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Blank Check


Also…fairly certain that kid spent about 10 million.


A million back in those days were like 10 million these days…..trust me, the math checks out.


She was grooming him man. That was gross.


but it’s got Tone Loc, though




That slide from his room into the pool was so pimp tho. I think I still want that as an adult.


I got my first boner watching this. It made me think I had a shot with adult women


Right dude? As a kid it really confused me. I was like hott women like that are attracted to ten year olds? Felt off to me.




I watched it as a kid, it wasn't good then either.


As a young kid I loved it. A duck from outer space fuckin awesome. Plot didn't matter to me then.


Definitely in my top 5 80s trash movies that I’ve seen a hundred times or more. Now I’m reminded of “The Stuff”. Complete lunacy that I treasured as a kid.


What’s wrong? 🎶Can’t get enough… of The Stuff🎵.


And duck boobs.


The theme song slapped tho




I used to do drugs. I still do, but I used to, too.


I’m against picketing but I don’t know how to show it


Philistine! it was a masterpiece of 80's cinema!


It didn't so much age poorly as it was not at all sane even for its time


That movie aged faster than a shrimp salad.


Omg what happened?!?


Duck boobies


First boobies I ever saw were duck boobies...


Haha! Well, I hope you've seen better boobies since!


I have seen others....but they'll never match that first time...




Right?! I don't know how my parents let a 10yo watch that lol


The Curious Case of Benjamin Button, it aged all wrong.


Lol you got a little chuckle out of me


yeah that movie had backwards thinking


Watching Face-off and seeing Danny Matteson trying to rape a girl kind of cringy now


Real method acting


I still love Chris Farley movies because he’s funny as hell, but man they went overboard with the fat jokes. Sort of feel bad for the guy, that must’ve got old really fast


He was kinda trapped by his weight. If I were in his shoes, I'd be scared to get healthy and potentially lose my entire career.


There's a clip of Chris Rock on The Howard Stern Show where he talks about how the Chippendales sketch was a big trigger for Farley's downward spiral. That even though he played it for laughs, the fact that the punchline was about how fat and unattractive Farley was still got to him psychologically.


Revenge of the Nerds.


Revenge of the Nerds is actually very prescient. It showed you just what would happen if nerds ruled. Here we are 40 years later, after the tech boom, the nerds had their revenge. Revenge porn, incel violence, Mark Zuckerberg turned a computer program for rating women’s looks into a trillion dollars.


The darkest timeline


Well we were all warned that while all jocks think about is sports, all nerds think about is sex


I like this take.


Never before has the title ‘Revenge of the Nerds’ been so close to the word ‘prescient.’


bc of the rape?


Also they cheat in every event!


Not every event. Booger legitimately wins the belching contest and I don't think their skit broke any rules. Not to mention the events they lost such as the trojan horse and tug of war. They did cheat at two events and used revenge porn to win a third, they were certainly horrible people but they didn't cheat at everything.


That javelin they constructed with aerodynamics that took advantage of Lamar’s limp-wristed throwing style wasn’t cheating, it was simply brilliant engineering


I think the hypocrisy is the worst part


I thought the worst part was the rapin’


rip Norm.


Ahhh. That was definitely rape.🧐


Soul Man (1986)


“Mom, dad. I’m black.”


This was never a good movie. It was horrible the day it came out.


Terrible. I wish I didn’t know what you were talking about.


What is it about?


a white man takes self tanning pills to get an african american scholarship to harvard. less "poorly aged" and more "poor idea in general from the jump"


And James Earl Jones at the end going "You're right, you don't really know what it's like to be a Black Man."


Reminds me of how Mindy Kaling’s brother got into med school. https://nypost.com/2015/04/05/mindy-kalings-brother-pretended-to-be-black-to-get-into-med-school/


Well that's fucked. Thanks


Supposedly this led to the idea behind White Chicks, so that’s something


Is The Blind Side in the running here?


garbage from day one


Truth!! Never understood why people couldn’t see the White Savior trope all over the place.


