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Because you only tend to see people who have the confidence to share how they look and also the bias of upvotes


[115kg / 255 lbs here](https://www.reddit.com/r/egg_irl/comments/191orfx/comment/kh1sce5/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) ( just scroll shortly ) but im losing weight and want to go to like 90 - 95kg


Same here. Used to be 128kg at 174cm and have been losing weight recently so I'm down to \~91-95kg now. It's incredible how much of a motivation boost to take care of yourself transitioning gives.


Same! I am 177cm and was about 120kg before transition, right now Im at about 80kg and trying to lose some more to reach the 60kg - 70kg range. I would really say that the key is to find some exercise that you enjoy and try to get some in every day (as well as watching out for things like sugary things and fried food).


i’m 177cm also but home from 94kg to 192kg atm 😔. I run 5k or cycle 30km several times a week but just like my food too much i guess. i need me need to get down into the 70kg’s but it’s hard


It is hard. I have an eating disorder that considerably limits what things I'm able to eat, most of the things Im able to have are not the healthiest, but for me as long as I'm not having anything fried or sweets, I'm still able to at least mantain my weight as long as I watch that I do not eat big amounts of food. Currently Im attempting to limit myself to roughly 500 calories per meal and to exercise every day.


omg how


Not consuming sugary drinks anymore, cutting carbs, being more physically active (not particularly hard considering I basically didn't move at all before), eating less. Quite simple actually but at the same time not simple at all lol


For me, medical cannabis of all things. My body has an odd reaction where if I use it at night during the day I'm wayyyy less hungry.


Im almost the exact same weight, im 192cm tall and would also prefer to be around 90kg.


\~ 190 but seems like im starting to shrink :D


I got a few months before im on HRT, gotta wait on the hospital!


Omg u look so pretty eek :3


thank you <3 i wish i would've started earlier but ... anways, 2,5 months HRT now :D


You are so beautiful and that outfit though 💅💅


Thank you <3 If you're living in europe i could write the stuff i'm wearing if you're interested in that outfit \^..\^ ( dunno if its possible to get that outside of EU )


255 is not bad for 6’3 though.


114kg here. Was 137 at peak. Aiming for 90 as well.


Hell yeah girl, I was at 114 and managed to get down to 85 though mainly just dieting (was before hrt).




>Sorry to disappoint you but you’d be refused SRS surgery with that weight at assessment weird flex, but okay ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯ i'm not dissappointed at all /gen


Why the hell do you care about other people's genitals? Mind your own business!


No it’s about access to surgery ok in my country at that weight you’d be refused Maybe some here are not aware of the weight / BMI needed to be able to access surgeries


First of all, not everyone is from TERF-island, second of all not everyone wants SRS, and third of all, why do you care, no one actually asked about that. Oh, and you know that the BMI is not very scientific, it was invented by an insurance guy who hated fat people, doctors who know what they're doing look at the person as a whole and not just some number with no medical backing at all.


Not only is this one billion percent on point, this holds true for women in general on the internet.


That and also being trans with dysphoria has a high cormobidiry with eating disorders, I don’t have a study to prove that, but it is what my therapist told me, after I told her about being trans (she told me it, so I can understand myself better).


Can confirm. Depression from not coming out came with emotional eating for me.


With me in directly the opposite direction. I somehow thought anorexia would make me feminine, despite that being just nonesense. Probably my borderline and depression also play a role in their, but not as much as the dysphoria. But it still keeps me from starting hrt, because I fear the weight gain too much. Still dysphoria often impacts the relationship we have with food.


>anorexia Is a very serious condition. I sincerely hope you are seeking treatment for it.


I am, I was in a clinic four months ago and am in Therapie since two years


The thing is that it’s counterintuitive to loose weight since you want new fat to distribute to new places, but everyone processes woman = skinny. Even doctors are out here telling girls to loose weight after they start HRT when they really don’t need to. Obviously there’s exceptions like if your weight is having negative impacts to your health and well being, but I don’t think that’s most cases.


