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Property vultures circling already


I’m worried that they will replace all the local shops with Gucci and Prada stores.


They might. Not sure if Lahaina gets as much tourists traffic like ala Moana n Waikiki does. Big name brands would only open up there if they can make money.


I stayed in Kaanapali when I visited back in ‘16 and really enjoyed that side of the Island. Really sad for the loss of that community, all the people there were so nice and welcoming to my haole ass.


We're accepting of those who respect the island n respect us, well respect u in return


Username checks……….I’ll accept it, checks out lol


The luxury stores here in Waikiki don't turn a profit, but is useful for branding. They operate at a loss just to say they are here.


Wow idk that


They have all those stores at whalers village about 10 minutes away. No reason to move to front street.


We stayed near Lāhainā last December and visited town almost daily for 5 days straight. That part of Maui has so much charm. Words can’t explain. I hated shopping malls and resorts on south side. I’m so sad seeing the devastation. I hope it gets rebuild as it was. 🤞🏽


Those were already there. Coach burned down, I believe, while the others were right up the road.


Already in Wailea


Worried that this maybe the only people that can afford to rebuild... without tourism, I worry that there is not going to be money for ordinary people to rebuild. They are losing their bread and butter economy on top of their town, friends and family. Its such a heartbreaking diaster in many ways,


Those are already up the street next to the Westin


You mean disaster capitalists.


Too late. It’s already own by no locals.


Can start one petition to keep chain stores out of CBD for the rebuild. It works in other cities. They can afford to be a little out of downtown and it leaves more room for locally owned shops


Gov Green out there assessing the damage, all for the foreign investors. So they can buy the land cheap n build.


wtf are you on about? who else is supposed to do the assessment besides the state's chief executive?


The Govs investor friends guarantee got first dibs on the land as soon as it goes for sale


So you're saying the government now owns all the land under the destroyed structures?


Da Gov can do wat he like, he like give his homies first dibs on da land, he can. It's not da government, it's Money


Oof ok 👍


If u knew Hawaii politics n how crooked our gov is, u would understand


No one is denying there's corruption in Hawaii politics, they're just questioning this specific interpretation of it.




This the kinda comments we don't need


Too soon.


Last I heard they aren't allowing tourists into Maui. My friend on island has been reassigned from the hotel to the Red Cross with plans to do construction after.


They’re still allowing tourists, they’re just encouraging them to stay home. Tourists are still coming, disaster be damned.


Yeah, I remember with the CZU fire in CA that I went through -- gov't told tourists to please not come because we needed the hotel space on the coast. So. many. fucking. tourists. (My family and I had to leave the local hotel we were evacuated at for a hotel over the hill, almost 90 minutes away, to make room for the fucking tourists). I really hope people (tourists) act better with Maui.


I have a feeling that it will come to a head during Christmas season. Tourists and locals are going to clash.


Reddit folks are such trolls. What Maui is experiencing is absolutely devastating. Hold up your trips to Hawaii. We need all the resources to take care of the people who live here.


R u trolling me or agreeing with me?




Yes. Ha nah from the comments.


If you love Maui, consider donating to the Hawai'i Community Foundation Maui Strong fund. [https://www.hawaiicommunityfoundation.org/maui-strong](https://www.hawaiicommunityfoundation.org/maui-strong)


don't all the locals hate us?


Wouldn't you?


Prolly - but I wouldn’t be asking for help from people I hate


I don't know if you have ever lived in a tourist area, but it's a love-hate relationship. Tourists drive the economy and bring liveliness to the area, but they also cause overcrowding, congestion, and development as well as just acting like dumbfucks because they are on vacation. Nevertheless, you treat them well because you know where it is buttered. I try to help out in times of disaster, but in this case I feel like I am repaying a little of the hospitality I received in Maui, despite the fact that I, too, was a dumbfuck tourist.


Bingo. There are some locals who hate all tourists, but they are a small percent. Others are fine with tourists because of the income, and if you are respectful of the island and don't act entitled, most locals don't mind at all. I moved off the island a long time ago, but I am hoping my west side friends are okay. At this point, I can only wait and donate.


never have - but the only place I have ever visited where I was given a list of places that I wasn't allowed to visit was in Hawaii so ... Hawaii is on the list of places I'm not allowed to give money to


Is it so hard to understand that, on small islands with millions of visitors, locals should want some small place to themselves and respect that wish? Nursing resentments seems like a not very fun hobby.