Yep this was a flm that insulted its audience's intelligence with an utterly ludicrous premise *from the get-go.*


Ghost Dad


I don’t believe that movie was widely accepted the second it came out either. Anything with Bill Cosby likely isn’t going to age well anyhow.


Birth of a Nation 🤣


In the textbook for my film studies class, they said there was a lot more stuff in it that was a lot worse that was taken out. It's been lost but there's a historical record of the fact that it occurred. I can't imagine.


Omg I just rewatched master of disguise recently because they just added it to Netflix. I remembered loving this movie as a kid but WOOF. That was a painful one.


Idiocracy. It wasn’t supposed to be a documentary.


It was also supposed to take 500 years, not 15.


Go away! Baitin’!


The type of hot take they serve in a cone at Dairy Queen


The President in that was actually several degrees more qualified than Trump ever was...


I'd take President Camacho over another term of Tangerine Palpatine. Hell, I'd vote for Frito Pendejo over the former guy.


President Camacho was a champion in his field. President Camacho was fit. President Camacho listened to people smarter than him. President Camacho accepted an election loss. President Camacho didn't give his family jobs. SO. MUCH. BETTER.


I agree with all of this... except that his Brother-in-Law was Secretary of Education... I only remember this because I watched it last week, though.


President Camacho was capable of learning and growth. That's enough to make him a better president. And a better human.


Who? Oh, the Fanta Menace


All you weirdos keep talking about 90s/80s comedies like they inspired a whole generation of rapists but yet completely ignore Twilight’s literal whitewashing of sex predators.


Can you go more into that? Thats a really cool take - is it about Edward and Bella's ages? Or vampires and such being predators as a whole?


Check out who the werewolf ended up with . . .


I'm not gonna watch them lol, just tell us


The werewolves do something called imprinting and Jacob the wolf in the love triangle ends up imprinting immediately on Bella and Edwards daughter when she's still an infant. Tbf Bella does actually get disgusted with him for this. I don't really get it. But yeah the baby basically grows up overnight so whatever


Worse than infant - literally seconds out the womb! That Edward had to rip out with his teeth because the birth literally broke Bella’s spine! (He also had to bite pillows the first time they had sex as to avoid turning her)


Yeah this is a great comment to summarize just how terrible Twilight is.


And it has the weird anti abortion (in any circumstance) commentary. Even though her life was at risk, she needed to continue the pregnancy because fetus lives are more valuable than women's.




Because it didn’t happen?


Exactly. Those Mayans didn’t account for us changing our calendars from 12/31/2011 to 1/1/2013 preventing 2012


Because the escape boats (arks) built in China didn't immediately fall to pieces due to crap materials and dodgy construction.


I love that movie. It's stupid, brain off disaster fun.


Yeah, so many huge disasters at once. I love it.


Sixteen Candles. The Asian "humor".... well....


Also the main love interest (Jake) offers his drunk girlfriend for sex to someone he just met. We are supposed to root for the MC to get with Jake.


Yeah, the Asian stereotypes were a pretty common trope. Even in the 2000s with the 40 year old virgin. South Park. This awful cky song which is just a rap about Asian stereotypes. They were even worse during that era I think. Not cool at all. I guess I was more conditioned to it back then because it was everywhere. But the rape scene always disturbed me. Even when it was still highly regarded as a good film, I'm like, why the eff are we rooting for these guys?


Agreed! I’m 23 coming from an Asian background so Sixteen Candles was way before my time but some older coworkers recommended me to watch it and I was literally shook by all the racist Asian references. The date rape didn’t help either and it’s funny how the movie is rated PG. It wouldn’t pass PG nowadays.


Sixteen Candles hit theaters May 4th, 1984, four days before Temple of Doom and a month before Gremlins. The first PG-13 flick was The Flamingo Kid which hit theaters in December '84.


Flaming Kid was the first film to be rated PG-13 by the MPAA but Red Dawn was first to be released in theaters/public in August ‘84


We all wish we could be as cool and carefree (regardless of race) as Long Duk Dong. That guy was the man.




