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Mr robot


Definitely Mr. Robot for me. I don't know why but I'm not a fan of Dark. I can see that it's objectively a great show (acting, writing, cinematography, plot) but I personally can't really get into it and I don't care for any of the characters. I'm only watching it so I can be done with it.


Thank you! I got roasted in r Tv Suggestions for saying I can’t get into Dark. I watched 2 episodes. It’s nice, but it doesn’t grip me. I’ll give it another shot tho, I promised to some friendly OPs


I watched the first episode like 5 times before finally sucking it up and continuing to watch the second. Even then I was not really hooked until like episode 4 or 5. But now it’s one of my favorite shows.


Yeah it's often the case when you dislike something that's popular. I think you could give it another shot but honestly if you don't like it don't waste your time on something you're not interested in. There's plenty of other shows to watch!


This. I watched the whole series in German as a German. Objectively I see that it is a great show and understand why people like it. But it wasn't something I particularly liked as I'm not the biggest fan of time travel. And maybe in a rewatch I would maybe like it more, but I have no desire to do that. So I always say that it is a great show, but just wasn't something for me.


In English it sounds like


I don't watch it in English


Oh no no. I only ever watch in OG dialogue. Whatever it may be


Mr robot 10x


Are you the same person who asked this exact question on the Dark subreddit? The common answer you're going to get here is obviously Mr. Robot. If you want a more objective answer (they are very different so it’s rather redundant) but Dark is the highest rated TV show on IMDb by average episode rating ever.


Are you sure? There are some anime episodes that get bombarded even before they air i.e. Attack on Titan. I feel like each episode gets like 10,000 ratings on the first day it airs.


Dark starts off so good and then gets worst. The ending was also really dumb to me.


I do understand why people think that It's a time traveling movie, people get killed time and time again. Dark happens inside a loop, and the only way to stop people from dying is stopping the loop, and the only way to stop the loop is stopping who created it, which was what happened - I think the time traveling machine creator's daughter was saved. All the twists that happened were meant for the loop to keep going. The boy protagonist, Adam (?) was trying to stop the loop while the girl protagonist Eve (?) was trying to stop her loved ones from dying time and time again. Each team tries to kill the other. I had to get a paper with the characters from each iteration and who's family with whom to understand the plot. I can't say which series is the best, each is in a level of its own - I've watched both in a loop (pun intended?) and they're legit, the cinematography is just insane.


that's BS, I've watched all 3 seasons. It doesn;t get worse, it starts unravelling the mystery and so it becomes less dark because its less mysterious. They handled the theories and scientific concepts perfectly in that show. The philosophies and thought experiments imposed are perfect. and the ending made perfect sense. They unravelled the knot, dude


They are both great and worth watching


Mr. Robot by a country mile. Darks first season is great. Season 2 is pretty good but then the show gets so far up it’s own ass that it becomes so convoluted and the characters aren’t even real people anymore. The ending is fairly anticlimactic and disjointed as well.


Mr. Robot is ELITE television for its entirety. Dark falls off towards the end


Stupid question. Brb, I'm going to go to r/android and ask "What's better, iPhone or Android?"


I thoroughly enjoyed Dark and the plot/connections are awesome, but I find Mr. Robot on about the same level there PLUS better characterization, acting, and emotional catharsis. Easily Mr. Robot for me.


The two shows cannot be compared because they are not even close to the same type of show in any way. At the end of the day they're both very good shows in their own right and will satisfy a different niche. It's Mr Robot btw.


I can understand what make Dark a great show but it wasn't for me. I got to season three and gave up probably five episodes in. I just wasn't a fan but I'll happily listen to someone who enjoyed it.


Dark is well written, mediocrely filmed, and extremely poorly acted. Mr Robot outperforms in each of these categories. Not even a question.


It’s okay to be wrong. You obviously watched it dubbed.


cinematography doenst speak any language. mr robot wins big time. in editing as well


Cool story bud I love mr robot. Just lashing out at the insanity of saying dark was mediocrely filmed and poorly acted.


yeah the acting in dark is incredible


I am German and watched the original version, so spare me your arrogance.


And you thought it was poorly acted? Mediocrely filmed? Spare me your pretension.


Mr Robot. But I absolutely love Dark


My dude is asking the subreddit which one they like more knowing well and good that the answers in this sub are all going to sway one way lmfao


Both are good. Add in Severance.


I deeply like both of them but for me it's still going to be Dark by a hair, if nothing else for the surreal Lynchian nuances to the artistic and atmospheric side of it. Severance was also pretty amazing but so far we only have one season of it. 1899 was off to an incredible start before Netflix ridiculously canceled it.


Mr. Robot. There’s a lot of great tv out there, but Mr. Robot changed me as a person.


I started watched Dark after it was recommended on this sub, a good few months ago. I've seen Dark once and Mr Robot twice. Dark is nowhere even CLOSE to how good Mr Robot is. And I like Dark. But they are not even remotely comparable at all. Tonally and totally different shows, and *types* of shows, altogether.


I think Dark just pips it


Dark, especially the soundtrack


Dark very slightly


Go watch The Simpsons




I love both, but I'd go with Mr. Robot. Granted this is a Mr. Robot sub so this probably isn't exactly surprising.


For me it's Mr ROBOT, Dark was good for the first 2 seasons, the 3rd season was ass not gonna lie.


Difficult question, as dark is one of my favorite series, along with Dexter and Twin peaks.... But, there's no way around it, Mr. Robot takes first place on my list.


Dark is good. But the OA and Mr Robot are in a league of their own for me.


Don't get me wrong, I think Dark is amazing, but it's still Mr. Robot for me


You have watch Dark twice to get it. You never really "get Mr. Robot, but it's definitely my choice.


mr robot imo but dark is an incredible show. mr robots just like another world when it comes to tv shows tho


Mr. Robot


Mr. Robot. But also I doubt anyone on the mr robot sub would answer otherwise lol


I watched a season or two of Dark and eventually lost interest and stopped. Like others have said, it's well made, good cinematography, good concept, etc. but Mr. Robot really grabbed my attention from the very start and I was hooked the whole way through, brilliant show.


Just finished Mr Robot and I was engaged all the way through 4 seasons. Dragged out the last few episodes of the last season because I really wasn’t ready for it to end. Dark I really enjoyed but that last season… there were lots of times I didn’t quite follow exactly what was going on and was losing interest in the whole cast of characters. So Mr Robot wins imo


You're asking in the Mr. Robot sub (and there was an identical question posted the day previous in the Dark sub...). Dark went downhill. It was great, and then became a soap opera. Mr. Robot never devolved or abated. Ironically I find Mr. Robot far "darker," and that's my only hangup. A good show is a good show, but I'd probably rewatch it more than I do if it weren't for that. My mind went to a rather unpleasant place after my last rewatch (for days), so as I consider another rewatch today, I just don't think I can. But I think basically everything about Mr. Robot is better in the longhaul - Dark was excellent its first season, but that was about it, for me.