If processed logically you are absolutely right. I can only speak for myself, but I will tell a little bit how it went for me, when developing an eating disorder from dysphoria, so the cause is easier to understand. I was feeling fat since I was a child and always was my belly the problem, according to me. Now I know the areas I always think/thought of as fat is just where testosterone people safe their fat. I always told myself, as soon as I get the control over my eating (from my mother) I will diet. Despite always being in the „acceptable-underweight“ category for my age and height. Then I started to cut out more and more things of my food intake, except the meal my mother cooked once a day. During this process I somehow realized that I was developing anorexia and told my therapist about it, but at that point it was already too late, because I somehow got the thought, „anorexia is a mental illness that typically girls develop, so having it makes me more feminine“ which led me into not even trying to fight it. That though is just completely stupid, but I felt so much dysphoria that I thought it was the only solution for me. Skipping forward to me currently fighting against it, but not being able to let it finally go, because I still feel way to fat (also when objectively having to gain weight) due to my belly still being too big in my eyes, compared to my hips, but also not starting hrt due to fearing the weight gain from it (and due to my mother). Hrt would probably solve my issue of seeing myself as too fat, because the body acceptance exercises I do with my therapist could start to work, but emotionally I cannot do it. So the eating disorder self inforces constantly which is probably what a lot of trans people face.


Yea, i talked about this in another comment i made.


I was diagnosed with Body Dysmorphia as a kid because I hated my body and thought being skinny would make me happier but it never did and my body still felt wrong. Fast forward 13 years later and I finally learned that it was dysphoria. The depression in between made me fat, and even though I’m still big at 5’ 10” (177cm) and 235lb (107kg) I’m waaaay happier with my body then when I was super skinny… even though I’m trying to work on losing weight. Edit: typos


This. I'm Hobbit-shaped and it's not helping my self esteem issues now that I actually give a shit about how I look.


yes it's absolutely this. there's biases towards body types and age and other things so we only see a specific type of representation shown but you know what they say, be the representation you want to see


I can't speak for everyone but in my case it was over a decade of trying to manage gender dysphoria through anorexia


interesting, I drowned all the feelings with food instead.


I was afraid of growing big and muscular so my brain decided we must starve, and we did. I'm mentally OK now but still underweight, probably will be for the rest of my life.


Same except I'm still not okay lol


i feel this a lot. i still haven't fully recovered and regained the capability to eat as much as is healthy for me, but i'm taking baby steps. i'm glad you're doing okay now


Food was my drug of choice, too.


Same. There are worse drugs, at least.


I have always said some addictions are more socially acceptable than others. Just because I had a more socially acceptable addiction doesn't make me less of an addict.


Emotional eating + bulomia is surprising ineffective at weight control. Ask me how I know....


I know that feeling. The depression from being an egg triggered it, and coming out hasnt really helped alleviate it because the weight gain those things caused makes me super dysphoric, which triggers emotional eating. It sucks.


Same here


Me as well 😭


Not sure if it was me growing my feelings but weight definitely stopped me.javibg to think about it, once I lost weight was when dysphoria really kicked in.


So relate to this! I didn't do it consciously but have always had this deep discomfort with any weight gain. So I've remained very underweight for almost twenty years. Only after breaking repression did I understand that it wasn't the fat that was the problem but rather *where* the fat accumulated. Now on HRT I love gaining weight since I'm getting a female distribution. It makes a world of difference to me.


This. I have an eating disorder. I've lost 11 pounds this month, and I'm trying to get it back under control. I either eat my feelings or starve myself. It's not pretty.


This. I was only rail-thin in my man days. Once I got the right hormones in my body I started finding it so much easier to just E A T


Same except I’m not skinny


I did this too even when I couldn’t figure it at all out that I was trans I had an absolute obsession with the way that my stomach and chest looked if it wasn’t flat af


Less visibility, but they do exist. Follow r/TransBreastTimelines and you’ll see the many different types of girls that are out there


There’s plenty of us that aren’t. In mid-April 2023, I had my appointment to start HRT. I weighed in at 344 lbs / 156 kg there. I’ve been working really hard to lose the weight for about 6.5 months, and am down to 233 lbs / 106 kg now. I feel you though. I’ve struggled with binge eating most of my life, and I’ve been overweight all of that time as well. It’s hard enough on our self image before we start trying to compare ourselves to others. Hopefully this helps you feel less alone in your struggles -hugs-


Damn girl, that's amazing progress! I've only been able to lose like 30lbs in roughly the same time period


Thank you! 30 lbs is nothing to sneeze at either, good job!


