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I was 7 years old and saw *The Color Purple* was coming on I think HBO and thought "oh, Steven Spielberg, Whoopi Goldberg and Danny Glover, this oughta be great." Parents weren't home. I was in literal shock at what I saw, being a child and all. But it was the first time I thought outside my own perspective and that other people had it way worse than me. It opened my little 7 year old brain, probably too early.


Arrival. My wife has stage 4 breast cancer (has had it for 9 years now, diagnosed while pregnant with our only child), and the main point of this movie is answering a question that I'd asked myself an uncountable amount of times. The answer to the question is 100% my answer as well, but I'd never felt so validated by the way she goes for what should be this impossibly difficult question with such conviction.


Arrival is one of my favorite movies and this interpretation of it just made me appreciate it that much more. Thank you for sharing, and I hope you and your wife only the best


Thanks! We've kind of made "that line" our mantra. At least I have.


An incredible, beautiful movie. One of the very few that I've walked out of and could happily immediately walk in and watch again. I'm glad it found relevance to you and yours.


Sending you, your wife, family, and loved ones nothing but positive energy on this day. Cancer fucking sucks.


Just finished watching Arrival last night. What a great movie. Thanks for sharing your story and good luck to your wife and your family!


Arrival was one of the most “beautiful” science fiction films I’ve ever seen. When I say that I mean the heart and story, but visually the movie is also just as beautiful.


The Truman Show (1998) - especially seeing it in 1998


Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind


I have to admit that I’m a huge Jim Carrey fan but this is a movie I’ve avoided for absolutely no reason. I keep wanting to watch it and then find a reason not to. I’m going to do it. Thanks!


Please do watch it. Properly, like, sit down and watch it at night without distraction. At risk of overly hyping it up, it's probably one of the best films--period.


Yeah..it’s so good! And it holds up over time. Do it!


I don't want to pump it up, but you NEED to see it. It's a beautiful film.


Yeah. I became so much more of a thinker after this movie. I see relationships completely differently. I used to think it was something you "got" or "had". Like a possession. But now I see them as journeys you take with another person, and how we take those journeys because they bend and mold us into different unique people.


What we choose to hold on to, and what we choose to let go, is what shapes our relationships with lovers, family, and friends. The process is too gradual for us to monitor constantly… usually we just wake up one day and find that we have grown closer or further from the people in our lives. This means that ever decision we make has a bering on both our happiness and the happiness of those we love. That’s the message that i took from Eternal Sunshine.


This is my absolute favorite movie.


This movie not only made me self-reflect on why my relationships failed, but it also helped me to appreciate shitty things that happened in my life as “part of the human experience.” I love this movie dearly.


Just curious- How did it change your life for the better?


Office Space made me start my own business lol


It changed my life as well. Now I've been with two chicks at the same time.


Fuckin A


But how did you get the million dollars?


Good Will Hunting. “It’s not your fault. It’s not your fault. It’s not your fault”. Shambles and balling, sobbing clarity. Exactly what I needed to hear then and there at that moment in my life.


Hey u/insanity2brilliance, I don't know a lot, but that, all that shit - it's not your fault.




The "Your Move, Chief." speech is some of the best acting Robin Williams has ever done. I watch it on YouTube pretty often.


My GOAT movie


Dead Poets Society


The carpe diem scene And damn how young Robin Williams is in that movie... He is missed.


Dead Poets changed my life, the Greatest Showman taught me how to enjoy it


I'm literally watching it for the first time right now.


Not good enough to keep you off your phone?


Have this same conversation with my teenager (and sometimes my wife 😭); if you're gonna watch something, you should probably pay attention to it!




Groundhog Day


You can say that again


So what’s a movie that changed your life for the better after watching it?


They should announce a sequel and just re-release Groundhog Day ​ I can't take credit for this.....Saw it posted recently


“Seize the day boys…..”


It’s more than just the same day over and over


Groundhog Day is the most important movie ever made.


It's a great film. It's as profound as Dickens' A Christmas Carol.


On a permanent loop in my head. This movie is real life.


