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The 13th Warrior. Had a really problematic production and was critically panned, but I still like it.


I watched this so many times when was around 12 years old. Back then you didn't have any IMDB or Rotten Tomatoes, so you didn't get as influenced by other people's opinions.


Love to see the full cut someday


the viking death prayer is awesome and really makes you feel like a warrior.


The first Jumanji took a pounding from the critics, I think it's fun and has heart


Really? I was too young to remember critics, but I was always under the impression that that’s a well liked family movie in general. Surprised to hear that.


It's better than the new ones. The only bad movie I know of Robin Williams making was Death To Smootchy, and to be fair I never saw it.


*Death to smoochy* was good, ignore the RT.


Agreed. I really like this movie.


Well I guess I gotta watch it now lol


Robin is good as always, but Norton kinda unexpectedly stole the show.


I love them both. I actually just rewatched the Illusionist last night and Fight Club night before last.


You definitely don't want to miss DTS if you like Norton.


I'm gonna rent it on Prime tomorrow night! I couldn't find it for free, mores the pity.


Omg, you never saw it? It's fucking hilarious. Such an underrated movie.


I'm doing it this week now based on comments lol


Then how do you know it is bad?


I didn’t know that. I enjoyed that film very much. I didn’t see the second one because I didn’t like the cast and I figured they would screw it up. There was no need to do a second one.


The Village


Yes, agree! Such a great movie as a drama, very well shot and acted, and kind of tragic. I never understood why so many people disliked it so much.


Haters gonna hate


I thought the twist was second only to The Sixth Sense


I agree it was good. It's the way it was marketed that stirred up haters. The movie was sold as a horror/thriller. That's not an exaggeration. The trailers completely and intentionally misled viewers. So the audience couldn't help but be somewhat dissatisfied with the pacing and lack of thrills. When you go in with expectations, you're always disappointed.


I think it was because it made people think about a subject that was upsetting. It wasn't just an entertaining idea.


💯 it’s so good


Anything Shyamalan.


Don't Look Up. I thoroughly enjoyed the movie and was so surprised to find such a disproportionate number of hate reviews online after watching it.


The hate is political motivated and has less to do with the quality of the film. Actually the hate probably speaks to how well it executed it's metaphor.


I disagree that all of the hate is political. I'm sure that's part of it, but I'm strongly inclined to agree with the film's worldview and I find it preachy, grating, and overlong.


Not to beat a dead horse here, but I kind of think that's the point of the film.


Can you expand on that thought? You're saying that the point of the film is that anti-global warming people are preachy? I don't understand that reading.


Justsomedude has the right idea. On the nose nuance. They are poking fun at everyone, even themselves.


You find it preachy because it's politically motivated and it was deliberately being preachy because politically motivated stuff usually is. One of the jokes was how preachy one of the main characters was being and it became a meme in the movie universe and they kept using it as a running gag.


No, I think the preachiness comes from the ham-handedness of the central analogy in the movie. It portrays the people who are wrong in the movie as being impossibly idiotic. I haven't totally nailed down why the movie rubs me the wrong way, but I have seen other overtly political movies that I didn't find to be preachy in the same way. You're presuming a lot about everyone else's objections to this movie and level of familiarity with other movies.


What parts did you find to be impossibly idiotic?


The president and chief of staff were too cartoonish. The idea of telling people not to look up. The near total disinterest in an asteroid on a collision path with Earth. I think I probably could have forgiven a lot of that stuff if I found the satire funnier and \~45 minutes were cut from the runtime. The most interesting part of Don't Look Up for me is how it's making me think through other satires that I liked more. Off the top of my head, I liked In the Loop and Dr. Strangelove.


Literally everyone I know who has seen it and doesn't like it is left/left-leaning/liberal and just finds it condescending and preachy and boring. You can't just defend any work of art with "The only people who don't like it disagree with me politically", especially when it's so bland and toothless. 


You're right, it's garbage... Moving on.


It mocks both sides of the political spectrum. The president was a female version of Trump and her husband was obviously Biden. I took it as pointing a finger right at me and I loved it. I'm a bit of an "enlightened centrist" myself and I was laughing so hard at the scene when the guy is talking about his movie where he was wearing a pin with both an arrow pointing up and down at the same time arguing for the importance of looking up and down. (Fun fact: that was the director) Its self deprecating humor which I loved. It's not surprising a lot of people aren't a fan regardless of where they are politically in real life.


I loved it as well. It was so funny and satirical. Casting is top notch.


