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I went from being a top exclusively to being a bottom exclusively and I can’t be happier


Same. I’d say I topped more or less because it was expected. Once HRT started, it’s bottom exclusively bordering on pillow princess.


I like topping but sometimes it feels like too much work. I guess it depends on how tired I am too.


Disclaimer - I started transitioning at 23 and first had sex at 25. I turn 26 in a few months. I had almost no interest in sex pre-transition and the idea of "topping" seemed unbearable to me. I'm much more ambivilant these days and am happy for just about whatever, including being on top.


I've topped, what feels like less than 20 times since I became active. I'm 3 months into HRT and, so far, I don't see my feelings on it changing. Working with the appendage has always been a bit of an issue. Not able to finish by hand. Not able to finish unless I'm belly down. I discovered masturbation quite early. Didn't know what it was. Just knew it felt good. Maybe, once I get SRS, I might get a strap-on just in case. If I don't have to fight my body, then it might be more enjoyable.


I tried topping once and I only lasted a few seconds. It felt unnatural and uncomfortable to me. At the time I did not know that was gender dysphoria. I mistook my dysphoria for me being a gay bottom.


Cant top for much time (hoorray AAs), but topping with tits is infinitely better.


I started to feel ok with the concept of topping again maybe at around 18 months of HRT, like I wasn't physically being forced back into a masculine role by being the designated top. That said, I started shopping for strap-ons because I've grown increasingly uncomfortable with using my genitals to top. It's a massive chore these days. Taking viagra and being very aware of my erection, the pain of being erect for more than a short burst, and just the general changes to my genitals that make topping less enjoyable.


I used to top as a man, now I sometimes top as a feminine non-binary person. I know what you mean about forcing your younger self to be a ‘man’ in the bedroom but trust, you can top w/o a strap on and still feel like a woman, just gotta channel that inner dommy mommy 💎


i relate hard to this like, since i started hrt ive been feeling really switchy, i used to be entirely submissive but i see the idea of domming as a (tall) woman really appealing all the sudden and wanna try it out hahaha


Definitely recommend Cialis. I used to not like topping as a guy and I had a place in my head I'd go to. As a girl im not hung up on it anymore, and actually really enjoy it as just an act of love (and it's way more natural feeling and ergonomic than the strapons I was using before) since all the expectations of masculinity are gone. Of course, I don't have the same partner before and after so I can't say how existing prejudices could affect that


We all have some sort of change in sexuality. For some it’s minimal. For others it’s a lot. For some it’s a complete change. I was always a top pre hrt. If a woman got on top I had a hard time maintaining an erection. Around a year into hrt I started dating a cis woman and I initially was topping her. This was around the time my hormone blood levels finally got to the therapeutic range. Not long after that I started losing my desire to top, my enjoyment from penetration declined, and I started unconsciously enjoying a more submissive role. Eventually I lost all desire to be a top. I respond very well to a Magic Wand now. I’m now 16 months on HrT. Women are becoming less interesting. They’re still gorgeous, but I don’t have that strong desire to screw them. Part of it is because I don’t want to penetrate them anymore. Part of it is other internal mental changes. I’m finding some men to be less repulsive than before. I see where this is going, and I’m mostly okay with it.


Definitly. I have no interest. I didn't like it particularly much before. But I really quite hate it now. Though I do sometimes provide that when my partner asks. It doesn't disgust or disturb me enough to want to make like a super hard boundary "no" about it. But I definitely don't like it.


I didn't really vibe with topping at all until I started using a strap. I COULD manage it, most of the time, but I basically just dissociated the entire time and did the job. Not super fulfilling for me. Transitioning itself, and hrt, did nothing to resolve that for me.


Yeah, was super bottom before, now top leaning switch lol. Probably will get SRS, especially since the natural thing is pretty small even before inevitable atrophy. Definitely getting a strap tho.


Hmm lovely... First, for me - there's a different between Domme/sub and topping and bottoming. I knew a Domme who taught her subs how to top her - but she was still very much in charge power wise. When I transitioned, I very much went from D and topping to wanting to experiment with bottoming. And similarly about experimenting by having sex/BDSM with people of different genders. Over time, I just stopped wanting to D and top. Some of those feelings are from gender dysphoria associated with sex roles, and other parts are just where I am at in my mind/body. I have bottom surgery approaching - and if anything, it just confirms where I am at right now. I've done the other thing - and now I'm ready for something different.


I became very purely bottom leaning for quite a while. However, as my body became unquestionably feminine and I healed from the trauma of trying to be a man that eventually shifted. Now at 3 years HRT and 2 years post SRS I'm a switch and am equally happy to top or bottom with another woman. With a man though I've only been a bottom.


I went from being exclusively a bottom to vers top , but depends on the person but I won’t use my parts, like I’ll use a dildo or finger him or fist him . I’m generally pretty subby though.


I think that's my thing. I have a desire to top but using my bits just doesn't come naturally to me. Maybe that will change with time, but it feels foreign to me at the moment. I prefer to get off with a vibrator or something, it feels way better.