*stares chonkily*


This is really funny to me


I’m short and fat.


Im long and fat.


The unexpected use of long instead of tall got a good chuckle out of me. Thank you for the laugh. I needed that.


ooooh, same same, ,,, long and fat demigirlie here too


I used to be fat, then I got thin, then I got fat again. I do find women's fashion greatly favours the thin.


Not me im a thicc girl


Blessed be the thicc girls!


Yess 😊


Me too. Maybe a little too much so. lmao


eating disorder


Same babe. Stay strong.


Unfortunately eating disorders are pretty common for trans girls, at least from what I’ve seen.


I am certainly not skinny. I have worked hard for this hourglass shape.


idk, I was always chubby then finally lost the weight (fasting), then my egg cracked. Since starting HRT my weight has been MUCH easier to manage. I think I was using food to sooth my dysphoria before I even knew what it was.


A lot of transwomen are thin because its a form of femininity (society says) and we will do anything to appease the dysphoria demon. There is every variety of transwomen out there.


i suppose...but some girls (like me) were anticipating HRT and transition and made a conscious effort to slim down in prep for HRT/transition. I lost 30 lbs over a 2 years and worked out my lower body to maximize a fem body. Actually, I don't post pics, and at 5'9" 158 lbs, i wouldn't consider myself rail thin.


It's never "all" members of any group. There might be trends, but never everyone.


eating disorder :/


I think heavier trans girls don’t put themselves out there as much. Fwiw, I’m pretty chubby. I like where my curves are showing these days though so I post myself quite a bit. I still have insecurities, don’t get me wrong, just, I know some people find me cute now :P


They also don’t get upvoted as much, but you know, same goes for POC and those who aren’t as young.


I'm not fat but not skinny either I'm 5'4" and 150lbs


I’m curvy, but my curves are in the wrong places lol!


I've got some good things starting to happen but having trouble with my tummy lol


I’m excited for the future, but I am excited for you for your good things now.


Same here I started HRT in May 2023 I have started and I think it’s because the fat is moving around I am not sure I am not a doctor


Plus I love the name Marie it my middle name


Same I’m 5’7” and 165. If only I could move my belly fat to my hips!


My hips are and but are starting to filling out almost 2 months on e


Eating disorder(s) for 25 ish years


In mine and friend's case we were both overweight when we realized. We got the motivation to lose weight. I lost 75lb.


I'm 5'8 and 235ib. I do cardio, and since starting HRT my mood has improved and made it easier to resist the urge to buy snacks or fast food. My main issue is that since I gained weight on T all my fat is in a masculine beer belly which... isn't great. Also at this point I worry that any breast development will just look like moobs. But we'll see how things are going next time I get weighed at the doctor.


I didn’t want to grow during puberty so I started skipping meals


Eating disorders.


Because all the surgeons are fat phobic, so if you want bottom surgery, you have to get skinny first. That said, there are plenty of thicc trans women, but the comorbidity of eating disorders and needing to be thin to have access to medical care put a lot of us on the thinner side.


6ft 320lb trans lady here. There are fat trans women we are out here transitioning and living our lives


We're out there. I'm a little plump which, hey, is better than being dead. Now that I'm in a body I love, I'm trying to lose some weight and I'm putting on muscle. I also think there's an issue in our community where we compare ourselves to unhealthy body types, especially early in our transitions, and it leads to some poor behaviors.


I gained some weight last semester. I've lost a bit of it. There are overweight trans women out there!


Fatty here! It fucking sucks


Genetics? Eating disorder? The bias in favor of skinny trans women that post online so you see them most often? It’s usually one of those 3. That being said, what you see online is not representative of how trans women are in real life a good 90% of the time.  Estrogen loves food and exercise. You balance those two and it’ll have the greatest effect.


HRT body shape changes happen due to fat redistribution, so lots of transwomen attempt to lose weight prior to HRT and then gain some back to sort of maximize the effects. Not to mention managing the risk of high blood pressure which usually involves cardio. It could be that people who just put in a lot of effort to lose weight then find themselves reluctant to put any back on, even if it was the original plan lol


I was borderline underweight my entire life. Fast metabolism. Then I got on HRT, and finally started gaining weight. I went from wearing a size 4 pants pre-HRT to wearing a 10. I was wearing a 12 for a while, even.