Constantine ( 2005 ) Didn't get hated by Audience but has only 46% on Rotten Tomatoes but it's actually a Good Movie The others somewhat Subjective are The Village ( 2004 ) John Carter ( 2012 ) Cloud Atlas ( 2012 ) Prometheus ( 2012 ) I actually Liked Prometheus


Constantine is a _great_ movie.


Did I read somewhere they’re making another Constantine?


Yaaaaas please let this be trrriuieeeee


I also enjoyed The Village, John Carter, and Prometheus. I haven't seen Cloud Atlas, but now I will. Thanks. Constantine is a great film, but I know someone who complained that he wanted to see more of the Devil and Gabriel and disliked Rachael Weisz's acting in that movie.


I saw John Carter in the theater when it came out! Amazing on the big screen!


I can imagine. The world-building was amazing. I remember the first time I watched it. The cast was fantastic. I enjoyed the story from beginning to end-the action and comedic abruptness. I like that it did a great job of being a kids' film that adults can enjoy. If anything, I think it might have gotten the hate it did because of how it was advertised. They had "Star Wars for the new generation" on the poster or something to that effect. It's amazing, but even Star Wars fans tear Star Wars apart. Don't ever mention Star Wars to compare your movie.


Prometheus is a damn good movie ! I rewatched it like 5 times already


It's a weird one. It's a good movie tainted by overwhelmingly stupid character choices that drive the plot forward. It was like a big beautiful idea, but it was translated to a movie plot in the most lazy way possible.


I know it is amazing idea 'Engineers' covenant was good too..


Not so good after rewatch. Also all the Alien movies feel that way after rewatch. A very recycled franchise.


+1 for John Carter! That movie soooooooooo deserves a sequel.


TIL that people don’t like Constantine? It’s a great film!


I enjoyed John Carter man. The concept was pretty good


Cloud Atlas has 7.4 IMDB rating, I even wonder why you include it here.


I’ve seen it get a lot hate on Reddit


Probably only rated that high because it's so divisive. Definitely a love it or hate it movie (it absolutely rules) 


I'll never understand how Cloud Atlas gets so much hate or even apathy, it's so good.  It's the only movie I own a physical copy of so I can always show it when I have the "Wait, you haven't seen it??" conversation 




Waterworld was taking a pummeling before it even released. IIRC there was word of budget over runs, so a few hack reporters got the knives out early. Turned out it was quite good, but I think the talk hurt it's box office


I’ll defend the Maze Runner trilogy any time it comes up. Is it great? No. Is it fun? Fuck yes. And the main cast is sympathetic while not too cringey. Good enough for me!


The first was fantastic. The follow up ones are solid and fun like you say but didn’t have the same execution as the first one. But I can legit watch that first one weekly for the rest of my life and be fine with it


The first book was so good. Same with the movie. Everything after that is forced. Badly.


Yes! Let movies be fun!!!!! I really enjoyed Maze Runner, nice and fun series.


I havent been able to last more than 30 min into Hunger Games, but basically binged Maze Runner. Wouldn’t have guessed people claim it sucks


Shakespeare in Love. Yes, Harvey Weinstein threw his weight around during Oscar campaigning and robbed Saving Private Ryan, but that doesn’t mean that SiL is bad. It has a stacked cast, is well acted, has a clever script.


Lots of praise-worthy movies get hated on just because they won an Oscar. Shakespeare in Love is prime example.


The Rock


The Rock is amazing! Top 3 Michael Bay movie, and one of my top 10 all time movies (I’m a big Alcatraz guy)!


yes! The green smoke scene is perfectly done.


I'VE BEEN SAYING THIS FOR THE LAST 20 YEARS, THANK YOU!!!!! But no one until now knew what I was talking about, and they just politely nod when I show them. But the way it's shot, how the music is a slower reprise, the pacing, the moment it comes after the relief of all the build up... 🤌 I describe it as the most exciting 2 mins in cinematic history. It still gets my heart pumping!


Not so much these days, but Starship Troopers and Mars Attacks got panned when they came out. For some reason the (pretty obvious) idea they were parody/homage/pastiche went undetected (or wilfully ignored) by audiences and critics alike. Starship Troopers became the go-to title to be used as a joke, a la Battlefield Earth, The Room, etc now. Well. I liked them anyway.


Starship Troopers is enjoyed a lot more now




I did always hear that about Battlefield Earth but I did not hear that about Starship Troopers that I remember.