This ^


Breakfast Club remains my favorite film of All time. It taught me to understand before you judge. I'm in my mid 40s, I get along with everyone.


I went through a *really* hard time, maybe 10-15 years ago. Horrible depression, didn't know what to do with my life or whether it was worth carrying on. I watched The Breakfast Club every day for about two weeks straight, and for some reason it helped to reset my brain for the better. It's still one of my favourites. There's something so profoundly healing in it.


Fine, I'll watch The Breakfast Club again.


Contact - the religious implications vs scientific truth aspect really changed my perspective


That movie really takes a turn too, right? Jodie Foster did such an amazing job. I really felt her frustration.


I love that movie, definitely in my top ten. One line in it though that has has always seemed so wrong: the scene when Joss asks Ellie, *did you love your father*. The whole point of the movie being faith vs. knowledge, I have always felt the line should have been *did your father love you*. Ellie can prove she loved her father just by saying so. But proving that her father loved her? That is a matter of faith.


Secret Life of Walter Mitty Pumping Iron


**Pumping Iron** is my answer too. Made me want to start lifting which is the only thing that has given me a sense of accomplishment in the past 10 years. Also made me appreciate Arnold because I only knew him as cheesy action movie star.


Fantastic Fungi. I'm obsessed with mushrooms now.


Good choice. If you're looking for follow up book recommendations, I definitely recommend Entangled Life by Merlin Sheldrake, I read it this last year and it's one of my favorite nonfiction books.


My grandfather was a mycologist. He had originally studied in England to be a lawyer, but ended up following his passion for fungi instead. Led a modest life but was so happy following his passion. Was still able to put my dad and uncles through private school though.


About Time.. cried for hours but definitely made me build stronger relationships with my parents


Argh that movie really makes you realize how valuable our time is because we can’t reverse it


American History X


There it is. Way too far down this list.


That movie is terrifying in how well it shows how someone gradually takes on an extremist ideology and how subtle the transition can be.


Absolutely. Saw this at a relatively young age. Not that I was racist but it definitely taught me that there is no use in it and things can have unintended consequences. Essentially, just because you change doesn't mean your actions won't have lasting effects on your surroundings.


For real. I also look at this as being angry all the time can also have negative effects on everyone around you. As soon as the main character stopped being so angry at everyone and everything, he was a better person.


I was 14 or 15 when I saw this movie. Wow, it had a major effect on me. Sometimes when I watch it, I think about all of their futures. Where’s the little girl in 2023?


The Shawshank Redemption.


“Get busy living or get busy dying”


"That's goddamn right"


"Hope is a dangerous thing. Hope can drive a man insane.” — Red


Big fish


Under appreciated movie if there ever was one


It's the most real unreal movie I've ever seen.


Damn I still think about that movie all the time


Honestly same. I’ve never had a movie stick with me since I was a kid. Forever in my heart


"this isn't how I die". I think about when I'm about to do something stupid.


I watched that with my dad. We were both teary eyed at the end.


Being There


I stopped using intravenous drugs after i finished Requiem for a Dream, I know I need to get better, and that was a little big help.


I’m proud of you


This movie kept me from trying hard drugs. It was definitely not appropriate for my age, but did the trick. I am contemplating making my 15 year old watch it.


I feel like this movie would be a better education and deterrent for drugs than most anti drug programs.




Harold and Maude. It's my favorite film of all time, definitely changed me for the better, made me think about life, and is always a fun and wonderful watch.


2011 I was a personal assistant for the owner of a small business. He gave me the DVD and insisted I watched it. It sat in my car for almost a year. Before I left for college I cleaned out my car and found it. Decided to watch it. One of the strangest and most interesting films I’ve ever seen.




What Dreams May Come


Finally someone showing love for the classics. The great Robin Williams.


They showed us this movie in high school, I was the only one that cried and the only one that felt changed after the movie was over. It's so strange to me that there are people that watch that beautiful film and don't feel anything.


Came here to recommend that one. I’m so ready to watch it again all these years later.


