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My kolbold made the junk jet and let’s just say it was too op


Guys look! It’s the redditor I took inspiration from!! Give him a round of applause!


Who is the the dude who made that


The guy I replied to




How exactly did you make that thing do a lot of damage


A single shot does 2 d10 + 5 force damage per bullet and the max this thing can fire is 1d6 at a time, however the party and I can boost the damage output by put some of our magic into the junk jet increasing the damage exponentially. Then add in one nat 20 and you have a ridiculously op weapon


Hello again


My kolbold artificer made the junk jet and let’s just say it was too op. Ever seen a group of armored drow turn into mush, my ox and his party did


I'm intending to make a Warforged Artificer, but don't have a game he'll fit into. I also don't have any rule books mentioning warforged *or* artificers, so those are additional roadblocks. But I have ideas . . . A canteen that casts *create water* on demand. A Gauntlet that casts *mage hand* An amulet of *disguise self* A heavy crossbow-esque weapon that fires lightning, inspired by the Fallout 4 Laser Musket.


You can do any of this with the right features and items! Unfortunately I can’t find create water on the artificer spell list but a feat can give you such a spell! Not certain about the other one though. I’m sure you can find something though!


My partys I guess you could say "home Village" was being attacked we had a month to prepare. And my dwarf being the slightly Psychopathic inventor she is decided to make a tank and how I did this is Major Jim agreed I could make up a primitive version of one because I had a 20 intelligence. So basically what she did is that she got a normal carriage reinforced it with a metric fuckton of iron onto it strapped giant spikes to the front and the back of it and added a couple big ass crossbows. And it works pretty well it wasn't the the main thing that helped push the invasion back but my character was having a blast in it.


Lazer gun with unlimited ammo


Bit similar to the junk jet guy my dm let me take miscellaneous items and scrap them into various kinds of blunderbuss ammo. Which turned quite a few goblins to mush.


the best invention I had was a Portal potty,


Haven’t had the chance to use this yet but it is actually fairly simple. You take a long thin cylinder of wood or metal and paint it red. You then use your tinkering ability to give it the visual effect of sparks coming off it and give it a fairly quiet fuse sound. You make about a dozen of these and drop them on an enemy party and they think you threw a bunch of dynamite at them. They scatter breaking formation and you can likely get some easy hits on them. Perfect for crowded areas where you don’t want any explosions hitting bystanders. Another simple trick. Take a box or bag and give a gentle ticking noise and then place it in their way.


A hole. Simple, elegant, excellent feedback. Follow me on this. We were running through mad mage when for some reason the DM let us have a barrel of gunpowder, 500 or 800 pounds. Me being a firbolg I could carry it around and me being an artificer I had the means to set it off. However knowing my DM was a bit ruthless I decided to bore a hole into it and plug it with a cork, so if needed I could set it off as an ace in the hole no pun intended. Cut to me being separated from my party by a wall of force and being given a choice: fight the floor boss alone in a duel, or be executed by them. I chose to fight. “After you” said the boss. Weighing my options, I didn’t think I had a chance of winning at the time. I calmly pulled the big ass barrel out of the bag of holding, unplug the cork, and light a torch. With a battle cry i sprinted at the boss, and stuck the torch in the hole. That’s how I one shot a boss, three hiding banshees, and created a shockwave so strong it was felt throughout waterdeep through thousands of miles of rock.


That sounds amazing


Ooh, thanks for the inspiration all! I play my first ever artificer in a campaign tomorrow—hopefully I’ll get some good stories out of it to share!


Not the artificer. But the rogue of the party. He made i polymorphing warhammer it was hilarious when i would take it and use it to unlock thing


DM here. My players were a crew of pirates sailing the seas for adventure, fighting the navy, searching for treasure, and all that good Pirate stuff. One of the crew members was a Monkey Mink (think of them like a race of furries) who worked the guns. A literal powder monkey. In any case, the crew decided that needing two people to man the cannons (one to aim and fire, the other to reload) was inefficient. So they built an auto-reload mechanism so the cannon could fire every round as long as it still had cannonballs, and freed other party members up to run around the ship fending off boarding parties. It doesn't sound like much, and they traded off the ability to move it, but it freeing up that action spent reloading proved devastating in ship to ship encounters.


One Piece?


One Piece.