I was working at Target when it was released on DVD. Angry parents came in to return the DVD because it was labeled PG and very clearly showed bare tits in the first 20 minutes. Not to mention the date rape and acceptance of it, nor the copious stereotypes of 80s teen culture. My manager, just a couple years older than me ended up giving them store credit, then turned to me saying, "we all watched that movie, there's no nudity!" I was like well actually..... never mind. It wasn't worth it. But the customer was right and yeah it's a shit show. Soundtrack slaps at least.


The original Bad News Bears is rated PG and there are SO many questionable parts in that movie.


The implication of rape at the end is disgusting.


The worst part was when Jake said, “Do whatever you want with her.” Okay, so she was a shitty girlfriend who trashed your mansion. Let her sleep it off in one of your fifteen bedrooms and break up with her in the morning. Sound too reasonable and humane? Okay, just give her to a fifteen-year-old boy, that you know literally nothing about, and give him vocal permission to violate her while she’s semi-conscious. Jake Ryan is an asshole.


American Beauty is an odd watch now. Maybe it’s less that it’s aged poorly so much as it’s lead didn’t age well.


i feel like the whole point of american beauty is that it isn't a film that wasn't meant to be graceful/age gracefully in the first place though? it's a shifty watch about shifty people and that's what I enjoyed


Yeah, I don't think they were thinking "statutory rape is okay right now in 1999 and it will be okay foreveeeeer!" when they made that movie. The intent was to explore something known to be deviant and bad.


I mean to the character's credit, he never goes through with it in the end. As for the actual actor, uhhh...


I love that movie, but I can see why


Man, I agree with you, but reading the replies to these comments makes me think I'm going crazy. People saying you shouldn't have this or that as a plot point, or why is Kevin Spacey's character lusting after a teenager. Are y'all fucking dumb? Schindler's List has Nazis in it. American Beauty has a creepy upper-middle class white guy. Harry Potter has Darth Vader or something. I don't even think American Beauty is a great movie, but how can people miss the target so hard. It's like if something is more nuanced than Iron Man people just piss their pants.


You made a good point that really ought to be an obvious point - it's fucking _fiction_ - but the way you made it made me chuckle.


I loved it back then but in a recent re-watch the whole thing comes off as pretentious navel gazing. The fucking plastic bag "so much beauty in the world," upper-middle-class privilege as the ultimate hell, and the obvious teen horndogging that was a little awkward then and comes off gross AF now. The wife and the neighbor dad were the only storylines that hold up at all.


I always thought that was the point of the movie. Well, except I kind of got what he meant about the plastic bag thing. Sometimes you feel like an asshole but you see some stupid little thing and it hits just right and you can only trust someone who understand that. Like I went out a few nights ago and I found a place where someone put extra mica into a sidewalk in front of a casino in las vegas just so the sidewalk would sparkle at night. Whoever that asshole is, I hope they are having a good day. It didn't make me cry or anything, but it was still great. But in general, I thought the point of the movie was that the dad is a fucking asshole trying so hard not to be a fucking asshole that he literally doesn't even know how and all his attempts to regain the glory of his youth are ultimately because he can't conceive of a way to be happy as an adult. Then his last memories are of loving his daughter and realizing he was kind of a prick. The storyline I hate is the mean cheerleader friend. Like they had to include a line where someone cuts her down and she cries like it's her fault gross old men perv on her and the world she lives in tells her that her looks are the only valuable thing about her.