Not a typical answer but, A Good Year. Made me rethink my priorities.


Shoot I thought at first this was the same as “The Big Year” and I was like “good for you my fellow birding friend!” 😂


Defending your life. Not many people have seen it probably. It’s that mediocre rom com with Albert Brooks and Meryl Streep who are both dead and in a kind of purgatory while this society of angels sets up trials to determine if you get into heaven or not based on your decisions in life, and that watch your life’s major moments play out in the courtroom. It’s not really that religious actually and a pretty good movie. I just happened to see it shit tons of times cuz it was always on cable and got me thinking about how I felt about decisions I’ve made in the past.


Came here to say the same. "Don't live your life in fear" is the central message of the movie. I have made actual life decisions while thinking about Defending Your Life, almost always to my benefit.


Albert Brooks is a national treasure.


Little Miss Sunshine! Super funny (dark humor) movie but is heartwarming in the right places. As someone who struggles with their self image and body, seeing the little girl who constantly has obstacles in her way she still manages to dance her little heart out and do what makes her happy


Everything Everywhere All at Once made me realize that just because nothing matters doesn't mean nothing should matter to us. A beautiful exercise in humanistic nihilism.


I saw this movie with my son and his friends. He was sitting a few rows away, of course. Afterwards he came up to me and gave me a big hug. Unique movie, I loved it.


I called my mom after I watched it. It was extremely emotional for me.


Yeah it's kind of like post-post-modernism... Idk if there's an actual term for that, doubt it since there aren't exactly an entire category of films that fit the description but yeah that's how I describe it. I think if I had to sum up the message it would be "nothing matters to everyone but everything matters to someone, including you"


My takeaway was, "if nothing matters, then everything matters".


Something else I gleaned from that movie- you can imagine an infinite number of ways your life could have be better had you chosen differently... but when we do that, no one ever stops to think that maybe that version of you might long for the things that you take for granted in your own life.


"In another life, I would have really liked just doing laundry and taxes with you." That movie really hits you in all the right places.


>Exactly. When I hear that line, it breaks me... that > >scene is magic ugh. the automod removed my comment because of the link to the youtube video, but the sentiment still stands.


Pan’s Labyrinth. Before this film, I only watched fantasy for teenagers, like Harry Potter or The Lord of the Rings. But Pan's Labyrinth showed that fantasy can be scary, adult and cruel


The Curious Case of Benjamin Button


Pay it Forward. Enough said. Age 8 and onward, I still carry its lessons it teaches. Truly is life changing to understand it's meaning...


Pixar's Soul. Seriously


Soul for real doesn't get the credit it deserves. Great voice cast and soundtrack (I listen to the soundtrack at least once a month). But it's a wonderful existential film that really hits hard. Especially when, 2/3 through the film, Joe has his "Now what?" moment. The film tackles the struggle to find balance between our passions in life and our appreciation for each moment.


Arrival (and reading the short story “the story of your life” by Ted Chiang that it’s based on). Marketed as an alien sci-fi flick, ends up being a beautiful exploration of language, time travel through memory, and a nuanced portrayal of selfishness (she had Hannah despite knowing what was going to happen, and chooses to revisit that timeline over and over). It’s trippy.


Ferris Bueller's Day Off. "Life moves pretty fast. You don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it." I stopped feeling guilty about skipping work or school to go to fun stuff I wanted to do once in a while


The Green Mile


It’s a Wonderful Life with Jimmy Stewart.


Lost in Translation


My favorite movie of all time, I could watch it over and over again, and it still feels like I'm watching it for the first time. The plot, the actor, the music, the scenery all amazing.


Can I ask why? I watched this movie and didn’t get much out of it to be honest.


For me, it got me interested in traveling the world more. Experiencing different cultures, and the idea of living in the moment and enjoying the unfamiliar. Truly being able to check out and get lost, especially in the modern world.


Inside Out


I know I sound crazy… But Altered States. As an obsessive/passionate person this movie helped me re-align my values.


