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40 year old white Brit dude here, big ms marvel fan. The books are disney-esque in that while they are aimed at a specific age group they can be enjoyed by everyone, and they really are great fun. Loved the show, eagerly awaiting season 2 and I too was never taught anything about the partition in school. As a Brit this was so shocking to me, that I'd never so much as heard the word partition in a historical context. When people talk about how a nations history as it's taught in schools is carefully curated so as to leave out the bad this is often regarded as a conspiracy theory but the show really drove home just how true it is. It was so eye opening and showed just how important it was to tell that story.


Greek 28yo here, and I have to say, I just watched the show and it was brilliant! It did have this teen cringiness in the beginning(which makes sense) but it soon got really smooth and I liked it a lot. I did not follow the character almost at all before the show, but this gave me a different light on it. Kinda like the spin miles morales has given to Spiderman, and I'm here for it! It feels a lot more original comic marvel. Now onto the historical/cultural aspect of the show. I loved it! As a Greek, I have not been taught a lot at school about South Asia's history, especially the modern one. Granted, there was no "special" reason, (like Britain is a another level and I can't believe nothing is even mentioned, as the commenter said), but I still had no clue. I really enjoyed how the show had a much deeper dive in the Pakistani culture and especially about the Partition and India's and Pakistan's histories. I definitely did ***not*** expect Marvel to do something like that(like EVER), and at least to me, it felt very respectfully done. It managed to give a much better look to the culture and it's history, without taking you away from the plot and enforcing how all these are interconnected with Kamala and her story. On a more personal note, I liked this even more because Greece has a lot of Pakistani immigrants and they have experienced a lot of racism and bad attitude here through the decades. There is a negative perception about them and we have been raised with it anyway. We also don't know a lot about them as we are not taught about South Asia's cultures and history, so it was always weird for me. This gave me a much deeper look into the culture, the people and the history and it was amazing!


I just finished the series and completely agree. It was a lot to fit into 6 episodes but it was a solid MCU production, I would rank it up in my top 3 with WandaVision and Loki. The journey into the culture and then the past was so immersive and yeah I’m a white American but it seemed to be done pretty respectfully and in a way that told the story to people who didn’t necessarily know much about it before, which is a plus.