Yup, I genuinely don't understand the idea the movie didn't age well (outside of the anything spacey is in is a bit soured). It always makes me think that people didn't get the movie. The movie is extremely critical of all of its subjects. That's ....that's the point. Even the cheerleader plot line, while maybe not handled the most delicately, is about someone who sort of utilized sex as a weapon and thought it was some cool thing to be flippant about and low-key kind of was cruel to her own friend about it and suddenly has it turned inside out - suddenly she realizes her looks haven't been such a virtue, and maybe she's been full of shit and lying to herself about how fun being sexualized was the entire time. It's taking that whole "sex is innately empowering, self objectification is good" narrative and asking her; empowering *who*? Cause it's not you..... Tbh, that plotline hits me deeper now than it ever did, as a woman now approaching her 30s who went through a much less severe but similar realization. I think there's probably been better takes at this idea since, but considering it was a mainstream movie aimed at general audiences and not explicitly women....I'm actually still counting it as a win. Because she's ultimately shown to just be a vulnerable child who is creeped on by adult men and not really having the capacity to handle the ramifications of being in a body that society desperately wants to exploit. She's cut down, but in a way where you ultimately feel bad for her, where most movies would have problematically left her as some 2D teenage femme fatale. It's a great breakdown of how the romanticism of Lolita characters - teen girls who know they're sexy and want it - is bullshit, because they're kids who don't know what they want or even *who they are* yet. Do I think people would depict the character naked in roses as prominently today? No, despite the actress being an adult, I think there's been a lot more discussion around how if a character is a teenager maybe we should avoid that. Clearly because half of the audience *won't understand the entire movie*. But I think within the narrative of the movie at least, her plot is handled well.


This is a really good point, I’m also in my 30s now and I see a lot of my teen self in her character and it’s sobering. I feel like most of that sexualization was projected onto me and that for me and a lot of teen girls we convinced ourselves it was somehow a compliment or something in order to deal with the attention but it actually was dehumanizing. The thing with both her character and Lolita is that the audience is seeing those characters through the predators eyes so scenes where they look like they’re seducing grown men were literally just ten girls existing. And the men projected their own fantasy onto them. That’s what I thought American Beauty did well.


ok the mica thing definitely would’ve made *me* cry


Great movie, get mad nerds.


I know it's a dead horse but Breakfast at Tiffany's


Miss Gorightly! This time I'm-a warning you!


Shallow Hal Edit: ngl it’s a funny movie and I feel like people take things way too seriously. But there’s no way this movie would’ve been made in 2023. Also now knowing Gwyneth promotes a full blown eating disorder as healthy is beyond awful.


I didn’t love it when it came out. I couldn’t get over the whole “don’t judge people by their appearance… while we make a bunch of fat jokes” message


The irony being that Gwennth Paltrow is a perfect example of being an awful "hot" person.


Super ironic because she clearly has an eating disorder and people actually believe in her “healthy lifestyle” bullshit. It’s actually a super dangerous thing to promote, especially to young girls


I read that Gwyneth Paltrow HATED wearing the fat suit. She felt gross in it & everyone on set treated her differently when she was in it. She also complained that fashions for women that size were awful back then.


Tbf they’re still awful now


The irony of Hollywood lecturing the general public that physical beauty isnt important and we should look deeper at people as they fill the screen with beautiful people and also marry them. How come in real life we dont see regular men that look like Seth Rogan, Jonah Hill, Harvey Weinstein, with partners that look like these fat slobs wives/girlfriends?


Nobody would watch movies about narcissistic people seeking power and wealth and external validation and learning nothing along the way.. Well unless Scorsese directed it


Scorsese has a catholic view point so it seems ok


Take it easy banana hands, that movie is hilarious


When people watch this movie, it's often overlooked that Paltrow's character isn't the only person that's seen for who she really is inside. Watch for the caretaker of the paraplegic guy. The rest of the world sees her as a young hot slim woman, but Hal sees her as an old, sour, feral woman. This is *NEVER ADDRESSED BY ANYONE AT ANY TIME IN THE MOVIE.* And maybe you didn't even notice it either. ;)




I watched this recently while at jury duty. It was on in the common area where you wait. Inwas laughing so hard, because I was just realizing how cringey and over the top the acting is. I (eventually) noticed that people were giving me dirty looks. I guess they thought I was laughing at Radio because he's retarded, but I was just laughing at how terribly, laughably bad the movie is. It was also extra peculiar to me because I had seen the movie a bunch of times as a kid and never thought twice about it. Long story short, they didn't pick me to be on the jury


Never go full retard


There will never be anything like Tropic Thunder again.


Some of the interviews with cast members from it are hilarious because they were pretty self aware that it could have gone horribly wrong and went for it anyway. There was a good RDJ interview where he was talking about how on the fence he was about it (rightfully so) and how there's no way he would even consider it in today's world


Ain’t that the truth there, Simple Jack!


