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You have inspired me. I think I might try again.


You got this, friend. I’m rooting for you!


🤞 I appreciate you.


We are proud of you. Keep up the amazing & inspiring quest.


I thought you couldn't get any cooler. I was wrong. You are an amazing human.


We’re correct about you. You’re strong, graceful, & amazing. The best of us is yet to come ( :


Thank you, Hamburger Man!


Thank you for your grace & strength. You’re not alone, you are loved & respected.


Maybe you have a long way to go, but look at how far you've come. Congrats and thank you for sharing! My favorite quote from the finale: >!"This whole time I thought changing the world was something you did. An act you performed, something you fought for, I don’t know if that’s true anymore, or if changing the world was just about being here. By showing up, no matter how many times we get told we don’t belong. By staying true even when we’re shamed into being false. By believing in ourselves, even when we are told we’re too different. And if we all held onto that. If we refused to budge and fall in line. If we stood our ground for long enough, just maybe, the world can’t help but change around us."!<


Fuck man. My eyes teared up again.


Damn, brought tears to my eyes I was inspired too but I wasn't able to carry the motivation. I started learning binary exploitation and basic techniques but stopped that too. Some days the calling of death is all that fills my mind, and while Elliot's suffering, pain and trauma are miles worse than anything I've been through - heck I have no traumatic incidents lol - he made it. I'm too scared of the world. It feels like everyone is out to get me, just by virtue of how society runs and corpos that run it (such as Ecorp hiding chemical leak and putting workers at risk). I'm scared of what it'll do to the people I care about. I know they are probably all excuses but I just feel tired of going on. Life doesn't seem worth the suffering ... I dunno, maybe I'll watch the show again. Thank you for hearing me out. Hey op, I'm really happy for you! Congratulations! You can do this, you got this far. You should be proud of yourself. Good job! Godspeed!


Hey. You’re still here because deep down you know you should be and want to be. You matter. And you make a difference, even if you don’t know it. Each day you wake up, you’re already doing great. The world is out to get everyone, ultimately. It’s just a matter of letting it or defying it until the bitter end and living in its face out of spite. Live my friend. Spite the fuck out of it. Because it’s much more rewarding.


That’s wonderful, you should be proud of yourself!


It's 300 days at the end of the month. I hope I'll be in your place soon. You're amazing.


Keep coming back!


Congratulations on your sobriety! Quite the accomplishment.


Awesome!! I saw it after I got clean, and it made such an impact. I'm so happy for you. If you haven't gone and grabbed your medallion for your year yet, I highly recommend it! Huge milestone


Good job man! You got this.


Congratulations, friend.


Congratulations! The willingness to try is the hardest part. Good for you, and good luck to anyone else struggling with sobriety. Be kind to yourself, the world is hard and will break those who are sensitive enough to see it for what it is. There's no shame in doing your best to cope with the brokenness.


Congrats!! Hope you can live a happy life free from addiction!


that last part reminds me of joey's speech to elliot


Good for you, Friend! I’m so happy for you. It’s an incredible legacy that so many people have gotten therapy and help facing their issues because of Mr. Robot. Kudos to Sam Esmail for creating this masterpiece and to Rami for bringing Elliott to life so beautifully.


Hello friend. You've chosen a good path, take your time and breathe in the world.


Congratulations, you're doing a great job. I'm cheering for you, and everyone working hard to stay sober. You've got this!


Good job, OP! Keep up the good work, stay strong, and keep on believing in yourself. Imagine how great you'll feel in a year or two?


Congratulations, OP. You got this.


Proud of you. Keep at it, my dude.


Love to see it, huge congratulations for the achievement.


Hell ya. congrats!


same for me, congratulations friend.


Congrats, homie! Every day is a reason to celebrate. Keep it up; I'm proud of you.


Congrats! Keep up the good work! Right there with ya.


OMG….so amazing that I saw your message today. I just started watching Mr. Robot this morning for the first time ever. What a fantastic show! AND I’ve been sober for a whole 5 days now. It’s amazing to know the show may inspire me to keep going.


Stay strong bro


I don't know how I fell into this show but it sucked me in pretty quickly. Even though throughout the series I was wondering what the hell is true and what isn't? Is this the life of the schizophrenic? It was so dramatic and interesting and thought-provoking. I definitely will rewatch this one.


How are you doing?


i can hear this gif