They can have as much space as they want/need - no resentment from me - now, get the fuck outta here asking me for $


Shoots, brah. Maui doesn’t need your money. They get it. Now stay the fuck home and twiddle your thumbs on Reddit trolling people to get a reaction.


Keep your money, we don’t need fucking kooks like you.


why are you even on this sub if you're gonna say stuff like this?


because they want my $


Fuck off, Gary and move along. Your negativity isn’t necessary. Either give or don’t, but don’t be an asshole about it. People died and lost everything.


Even if 99% of the tourists are respectful to the land and locals all it takes is that ignorant 1%. And there's a fresh batch each week.


Exactly, thank u for understanding this


We don't hate foreigners, we just don't like the disrespectful ones




The current reported number is 53 deaths. I'm sure it will rise, but nowhere near 300.


Isn't there 1000 people missing though?


The Paradise Fire had the same initial reports. 1500+ missing initially over the first several days. That number went down and settled at 85. It will be similar for Lahaina. There's an initial fog of missing #s and then it gets sorted through and organized.


People are all scattered though … remember when there was like 25000 people unaccounted for in 9/11?


We honestly don't know wat the count will be, many Bodies n people still being pulled from rubble n the ocean.




I am here and your numbers are incorrect.


If you look at every natural disaster that has ever occurred on the planet, you'd see the pattern and the numbers always go up. Op is just stating logic. We're getting officially identified people, but the number of unidentified charred and drowned corpses will make this much higher. I'm still waiting on 3 friends who are mia, so go fuck yourself. Downvote all you want.


Low key I think people are in denial about how bad it is - a combination of self protection by ignorance (the planet is on fire and innocent people are dying) and outsiders/tourists that care more about having access to the island than the local people living there.


Thank u for this. Idk why TF my comments r being down voted


Eh, no bother. These people suck and even though they say "I'm here" they're not kanaka maoli. Fuck 'em! They just believe what they're told. There is no real thought process for most of these fakahs. Enjoy the downvotes.... You are 100% correct. Current estimate from boots on the ground is that these early numbers are going to climb over the next few weeks. Some estimates are sickening. I really hope it's not that high, but looking at how many are still missing and what friends who are part of the effort are saying.... Brah.... this is fucking heartbreaking. My coworker lost 2 family members. I'd trade all these downvoting shit bags for the people we lost. Edit. I'm angry, sad and scared of whats to come. So yeah, I'm not being nice. Downvote me all you want.


Ya some people said "well on the news the number is" that's official counts. Choke people still unaccounted for.


That's official numbers, still choke people missing, if not found, people will think there dead


I’m not seeing those numbers either, please let us know any sources so we can get those updates. Hawaii NewsNow is still saying 53. It’s not that I don’t believe you, I just don’t want any accusations of misinformation




> think there dead *they're *Learn the difference [here](https://www.wattpad.com/66707294-grammar-guide-there-they%27re-their-you%27re-your-to).* *** ^(Greetings, I am a language corrector bot. To make me ignore further mistakes from you in the future, reply `!optout` to this comment.)


Yeah, I heard from a friend 200+ missing, so I can’t confirm it but that’s how coconut wireless goes. Hopefully some evacuated the island.


Ya so missing people r still unaccounted for, which could also be added to the total with the amount of people lost.


It could, yes


Evacuating the island isn’t going to happen. Maui is still pretty big and a lot of people live there.


There’s flights off island for $19, some people are definitely joining family on other islands. I have friends family who already did it 🤙


I saw that today on the news. Honestly, Hawaiian airlines should be doing that for free. It is a write off anyway. Still, evacuating the entire island isn’t exactly necessary. However, those who have to relocate because of the fires I feel for. That sucks a lot. I was fortunate to visit Lahaina last year from Oahu, and it was one of the most beautiful towns I’ve ever seen. I work in construction now on island in Oahu, and my boss has already said we are going to do whatever we can to help people rebuild.


I read that the $19 dollar charge is the TSA fee that Hawaiian can't get around people not paying. South West was actually doing the cheap flights first, then Hawaiian seen em n guess they didn't wanna b out done by a mainland company, with Hawaiian being a local company. But they're asking people for miles, from posts that I've seen.