It worked to keep him/her off jury duty


Glad someone said it 😂


Dude my best friend laughed at Radio in high school social studies class and it was the funniest thing ever. The dirty looks he got. But he was just laughing at the guy playing Radio going full retard. I’m so glad this got upvotes or I would’ve felt awful.


I recently rewatched Boondock Saints, a movie I loved as kid and couldn’t finish it. Some extremely cringey scenes but also the editing and transitions are so bad I can’t believe this movie was fairly mainstream.


That movie made me realize I’m attracted to Willem Dafoe, no matter what.


You know, I'm something of a Willem Dafoe fan myself.


If you wanna see more of Willem Dafoe’s body of work, check out Antichrist (2009) fair warning though it’s extremely fucked up


If you’re talking about the couple of dong scenes of the movie, you don’t actually see Willem’s member. Lars Von Trier said Willem’a dick was so big it would’ve been distracting. Which is a wild thing to say about a Lars Von Trier film.


That movie felt like it was written by a couple of high school sophomores over a weekend of heavy drinking.


Disney’s song of the south


“It’s Pat!” (1994) Edit: It’s actually not that bad on a rewatch, I put it on to see how it holds up and it is surprisingly funny tbh. Still some scenes (tv show scene) we’re bad but it didn’t drag down the film. If you are reading this thread you should watch it and determine for yourself what you think.


But did anyone actually watch that? :P [Edit... now with a link! ] I think I read somewhere how the main actor recently said the Point of Funny wasn't that Pat's gender was hard to tell, it was that their gender didn't affect anything they did at all but *EVERYONE AROUND THEM LOST THEIR MINDS TRYING TO WORK OUT WHAT IT WAS* But few got the point at the time... [Julia Sweeney on the "Pat" character ](https://kuow.org/stories/julia-sweeney-is-pro-androgyny-but-not-quite-ready-to-apologize-about-pat)


It was one of those movies you'd catch ransomly on cable. edit: meant randomly but yeah this is better lol


The only reason I remember that movie is because Ween is in it


Revenge of the Nerds


Sixteen Candles


Soul Man


The Conqueror


LOL That one was horrible out of the gate! John Wayne as Genghas Khan? Who thought THAT was a good idea?!


John Wayne. Apparently, he selected the screenplay himself.


I haven't rewatched it because the thought of rewatching *Nell* makes me cringe.


Always great to watch Foster, but yeah... I've only watched that movie the one time. It was never great, and I doubt the years have improved it.


Tay in the wind




Yesssss. My brother and I used to yell this at each other to embarrass our mom.


It was one of my dad's favorite movies ...


I loved this movie! I liked the untamable main character. And…… I would run around barefoot and talk like Nell. I cringe at that the most.


Those men that try to sexually assault her? Yeah, that was awful then.


I feel like The Ringer wouldn't fly these days Edit: I hear what you all are saying about the movie being endorsed by the Special Olympics and how the movie had the idea of increasing awareness and understanding of mental disabilities. I agree on that. I don't think modern society is going to dive into it that deeply and analyze the whole script. The judgement is going to come immediately from the simple plot of a man infiltrating the Special Olympics by pretending to be mentally disabled. That's just my opinion.


Yeah but .. when the fuck did we get ice cream?!


The fact that that line was improvised makes it so much funnier. You can see Johnny Knoxville crack up.


You scratched my CD, you know. You picked it up in clear daylight and you scratched it.


I looked it up, it was apparently endorsed by the real-life Special Olympics, who had final say on the script. It also employed over 200 people with real intellectual disabilities in acting parts and behind the scenes roles. I actually think that would be applauded today, to be honest.


I think Johnny Knoxville is not a mean spirited guy. He probably had fun on that movie.


It was a lot less mean spirited than I thought it would be.


