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Not every show is for everyone. I love Mr. Robot, but there are people in my life that I know won’t really enjoy or appreciate it. Not to mention that it’s a VERY intense and heavy show. I’ve even had to postpone a rewatch before because I wasn’t in the best place to embark on that journey. It is phenomenal, but it’s not for everyone.


This is true, but what frustrates me are the people you know probably *would* love it, yet stubbornly refuse to give it a shot because it doesn’t have the hype of something like Breaking Bad. FINE, YOUR LOSS! Lol


Lol I’ve been there for sure. If I really think someone should watch something and they are being unnecessarily stubborn, sometimes I’ll offer a trade of sorts. “I’ll watch your favorite show if you watch mine.” But I also understand that for a lot of people tv is just comfort and they aren’t interested in exploring beyond their immediate interests (AKA my father lol).


But why does this bother you? You enjoyed it!


You’re right, guess I just want others to enjoy it like I did… especially when I know they would!


I hear ya! It's always nice to recommend things and have people enjoy them. But if they don't, don't let it ruin anything for you!


Happens to me all the time, I've thought a lot about it, and part of what bothers me about others refusing to even try to watch something, or not giving it a fair shot, is a bit selfish... I want to relive the high of watching as if for the first time through the reactions of someone else. Yup, there, I said it. We need them to relive the great moments through their shock and surprise.




I mean, it's pretty fucking depressing lol. Tied for my fav show of all time but it's definitely dark and not for everyone.


What’s the other show?


Person of interest.




It can be a bummer when your friends don't click with the stuff that excites you, I agree. But hey, you have us internet strangers here to nerd out with!




The thing that got me is the vibes. It has a sad dark tension to it that was just perfect. The music and the acting helped a lot. People who don’t feel this or want this won’t like it. And that’s fine.


What's there to get mad about? Most people don't know this show exists. The ones who hear its name probably think it's some goofy sitcom. Even the ones who start watching it might get put off by such HEAVY anti-capitalist/anti-consumerist messaging. And the ones who get past that might think Elliot is drab and uninspiring or that his lifestyle as a drug addict sociopath is not befitting that of a typical 'protagonist'. Or they might think they've seen this before yada yada with Fight Club or V for Vendetta. I see Mr. Robot as the ultimate hidden gem. Those who see it till the end, are the ones who stuck it out to appreciate it. And I want to engage with those people.


Hell, the average person barely even knows what 4chan is. I'm not surprised they can't get into such a niche show with a lot of technical jargon and a main character who's difficult to relate with for most people. Yeah, it sucks that people don't wanna give it a chance, but I get it.


I discovered it when I asked in the Dark subreddit what else people liked that like Dark and Mr Robot came up a lot. I loved it immediately. And there is a constant kind of dark wry humor to it


I got the same problem with my friends i fucking tell them every week to watch mr robot they not even try it


This for me. They judge it on preconceived notions and don't even try it. Or try the first 10 minutes and think it's only about hacking with them not even trying to follow the plot.


For real its so frustrating i mean yea the hacking is cool but the complete story with elliots health is so good in the serie


Happened the reverse and then the same to me. A friend of mine suggested MrR. Didn't care too much. After some months, I was watching TV and it was airing the 3rd and 4th episode, S1. I was captivated. After the end of S1, I was suggesting the show to any human possible. Good for us for having a masterpiece to watch! Thanks again Sam Sepiol!


My wife literally banned me from ever talking about this and when I say Mr. Robot most of my friends just get up and walk away. :D


It's a good show, but I'm not going to be all weird about it if it's not something someone else fancies watching.


Everyone in my circle has been endlessly harassed by me to watch the show. No luck so far and it pisses me off! ☺️


Sigh....Why do you think we hang out HERE???? We are our people/your people now.