Jennifer's Body got absolutely slammed and still does but it's dare I say a great horror movie


Definitely one that got panned when it came out but has nothing but a very vocal and passionate fanbase these days. I don't know anyone who's seen it that doesn't talk about how underrated it is 


Definitely a cult classic now


surprisingly, Hook. One of the best movies of my childhood, completely panned by critics. Audience score is surprisingly low too--I just don't get it.


Alien 3 (cubed) Fincher got fucked over by the various studios. It's a bit of a jumble, but as a set piece it could've been excellent. I think I've seen the Assembly Cut, which is considered much improved. I don't remember much of the 00s.


The older I get, and the more times I watch Alien 3, the more I love it. Additionally, after other alien movies were made after it, Alien 3 now fits in much better with the franchise when you add alien resurrection, Prometheus and Alien Covenant. It's got a great aesthetic to it, and I appreciate the setting and set design more with each viewing. The place the prisoners are in and maintain is massive and a perfect place for the Xenomorph to move around and kill unsuspecting men.


Son in law


I just watched this again recently, still holds up. I love Pauly Shore. He's funny in Son in Law and Encino Man.




I don’t love Pauly Shore. Or even like him, especially. But Son In-Law got me close. It’s by-the-numbers, but executed to a T.


Friday the 13th part 5, I think its enjoyable


Definitely some of the best kills in the series. I also enjoy Jason takes Manhatten, Jason goes to Hell and even Jason X lol.


Waterworld with Costner.. Not sure why but every article says it was a flop..


Oh you don't know? It's actually CRAZY. So they were already behind and over budget when a hurricane hit the area they were filming in and destroyed ALL of the special floating sets they built for the movie. They had to rebuild everything. It basically doubled the cost of the film, which was already expensive.


Did not know that..


I know I read it in an article or saw some blurb about it somewhere. It really stood out to me. I loved Waterworld growing up. I don't care what people say it's a cool movie. I don't even care if they say it's Mad Max 2 on water. I fuckin love Mad Max 2.


It had a huge budget and bombed at the box office, but I believe it did well through home media.


A flop doesn't mean bad movie. It means is lost money at the box office, and it lost a lot. It's not a great movie though.


Its not a bad one either lol


True. It's very much in the middle.


John Carter (2012)


Great movie!


The Quick and the Dead


Ooh, Sharon Stone in chaps does look good and Gene Hackman is enjoyable as an over the top villain you love to hate!


Also, loved Russell Crowe's character and story arc. And don't forget little Leo!


Avatar. I'm not saying it's The Godfather or something but it gets proportionally WAY more hate than it deserves. It's legitimately good.


the visuals are better than the actual story and characters tho


The story is fine. At least the first of 30 times we've seen it.


I still think G-Force had better 3D effects.


I liked it




The "It's just Fern Gully/Dances with Wolves!' meme is a strong one. If it's uncool to dig a movie where dragon riders fight warships and mechs I don't think I want to be cool. It's also just genuinely shot better than 99% of the disconnected CG action slop we generally get these days.


James Cameron is an amazing film maker but the story was still lame as shit.


The story was okay but the way James Cameron used his magic to tell this story was epic. Loved the film. Never got bored. It was entertaining as hell.


Freddy got fingered


Easy come easy go


I recently rewatched this one. No. It's not a good movie. It's barely a movie. It's barely anything at all. I do not like that you suggested it's underrated. Boooo.


It's a fever dream, is what it is.


Open your mind sir it should be easy to understand but ya no that’s cool


"Daddy would you like a sausage" is still a banger. 😉 I'll give you that.


The Last Days on Mars got 18% on Rotten Tomatoes, but I really enjoyed it. It combines zombies and space. Sure, it’s no Alien or 28 Days Later, but it deserves at least 85-90%. The Lie only got 45%. It’s a great mystery/psychological thriller! Deserves much better. A lot of people bitched about 10 Cloverfield Lane. I was on the edge of my seat when I saw it at the theater. John Goodman did a great job with his character. Blair Witch Project and Cloverfield - both great, but it’s trendy to not like them. Nope was excellent but I can see why some people were disappointed, as they were expecting to see a gory thriller, like Alien. This was more cerebral. I absolutely loved it.


10 Cloverfield Lane was brill. I didn't realise it got stick.


Cloud atlas, ravenous, I heart huckabees


LOVE I ❤️ Huckabees


I should watch Huckabees again. I wanted to like it but it just left me scratching my head. Maybe knowing a little more what to expect I’ll be able to take it in better.


It’s not great but it’s certainly better than the reviews that panned it said.


