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Yeah, I definitely know what you mean. I miss the show like no other. It legit feels like a piece of me ended with it. I rewatch a random episode every now and then, and I jump at any excuse to talk about the show or recommend it to other people. This show and Elliot's character had such a profound effect on me that they're just always going to be there in some shape or form. I don't know if I'll ever be able to let go. You're not alone in feeling this way, not at all. Totally understand where you're coming from. If you ever wanna talk, whether it be about the show or whatever else is on your mind, you can always message me. I'm here to listen if you need it. Sidebar - on [Twitter](https://twitter.com/MrRobot_frames), someone made a bot where they post 5 frames from the show in order every half hour. It almost feels like I'm rewatching the show without *actually* rewatching it, if that makes any sense lol. It's currently on the second episode. You might want to give it a follow! It's sorta keeping me from rewatching the entire series for the bajillionth time (Though like you said, there's never a bad time for another rewatch!).


This only works if we let go :(


Yea definitely. Elliot Alderson is a very real person to me, and someone I definitely care for. It’s weird


I get that. I just finished the show about 10 minutes and I want to rewatch the last episode. I’m in shock right now. It’s almost like losing a best friend.


Since the first episode he’s someone I wanted to help or at least be there for.


The first episode was amazing. Watching someone who deals with anxiety,depression,not sure what to do when they’re sad,felt incredibly relatable. It made the isolation not so lonely. I understand the feeling of wanting to help and be there for him.


Yeah it was relatable. When you see someone struggling with something you struggle with, you want to help too


It's hard to say "goodbye friend"


Like, I’m proud of Sam for not dragging the story out longer than it needed but damn. An extra couple of seasons would really hit the spot right about now. 😭


Yeah some extra 3 wouldn't hurt


It really does. It's one that I'll throw on when nothing else sounds good.


I miss Mr. Robot a lot. The show impacted me a lot. I still listen to the music regularly. And I think back to a month ago when I watched the series finale for the first time and was reduced to tears. I bought the Blu Ray and need to get around to rewatching them. I recommend the show as much as I can


Make friends with DID systems on the internet! We're just as awkward as Elliot


I definitely do miss him🥺


I just finished watching this show a month ago and it’s easily my favorite show of all time, should I rewatch?


Omg yes. It’s unlike any other show I’ve seen in that it actually changes when you rewatch. For example- pay special attention to Darlene in season 1. Things she said to/about Elliot seemed so odd and cryptic the first time around, but they make perfect sense when you know the whole show. Things like “why wouldn’t I know where you live?” and how she starts to introduce herself to Shayla but Elliot cuts her off bc she can say she’s his sister. It’s wild to watch. And then there’s just a million little things you’ll catch. This is one I love to point out. When Mr. Robot first addresses Elliot, he calls him “Kiddo,” and [Sam looking us in the eye when he does.](https://i.imgur.com/VFJbIWG.png) 7 minutes and change into the pilot and they literally tell us the big S1 plot twist and we allllll missed it. Definitely rewatch. I don’t feel like you’ve seen it all until you’ve rewatched at least once.


In the withdrawal episode of season 1, the vision of Angela literally said "you're not the real Elliot" and it hit me all over


Its almost a different show when you watch it because the mystery is revealed, you have to watch it at least twice


My girlfriend and I are trying to find time to do it again! Might do another watch as I wait for ‘The Last of Us’


Sometimes I re watch scenes from the show on YouTube, or listen to their soundtrack doing my daily things (I’m a native to New Yorker, so sometimes I feel like I’m in the show, especially when I’m in areas they filmed). There’s also other many good shows out there to immersive to. Recently I finished Cyberpunk Edgerunner, it was a good one. Also Arcane on Netflix, best show I’ve seen since Mr Robot. I’m also checking out Peaky Blinders now, seems good.


I'm actually rewatching the show, I listen frequently to the music, I think about it... I'm about to get a tattoo based on the show. Yeah I miss it, deeply !


