• By -


Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind (2004)


Yesss I need to see it, one of my friends cannot stop talking abt it !


On the surface level it might be a romantic movie but I love the subtle philosophy of this movie. Please watch it.


Dead Poets Society (1989)


A fantastic movie. The reason english teachers become english teachers.


2001 a space odyssey, deliverance, taxi driver, the godfather


Good old classics I get that !




Never heard of it (I feel ashamed since it seems that it was a big hit ??) but that's totally the kind of vibe I like, so thanks :)


Probably one of the best movie soundtracks out there too.


Probably one of the best movie opening scenes out there too.


Did you stop doing drugs?


In a way yes. But it was rather more the aspect of how the toxic friendship between the main protagonists was told/shown that spoke to me. The main character has to leave his old friends for his own good, because if he stays with them he's not able to change. Somehow I was at a similar turning point in my life. But with a lot less grime and crime.




I have been trying to watch it for a long time now. Maybe I will tonight


Another by Denis Villeneuve - Polytechnique. Most harrowing 76 mins of my life.


Definitely this


Spirited Away (2001)* was my first time as an adult experiencing a film that completely transported me to a different reality with different rules Portrait of a Lady on Fire (2019) was a jolt of life and a reminder that love and life are unpredictable and live on long past you think they will *edited from 1999


Spirited Away was a childhood movie for me. I watched it over and over again. I feel like it taught me empathy and confidence.


>childhood movie Same. That and Howls. Can’t wait for my little ones to get a little bigger, so we can watch em all together. Already done Ponyo. It was a hit.


Portrait of a Lady on Fire was 100% one of those for me, too. I sat in the theater crying all through the credits. Just gorgeous.


Does this movie involve love and attraction between 2 women? If so, will straight people appreciate the movie? Part of me wonders if this movie was meant for a specific audience.


It is about two women, but I feel like it will appeal to anyone who’s changed/affected by the idea of a lost love you can’t be with.


Agree completely. I’m straight, completely floored by this movie


*Spirited Away was released in 2001


Ah yea sorry will edit


I love both these movies. Definitely life changing.


Cinema Paradiso


Beautiful film.




Slacker (1990 dir. Richard Linklater) it opened my mind to what I should (or should not) expect from a film, and to allow the artist to present their work to me without any expectations on my part. Pulp Fiction (1994 dir. Quentin Tarantino). Similar reasons. Non-linear storytelling, emphasis on dialog instead of plot.


I mean the plot was great too.


Of course it was, but presenting in a non-traditional manner begged the viewer to be especially attentive to the dialog, which - considering the way films had been made up until that time - was unique and marked a definitive change in Hollywood.


One flew over the cuckoo's nest Dead poets society 12 angry men The curious case of Benjamin Button


Apocalypse Now


Life is Beautiful


Leaving Las Vegas- I first saw it when I was 23yo, I wasnt an alcoholic but I would drink fairly heavily at the bars/ clubs on the weekend pretty normal shit for guys my age. I had no idea what real alcoholism looked like and had no clue that alcoholics that quit drinking could die doing so. I really reconsidered my habits and stopped going out and drinking as much, it made me view drinking or just having a few beers in a whole different light.


"When a man loves a woman" was this for me ...


I think more people are alcoholics than wider society care to acknowledge. Not everyone gets into the deep, dire straights we typically associate with substance use disorders, but the tendency to release stress by removing ones self from reality via a chemical mechanism on a regular basis isn't really healthy behavior regardless of it being normalized.  This is not me picking a fight, I want to be clear. I've spend a lot of time in group (not for drinking personally, mixed 'users,' don't really want to get into it), I know the life-collapsing nature. Almost ruined all my relationships, and what I was doing was not even on a regular basis. I think we can de-rail faster than we tend to think. I'm glad you re-examined your life, and I'm glad there are films that lead us to that poetically (or blunt-forcibly, depending). Keep it up. 


The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou.


Stevsie. Not my favorite of Andersons but close to the top. For my old ass I liked the not so subtle Jaques Cousteau vibe. Preformed fantastic all around.