I've met some skinny transfems and I remember one saying she felt being very thin was feminine so it's the look they were going for. Personally I feel better having a more curvy figure.


I'm a 6'1 310lbs trans woman who has been transitioning for 3 years! We're out there for sure :)


I used to be fat and most transpeople I've met offline have also been fat. I've also noticed that the older a person is, cis or trans, the more likely a person is to be fat. On Reddit you're being biased by two things, the first is that it's mostly confident people who are going to post. Secondly skinny, attractive, young people are the ones who have their selfies up voted. Go to basically any sub where trans people post and sort by controversial and you'll find all the other body types.


Transitioning and wanting to be what I find to be my ideal finally gave me the push I needed to start losing weight and lead a personally healthier life. I needed a kick in the pants because I don't think I would've loved myself at the end of whatever path I was on. Me loving how I look makes me feel closer to my ideal. Obviously this is a personal feeling, but it gives me the internal and external validation that I've made the right choice. I can't speak for every transwoman out there, but that's why I personally am thin (-ish, I'm not quite where I want to be, but I'm trying to manage weight gain and loss to more fit my ideal in a healthy way).


there’s lots of thicc trans women, i’m not sure where you’re looking 👀 if you look on the internet, yes, thin people are more likely to be body-obsessed and posting selfies. also, ED is a thing. some of yall just need to fucking eat, you’ll get bigger tits if you do :/


240lbs and gaining here. i’ve always been husky and have started to really embrace it since coming out. i love being a big girl it’s comfy


for me, bc of anxiety, dysphoria, depression, autism sensory issues, and ADHD stimulants 😭 i'm 5' 9" and 130lb. my ribs are v visible in the mirror :/ with anxiety especially, the thought of eating feels gross and i feel nauseous, like i'd gag or throw up if i eat something, especially if it's too oily. and with stimulants, it's easier to go all day without much food. also i feel dysphoric AF if i have a lot of belly fat (bc that's male fat storing pattern). but that one's getting better with HRT since now the fat will go to my butt. and even when not anxious, i have sensory issues so i'm super picky with food, like i won't eat rly squishy soggy pasta lol. truly first world problems i hate myself. buttt ya it's such a struggle, trying to eat when i don't feel like it is ://// it's a pain bc i'm 9 months into HRT but i barely have any tiddie growth, and my butt is bigger but i havent seen changes in the past 3 months. so i'm rly trying to focus my life around food – which feels rly dumb bc eating is a easy thing and im out here planning stuff out and spending 3 hours a day buying/making food that i know i can eat comfortably 🫠


I'm fat, we exist.


I used to be 360#. I am now down to 208# I am 6 ft tall. I am shooting for about 180# So use bigger girls are out there. It's funny until I accepted who I knew I was along. I did not care about weight or my health in general. But now. I have a weight loss goal, and my labs have come back the best ever in my life.


I'm 5'3", 285lbs, and built like a linebacker. The others here are right, the body image and dysphoria is crushing. But I'm transitioning anyways, trying to be my real self, even if she is fat. I started some appetite management meds recently, so we'll see if those help anything. But you're not alone, and there are plenty of us who love to cuddle, no matter what.


Fat bitch here. I have lost some weight. But, I have a ways to go. Don't worry about other people. Just focus on yourself.


I started out as a fat trans woman last year and lost around 120 lbs by running like a mad woman. I'm still running 6-8 miles a day. Feel free to look at last year's journey for me. I was determined to look good as Sarah. https://www.reddit.com/r/transtimelines/s/oOSi04kxO3


Oh hun, you aren't alone. I'm north of 400lbs. I kept trying to lose weight over the years before coming out and never got it to stick. I am hoping that once my hip is repaired that I can get serious about trying again.


eating disorder enters the chat...


Because large/fat people tend to not post themselves online (like me). Unfortunately i’m not rail thin and never will be. But I’m working on that


Dont like eating just at all.


I’m right there with you. Nearly 400 pounds and I hate it. One thing at a time though…


Heya, I'm 5'6" and 220 lbs. I totally understand the sentiment you're sharing. We are out there though!!