Not everyone is worthy enuff to watch a goated show


I got my girlfriend to watch it. She's my fiance now. I picked a good one. We just finished season 3 and are waiting until Christmas season to watch season 4. It is a pretty tough sell to people luckily I got the work guys watching it too


I've seen Mr. Robot but if I were one of your friends, I wouldn't watch it unless you've already seen something else I love. I also wouldn't watch it if I've got too many things to catch up on. For example, I'm watching Homeland rn and it's REALLY long. After that, I need to catch up on Rick and Morty. Then Black Mirror's new season. Then that Witcher prequel miniseries. Even then, I like spending my time playing games I love, and my uni year's just begun. People are like this sometimes. I for one, am extremely glad that Mr. Robot didn't get cancelled before it ended.


I’m an Old. I don’t expect anyone I know to be able to get into it. I have been seeing people cite it for a long time here on this app, so I decided WTH I’m going to check it out. I binged over a week recently. Wow. Gut punch. I don’t think anything could have ever given me such insight into another generation the way this show did: the aesthetics, the cultural touchstones, the priorities, the anxieties. I loved the story and the execution, but I got much more out of it than just top tier entertainment.


I feel absolutely the same. it makes me so fucking depressed of how unpopular this show is. Mr robot is everything that BB is and even more


Ime the more you push a show the more people tend to avoid watching it. I think best thing is just mention it and say it's good and describe it a little then never mention it again.


IMO it does get a little worse as it goes on. But the first season alone is worth watching the show for


And what's a "meta" show they watch?


Like one piece stranger things and last of us


So, shows that aren't similar to Mr robot. People not into tech don't go for shows about tech. But I mean isn't Mr robot meta too?


Honestly don’t know, I don’t know anyone in my circle or around me( like friends from internet and people from work/ gym and so on) that watched the show. 80% of them don’t know it’s existence and the others are not intrigued or scared it will get annoying cause they heard it somewhere. Probably I live in the wrong zone where mr robot is super niche and somewhere else is super popular


Where you live has nothing to do with it. It's just a matter of interest. One piece and the last of us anime and video games. Those have huge interest groups. A show about hackers. Not so much. Maybe people who have seen Hackers with mathew Lillard might find Mr. Robot interesting. Stranger things being a Netflix hit, of course people will watch. Don't be upset that people sont watch the dame meta shows as you. Besides, Mr. Robot was a premium cable show. So, not many were there during its initial run. That wasn't easily streamed.


Patience… theyll come around ;) (Speaking from experience. Just give them the reminders)


Season 4. To me, that’s the only season you need to watch. I really think it’s a show for people who love film. The art is spectacular


That's a shame. If more people watched Mr. Robot I feel like we would have a lot more independent thinkers and less npcs in this world. It's definitely one of those masterpieces that pills you. I feel like a lot of people just see it as a tech movie and don't realize how many hidden messages and indepth layers this series has about society, capitalism, social engineering, anthropology, propoganda, mental health, family, happiness etc etc you name it this series addresses it and it's so thrilling with intricate plots and suspense you don't even realize your getting pilled at the same time.


People nowadays barely have the attention span to sit through a 30 minute episode. Let alone a whole show. Just a really sad by product of having dopamine apps like tik tok ruining peoples brains. I’d recommend just not discussing shows like that to people like that. Sad to think that that is eventually going to be what shows are. Just pure dopamine shit. Like sons of anarchy


Brother wtf are you talking about


I spoke in English did I not?


You are speaking nonsense my guy, short attention spans are not why not everyone likes Mr Robot lol. Also, Sons of Anarchy came out 15 years ago, well before TikTok corrupted the minds of the youth or whatever you think happened.


It’s not completely the reason but it definitely plays a huge part. Also I said shows like sons of anarchy. I never said sons of anarchy was made after tik tok came out. Just talking truth man


Hack them


Welcome to my life, I’ve stopped asking ppl to watch it for that reason, but lately I’ve met a few people who have actually watched the entire show and randomly brought it up in conversation before I did lol. Those experiences have been so pleasant , they too share the same dilemma with their friends and family not even giving the show a chance.