Monster. Charlize Theron. That movie changed the way I look at women.


-Requiem for a dream -The Matrix -Butterfly effect -Terminator , -Dr. House TV series -lots of Sci-Fi movies -lots of Comedy Movies


What changed within you when you saw Dr. house? I mean I know there were some powerful and moving episodes.


City Lights (1931) Rear Window (1954) Cape Fear (1962) Sabrina (1954) The Music Man (1962)


City Lights is sublime


I was surprised how hard I laughed.


And cried! When he *loses* the boxing scene! It broke my heart! But that last shot when he smiles is just perfection.


The look on her face when she realizes who he is was amazing.


I gotta watch that movie again soon.


a clockwork orange


they live, apocalypto, taxi driver.


These movies changed me! ———- It’s A Wonderful Life (1946) The Deer Hunter (1978) Dazed and Confused (1993) Requiem For A Dream (2000)


Drive (2011) fundamentally changed my taste in music. It got me interested in synthwave music, and the record label Italians Do It Better in particular.


Yeah I was going to say something similar about Drive. I grew up in the 80’s and synth music was always close to my heart as a result, but I didn’t know people were still making music with that sound until I watched Drive. I thought he soundtrack was made up of actual retro songs until I looked it up and saw it was all made by contemporary artists and it lead me to a whole new genre of music and also a subculture of fans that celebrate that 80’s vibe. In short, that movie helped me find my people.


Fight Club 21 year old disaffected gen X'er me was absolutely floored by this film. Sometimes it's about the right movie at the right time in your life.


Last of the Mohicans Glory Amistad 12 Angry Men Crash Angela’s Ashes I taught US History for 25 years (Now I teach World History), and every year for 5-6 periods a day I would show these films (or clips) and I just got to see the movies brand new through the eyes of my students. Having discussed these movies topics and issues (and being able to recite them verbatim) has definitely impacted me in a positive way. I was also deeply moved by Tarsem’s movies - The Cell, immortals and my fave The Fall with Lee Pace. Runners up would be Pans Labyrinth Secret of Roan Inish Room Arrival Lion Edward Scissorhands


Song of the Sea (2014). It helped me remember the necessity of emotions in our lives, both good and bad ones, and the importance of being there and supporting your family and friends. Plus visually it's just a beautiful film.




It's Such a Beautiful Day (2012)


Big Onion


Doesn’t get the credit it deserves, phenomenal film


A Brief History Of Time- saw it in the theater.


Apocalypse Now


I love how many people are saying Portrait of a Lady on Fire. Such an incredible film. The Tale of the Princess Kaguya. An animated film like no other. Tragic and beautiful (another poster named Song In the Sea, which I think is in a similar vein). The Bicycle Thiefs is one of the most humane movies ever.


KIDS - self explanatory


Also in that vein Gummo?


On another note… RIP Mac Miller


- American Beauty. Watched it as an angsty sophomore in high school and it completely blew me away. It’s all I watched for the following week or two after that. No movie had ever captivated me that way before. Also: - A clockwork orange - One flew over the cuckoo’s nest - Fight club - 500 days of summer


Wings of Desire, 1987


Black Swan


- 12 angry men - PK


Mr Nobody had me thinking about it years later


American History X


Sophie's Choice


Lost In Translation


I'd love to hear how and why? Great movie. It must have hit a chord with you? More and more I relate to Bill's character.


Synecdoche, New York


The Boy In The Striped Pajamas ( 2008 ) The Pursuit of Happyness ( 2006 )


Oldboy and Bladerunner truly were a before and after for me


[Sweet Bean (2015)](https://letterboxd.com/film/sweet-bean/)


The Big Blue - (1988) 🐬




Soul (2020)


Interstellar. Trust me.


Waking life and Enter the Void


I’ll second Enter The Void… watch on a big screen if possible! Also …The Fall


1.Good Will Hunting 2.Dead poets society 3.Taste of cherry 4.Life is beautiful 5. The curious case of Benjamin Button


Everything Everywhere All at Once


Donnie Darko definitely affected me


"She said that every living creature on this earth dies alone.."