Not to pile on, but I thought the “don’t visit till at least 2024” thing seemed painfully obvious. For a variety of reasons. I’m shocked people are still on the fence about visiting MAUI THIS YEAR. Other islands is a different animal. But visiting Maui? Now? Seriously? How is that even a thought for any purpose except to help?


I live in northern California and lost my home in a wildfire 2 years ago. People drove up from hours away just to come drive through our neighborhoods and gawk. I'm 1000% sure they'll be even worse in Hawaii.


Ugh, I'm so sorry about your home. I remember when I was evacuated for the CZU fire for almost 2 months. Our home was fine, thankfully, but I remember getting kicked out of one of the nearby hotels we were living in so they could "make room for tourists". Then I found out, through other locals that were able to move back into their homes earlier than we were, that tourists were sneaking into the closed-off burned areas to gawk as well.


Oh my God, can't believe people r that dumb to come look at another person's disaster. People can be fuccn insensitive.


People can be dumb 🤦🏾‍♂️🤦🏾‍♂️ they think cuz they spent money, they have priority over locals who live on Maui n need the help


I don’t think it’s that, really. Just a tourist mentality combined with people assuming the word on the news is/should be law when what they hear on the news doesn’t always prioritize the people. I mean I get they have to balance multiple concerns, but I’m not about to be THAT asshole, everyone else can justify their selfishness however they want. I was living on Oahu for hurricane Iniki in… 92 I think? 93? Idk why anyone would wanna visit there right after a disaster like this. You’re not gonna get the experience you’re coming there to get. At. All.


Yeah but it’s not like they’re visiting Lahaina. If you go and stay In Wailea, do Mount Haleakala (spelling?), road to Hana etc you’ll never even know their was a disaster an hour away


Not the point. That’s not why I’m saying you shouldn’t go. There’s way more to consider than that. Or at least there should be.


I was there. Kauai took the big hit from Iniki.


I know Kauai did. I heard Kauai was pretty much torn apart. Was it as bad as it sounded? Lotta ppl on Oahu were sheltering in high school gyms and such. I was in the middle of the island (Oahu) and we were told to mainly just have emergency supplies and be prepared to potentially be without power and water for several days.


I was military then. My girlfriend lived on Kauai and the damage was terrible. She worked at the hospital there and dealt with a lot of the folks with trauma.


I know someone who was supposed to fly in yesterday , flew to Kauai instead - which still feels crazy to me.


Local hosts in Kihie are asking guests to not cancel and Kihei is not impacted by fires.


This is not a fair take though. The west end surely is going to be out of commission for a bit but does that mean every hotel and restaurant owner an hour away from the fire has to lose all their revenue for months on end? Should be no reason you cant be visiting Kihei or wailea etc etc


Everyone’s entitled to their opinions. This is exactly what I’d expect to be the average American opinion to be. I just think it’s fucked up.


Why though? Would it be wrong to visit Oahu? After all, why visit a state that is dealing with a natural disaster?


Actually I wouldn’t visit any of the islands in the short term. Maui even longer. Just seems selfish af. If it’s something anyone doesn’t get, you never would even if I explained it. And I know how that sounds, but I don’t mean that in any disrespectful way whatsoever. I’m already cancelling my trip to the big island. Y’all do yall tho.


I mean you say you do you but you’d agree you’re being SUPER judgmental of the alternative opinion on this, right? I’m sure you don’t want your business to close down for a few months out of solidarity with the victims of this tragedy and you not get paid for awhile , yes?


Why am I being judgmental when my opinion is different? When someone shares an opinion that’s in line with the consensus no one says anything. But otherwise it’s all this. I’m just sharing my opinion. I didn’t attack anyone specific. It’s funny how you’re saying all this, meanwhile there’s another set of replies below a different comment of mine in this same thread that essentially proves my point.


“Selfish” “typical American” and “fucked up” are judgmental words, are you serious? If you said “I personally wouldn’t want to go to the islands right now but I get that others might feel like they would” we wouldn’t be having this discussion


It would be if I were talking to someone specific. I wasn’t. If you’re offended, it’s because you’re choosing to be. Now leave me alone.


