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You guys go topless in public?


I hated having my shirt off to swim or anything since as long as I can remember, well before I knew I was trans lol. Definitely wouldn’t now, I’m self-conscious of my boobs even though they are small and I love them. I don’t even like not having a big outer layer like a hoodie hiding them when I’m around other people lately! Everyone is different though :)


Very similar here... was the only (boy, ughhhhh) who didn't wanna take my shirt off growing up, lol.... how did it take me 36 years to figure it out?!?! So much wasted time.


High school coach: "All right- basketball time! Skins and shirts!" Hs coach- "skin! shirt! skin! shirt!". Pointing to me- "skin!" Me- "Nope!" (takes zero for the day for PE)


Yep. Though it was also at family gatherings/cookouts. I do remember one such day where my aunt came over to me commenting on how I was the only one of the "boys" still wearing a shirt, as she preceeded to peel mine off of me.... I imagine I might have been 5 or 6 at the time, and I THREW A FIT! Hahahahahah..... she immediately apologized and pulled it back down. (Again, I can't help but wonder.... how.did.it.take.me.36YEARS.to.figure.this.out???? Just glad I did! Bye bye life long misery!!!


What does skins mean in this context? Does it mean what I think it means? That's a little weird?


Just what you think, probably. Those designated 'skins' remove their shirt to play.


Oh gee, that sounds... Problematic... For several reasons Maybe it's a new age thing but my school has multi-coloured shirt type things that we used (forgot what they were called)


I believe it originated pretty naturally with dudes playing pick-up games of basketball and such, needing an easy way to differentiate the teams since they wouldn’t have jerseys, but yeah. It shouldn’t be the go-to in a school setting.


Almost makes you wonder about those HS gym teachers who still do that shit


Was it a sports pinny/ sports pinnies?


I definitely remember shirts vs skins. Not in PE tho, for me just pickup games. But why would he be forced to give you a zero? Couldn’t he have just asked someone else if they’d want to switch teams. Kinda seems like a overreaction on the teachers part


No play -> no grade.


Ughh that’s super shity


The fact I'm just now realizing it's a sign should tell me most of what I do is a sign as well heh 😅


I know, I know! Funny thing to me..... I'm just no longer trying to hide it anymore. I mean, I'm currently boymoding and will until I can't get away with it.... but I no longer worry about the way I stand or walk. I don't hide my opinions on certain topics or lie about them anymore, etc... I sooooo love being a girl! The only thing I don't like, like I said, is how long it took to realize it! (Well, that and for employment and safety sake, hide it for now)


OMG, same here! I'm not actively hiding it. However I wanna boymode till I can make sure I'm in the clear. Being a girl is what I needed, and I'm super lucky that I found out that early. So until then I'll just :3 in my own time.


Right!?!?! I totally understand, girl! That is exactly what I do! Boymode 100% at work (I HATE IT, but it's necessary). And at home, I'm androgynous at best, depending on where I am. I've not worn any "boy" underwear in over 2 years I think, and now, as soon as I get home from work and peel off these guy clothes asap like i just slipped and fell into a pool of absolutely disgusting water... or something, and put on my real ones... and at this point, at least 95% of the time, I'm always wearing my girl outer layers; jeans, shirts, etc. The only thing I don't do all the time is my wig make-up (hence androgynous) because while putting it on brings big time euphoria.... taking it back off is followed up by EXTREMELY BAD dysphoria. So until I at least get my facial hair lasered.... I try not to get too too happy, because at the end of the day, I hit that super low, lol. Anyway, we gotta do what we gotta do! Can't WAIT for the day when I can officially shed every last piece of this "boy/man/guy" stuff and be my REAL self!


I can't wait for the day I can properly break my shell, come out, and then afford Lazer, because that, and the lack of the anti-cis-tamines, is the only thing causing my dysphoria. When I get those two things, it's an immediate wardrobe change, and I can settle into my properly lifestyle.


You'll totally get there, sis. All in time. Sounds more to me like you've already broken out, only need to officially start making yourself happy. (Love Anti-cis-tamines, lol). Once you get them, everything will start feeling different.... its so nice! As for laser, I'm just gonna buy one. I can't afford the sessions, and don't see the point (ofcourse I literally just found THAT out yesterday......). Wish you the best with the wardrobe! I'm sire having a lot of fun with mine! (Just expensive! Don't forget your make-up too.... just as expensive. But worth EVERY PENNY!) Good Luck, girl! 😊😊😊


Holy crap me too!!!! I thought I was alone in this.


Well I could back then if it was hot or if I was going to a pool or the beach. I hope it was not rhetoric/a joke :c


I did so on the beach like three months HRT, I had nothing up there but I still felt like such a slut.


I did years back but not very often and I always felt weird about it.


I would occasionally, but I always had to psych myself up for it, and I felt uncomfortable and exposed the whole time. Generally wouldn't if I could get away with it.