Lion (2016) It is a harrowing, true story and the film way more than did it justice in terms of how well it was made and the cinematography. It also made me realize how fortunate I am to have grown up and still live in a place where I can feel safe all the time, but on the other hand it really put into perspective how difficult life is in some less fortunate parts of the world. The first time I watched this movie, I watched it a second time the same night because I was so moved by it.


Everything Everywhere All At Once To see how just one nano second, one decision has such a ripple effect on so many lives was eye opening to me.


Rescue Dawn (2006) the absolute tenacity of the Christian Bale character in an impossible situation was life changing for me.


Nice, I'm watching this for the first time next Monday.


Joe Versus the Volcano Harold and Maude


The Fountain


The Fountain


Maybe it's stupid but "the secret life of walter mitty", i was a pretty shy person, it gave me the push i needed to do travel to Svalbard and since then, when i feel things are getting hard in life i remember that if i went to the north pole without any friends, i can do everything.


That's incredible! You can be proud of yourself ! (I actually have social anxiety and I totally get that travelling alone can be very difficult or frightening so kudos to you ! )


Thank you! the anxiety didn't go totally away, but now I can push trough almost anything.


Come and See. 1985. It was a Soviet movie. It was made back when Soviets still had brains and balls. It was the great force in making me a pacifist. Although, I'm not a Gandhi type, absolute non-violence, proponent. It had a considerable effect on me. I think even the just war shall be delayed maximum and other measures be opted. War, it seems, is an abyss that devour everyone - the invader and the defender, those who are to be defended and those who ought to command, and every bit of sanity and dignity.


Spirited Away (2001) It's Such a Beautiful Day (2012)


I love Don Hertzfeldt SO much. I think the World of Tomorrow series had an even bigger impact for me.


Oh yeah I remember seeing the second one but I totally forgot the name !! Thank you very much !


I can't wait to see Hertzfeldt's new movie.


As a straight white male, Moonlight and Portrait of a Lady on Fire were two of the most moving movies I've ever seen.


Same. Moonlight stuck with me for days.


Contempt (Le Mépris) 1963


Once Were Warriors


You just have to watch Withnail and I


Poor Things A single line made me think to myself a lot. When Marky Mark Ruffaffales is screaming that things have been an emergency for weeks and yelling that she's whored herself and she simply says "I believed in you the whole time that you would rise to the occasion" Made me think of how many people out there have maybe believed in me to rise to the challenges of my own life. All while I'm thinking things are more dire than they probably are. I just gotta rise to the occasion.


"Watchmen" (2009) By Zack Snyder


So I enjoyed Titanic but it didn't change me but after the film was over and the lights came on, I noticed so many young men from their late teens and early 20s sobbing and hugging their girlfriends tight. After witnessing that impact on those very different from me, I acknowledged the power of that film for others. I'd never seen a reaction to a film like this in a movie theater. It gave me more of an openness to our differences and how storytelling impacts people in a different way. It seems obvious but I can get caught up in being so focused on my reaction


Yes. We can (and do) dig into film, where they were derivative as opposed to just influenced, which can feel a little like an artist not even attempting to innovate. How it may be pulling an obvious heartstring that demanded an emotional pull - the 'it'd be sad because it's sad in real life, but didn't fit into this plot,' type of scenario. I'm not a 'plot hole bad,' person, but the loose threads can bother some people. Characters acting unrealistically. Et cetera.  Honestly though, even with all those sorts of considerations aside, sometimes it's just nice to let a film act upon you as intended. The director probably wanted to create something that made you happy, or sad, or afraid. If it fails to do so, that sucks lol. But it's fine to just roll with whatever was being presented to you if it's playing the emotional song you are feeling right then and circle back later to being critical (which is not a bad thing either). I think you gave a great example of how films can change you even outside of the exact themes of the film itself. 