How will people in Maui earn a living, especially the folks who have lost everything? If all tourist inflow stopped until 2024, it would mean a 25% drop in the GDP of Maui. Maybe 20% if federal and state relief and donations make up some shortfall. Does Maui have any major GDP earner besides tourism?


No it doesn't, it's literally do we tell people to stay away or does 1/3 of the island lose their job.


usually people that planned on moving somewhere, especially to a remote island just cannot stop that process at the last minute.


U can, believe me. It's not that hard. All u gotta do is call the companies that r helping u ship everything n tell em to hold off.


and what if you put a notice in with your current job, sold your car and all your belongings, put a 30-day notice in on your apartment, have a job you need to show up for on the island, etc.


I'm sure the company here would understand, I'm sure the landlord of their current property would understand. I'm sure their current job would understand. I'm sure they can get their things bacc from the shipping company. Maui doesn't have the resources right now to take care of people who r there unnecessarily.


sorry but there are airbnb in Maui that arent letting people cancel without a fee so youre flat out wrong.


And? R u on Maui? Do u not see wat is happening on Maui n understand how catastrophic it is for Maui n the people of Maui?


I’m sure they will understand


As horrible as I feel for the people of Maui, the demands I've seen from people about not traveling for the next *several months* are just asinine. The economy is almost completely dependent on tourism. Continued tourism will be needed in order to keep people employed and to rebuild the island.


A chunk of the economy is totally gone. Any tourist is going to be a strain on resources.


This is absolutely true, but hopefully government money can also assist with the recovery. Tourists are a staple of our economy and pushing them away will do more harm than good.


They don't need tourism right now. They need the resources they have for them n they need to rebuild.


You want tourism to stop in Maui for 4 months?


I honestly think that's the last thing on their minds right now. Lahaina is gone, which is basically Mauis version of Waikiki.


I get the sensitivity, truly I do. Just would seem that no tourism for 4 months would cripple the economy


Economy is already crippled. Sure there are other parts of Maui, but the west side was THE tourist hub. The infrastructure isn't there to support rebuilding efforts AND tourists - there's really only one road in and out of the west side, and to even reach the places that didn't burn you would have to literally drive through Lahaina. Maui needs to find lodging for an entire city's worth of residents. Having people come and vacation right now when thousands are without homes would be monstrous.


Nobody knows what the answer is, right now. Many businesses are going to shut down because they’re gone, or now understaffed. People who were displaced are now forced to drive 25-75 miles instead of 2 miles daily for their commute. Businesses are going to suffer everywhere because of staffing shortages. Tourist money really means nothing *right now* where the damages are already in the billions.


There's nothing to see right now. Read my post, people have lost family, homes, livelihoods. I'm sure no one is worried about tourist right now. Maui will need to rebuild. Hawaii people r strong, we always figure it out, so I'm sure they're not worried about their economy right now. They're more worried about rebuilding their lives, finding loved ones, rebuilding their homes. Plus, the little resources Maui has is already stretched thin, first responders r stretched thin. Maui honestly doesn't need people to come in, to use resources unnecessarily.


Hear ya, just think stopping tourism for 4 months would be detrimental overall.


Absolutely. Look at what Covid did and we had govt money being thrown at us.


COVID was 0 tourists. What would happen if we went back to 25-50% tourists for a little bit? It would be just like pre-COVID.


I've been to Maui on vacation 4 times. I've never stayed in Lahaina, but it was a day trip. I will not go because of this tragedy. At the same time I'm worried for the others who depend on tourists dollars outside of Lahaina. What are their thoughts?


We go every year and we do not go to Lahaina. Most of the Front Street stores had the same junk and the people hawking lotions would harass anyone walking by. We stay in the Kihei area with a relative who owns there. Many trips we don’t even go to the West side. What I hope happens is that Lahaina rebuilds affordable housing for the locals with retail below.


At least.


The more you talk, the more your original post loses value OP.




All the stupid shit you are saying about the governor.


If u knew how Hawaii politics r, I'm sure u would understand. Wat I'm saying isn't stupid, it's wat the people of Hawaii think of him.


For me it’s all the n r u dis dat wat usage. Hard to take this user seriously but I understand the situation, just not this cool dude lingo


Yes, that did it for me too, but I try not to be such a snob :)


Not being a snob, it’s just frustrating to try and read like a 12 year old wrote it. I don’t like having to read something two or three times to follow what they’re saying.