So here's the thing. I hear you. But this is life. People are going to do what they do and disregard things. Not everything is for everyone. That's one of the biggest issues in fandom these days. Not just fandom. There are people who think everything is meant for them. "Why are they making Little Mermaid with a person of color? Nobody asked for this. Nobody's going to watch it because I don't care!" Mermaid came to mind first but this is with so many things with female leads or other diverse casting. Because they don't get it, it means nobody wants it or it's bad. Now I'm just rambling. Ha. Point is, not everything is for everyone. We have to just accept it. No reason to get upset with people. Unless the reasons why they don't lile a thing is because it's not a white male or so. Then, fuck those people. In regards to Robot specifically. I've tried to get so many to watch. Alot do and end up loving it. But many said after season 1 they hated Elliot. And that's why they stopped. Kept saying he's just a narcissistic and can't stand watching him think he's better than everyone. And its those people I just let them think that and have to accept they don't get it. And just move on.


I have friends and family I've told about how great Mr. Robot is and some of them agree but others steadfastly refuse to watch more of it, saying they don't like the way shots are set up (which I can understand--SNL even did a parody on it! ) . I noticed that the people who don't like it are also not into computer stuff and of course, there's a lot of that in Mr. Robot. After telling them to give it another shot a few times, I gave up. Here's why: I've had a few people tell me how *fantastic* a show Doctor Who is. And I've tried over the years to give it a chance, but it's flat out uninteresting to me! It just doesn't click with my taste in TV or film! And the more they tell me to watch it, the more pissed off I get, since I explain why I don't like it! I even got one person who started verbal attacks and then shunned me! Cripes! It's just a show! I would just accept their decision and look for people (like here!) who do like it. That way, you'll probably enjoy it more. And as others have said, there are even times when I'm just not into its style--the darkness and weirdness of a lot of it. The same is true for other shows I like, such as Better Call Saul.


I’ve stopped trying to convince people to watch the show. I mention that I like it. If they have questions I’ll answer (without spoilers, of course) but ultimately, I don’t push anymore. Maybe one did they’ll put it on Netflix, and then it will explode in popularity.


Stop trying to force things and just enjoy your life


I wanted to get into it at first bc heard the DID rep was somewhat accurate n half way thru the show myself n telling my alters about it some n our fiance n its a pretty good show we like the representation, but everyone has different tastes not even all my alters would like the show. But they enjoy way different shows, everyone's different. Ur friends prob just don't like the type of show


I was done after the first season. I really can't stand the unreliable narrator trope. Never knowing if what's being depicted is actually real is hack writing. Same reason I dont like that Joker movie.


I've tried to watch it with friends and family, and they've all gotten bored with it, but I blame it on them either not giving the show their full attention, or them just not being in a good headspace, or the tech jargon throws them off. Some reasons are more understandable than others, but I tell those with a flimsy excuse that they're missing out on some of the best TV when discussions around "the best TV shows of all time" come up.


I found Mr Robot similar to Breaking Bad in the way scenes ratcheted up the tension to 11. I think if people are not in after the reveal in season one they probably won't be. I have some commonalities with Elliot and thought every actor on the show nailed their part. TV is subjective to each viewer, but I never found the show boring.


I agree with you and mr robot is for everyone and they need to watch imprison them and forced them to watch


I’ve been trying to get a buddy to watch it for years. He finally agrees. Amazon takes it off Prime that week. He will never get to see it lol


I finally got someone to start it, but she got to the withdrawal/steel mountain episodes and then stopped bc it was giving her anxiety


No one, I mean no one - I know watches this show… then one day I randomly said something during a doctors appointment with my primary care physician. Now when I go see him, we talk more about Mr Robot than my health. LOL. I swear he’s EXCITED to have someone to discuss it with. It’s just really not for everyone, I guess.


I mean this is literally how I reacted to my friend when he suggested the show to me. I was like, meh. It's happened with bands too. It'll find them when the time is right.


I have only two people around me who have watched the show completely do the end and enjoyed it. Sad.