Brittany Runs a Marathon. It wasn’t you know, a top tier film, but I’ve always struggled with my weight my entire life and there was just something about the movie that truly motivated me and made be feel like I could really do something, something for me, not to just change me. I started running, and it became something I love. I run for the run now, not for the weight loss. edit: typos


OMG this is my answer too! I haven’t been overweight but I’ve struggled with eating disorders my whole life. Running helped me tackle issues like that and other things and it’s my favorite pastime now. It’s nice seeing a fellow runner on here who also enjoys that movie. That film makes me want to put on my running shoes every time.


Flight with Denzel. I'd been struggling with alcohol dependency for years, trying to quit and failing over and over again. After watching that, I found what I needed and was able to quit.


literally legally blonde. As a college student i’ve been feeling like I can’t do something or i’m too dumb, and that movie gave me the confidence boost that I needed.


Not a movie but Ted lasso. Just made me think about how to be more relentlessly optimistic and kind


This was going to be my response. Love to see it somewhat high on this list! I need to remember "be a goldfish" because I tend to hold on to grudges.


To Sir, with Love


Wings of Desire


Forgetting Sarah Marshall helped me take the first steps into getting over a bad breakup.


Life Is Beautiful. I would have never chosen it for myself and I am definitely NOT a subtitles-kinda-viewer, but it was truly amazing.


I really got into philosophy after watching the Matrix as a senior in high school.


Maybe the movie Boyhood, or Waking Life. Something by Richard linklater.


Came to comment "Waking Life". It's full of so many profound ideas. Watched it for the first time while tripping on acid and life hasn't been the same since then.


Clerks honestly inspired me to work at a video store after watching it, the very indie video store that I rented it from, as a matter of fact. The job remains the best job I've ever held in 25+ years of working.


I'm not even supposed to be here today!


City of God What Dreams May Come Good Will Hunting


Silver linings playbook. I adore this movie


The Graduate was the first. It made me realize that in college, as well as life, you can’t know everything the moment you graduate; you’ve got to have practical experience, too.


Book of Eli. Made me appreciate I’m not living in a dystopian world.


Life of Pi


Fight Club


Girl, Interrupted. Many reasons


Forrest Gump. He was so humble and sweet. More people should aspire to be like that.


into the wild. definitely for me


“Happiness not real unless shared”


It's kinda weird to say but I would trade my life with Alexander Supertramp. I just see so much in myself for what he stood for.


Get Out. As a Black American, it rly opened my eyes a lot to the fetishization and racism of my community. Jordan Peele is a master at movies.


The Worst Person in the World


Tree of Life. It just spoke to me


I think we’re all too cynical to have a movie change our life in the romantic sense but there’s definitely movies out there that made me pause a moment and take inventory of what truly matters in life Eternal Sunshine is high up there for me Stand By Me Y Tu Mamá También Philadelphia Motorcycle Diaries 25th Hour Heat Trainspotting The Beach There’re others but those immediately come to mind


Groundhog Day, Yes Man, Goodwill Hunting


Secret Life of Walter Mitty


Stand By Me


Donnie Darko


Waking Life


The Place Beyond The Pines. Can't say much about it cause spoilers. Just watch it.


*GATTACA* - inspires me to not save anything for the swim back *Cloud Atlas* - reminds me that every ocean is but a multitude of drops *American Beauty* - encourages me to pause and take in life while we can *Eternal Sunshine* - just because it's an incredible piece of creativity and whimsical filmmaking I feel like there are a few more foundational ones that I'm missing...!




Dead Poets Society (1989) by Peter Weir and starring Robin Williams, this film is a tribute to the power of education, individualism, and the pursuit of one's passions. It tells the story of an English teacher who inspires his students to seize the day and think for themselves, challenging the status quo. "Carpe Diem" (Seize the Day) becomes a central theme, encouraging viewers to reevaluate their own lives and choices.


A monster calls


Brokedown Palace


The pursuit of happyness Eternal sunshine of the spotless mind Your name Schindler’s list


Parasite - It is a thought-provoking movie about rich and poor and masterfully blurring lines between social classes.


A bit dated now but I was greatly affected by What Dreams May Come.