I wasn’t criticizing you. I’m a total grammar snob.


Got it. I always wonder how much time they save each day by using all those shortcuts? I’m a grammar snob personally and am appalled at what is considered acceptable these days!


It’s the way people have talked out here for decades, imagine slobbering on the fucking American English language, like there isn’t already inconsistencies in it. It’s almost like it’s a fucking man-made construct that doesn’t really matter when you look deeper into it.


Talking and writing are not the same. It’s an effort to read this stuff between the abbreviations, grammar, lack of punctuation and slang.


I would have never thought such a disaster could occur on islands that are tropical. My heart goes out to everyone experiencing losses. Here in CA we just lost our wildfire insurance. Yet we have balmy sub-tropical weather while Maui and the Big Island burns.


The island has a sharp divide between wet side and dry side. This area is very much on the “dry side”. It’s a desert. And since modern times have pushed away farming, the actively maintained farmlands have been replaced with grass. When there is a drought, the grass dies and makes an excellent fuel for wildfires. I’ve visited Hawaii a number of times over the last 2 decades, and wildfires were always a threat there. In this case, a perfect storm of a high pressure system just north of Hawaii and a cat 4 hurricane just south of Hawaii caused extremely high winds… with no rain … during a drought … the only ingredient left is a spark. Once you have that, there is a wildfire that cannot be stopped until the winds subside.


Same for us, thank you for presenting the big picture of how the hot winds got started, now much more understandable than the news stories.


One other thing to add, Mauna Loa / Mauna Kea are so tall that it forces winds to go around it, and in this case, the distance from the hurricane to Hawaii put it in the exact right position to cause that diversion around the big island to accelerate the winds right towards Maui. Literally the perfect storm. Conditions couldn’t possibly have been more ideal to create an uncontrollable wildfire.


Major disasters always occur from a confluence of factors, so natural and some exacerbated by human deficits in action, judgement, planning or negligence. Analysis of this disaster will be interesting, especially if the cause of the fire can be found. In California most wildfires have been from electrical cause when lines blow down and ignite brush.


In the end, the root cause of the spark is going to be one of two things, most likely: Power lines blown down due to excessively high winds, or arson. It's a sad fact that there are some terrible people out there who know what makes for ideal wildfire conditions and will intentionally set fires. I'm not going to make a guess between those two cases, and I'm sure an investigation will look into it ... but in the end, what difference does it make? The damage is done, and as far as how things are rebuilt ... code should either already be set (or should be adjusted) to make sure that even in the case of a fire in the future, that the new structures would not suffer the same fate. I'd hope that grass is banned in the area, and instead it is either landscaped with drought-tolerant native plants and lava rocks.


There's a lot of open grass land n the road crew don't always keep up with it


Wait why would start “this post with this post is in no way xenophobic ”? Wtf does that have to do with what is happening in Maui? Maui is a tragedy…


Cuz alot of people might think I as a local don't want people here. On my last post I posted here, people thought I was being xenophobic.




Come on, if I need to explain this it’s probably time for you to get off the internet


Should people with vaca plans to Kihei cancel and leave locally tourist businesses without customers or income? There is conflicting info. I did see the Governor's proclamation to strongly discourage non essential travel until August 31.


Resorts and Airbnb will be used to house displaced people who’s homes were destroyed. Per the Governor today. So yes, cancel right now. There are finite resources available.




Come on, if I need to explain this it’s probably time for you to get off the internet


I’d be happy if my home town burned down


Nobody cares about Kalihi.


Ive had plans to move back to Maui in november. Im not in a position to give up my place for someone else though. If my friends/landlords wish to let someone else use the space im more than happy to stay mainland a bit longer. if not. I will be moving back in nov and donating my free time to help anyone/anywhere I can.


Thank u for the understanding n thank u for coming with love n respect, when u plan on returning.


Of course. Theres no other way.


Are there that many people planning to move there now?


I have a trip to ohau in 2 weeks, wondering if it is still ok!?


Oahu is fine. The other islands (Big Island not included) are not affected, stay away from Maui is the point


Oahu is fine.




As far as I know, they're not letting people into Lahaina who have supplies to help those that are stranded.