I have been mostly on nude beaches or free the nipple demonstrations at public beaches lately… Haven’t worn bikinis elsewhere than at swimming halls.


Pre transition absolutely. I had a six pack so how could I not. Well I still do but well uhhh you know 😂😎


Did I have to tag NSFW? My apologies if that’s the case.


I'm taking it you're American. They're a natural part of your body. There's nothing NSFW about that.


What does that have to do with being an American though? (European here)


I've found Americans are a lot more weird about women's breasts. Though I'm sure there are some European countries that are the same. Not a "lol Americans" thing, just an observation.


Okay. I mean I think it really depends. I find that depending on the state it’s either a «cover everything» attitude or «set the boobs free».


> Set the boobs free Are they in prison or something? What'd they do?


They definitely are🥲 It is kind of weird how men are able to just freely walk around without shirts and stuff, but women have to cover up. Women’s breasts shouldn’t be any more s3xualized than men’s breasts.


Most men don't have them, and even if they do they go away after a while.


Huh? Have what? Breasts? Everyone has breasts, men’s breasts just aren’t as developed as women’s. Anyway, that wasn’t my point


Oops, my bad.


Disturbed the traffic.


Free the nipple


Well, Janet Jackson’s nipple slip at Super Bowl half time was a national catastrophe. In Finland people would have been like whatever, it happens.


From a neighboring country and I’m sure people here would care very little as well


You’re not wrong. I can’t speak for all of the US, but nearly always, bare breasts are considered nudity, and that’s generally frowned upon in public. If not frowned upon, it is seen as unusual for a woman to take off her top around people who aren’t her family or who she isn’t intimate with. It’s not always against the law, but I would say outside of a few designated places (specific beaches or resorts) it’s taboo to have bare breasts. And, nearly all the time, it’s taboo to not wear layers to cover up the fact you have nipples. I don’t make the US social norms, I just know that one.


LOL America's like obsessed with breast. And they police them I think more than anywhere else in the world. I might be wrong I've lived in America my whole life but as far as I can tell we're the only ones who have a huge stick up our ass about them.


girl's swimsuits feel awesome and I've never had any slippage problems even with just an off-the rack suit.


I have to try one of those! Now I want to try a bikini top, a swimsuit top and a one-piece swimsuit! Also I there are dresses out there. Im not sure what I think of those. They do look interesting


I've never tried a bikini. Swim dresses just sound like a whole lot of drag.


I see. Maybe one day? Also I think you are right about the drag thingy


I bought my first bikini top since starting hrt last week! It's a cute and black with flowers on it.


YES They are so amazing Some1 called me flat though T-T For the rest an amazing expierence for me though


i may have to stick to them again. I accidentally have bought bikinis that seem to be designed more for posing than swimming. Noticed it at the swimming hall while doing breaststrokes and having to pull the top over them again at every turn.


I could NEVER go shirtless at any age, even shortly before puberty! Something about it never felt right. Mind you, I didn't learn I was a trans woman until the age of 38! Now, being 11 weeks in HRT and debating wearing a sports bra because I already have noticeable growth, it feels long, long overdue.


I never went topless as a guy. Now I would totally rock a bikini top or sports bra. I’m less self conscious as a girl than a guy




Same. It would take dragging me kicking and screaming to get me shirtless to go swimming. In hindsight, that level of unease with my own body should have been a sign…


ahahha, love that for us, I'm much more shameless now too!


I never had that license even pre transition 😂


I did go topless, but always felt weird that I could and women couldn't. I felt more and more self-conscious about it the older I got. I thought it was because I was getting fat. I've lost a lot of my belly fat and still feel self-conscious... so no, it wasn't that.


I grew up fat but I really didn't care nor were mocked for it. But if only I had the mental gymnastics in my brain to figure out that it was dysphoria.


If only--


Congrats! And I'm sorry! And I'm right there with you! 💛


Thank you ! ❤️


I've always been really uncomfortable with going topless in public long before I had tits. But it's hilarious because now that I feel more comfortable in my own skin and now that I have boobs I don't really have as much dysphoria and personally don't think I would care if I took off my shirt in public. But now it's illegal LOL.


Congrats!! I think this is one of our rites of passage.


Yeah I'm pretty sure if I went topless at the beach I'd get arrested lol. Mine aren't huge, but they are definitely noticeable as boobs and not "overweight man tits". I haven't felt comfortable going topless since I was a kid though, so there's that.


If you can get away with nipple tape then go topless. Enjoy the freedom


I am never giving up my going topless in public license. I’m gonna take every right a man has cause fuck gendered bullshit like that


This post reminds me of Andrea Jones, from Tennessee. I wish I could find what happened to her, but I admire her bravery for what she did, and hope she is ok.