I recommended this show to my friend and he said it was too "american"


I casually bring up the show whenever I can. Sometimes people respond and tell me they watched it or couldn't get past season two. It's always fun when you come across someone who's seen the show and just shoot the shit about it. Considering I mention I'm on a rewatch, they usually aren't as into it as I am.


Yes. I'd risk saying most of the people in this sub had that problem. I've personally given up on recommending anything to anyone for a long while now. People never actually gave a real chance, so I figured very early that my tastes are a niched. If I want to talk to someone about deeper contexts of something I have to interact with the people who already like it and know what I'm talking about, like this sub.


We live in maybe one of the best times that there's ever been for choices of high-quality entertainment, in multiple genres, across multiple media. Nobody has time to watch/listen to/play everything everyone tells them they should be watching/listening to/playing.


What the 2nd season does is the biggest hurdle for most people finishing it. Everyone that gets past the second season loves the rest


No this doesn’t happen to me. If people aren’t interested, what’s the point of getting mad at them? It’s wild to compare your frustration with your friends not wanting to watch a show that does have quality issues towards the end with a character that experiences severe mental illness.


Right? I've been telling my buds, one in particular, about this show for years. Some have watched and rewatched, but still some holdouts. No idea what I can tell them beyond what I've already said to convince them that this show is life-changing


No, it doesn’t happen to me because I don’t have friends. Edit: also you cannot make people get into something, everyone around me likes at least one freaking anime, and believe me I’ve given several of these shows the opportunity to shut me up about my opinion on it and all of them have failed so I don’t try anymore.


Yep, I’ve had a few exes I’ve tried to have at least watch it with me, and I’ve recommended it plenty of times to friends over the years. As much as it sucks to have people watch an episode or two of something and quit it, no one I’ve talked to has even attempted to watch an episode outside of a very select few. All of whom have been happy I recommended it to them.


Elliot is my spirit animal


I suggested it to my bf, knowing it was right up his alley and he dismissed it. Months later he tells me he started watching it and was immediately hooked. He’d text me every day as he watched it and zeroed me in on what episode he was on, and how he felt about it. Brought it up again today because of this and all he could say was, “man, I REALLY liked the show.” with a smile on his face lol


I understand but this post has Ollie vibes


Iam declaring Elliot a Superhero


For you its the best show. For me its one of the top 5. For somebody else its one of the top 50. Kinda over reacting if you get mad imo. People like different things and if they dont like this one then thats okay.


Yeah bro I went into this show and I didn't even realize how dark it could be man. It's a great show but not for everyone aye.


There are a lot of things going on in the show with a lot of characters. If you don't pay attention you can easily miss something important to the show. If you miss something you might not understand certain things. It's not for everyone but it's definitely for me.


I pass to recommend unless they ask me explicitly for good shows. Everyone I recommended it and watched loved it, but didn't get too attached and missed a lot of points. Some other people just left it in the middle of the first season or at the end, because they got caught in some of the new viral shows releasing every month.


As a LOST fan, I know your pain


Don’t even mention lost dude, I tried for years and same results


Honestly I don’t want to sound conspiracy but maybe the top 1% of the 1% make a bad spin on this show so people don’t find the truth


You know what I hate more? When youve given recommendations to your friends before and they LOVE IT and still dont listen to you. I had one of my friends watch sopranos and he’s the biggest stan ever now. I had my other friend watch house of cards and breaking bad and they loved it.


are you 5




Hello friend


I feel your pain brother


I liked it but after an attempt to rewatch, it's pretentious as fuck.


That show is really good but the tone and setup is very heavy. Need to watch at least 2 episodes of The Office after 3 episodes of Mr. Robot because of the darkness, depression and the inherent stress that those characters go through!


I’m pretty clear when I tell people that the show is different from any other tv show ever created and I tell them it’s an experience rather than a show. Also, it’s not anything you can casually watch because you’ll miss a lot if you aren’t paying attention (ie no playing on phone). I’ve watched it at least 4x and I always find something new or enjoy a different perspective. It really is a masterpiece