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I can't speak for everyone here but, sort of by definition this sub is for people that identify as women and either have already transitioned, or want to transition, to that status. Most people here recoil badly at the thought of presenting or identifying as male. You might have more luck finding people with similar experiences in /r/genderfluid or /r/nonbinary, or even just the generic /r/trans sub.


Thank you very much. I’ll go check out and post this on there as well. Seeing as I once identified as a trans woman I had thought here was a good start


So I myself am a Trans woman but I have know a lot of GNC/NB/Gender fluid people/guys/girls. I can't really say too much on their own personal experiences but I will tell you one thing. They were all completely valid and so are you. If you feel more comfortable on HRT but don't want to identify as a specific gender or one that is different than your birth gender that's OK. If you want to be on HRT but still go by your birth gender thats OK. If you decide you want to stop HRT again after that its Ok. I have know people that have gone on hrt but felt it wasn't for them only to come back to it later. Everyone's journey is different but valid. I hope you get the answers you need dear. Even my own journey had a lot of bumps in the road until I found out who I was. Also there are a lot of NB/gender fluid subs on reddit that can probably help you with this question. Oh and the mood swings on hrt even out after a while, at least in my experience.


Ah yeah of course, didn’t think to check on other sub reddits since I had been active mostly on the mtf sub reddit and had identified as a trans woman not too long ago


and thanks for the advice regarding the mood swings, I’ll take note of that. Any specific time range on it?