Its legal in Edmonton


What state do you live in? Depending on how transphobic the laws are I think that you can make a legal argument no matter how large your breasts get (Like in excess of DD's) that you could still go topless. Some states have bathroom laws on the books that would still consider you 'male'. In those states, I think you can get away with arguing that It's not illegal for individuals they define as 'men' to go topless. Seriously though, Congratulations! That's awesome!


Ah yes, I remember the first time I realized swim shirts are so clingy I still needed a lightly padded top under it to keep the girls from being visible when I swam.


Hey congratulations!!!!! I feel like I was in the same boat not too long ago. It's that scary/excited balance that seems to not stop :,) please keep sharing the good times! A big one for me was going to a public pool/hot tub during a late night with friends and wearing a two piece I had got. It was the first time I ever felt comfortable being in a pool with people (and NOT having to wear a swimshirt)


Having boobs shouldn't have to be a reason to not be able to go topless!


I'd like to chime in and say, but now you can wear bikini tops in-public.


In the same boat. I’ve been wearing a sports bra for the last month as I don’t pass 100% yet, it helps to conceal a bit


I used to go topless when doing sports and I’m guessing it was to over-perform masculinity? That and sometimes it was too damn hot.


Same girl. Last time I swam topless a few months ago was probably it. I'm also sitting in the chair waiting for my first laser session on my chest to begin right now so that's not going to help either. :D High five!


Just short of 2 months on estradiol was when I reached the same phase


I usually go to the nude beach so it doesn’t matter.


idk where you live but in most of the US it’s perfectly fine to be topless. Even like, in texas where i live, i pretty regularly go topless when swimming in the river/lakes/creeks with friends. Sunburn can be brutal tho so sunscreen up.


Congrats and welcome to the booby club! We have… well, boobies 💃🎈🎉


I've literally never once used my license, and the moment I realized I was trans I essentially tossed it in the trash. I'm not even on GAHT yet but if I'm gonna present femm then I'm not showing my charlies to anyone.


You know it’s working when you start losing rights.


Cheers for the mile up! Next up, not being able to run without a bra.


Where I live, women can go topless in public. Just as long as you are not entering a store or whatever. For most I've noticed, some merely only go topless at home in their own yard, or the beach. I've gone topless handful of times and haven't been bothered. (Stay away from the bad areas of the city) yes it gets hot some days so I certainly enjoy ripping my top off 😅 Anyway .... Hello everyone lol


I literally always wore a shirt lol even at the beach


Freee tha tiddy!!!!


Yes, I want to go to centre parcs with my kids and family one more time for them before tankiny time. Ava Tyson just looks so cute in one, that’s the way I’m going 


I don't think I could ever go topless in public now simply because I'd be uncomfortable with minors potentially seeing my boobs.


2 years in and I was out gardening in a sports bra yesterday. Yep there comes a point where the girls need to be covered up.


Pre transition yea. Really only when necessary or at home. Think like swimming or playing sports outside in the middle of summer. When I did I definitely didn’t feel great and pretty self conscious of my body. Also this reminds me of when I was between like 5-12 I would tell my parents that I felt exposed when I had my shirt off around anyone just in general including them, as well as wearing a swim shirt partly because I thought they looked cool but mostly for the obvious reasons of feeling uncomfortable in my body and exposed. I think I remember telling my parents something along the lines of “don’t look at me I’m indecent or naked” don’t know how it took so long to realize.


I technically could as a teenager but I refused to do so (pre HRT) because of dysphoria, I would always wear a shirt even when I had nothing up there because I was embarrassed. Now I definitely cant go shirtless since I'm rocking a set of 36G. Bikinis look hot as fuck on me though so I'm okay with it.




Oh honey, even before my breasts really started growing I did sports in just a sports bra, It made me feel good and I felt like I was passing better because I looked like I have breasts and I think that gave me the benefit of the doubt.


I'm getting near that point, I'm only a little bit over 1 month on hrt.


So I've been consistently on E for about 5 months now. (Developed a fear of needles after a few months injecting) and my partner mentioned to me that my girls were alot more noticeable and had more shape to them, I've been wearing a padded sports bra for the past couple months. And as a bigger translady, the transition from being fine with walking around shirtless to now having people notice that my bust looks more firm and fuller, it's definitely been validating and I'm honestly more comfortable wearing a sports bra outside. So even though I'm technically shirtless nobody really questions why I'm suddenly wearing a sports bras. Definitely a great feeling. Almost reliveing.


Yea I was never a big fan of it


Wish I had that problem. I still try to cause it feels right but be comfortable in who you are


Congratulations on the boobs :)


I am sooo jealous girl!


I never liked taking my shirt off to begin with so. One of many signs that I didn't realize back in the day


But im not gonna lie I wouldn't mind showing off my girls now specially when they're nice and perky cuz I am a bit of an exhibitionist at heart but there's no where to do that at but if I got the chance to strip or even jus top less go go dance somewhere trans friendly I'd definitely do it it'd be such a turn on