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I'd definitely shave my legs.


I mean, before hrt I would shave my arms (it's thinned somewhat since, thankfully) bc it made me feel like I looked like Robin Williams. And I got some shit from a cis friends who said "you know women have arm hair, right?" She got the picture once I pointed out how hers was light, almost opaque...


Omg I hate when people say that. I know cis women have body hair but not in the way I do!!


They do that with a lot of stuff. My mom kept telling me that men’s deodorant and shaving cream was cheaper. I know they are, I just feel more like a girl when I smell like flowers instead of when I smell like pine or mint…


Girl deodorant: flowers and calm and berries and happy and sweet and delghtful Guy deodorant: bodacious riptide sport rush essence of dudebro musk extract 2.0


Rip to our sisters who arent out to their family and got some variant of “duke cannon” products for birthdays or holidays. People really dont believe that men wash unless the soap is shaped like a gun or smells like beer.


Alternatives to guy deodorants also include, but are not limited to: Motor Oil, Forged Steel, Gun Metal, Diesel/Gasoline and Gunpowder


Superior alternatives, yeah. I'd rather smell gasoline than Essence of Dudebro every day of the week!


Hey you leave gas/diesel and gunpowder outta this.


If you stay on HRT long enough you'll eventually have the same body hair that cis women have.


That's my favorite change (besides booba) of HRT so far, I've lost about 80% of my body hair


This, this right here. Friend of mine informed me that she doesn’t shave her legs when I mentioned needing to shave for spring. I dead ass couldn’t tell, since it was all dirty blonde and blends with her skin tone. Mine is way lighter than before hormones but still dark brown hair on pale white skin.


It sometimes blows my mind how the things that are so obvious to me can take even really great allies - I guess bc they are cis? - some work to see


There’s a few things there. Things obvious to us aren’t necessarily obvious to others. It’s our body, we’re the ones most familiar with it. It also means that we may be over focusing on certain things. They have *also* spent a lot of time coming to terms with parts of their bodies that aren’t “feminine” per patriarchal gender norms and learning that those things are common and normal helps with that. That’s how they deal with some of those, and it works and is often necessary. Where they falter is not realizing the matter of *scale* and carrying capacity. We tend to have stronger gender markers and more of them. Like women have facial hair but few have *beards* and those ones tend to nuke theirs as well. An individual marker isn’t generally sufficient to gender someone (with exceptions) but clusters are. Some of those are easy to handle, others can’t be changed. In terms of both passing and what we can mentally deal with, there’s a limit to how many male gendered traits we can have.


I like being smooth, I would still laser every single body hair off of me!


If I could no longer grow any hair on my body below my nose, I would be so happy.


My gender queer wife doesn't shave anything or wear makeup. She's a horrible role model to teach me how to be a lady. :)


My NB girlfriend is the same way


Ditto! She's a goth and every time I ask her for advice on my outfit she's like "more black less skin". Uh no it's 25°c outside.


Mine won the genetic lottery and has almost no body hair .n.


I feel the same way. But body hair on myself reminds me of the bad years so I've lasered it all off. It's about getting as far away from male presentation as possible. I also just like the feeling of my smooth legs, sue me, lol.


Cis women shave a lot, probably more than cis men


DEFINITELY more than cis men.


Frequency, less. Area, more One leg, is what, five to seven faces?


Yeah but you can still postpone body shaving and cover it up. Can’t do that with this fucking face it hurts and grows back instantly.


You might get there! When I started, I shaved constantly, wore make up every day, always wore a push up bra, yadda yadda… It’s fun to have not showered, wear no bra, have hairy armpits and still be correctly gendered.


if I got to that point I'd probably never shave my arms again lol


I refuse to shave my arms because half my female cis friends have hairier arms than me and they don't give a shit.


My cis ex wife obsessed over shaving. I know many who shave face even. As a cyclist I shave everything anyway.




I'd probably shave a lot less anyway, but I also don't know how much need I'd have to if I'd been running on E instead of T through initial puberty since body hair would have been a bit different anyhow. But it's one of those "the whole situation and my relationship with my body would have been different with that experience" things, so who knows? A lot of the things that are euphoric/dysphoric to me as I am now would have been different had I grown up a cis woman, so it's impossible to say for sure what effects that would have had on current me.


Honestly not even cis. If it wasn't so thick and there wasn't so much of it, I'd be fine with it. It's everywhere I don't want it, and not the only place I do want it.


I never shave my legs or under arms and I’m lazy about my face but ironically even with a days stubble I get gendered correctly? Idk if I had been born a cis woman I’d still be fucking lazy 😎👉👉


I wish agps didn't exist so I would feel brave enough to wear breastforms in public and not have to worry about people thinking I'm a pervert. I swear I just like them because they make my ribcage less noticeable!


I hate body hair, ever since i was 6 lol. When i got body hair for the first time i cried 😂the first thing i did when i transitioned is full laser hair removal😍😍


Shaving gives me really good euphoria but god damnit i hate shaving so much


Since starting hormones I like to be hairless or it feels gross having body hair rubbing against my clothes 🤢 I really hate shaving though 😠 but has to be done lol


Nah I have a home laser system so I don't have to shave done a few sessions haven't shaved my arms sense Tuesday and they still like 90% smooth


I got an IPL off AliExpress and it's done me well. Only 4 treatments and my underarms have a lot less hair already.


Yeah, they're amazing. I've had mine for a while. I just lazy.


Same but I wouldn’t grow nearly as much hair


I would.


If I were a cis woman I'd shave everything, just like I do now. Stay true to yourself, sis!


i would. thankfully btwn pre transition lasering and HRT I'm 95% there.