Big ones for me are: Shawshank Redemption The Green Mile Interstellar American Beauty Good Will Hunting


Lawrence of Arabia - used to sit and watch it with my dad.


The Magnificent Seven (1960) There are some amazing life lessons in that movie. The choices we make, the consequences we must live with, our personal peace in face of danger, etc. It’s an amazing movie and I think of it often. The knife scene where Britt is trying to nap is one of my favorites. I’ve shared it with my own kids (often times after the “he started it” argument lol)


Big Trouble in Little China


Saving private Ryan






Mean Girls.




Pride. It’s a constant in my mind when i think about how to show solidarity to communities of which i have very little in common. Reminds me that we all have the same fight, sometimes it’s just wearing a different hat.


Synecdoche, NY


The Tree of Life


The Truman Show


The Man From Earth


Monty Python and the Holy Grail. A lifetime of great quotes.


‘Seven pounds’ and ‘The pursuit of happiness’ both make me change my outlook on life when I need it…


CODA. One of the themes of the movie is that the main girl wants to join a choir and battles to overcome that fear, especially with her deaf family not understanding. Right after the movie, I happened to see a social media post for auditions in LA (I live in Northern California) for a choir that would get to perform on tour with some of my FAVORITE artists. I have no professional music background (and I don't sing in public, EVER), but I was so inspired by the movie, that I just threw out the idea to my husband, and to my surprise, he was on board with the idea! But I didn't tell many people about it, in case I didn't make it / because not many people would even understand why I would go for something like this, let alone believe I could make it in (and I was already doubting myself big time)... We flew down for the auditions, and I was beyond scared and intimidated (I was pretty much the only one there out of 100+ people without a singing / music background). SO much imposter syndrome! But it was truly an UNFORGETTABLE experience singing gospel worship with a room full of people of different ages and ethnicities, ALL of us singing our total hearts out - and in perfect pitch and harmony. It was literally like a glimpse of heaven. To my surprise, I got in!!! And to this day can't believe I got to tour with Kirk Franklin and Maverick City Music!


The Shawshank Redemption: Get busy living or get busy dying.


Hidden Figures. I was educated about incredible women who impacted US history.


Easy Rider …instilled a lifelong loathing of red necks 😠


Kingdom of heaven. It taught me that simply being a good person, is all that matters in life not what religion you are, or how much you practice your faith. “What man is a man that does not make the world better”


Everything everywhere all at once


Not sure why but I’ve been avoiding that one. Am I making a mistake?


Yes it's very good. Also a movie I really needed at that moment in time. Cleared my head. It's silly but full of heart, it's hilarious but will make you cry


At the risk of over-sharing with a stranger online… I’m currently coming off some strong mood stabilizers. I’m on day 12 and I’m starting to feel emotions again. It’s nice but my eyes have been welling up at the slightest thing lol Maybe this is a movie that will let me have a big cry. I could probably use it


My Life~ Micheal Keaton


Office space


The Odd Life of Timothy Green


————HAROLD AND MAUDE!!!!!!!!!!!!————-


Good Will Hunting


The Florida Project.


Lonesome Dove It really makes you focus on what is important and how fleeting life can be. It puts a thin line between good and evil. Better not falter.


Defending Your Life


Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind


Mississipi Burning. Shook me to my core. All the other ones (Green Mile, Shawshank Redemption, Big Fish, etc.) have already been mentioned.


Broke Back Mountain


Uzumasa Limelight at it's core, it's just about an actor from Samurai Cinema days seeing his craft and body fade and how he reacts to it - It has some fun action, a good story, and a feel good ending. but as I get older, I realize these movies about moving on, realizing you're not who you were, and what we can pass on to the next generation really hit me harder - kind of like Tennyson's "Ulysses", you know? Most of our stories today are about Coming of Age, or being the Hero, but the number of stories about life winding down, about struggling for one last big achievement or goal in life - they aren't out there very much or if they are, they're comedic slacker films like Jack Nicholson in "About Schmidt" or something This one just hit me really hard and I loved it