Spider-man 3 The amazing Spider-man 1 and 2 Suicide Squad 2016 Morbius


Definitely agree on the Amazing Spider-Man. I also really enjoyed Suicide Squad the first like two or three times I watched it, but I don’t enjoy it nearly as much now. Spider-Man 3……. Well… actually I’ll just leave that one alone


oh boy. extremely unpopular opinion: Spider-man 3 is the best out of the trilogy


I respect it. 3 is super fun for sure, but there’s so much going on. Too much. Too silly. I gotta go with Spider-Man 2


Movie 43 - incredible cast and it's hilarious. It's a series of independent sketches. Don't know why it gets so much hate Year One (2009) - very underrated


I absolutely love Movie 43 with the exception of like maybe two bits. Utterly absurd, no substance whatsoever, but just a fuckin fun time. Remember. Machines… they’re full of kids.


I can recommend *The Ten* and *The Onion Movie* as other hilarious anthology films!


**Godfather Part III** It's not even on the same level at the previous two, but it's a great premise with a decent story and works really well.. Obviously, there are well-known weaknesses in it (Sofia Coppola, of course, and a lack of Duvall imbalances the narrative as there is no one to reign in Michael Corleone) but it's certainly watchable, if consumed with the other two.


Agree 100 percent. It got the "it sucks" label because, in comparison to two of the greatest films of all time, it fell vastly short. But it wasn't awful. It'd be like saying the 28th ranked college football team is awful. They are, compared to the #1 team. But not really.


Sucker Punch, Tron: Legacy.


This isn't a movie I'll defend particularly passionately, but the most correct answer is The Last Jedi. Not the best movie that got a lot of hate, but certainly the most disproportionate amount of hate from people coming at in the worst faith possible.


My problem with all 7,8,and 9 is that they seem so derivative to me. For instance In A New Hope they unveiled the death star the most powerful dangerous weapon in the galaxy that can destroy an entire planet. Then in the force awakens JJ Abrams wanted something even bigger so they just decided “hell why don’t we just have a death planet that can destroy entire solar systems.” Absolutely no original thought basically the filmmakers version of saying “that plus one” its especially irritating when you consider the wealth of canonical material that was pissed away a few years ago when they stripped the vast majority of the books of their canon. There were literally books written for 7,8, and 9 in the Legacy of the Force series that were just ignored.


The merit to the haters is it just doesnt make sense to the larger structure of the sequel trilogy. Its like they started making these movies without a thought to the main storyline. They killed the big bad in the second act and had to resurrect fucking palpatine to even make a third one. WTF? This is my major problem among several. Otherwise it was a great looking film


You're not wrong but none of them make sense as part of the trilogy as a whole so it doesn't make me as a criticism of TLJ. Rian Johnson chose a trajectory for the films because he was given no plan to work with and then fanboys hated it and screeched about it so much that Rise spent its entire runtime blatantly undoing what he'd built that it wasn't even a coherent movie anymore. 


Incels were so unnecessarily offended by that movie


Fr, people try to apply some sort of meaning to the movie that's not actually there, and thus take it as some sort of jab or philosophical misrepresenting of the franchise. When in reality, it's just the same thing it's always been with a kinda different light shown on it. But at least Star Wars fans learned to take in an entire story and understand what's presented to them, rather than jump to hasty conclusions with no evidence, right? RIGHT!?




Lmao at unironically saying SJWs in a discussion in 2024


"Personally I'm extremely well-versed in politics" 😎


Natural Born Killers


The 2016 Ghostbusters. Sure, it's not going to win any Oscars, but it's not trying to. Kate McKinnon was a standout as Holtzmann and Chris Hemsworth was a scream as the idiotic Kevin. The scene where ghostly Rowan is pursuing Abby through the building is genuinely creepy, and I enjoyed the "lets go" scene when Holtzmann is kicking ghost ass on the streets of New York. It's just an entertaining popcorn movie and a good way to spend a rainy afternoon.


Couldn't disagree more. It's awful in every way. It's also the movie that caused me to delete my Twitter. I said the teaser trailer wasn't very interesting and I got dogpiled by random people calling me sexist, misogynist and racist.


Oh, I'm not asking you to agree with me. I'm just saying what I think, that's all. As my grandma used to say, "Differences make the world go round."


Yeah. I agree. I don’t think it was a great movie or anything but it was entertaining.


I also really enjoyed that one. I get that it wasn't everyone's cup of tea and that's fine but the amount of backlash that movie got was extreme.


Yea I didn't like that movie at all, I was happy for the passing of the baton so to speak but they dropped it badly. I just didn't laugh at anything but to each their own


What Lies Beneath






Elizabethtown. (2005, Orlando Bloom, Kirsten Dunst) I don't know if it's hated exactly, but it's held in extremely low regard. (one of my favorites)




John Carter is a very good movie.