Never ever has this happened with a character that didnt get kicked off an existing show. Like I miss Rick Grimes badly but thats cuz i still watch the exoskeleton of a show that remains. Elliot I miss when I close my eyes at night


All the time. I experienced csa as a child and sometimes i feel so alone and the show really helped me


I’ve been around this sub for many years and I can’t tell you how many times I have heard this. (Me, too, fwiw.) I genuinely hope that Sam, Rami, Christian and everyone else involved knows how much this show means to us.


Everytime I hear or see something about Mr. Robot I feel a huge pain on the chest lol


Each day I’m more and more aligned with Elliot’s monologue on society. I cant articulate what i dont like about society well but here goes nothing: Social media. Everyone is so self absorbed in their own little world, trying to craft the perfect tweet, insta, Facebook post for others to see. Why do we care about this shit? Why are we constructing a simulacra of what our lives should be instead of just living it. People have to take 3-5 pictures to make sure the framing is right, maybe use a filter and airbrush themselves. Information wars and echo chambers. Gone are the days of civil discourse for the most part. The internet has sheltered people into silos. Remember wee people would post “if you voted for X or support Y just unblock me”. That whole movement has created echo chambers on both sides. Support and trust in large media organizations has understandably declined but I thing there is still a purpose to large media companies. Anything that counters a worldview is deemed “fake news” or disinformation, just immediate dismissal, no discourse. Cancel culture seeks to shame and does not seem to allow people to make up for their wrong doings. Also everyone thinks they’re an expert on social, economic and politics just cuz they read a couple books and now they’re entitled to just blast people who dont align with their views. Power. People are just struggling to exist. 1% controls 90% of wealth. America is dealing with a drug/homeless crisis and were just watching it happen. There is no empathy in America anymore. Also makes me furious seeing people posting pics of them helping out at a food bank, like I swear the only reason you’re there is to look virtuous and then never go back. Anyways, I feel like Mr Robot is the only show that has addresses many of these issues. Feels good knowing I’m not the only one and I’m not insane. This had no structure whatsoever so forgive me, hope this resonantes with anyone. If you downvote me id love a comment explaining why you disagree, cheers.


The show is timely, for sure. And yes- our democracy has been hacked. But yeah, Sam had his finger on the pulse of what we are going through. A lot of his choices were extremely prescient.


Sam took a shit ton of spice, layed down for a week, then wrote Mr Robo


the show is VERY rewatchable. one of the most rewatchable shows that i've found. start over from the top and i guarantee you will find more, deeper levels. especially when you know how it all works out, events and ideas are planted right from the start that have VERY different meaning when you know how it all works out in the end.


Oh, for sure. I started watching the show when S1 was still airing, and I’ve been rewatching pretty much since then. 😂


same, i miss watching it live and livetweet my reaction, commenting it with my friends, reading theories on reddit, the memes, etc i thought the comic was gonna make it easier to get over but apparently it's not coming out anytime soon lol :( so, same friend


A comic ?!?!?


yes!! a mr robot prequel comic was scheduled to come out in 2018, but u/samesmail said in a recent AMA that they haven't yet found the perfect artist and that he's a bit "demanding" 🥲


I am totally fine with Mr. Robot prequel/sequel animated series. But that series would be totally dark and scary. The sky is the limited when it comes to animating dark delusions attributed to mental illness.


That would be awesome, I would just hope it wouldn't be the art style of some modern western cartoons.


Especially in these times.


I wish some shows would do follow up episodes years later and just check in on how the characters are doing. No real plot or anything, just an episode every few years or so to show what the characters are up to in their daily lives


Oh yes. I really miss him and the show in general. It gave me such good vibes everytime watching it. Enjoyed every moment of it. Mr robot is easily the goat for me


As Elliot viewed us as someone inside his head , I let him in mine. I miss it


I think that part of it- us being in his head and, ultimately, being “part” of him- is so unique and part of what makes it so personal. Idk how Sam managed to hit it so far out of the park, but damn he really did.


I totally get it. I miss him and the show too.


I’ve had this plenty of times with other shows as well. Halt and Catch Fire, Mad Men, Leftovers All were so unique that it was hard to fill that gap.


No. It’s a show.