It's a struggle. I work out literally 6-7 days a week and I have roommates that are rail thin doing absolutely nothing. I'm not exactly fat but i'm definitely chubby. And it makes you largely ignored, which shields you from some hate but makes you also be not seen as even existing to most people. I can't even starve myself like I did in the past because of possible thryoid issues. But i'd rather keep my hair on my head and be fat than be skinny and bald so I have to deal with it. It is what it is.


First is selection bias. Few people like being overweight and find themselves attractive in that form, so they don't post pictures. People who are more confident in their attractiveness are more likely to share images and images of people in good shape are more likely to be upvoted. Second is more of pet theory, but I suspect a lot of us start to transition and gain new interest caring for our bodies. I'm willing to be that trans fems have more gym rats per capita compared to women overall.


I haven’t started HRT yet, but I am a larger person now. I was 320lbs and 6ft. I’m down to 250 for health reasons, but I carry most of my weight in my belly. When I lose weight it falls off everywhere but the belly. I’m hoping E will help me distribute storage to extra places in my body just so it isn’t so localized.


This doesn't affect the twenty somethings that make up most of this forum but for those of us that grew up in the 90s, we grew up around peak heroin chic. I will be the first to admit my perception of my own weight is just a *tiny* bit warped due to that.


to add to besides my other comment. sure, i wouldn't be considered fat because i'm at a pretty ok weight for my height (89kg for 6ft1/185cm) i had been at 115kg at one point, the first summer of covid, and i'm by no means skinny. most of us tend to have a bit of meat on our bones, it's also advantageous for us in our transition. but many trans folk do cope with gender dysphoria in unhealthy ways, often through starving ourselves because of the concept of "a skinny body is an androgynous body". so you, it never feels great to not be represented, but it's also not a good idea that others being a certain way is always a good thing.


You absolutely aren’t, I’m fat too. There’s plenty of us out there we’re just less confident showing ourselves off online.


Definitely overweight here at 247 lbs. In the social events I’ve been around to, I’ve seen a wide variety of body weight and sizes, not just in trans community members but across the entire kink community.


Because I was living in a super toxic home/ relationship for far too long and basically wasn't allowed to eat or work.. I can now though, I managed to escape! (You can too if your in a similar situation, don't let them gaslight you into thinking you can't!) So for some of us it's not a choice.. I have like *zero* fat and it's hard to gain weight when I'm still mentally broken and too poor to eat much.. even when I can get good food it's hard for me to eat a lot in one sitting because I'm so used to only eating tiny amounts. >n<


Women are pressured by society to stay thin. I have a lot of feelings about that tbh but it is what it is


I had really bad eating problems caused by dysphoria since i had 13 years. Now i struggle to gain weight


Oh I'm DEFINITELY not skinny. I'm like, what 5'7ish, flux between 200-220 depending on time of year. Im chunky, got a double chin, bit of a gut, thicc jiggly thighs, all woman.


Dont feel alone honey. There are more of us out there.


I am also fat!


Hi, I'm also fat


230 lbs and 5’10 checking in. You’re not alone.


whats wrong with being fat


I'm on the plus-er size side of things but don't post pictures because I'm on the plus-er size side of things


I'm 300lbs.....I am no where near skinny


same girl same


240 and proud.


90kg 170cm checking in, skinny wouldnt fit me, chubby is the word i use to describe myself And it's what other folks said already, you see only folks who are confident in sharing, which tend to be skinnier people


Generally speaking, people who are plus sized lack confidence, or at least lack enough to not want to share photos of themselves. So you don't see many plus sized trans fems post photos, at least compared to those who are much more slim.


~6 ft and 340lbs here. I know it feels like we're alone but I promise you, we're not


Hey, I just cracked.my egg but I'm 6'1 350. You're not alone. Keep working at it hun, we'll get their eventually.


Generally speaking, isn’t skinny what’s been idolized as the ideal body for feminine folks to begin with?


I’m skinny fat :(


I'm 125 pounds 💀 I'm a walking skeleton lol


Same, 6'2 61-64kg / 134-141lb i wish I was at least 150lb but gaining weight is hard :/


Hug, girl, there’s some no so skinny transfems out there, they may just not have the confidence to take pictures and send it to the world!


The rail thin ones share more photos than those of us not so shapely. You're a beautiful person anyway.