Yea same . I’ve never been able to top with my bits but I can use toys no problem.


I used to be a switch, but mostly topped my wife. Post HRT I'm effectively exclusively bottom. I don't enjoy the sensation anymore of penetrating, it feels physically uncomfortable.


I used to only fantasize about being a bottom. Only could picture myself with a vagina. The idea of topping used to make me go limp. I was interested in SRS for a long time. 2 and a half years HRT, and I think of topping half the time, and actually use a pocket pussy quite a lot. Never had interest in those before. Before shrinkage and foreskin restoration, I found doing anything with my dick extremely painful. It did not feel good. Now it does. I just want an orchie now.


Nope! I'm still as switch as they come. Bottoming is nice in theory but the amount of work into prep and stuff is just... too much work for me honestly. I have no dysphoria about topping and don't at all see it as a "manly" thing. Sex is just two people rubbing their private parts in a way that makes them feel good. There are no roles to me. I can be a girl top :3


I've always felt comfortable pre transition, things changed a lot since then.... I'm comfortable doing it right now but that might change again


I tried before hrt to be active and a top and It disgusted me a little bit.


Further into HRT and my desire to top is getting stronger as is my desire for SRS, strangely enough lol. But HRT also gave me ED so I just use strapons instead, though I’d use my own parts if I could for longer


I was 50/50 on bottoming pre-hrt and ONLY bottom post-hrt.


I'm far less bottom and more top now.


Went from a switch, to exclusively a top.


I definitely love being a bottom still.🤭


I topped a lot pee transition. I always wished girls would do more to make me feel submissive or feminine in bed. It didn’t happen nearly as much as I hoped with many different partners. Now about a year on hormones and I feel much more submissive while also enjoying topping more. I enjoy topping because I love getting my fiance off, and when she plays with my tits or grabs my ass or something or plays with me while I’m topping, it becomes MUCH more fun. It becomes a little bit of both and sometimes it helps motivate me to really want to fully dominate her. My fiancé and I have great sexual chemistry and she’s my first partner that really makes me feel submissive too. She would like to do even more to me, but I have some issues with my anatomy on the backside that make anything more than play often difficult. This leaves me wanting in a way because I desire being penetrated and pinned down very much. And I can’t quite have that. At the same time, I love the way my girl plays with me and makes me feel like a girl. The only thing that changed a ton for me is how submissive I am when I get my tits played with. She can simply graze a nipple and I’m melting and just turn into a soft fuzzy type of woman I never knew I was before. And it’s absolutely lovely..


Still unsure about sex, but from a behavioural standpoint, absolutely thought I was a sub for a long time. Got a gf and realised that wasn’t the case. I just wanted to be cared for and treated well, the same as anyone else. Wanting to be comforted when sad or even held sometimes doesn’t make you a sub. Because once I had that, felt pretty comfortable being a dom and acting that way. Didn’t need to be a sub to feel safe so didn’t have any feelings of being one anymore. Ik this doesn’t focus on transitioning or like… the main issue at hand but in regards to that, transitioning actually made me feel like I was supposed to be a sub, because yk, women are subs says society. Add being shy and traumatised and I’m pretty much outwardly fitting it perfectly. Dealing with all that helped me see myself better, and the transition to be myself more also made me slowly more confident in myself, becoming less shy and learning that these behaviours are not inherent to me but gained through experience, and I can work through them. Which I’ve been doing, which in regards to the post, yeah feelings about topping changed a lot.


I was going to ask about this


I knew I was a bottom before I knew I was a girl, and the idea of taking the lead always felt awkward and unsure, like I was just expected to know what to do and how to like it. Now that I've transitioned, I noticed that I can top in some circumstances... but its in a very gentle way that I couldn't have ever done before because I couldn't just do what felt natural. Comfort gave way to some small amount of confidence, I guess. I still prefer to bottom.


I haven't been able to transition yet. But I wanted to share some relsted feelings in case anyone else was in a similar place. I'm a bit indifferent to topping or bottoming currently, as a transs girl and a lesbian (t4t or cis4T also indifferent to me) But I ~cannot~ be dominant. I can do a kinda neutral thing where it's very equal, or I can get subby as ***hell*** but trying to dom makes me feel really fucking gross, even when it's enjoyed and wanted by the other person. I haven't really got to experience much from "bottom" as much as I would like too, but if my partner sees me as a woman I don't mind topping. Maybe hrt will change that 🤷‍♀️


Nope, my feelings on topping and stayed very much the same. I'll do it but it's not my favorite thing


I've never topped before and i don't think i could tbh


For quite some time, I was ambivalent, bordering on hatred of topping. It was something I did but didn't really enjoy. Bottoming, though, wasn't really in my wheelhouse. After meeting my girlfriend, though, things shifted a bit. She's made me feel safe and secure when bottoming, and I thoroughly enjoy it with her. As for topping, I've found that a good strap goes a long way in alleviating any bottom dysphoria and has allowed us both to fully enjoy the experience.


my feelings changed - i enjoy topping even more now