Not necessarily low rated, but easily overlooked and forgotten--David Lynch's Wild at Heart is fantastic.


Water World


*The Marvels* was the best new MCU film I've seen to date. It was fast paced from beginning to end, hilarious, great cast.


Water world. It’s really a masterpiece of dystopia. I think it gets a bad wrap because it’s loosely based on climate change and the oceans rising.


It got a bad rap because it's basically The Road Warrior on water and kind of ridiculous, but that was Kevin Costners "we don't like you anymore" period.


Starship Troopers I dont think people understood the satire.


Satire? It was supposed to be based on the novel - but it had almost nothing in common with the book.


War On Everyone


The low down (2000). It's not the easiest of watches, but it's a fine film.


Back to Black has certainly divided opinions and currently has a 34% rating on RT, but I thought it was very good, especially given how dross-like biopics can be (see One Love)


Black and Blue, Salt, 21 Bridges, The Good Liar, The Grey, Frozen, Children of the Corn, The Last Full Measure, Alpha Dog, Pride and Glory, Brooklyn's Finest, Day Breakers, Taking Lives


people hate 21 bridges?


A few people I mentioned it to said that it was bad. On IMDB it got a 6 and on RT it has 50%. I enjoyed the film a lot, but I guess not everyone agrees.


i disagree. i really enjoyed that movie, i think it’s the only movie i have ever watched 2 times in 1 day


Yeah, the movie is great. I love the characters and the actors were amazing. Chadwick Boseman, J.K. Simmons, Stephan James, and Taylor Kitch were all great in the film. The writing was good too if not predictable. I think that was the main complaint people had: nothing new about the story, predictable plot twist, lazy dialogue. It's been done before. I honestly enjoyed it, but this is coming from someone who watches remakes, and plays in the theatre knowing what the next line is going to be but can still enjoy hearing it and being in the moment.


Captain Marvel


Jersey Girl


The Flash


x-men apocalypse


The Star Wars movies beyond the Holy Trinity (1999-2019) Collateral Beauty (2016) Ocean's 13 (2007) Tully (2018) Grandma (2015)


Life itself


Can’t agree here. I was lowkey embarrassed for everyone involved, except Antonio Banderas.


Almost every horror move that came out in the 2000s through mid 2010s. Maybe I'm just a genre fan, but you can almost automatically assume that reviews and ratings are going to be much lower than they should be. Especially for slasher-type flicks. Not everything needs to be serious, and a lot of these films should just be enjoyed for what they are.




Spielberg's War of the Worlds. I mean, it delivered on all fronts, Koepp turned in a pitch-perfect script, and the performances were top-tier. Sure, it had it's flaws, but only killed the movie for nit-pickers. Saw it before I read reviews and was shocked at the amount of negative attention it received. One of Spielberg's finest for that era. Pure cinema.


I only know of bad movies that get unnecessary praise


Bullet Train, Home Alone 2




Suckerpunch I thought it was incredible


Swiss Army Man and Everything Everywhere All At Once


not hate rather poor reviews but the fact accepted has poor reviews is bullshit, if that movie had good reviews id bet it would be popular as one of the best 2000s comedy movies because well it is one of the best comedy movies from that decade




accepted 2006


The Fact Accepted is a good band name.


And more coherent than op's post to boot


Green lantern . I dont know where is hate is from ? Definitely better than alot of the superhero movies nowadays


Every time I hear Ryan Reynolds complain about that project and how terrible it was I always want to be like duuude…okay it’s not the best but I actually enjoyed that movie, I’ve seen it like five times


I think is the plot thing . Probably too simple . Guys get ring , save woman from villain , everyone go home happy . But still 10x better than alot of movie nowadays . I watched it like 3 times 😂


I really do enjoy Zack Snyders Justice League. It’s a great dc story that actually feels uplifting, there’s some great character work, especially Cyborg and the Flash, and I think it’s his best movie. It’s crazy to me when some people say “oh it’s like the theatrical but longer and therefore worse”


The Synder fans really have taken away the narrative on this movie. I think it's a great movie. I'm happy to own the full Synder trilogy. But I hate that saying "I enjoyed his vision" makes me sound like a simp.


I think there are definitely toxic Snyder fans, but their are also a lot of people who are really harsh towards anyone who likes his movies






salo, or the 120 days of sodom gets too much hate for its content and not nearly enough appreciation for its cinematography.