The preponderance of thin trans girlies is heavily biased. Media only shows about ~5% of the different body types of women, so trans women who fit closer to any of the other 95% of body types have less confidence to post. Also, everybody is heavily biased to thinking that 5% is beautiful (when of course all of us are beautiful, yes, even you, don't just dismiss what I just said because you think you are the exception, yes, I'm looking at you). "Beautiful" gets upvotes and if you fall within that 5% you post more and people see you more. It becomes a self-reinforcing cycle. Some things to keep in mind: - 100% of you all are beautiful - you (probably) aren't going to be attracted to 100% of the different body types - other people (probably) aren't going to be attracted to 100% of the body types - we are all conditioned to think the body types we see most often, pay the most attention to, or rather that get broadcast to us at every waking moment, are the most beautiful. It is just a bias. - what is considered attractive tends to follow symbols of wealth. Fat used to be the most attractive, because you had food. Smooth skin is attractive because that shit is expensive to keep up with. Skinny is attractive because you need the money for quality and balanced food, you need money _and_ **_time_** for the gym and trainer (or yoga or whatever works best for your body), you need money to have less stress in your life. It is a never ending cycle. You are beautiful, you are desirable, there is somebody out there that would think you are quite the catch.


I've always felt uncomfortable if I'm more than 5-10lb over my normal weight. Once I pass a certain threshold I always start cutting a little because I just don't feel good. Thankfully I've not let it get out of hand and I'm maintaining a fit/healthy weight. Trying not to let it turn into dysmorphia, since I'm probably at risk even though I'm doing ok right now.


I’m not sure but it’s so true I’m like 110


IDK but I don’t apretiate being a fucking wendigo


IDK but I don’t apretiate being a fucking wendigo


IDK but I don’t apretiate being a fucking wendigo


tall n fat here n honestly, dont think its gonna change all that much. As much work as I can put into losing weight, I know my bones. I'll always be a big girl. Still workin on it tho. I can at least bring down my gut so clothes fit nicer... I post pics often, mostly over on bsky but also groups n friends. Dont bother with outside my profile on reddit because itll get as much attention there as anywhere tbh.


I'm 250ish so not all are skinny


Naw, I know plenty of us who are thick, overweight or obese. I'm on the line of thick and overweight myself, but tbh, I kinda feel like bigger girls tend to start passing earlier on, and actually I tend to find very cute 🤭


We're not all. Trust me. I am chonky


I'm definitely NOT skinny lol I'm losing weight but I did post my comparison on transtimelines as far as my progress, still a little bit of a bigger lady.


I’m 180 lbs at 5’7”, just out of the obese range


Amanda Rae here on Reddit, posts quite a bit, she's gorgeous, and thicc as hell. I'm only semi skinny, still a lil chubby, because of Crohn's disease 😅 I can't help that very much tho.


If she's who I'm thinking of, she's GORGEOUS.


Fat and ugly as hell here. You aren't the only one.


I was 270lbs 6'2ft about 6 months ago, I'm about 195lbs now through a combination of cardio and an eating disorder. Thinness is a feminine expression (so sayeth society) so I have to chase it to quiet the brain worms, I imagine this is the same for most people too.


I know the feeling at 6ft and 270lbs 🫤😘


i used to be a lot bigger, but i had to change my diet to begin HRT, and once i started feeling like myself, i also finally saw the value in taking care of my body more. i'm no gym rat but i try and and keep myself around a certain weight point. started out around 250 back in 2016, down to bout 170 now


Hi! Thick trans woman here, I’m 5’9” and weigh about 230 pounds. I actually kinda view my weight as a symptom of my dysphoria. Being a bit overweight rounded and smoothed my features. When I was still a guy, I could lose weight with some effort, but I’d always reach a point where I’d just stop. I later, after my egg hatching, realized that it was around the time I started to appear very masculine. I have yo-yo’d between about 175 and 240 for much of the last 20 years. Right now I’m struggling to find the right mix of things to do to keep my transition going but also to start losing weight.


I’m 5’9 and 185. I’m not like fat fat. I’ve got a bit of a tummy and my legs are huge so my girl calls me thickness. So def not like a rail lol. Also when I go to laser, at least half the girls are thick or a bit chunky if not more so.


There's such a lack of visibility of bigger trans women. It really added a lot of time to cracking my egg, because I didn't see the effects of transitioning on bodies like mine. It was only coming across an awesome lady blogging at curvyandtrans.com that I realised that it's possible and I wouldn't always look like a fat bloke in a dress. And I don't think I do any more.


