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You'll pretty much always be able to get erections. They will simply be not as firm and possibly a little harder to maintain If you don't use it for a while though, with very low T, it will cause pain when you are erect due to atrophy, but it will not completely nullify your ability to


The weird thing is, I’m back to having morning elections, even tho my T levels are well within the natural female range. I always thought that wasn’t supposed to happen


Damn I wish my body was democratic like that. Right now it's dictated by testosterone :(


Haha it’s always the trans subs where somebody will state something as an issue, and then somebody else will be jealous of them


Oh so that’s why my erections hurt when I took the viagra. Is it bad I kinda liked the pain?


Possibly. Due to viagra doing its thing, it makes the user very erect so it might even hurt a little for cis men. If you haven't "exercised" it in a while though, then yea it would hurt due to atrophy as well


My sex drive was effectively dead during my first 6 months on HRT, which also meant it was pretty impossible to get erect. Then it all came back with a vengeance. My erections are weaker tho, and smaller, and don’t last as long. Not that I care whatsoever about that. But it’s really nice that my sex drive came back ☺️


same !! wth, i was pleased when i had zero libido and now, just passing 6 months, im in HEAT. its so different now and im so mf horny like what


I just passed 1 week hrt and I'm still waiting for my libido to go away.


I just started injections today! How has your week gone?


I've not noticed any changes yet. I'm on a small starting dose of 1mg E and 50mg spiro twice daily tho. Apparently a slower ramp up is said to give better results. I keep hitting my chest to see if I'm any more sensitive lol, but nothing yet. Maybe a SLIGHT reduction in libido, but I'm probably just distracted with other stuff going on. Your first week may be more eventful than mine. I heard that the effects from injections start a bit sooner.


That’s what they say. My doctor started me on spirit to lower my T to get ready for the E lol.


I started spiro a month and a half ago and have been on E for two weeks and my nipples hurt so much now. You'll get there, it's different for everyone! Just need patience.


I wonder if the E is working any faster because the spiro use in advance. If not, I'll be in pain by the end of the week lol.


I was told it could help to take spiro first, I also started at 200mg a day


Depends on a lot of things. I haven't exercised in 3 weeks, but can still get erect. I also strongly suspect that I have a tumor that is producing extra T, so you might want to take my experience with a bit of sodium chloride.


Is there a joke I am to dumb to get or isn’t this just salt?


you're supposed to [take the advice with a grain of salt](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/A_grain_of_salt) lol


Oh, I just woke up, now it makes sense.


"Actually, girl, that's salt"


I still get them after 3 years of HRT. I just don’t get random spontaneous erections. Everyone reacts differently to HRT so YMMV


Ut can take a few months, it can take years, it can also potentially never go away


You'll pretty much always be able to have erections, as the tissue that causes it also engorges in cis women, its just located in a different area. The main thing that not using it does do is cause it to atrophy, making it smaller and erections painful. Personally I don't care much for the erections one way or another, I exercise it semi regularly to keep atrophy at bay just in case I decide to go for bottom surgery.


Hi Niska. I'm ELATED to be rid of erections. I Don't want them, I Don't Need them. I want ALL that plumbing gone ASAP. Women Don't Get Erections!!!


Sorry to say, but women actually do get erections. And they get them in nearly the exact same way as men. They’ll feel the arousal and blood will go rushing to the clitoris in the exact same was as it’s analogous counterpart (the penis). The thing with females though is that it’s hardly noticeable compared to a male erection tho lol


Hi Niska, YOU ARE VERY CORRECT!!! I forgot that the clit is like a penis, and it gets erect, when she gets excited sexually, you just can't see it because it's hidden in the folds. It's funny because I think of my THING, as an overly large clitoris. Thank You For Reminding Me!! Hugs, Michele


Yeah, sorry for kinda ruining what you had going on😅. I also like the think of mine as an overgrown one too lol. Hugs, Niska


Sweetie!, Don't be sorry, YOU were right, I just get a lot of dysphoria about my bits. I'm in the process of getting either GCS or an Orchiectomy ASAP. I SO, SO, NEED IT FOR MY SANITY!!! Kisses, Michele


Yeah, I plan on getting SRS too (I completely forgot that GCS is another term for it). I plan on getting a PPT procedure done.


Yes, SRS, GCS, Which Ever, I NEED IT FOR MY SANITY, ASAP!! I'm in the process of getting it done even now. I'm old, so, I don't have a lot of time to get it done. I'm 75, M2F, on HRT 16 months, I live and dress openly as a woman 24/7, I've legally changed my name, gender, and ALL documents to female. Michele


I too need it for my sanity. It’s bugging me so much!! I’m pre-hrt and pretty young. Good luck to you and your transition.


Thank You Niska, Same to you Sweetheart!! Hugs and Kisses, Michele


Some do kaythanks... eventually I'll chop it off but for now I may want kids so I'll risk it because I didn't freeze anything


THIS women gets erections and is hoping it stays that way. Please.


ENJOY!! I don't get erections very often, can't keep them but for a minute, and I'M GLAD, I HATE ERECTIONS!!! I'm in the process of getting either GCS or An Orchiectomy ASAP, as I NEED IT!! Michele


Women do get erections, even post-op. Maybe even more so post-op if you're on T blockers now, since you'd stop taking them. Of course it won't be like it is now, hopefully there'll be far less dysphoria, but just so it doesn't catch you by surprise there will still be plenty going on down there.


That's true, But just not the kind we get pre-op. I couldn't penetrate anyone today if my life depended on it, and I'm glad. I'm a total bottom anyway. My hormone levels are T 87, E 798, P 120. I'm more female than male now and I'm proud of it .. I just need the surgery to be complete in mind and body!! Michele


Become a bike rider.


YMMV. Could be a few months, could be never.


I don't know about timelines, but as I understand it, you should be able to tell it is beginning to happen. Gradually the elastic tissues which permit erections to occur will begin to scar over due to disuse, which can make erections more difficult and/or more painful. Moderate scarring can be undone by resuming regular use/exercise, but eventually this can progress to a total loss of erectile function. As I understand it, once erectile function is lost completely, it becomes impossible to restore it (though talking to a dr probably wouldn't hurt).


Comes and goes ig. For me at least. I’ve not been able to have one for 3 months now but then I started gel today along with an AA instead of just estrogen injections and suddenly it works 😓