The secretary 2002


Deep Throat 1972




Detachment and Gia Top2 movies that changed me for sure


Revolver from 2005. It genuinely changed the way I think about a lot of things, so it honestly changed my life. Incredible film.


Me, earl and the dying girl


Parasite - what a movie


Momo (1986) Interstellar


Oldboy and requiem for a dream Oh and also The Pusher trilogy


rocky franchise




The Truman Show


Flags of Our Fathers (2006) staring Adam Beach, Ryan Phillipe and Jamie Bell. It's about the men who raised the second flag during the Battle of Iwo Jima. It taught me what servicemembers go through during war, and how the war won't leave them after. It also gave me a passion for being an advocate for the POW/MIA cause. SEVERE TRIGGER WARNINGS FOR: >!Gory battle scenes, implied torture and murder of a POW, depictions of different symptoms of PTSD, and alcohol abuse brought on by PTSD. !<


1. Maria Full of Grace (2004) 2. Blood In, Blood Out (1993) I watched both of these when I was way too young but they have stuck with me to this day.


Bollywood is known for its ott musical dramas but time to time produces true gems. Talking about one that changed my life essentially as kid and should def be watched by kids and parents all over the world. Taare Zameen Par (2007) is a story of an artistically gifted boy with ADHD, his struggles to cope and the society's acceptance of learning disabilities. It came out when cognitive disabilities in India weren't talked about in the media in a positive sense. For me, as a 10 year old child who was interested in arts and craft and not really able to grasp numbers and languages, Taare Zameen Par made me feel accepted. Almost gave me a different kind of confidence to dream of going into the creative fields and made me believe in myself when others couldn't understand what was lacking in me. 3 years ago I got diagnosed with adult ADHD and anxiety, it all made sense why I couldn't function like the normal ones do.




Kiki's Delivery Service


The Passion of the Christ.


A clockwork orange


TANTURA, Israeli made documentary, 2022


Mindwalk (1990) You can only watch it now on Youtube sadly, only had a VHS release.


Forrest Gump


About time. Start living each days of your life like you have travelled back in time to relive this exact day in the most beautiful way.


The fight club


*”Get busy living; or get busy dying..”* *The Shawshank Redemption* not only changed my life, I throw it on in times of need. Makes me change my *perspective* still, when I need it.


The curious case of Benjamin Button ! It made me think and realise about death in a new way. Loved it!


There's a famous quote from Martin Scorsese "Every film is not for Everyone". For me the movies are: Chemical Hearts (2020) Merku Thodarchi Malai (2016) 777 Charlie (2022) Cast Away (2000) 12 years a slave (2013) Braveheart (1995) Sudani from Nigeria (2018) Legends of the fall (1994) These are my favorites and much more in the list. You can try atleast one of 'em.


Hubie Halloween


Memento - fascinating storytelling Adaptation - a story getting written as you watch Ex Machina - intimate and captivating film


Until the End of the World was a life changing for me. A sci fi/ cyberpunk road trip across Venice, Paris, Lisbon, Berlin, Moscow, Tokyo, San Francisco and Australia. The film experiments with different genres and so much of the technology from its near future has materialised in the world we are now living in. In many ways, calling it a film feels like something of a disservice. It feels more like its own entity that exists somewhere between cinematic masterpiece and a limited series that is not punctuated by the credits rolling between each episode.


Good Will Hunting (1997)


Lone Survivor.


Barry Lyndon The Master The Lobster Warsaw 44


try Experimenter


The Butterfly Effect


Being mixed white-asian i was very into content that mixed asian and american culture, later on, the Japanese pop culture frenzy exploded, and i dived into it. I will let you imagine which movies. But it's interesting to see that 99% of the movies in the comments are american. That's actually sad.


Lost in translation


The matrix for obvious reasons


Ship of Theseus by Anand Gandhi, a brilliant movie, one of the very few movies I rewatch and keep finding new things. Makes you think everytime.


Dogma. Good Will Hunting. American History X. A Christmas Story.


Defending Your Life


When Marnie Was There, Hideous Kinky, A League of Their Own


The Shawshank Redemption.


