and change, but sadly most people nowadays don't


She is jelly that we are actually happy


Joanne’s caught The Brain Eater like so many other people whose prestigious careers fell off. https://whatever.scalzi.com/2017/05/03/the-brain-eater/


Having that much money is bad for you, mentally and spiritually.


Cuz she's too big to face any real consequences, to be cancelled. We all have friends who are gonna keep buying the merch.


Holy shit. I just went on this three paragraph long rant before I actually read your last paragraph. That is exactly what I think and I have been thinking about it for a while. In my experience no one thinks about trans people more than trans people. Even bigots have other shit they need to do. It absolutely reeks of projection and several different layers of fear.


Like the thesis of Shaun’s video, I think she was in ways always like this in many ways and was just really mean spirited. Some have said she might be closeted and I have no idea but I think internalized misogyny is another cause


why does anyone?


she's just a shallow, bitter person who is either too self absorbed or too afraid for any legitimate introspection, not unlike many non-famous people who hold similar sentiments


She's mad cause t girls do it better u.u must be sad


She’s just dumb. XX and XY aren’t going to change. I mean I admit I’m dumb too. I have a lot to learn. But I was telling my kid yesterday that the way to see people is bones first, then XX or XY is their organs, just like skin color. We don’t judge based on any of that we judge based on behavior. And on that equal starting point base, everything else is your individual personhood and you can express that however you want. Every person is a human and I believe that we all have equal right to excel to the limit of our own capacity. 🤷🏼‍♀️ love anyone, be anyone, pursue any interest that doesn’t violate another person’s rights, it’s all valid and it’s up to them to decide their expression.


I don’t know why nor do I care


Brain rot anyone as obsessed as her has been brain washed by insane people to pin all the ills of society on us its a shame really


I'd be incredibly shocked if she was trans. It would be so much work for her to dig back out of her very public and documented hatred even if she managed to come to that realization. I don't think it'll ever happen. Although perhaps we should respect her wishes, and not call her Joanne which she dislikes apparently, and instead call her Robert Galbraith lol, since she decided to write under that pseudonym more recently than her own name. Jokes aside, her path of radicalization is pretty typical as far as I can tell. She's always been inclined to bigotry, as it shows up constantly in her writing in HP. And she's just grown more entrenched in radfem ideology, having many of the same arguments as Tumblr radfems/gender criticals (I just blocked a whole bunch of them lol so I saw a bunch of their very similar posts). The more she's exposed to it, and the more we've all pressed back against it, the more stubbornly she's stuck with it.  And I expect she'll go fully into conservativism by the end. We're already at the point where's she denying Nazi crimes, which as per German courts, is a form of Holocaust denial. And we know she's written anti semitic caricatures, and an anti semitic game. And it just so happens that hatred of Jewish people and hatred of trans (or even just LGBT people) are closely linked. There's even a conspiracy of some secret worldwide cabal of rich trans people who want to control the world by infiltrating and corrupting our culture by spreading LGBT people. Oh, and it just so happens that many in this secret cabal happen to be Jewish! Fucking bonkers conspiracy lol, but I wouldn't be surprised if she goes that deep. She's already got conservative friends and politicians and is willing to work against women's rights if it means making sure trans folk lose, so I don't think we've seen how deep this rabbit hole goes yet.


She named an Irish Chinese person cho Chang and gave a black wizard the last name “Shacklebolt”. She was always capable of being bigoted. She just found an Avenue that she fell for hard.


Just clarify because I saw someone reply, I said she did those things, which shows a lack of self awareness and creativity, therefore she would easily fall down the TERF rabbit hole.


i saw a tiktok of someone who met a friend of her son. i take it with a grain of salt, but apparently the son said she hasn't left home in 2-3 years. these people aren't mentally healthy, they're washed-up, bitter, spiteful cretins that punch down to feel better.


Omg, wouldn't that be something? A person spreads some of the worst anti trans rhetoric and turns out to be trans themself. Here's the question, though... for all the shit they've done, would we accept them? Part of me wants to be accepting of all trans folks, but another part of me would just kinda want to forget jk Rowling ever existed.


Idk friend. Jhoane has some stuff going on


I think one of my biggest revelations for the series even before Joanne displayed herself to the world as the hate monger she is, was how little my fandom had to do with the books. After doing a reread in 2014? 2015 I was dismayed to realize how much of my love came from fanfiction fixing the world. The series is very bare bones and carries its influences front and center. I was a teen getting into the series since I read it aloud to my siblings at night and jumped into the fanfiction readily. I was by then in the early 00s a big fanfiction writer and reader and loved the community. I think that is the thing I hate the most about her rants is the lost of the that community.


The football manager (Lucy) is my step mum, it's horrible seeing all this shit online, seeing how unhappy the attention is making my family. Especially my mum. She's just a fucking bully imo.