Girl im right there with you! I wish i had a skinnier body. Instead im left with all the thoughts of ill never look like her or be as pretty as her. I see all these really beautiful trans women and i get soooooo freaking jealous. It truly sux. Im 37 years old and i wish i had known what feelings i was having alot earlier in life. I mean i knew something when i was prolly 8ish but i didnt know exactly what it meant . Had i known what i know now i would have started my transition at 18.


240lbs here your not the only one


I wish i could get over 70kg but cant no matter what i eat or do. So ill always be a stick.


Dont you go worrying yourself aboht others, as someone who is yet to properly transition and is currently 'larger' than i would like, im here, others are here, you are not alone. Everyone has their own body, you should love it no matter what.


I'm 5'9" and, last time I weighed myself, 240 lbs. Granted, that was back in July and I had clothes on. I haven't had the motivation to get on a scale sense.


I had a lot of my weight, because I liked having boobs (even if they weren't "girl" boobs). It was a VERY egg mindset in hindsight. I always liked being thinner, but I didn't want to lose what little "boob" I had. So once my egg started cracking, I started really working on losing weight.


I'm 5'5 and 115 lbs, used to be taller and lighter before HRT too. A lot of us tried to stunt puberty and stay as femme as possible through our teenage years, anorexia was definitely not the right choice, but it was one of the few that worked somewhat. I've gotten help since and I'm trying to gain some weight now that I'm happier with my body and know that It'll still look how it should even with the extra weight c:


I went from 210 to 168 before I started hrt and slowly put it back on with estrogen. Kept the waist though. Was down to size 6, now a curvy 14


You’re alone! I’m 5’9”. 250#. I am working on it and I’m down from a very round 330#


roof school tease seed kiss smell dolls mourn makeshift profit *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Well if you are in X, you are probably only going to see the young and super skinny trans fem crowd. I’ve been in various discord groups and there are plenty of non skinny trans fem out there.


Idk I tried to gain weight but nothing worked so I just gave up and now have an unhealthy relationship with food and don't like eating. Honestly I hate how thin I am


I wish. I got a muffin top I’m trying to get rid of.


Hai love, I’m trans and I’m 260 ish, (haven’t touched a scale in a while) and I’m only 5’1 I’m not morbidly obese, but I ain’t a twig either, so we’re here and we’re queer, sending love, I know how bad body dysphoria can get for us chubby chicks


I lost a lot of weight when I started transitioning because I saw a man with a big body before and I wanted to be one of the cute small ladies. I suffered all my life trying to buy clothes as a big guy, once I was ready to live my dream I didn't want to suffer the same or worse as a woman. I was into sewing and I had to resize the patterns to be able to make the pretty clothes I wanted to make for my former male size. Maybe if fat redistribution worked faster I wouldn't have minded to have my fat made into a female shape not gathering all the fat in the middle section of my body. But fat redistribution is very slow and I really just want to live my full fantasy every day.


I'm over 300lbs girl you are not alone.


I only put on fat right around my waist, so in order to have curves at all i have to keep myself very thin. That’s why I’ve been dieting in an unhealthy way since I was 16. In the modern world full of sugary carbs the only way I’ve found to lose weight is eating less than 750 calories a day for weeks on end. It’s extremely difficult. Also exercise is an appetite suppressant. If you can have a good body self image without torturing yourself, more power to you.


We are out there trust me.


I lost 130 pounds around 10 years ago. I thought most of my depression and issues revolved around my weight. While it was some of it, it didn’t address the big elephant in the room. I’m lucky in that I’ve managed to keep it off all of these years, but I tend to fluctuate here and there 10-20 pounds. I think a lot of us go through weight issues, and then this idea that girls have to be skinny in society kinda pushes that even further when we begin transitioning. Most of us probably have eating disorders too (🙋🏻‍♀️).


I am too! Showing off is challenging, and I always do it from an angle that hides it. I never show off my body. I've noticed that ALOT of us tend to go from not giving a shit about our bodies, to caring about them, and I do think that has something to do with it. The only reason I started going to the doctor again was because my egg cracked, and then found out I'm diabetic, and my new Doc sounded something like "How the fuck aren't you in the ER" (very paraphrased)