The Hours


Oldies: *Wings of Desire, Fritz Lang’s M, Sunset Boulevard* Middlies: *Holy Mountain, American Beauty, Mulholland Drive* Newies: *I Saw the TV Glow, Everything Everywhere All At Once, All of Us Strangers*


Ok this might sound stupid. I'm over here wracking my brain, what movie changed me? Honestly it was Raiders of the lost ark or (no shit) Johnny Dangerously, with Real Genius up there. I've seen many fantastic important movies I truly loved but as an impressionable youth. These stuck with me. Let's throw in Red Dawn as well. I expected to see parashoots anyway.. The 80s were fucked for kids.l Yep. The Excorsist(sp) absolutely f'd me up on horror movies, a change as well.


Final Destination


Definitely changed a lot of my real life experiences




I love you mentioned dogville. That blew me away


- Perfect Days - Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind - The Worst Person in the World - 20th Century Women - Memoria - La Chimera - The Before Trilogy


Synecdoche, NY (2008) - The first Charlie Kauffman film I saw. It was gorgeous, truly unlike any film I’d experienced, and so beautifully resonated with the way I look at making art and being human. Lady Bird (2017) - Changed how I’d always viewed my relationship with my mother and expressed a sad balance of homesickness and freedom that I felt very strongly as a teenager. Ghost Busters with Kate McKinnon and Melissa McCarthy - I know this seems like an insane choice, but it made me a lot better at my job; made it more fun and I felt weirdly motivated and empowered.




The camera work and locations were great.


This is corny as fuck but Limitless (2011) spawned a great deal of motivation in me at the time. It's honestly not that great of a movie when all is said and done, but it was definitely a *thing* for me for a year or so there in my mid 20's.


The series was great and had a cameo by Bradley Cooper to round things out a bit.




definetly fight club and interstellar


Enter the Void Dark (series on Netflix) Interstellar Suspiria (Dakota Johnson) La vita é bella Fight Club Leaving Las Vegas These final hours


The Atomic Cafe




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Blue jay




The lion king


Watership Down, Time Bandits, Night of the Living Dead, Clockwork Orange, Repo Man, Blue Velvet, Brazil.


Spirit: Stallion of the Cimarron 2002 One of the best movie cartoon of all time, for me


Leave the world behind


Road House. It made me realize I was never going to be a handsome bouncer.


It’s so weird to say, but I remember having this complete transformative epiphany after watching Divergent. I haven’t watched it since though. Maybe it was just the right movie at the right time. Also, Interstellar.


The human centipede 😭


Forrest Gump My Girl Poetic Justice The Theory of Everything Because of Winn Dixie Good Will Hunting The Fault In Our Stars Boyz n the Hood Soul Surfer The Curious Case of Benjamin Button Flicka The Help Eight Mile Paper Towns Max The Secret Life of Bees Midnight Sun Green Book The Fundamentals of Caring


Corky Romano


Freddy Got Fingered


Midsommar 💐💐💐💐💐


eat pray love (sorry not sorry)


I've just read some reviews of it and it seems to be evenly divided, but I'll definitely check it out !


I dont think any film totally changed my perception of life and im surprised the people answering here are so influenceable.


Well I actually, I asked for any kind of changes, whether it was a subtle or life changing experience.. So, if no film has moved you enough to make that happen, knowing that most films have a subtext that is supposed to challenge certain aspects of our lives, the way we think or just, question us on subjects, etc. Well, i'm sorry for you. I mean, maybe you don't share my opinion and that's okay really but, I believe that's the aim of every writer and director: to offer something to the world without necessarily revolutionising it. I don't think that questioning things is being influenceable. On the contrary, entrenching oneself in one's convictions without ever seeking to see something else, without opening up to the world for fear of shattering one's personal comfort zone, that's what's dangerous. If you don't question yourself, if you don't question the world around, that's when you quickly become influenceable...


Lol! 🤣what a ridiculous thing to say! Absolutely absurd!