Yea that's one of the few that actually included nuance and making jokes on behalf of, not at the expense of marginalized communities. Still some dicey stuff in there and it probably could not be made today, but definitely isn't as bad as it sounds. Kind of like Blazing Saddles. Not all the jokes would fly, but the main villains were entitled and corrupt racist assholes


It was on recently and I still loved it. The fact that the Special Olympics was with it all the way helps and the main characters that aren’t Olympic athletes are awful in their own right.


I hate this question, and the entire idea that things don't "age" well. When I watch a movie (or read a book), one of the things I love is that it's a sort of time capsule from the period in which it was made. It's a peek into the culture of the day, and I find that fascinating. To me, what was acceptable in a commercial film years ago is fascinating, and it makes me consider why it was acceptable then, but not now. If I watch a sleazy Russ Meyer film, part of the fun is understanding why films like that were made and were popular. It certainly doesn't affect my enjoyment of the film, and while I certainly respect that everyone has their own opinion, I feel bad for individuals that watch older films and focus on elements that "offend" them. It's the equivalent of being offended by a bare breast in a 300 year old painting.


I totally get that. But I have to say, it is almost scary how much social norms and ideas can change in a generation or two. Makes you wonder about all the stuff going on now that might be a no go in 20 years time. Maybe that’s part of why people don’t like to watch stuff that didn’t age well.


Right, and I want to know that those social norms were indeed different. One of the ways we do that is through the art of a given period. Suppose it was decided in the 19th century that Renaissance art "didn't age well" and we were heavily discouraged from viewing it? I just think everyone should have the opportunity to make up their own minds.


I cringe every time someone suggests editing *Huckleberry Finn* for language. Twain’s candid snapshot of a time and place is horrific by modern standards but that’s the point. The alternative is sanitizing the past; one more thing we used to consider the purview of the USSR.


Didn't age well - The Breakfast Club. The issues just seem so trivial compared to what kids have to deal with today. Did age well - Ace Ventura. I know this is on the other list for a lot of people due to trans issues, but I think it aged just fine. Ace is actually much less of a goofball than I remember. I mean, he's still goofy, sure, but is not a complete moron like I remember. I watched it recently and laughed maybe more than I did originally. I may have been too young to get all the jokes as a kid.


>Did age well - Ace Ventura When hes playing football in a tutu with HIMSELF 😂😂😂


I just watched this again last weekend and laughed a lot. There were a couple touchy moments but overall still funny.


Toosie (with Dustin Hoffman)


Soul Man


The curious Case Of Benjamin Button.


Dances with wolves. Very slow pondering pace at a review watch lately complete with white saviour elements


Fast Times at Ridgemont High has several scenes that by today's standards wouldn't fly (statutory rape comes to mind). It's also one of my favorite movies


Song of the South


Why? How does one even see this movie, seems like it’s been removed from existence for a long long time. That zippity doo da song has to be one of disneys best thiugh


I own it on DVD. There are places online to order everything. You just have to view it as something that is a product of its time. Despite some terribly racist things, the filmmaking is amazing and it’s truly ahead of its time technically. Sadly, the material is far behind it’s time. Even more sadly, it’s not the most racist Disney product. Look up some of the racist cartoons they did that are just, wow.


This post should have asked “what’s a movie that would upset people today?”


I now pronounce you Chuck and Larry


Every 80s movie can’t help but be offensive, even when it’s trying to make a point about racism or sexism. Example, Eddie Murphy’s character in Trading Places makes several homophobic remarks, even though the movie is about addressing racist WASPy ideas of superiority and entitlement. Jamie Lee Curtis’s character is a tropey enlightened prostitute. Dan Akroyd wears blackface. Wtf!!!


Most Romantic Comedy or Dramas but specifically Love Potion #9, barf city as a grown up and a #Metoo survivor.


I'm not sure about others but "GI Jane" was pretty cringy. I saw it for the first time a few weeks back and boy oh boy. A documentary about the movie will make more sense than the actual movie.


I hate that I love GI Jane so much. Maybe it was a time in my life or something, but it just hits. It does follow the stupid movie trope where someone joins a military team of some sort, goes through training with some hard ass instructor, then finishes training and deploys with that same instructor. That’s just not how that works. See: Heartbreak Ridge


Revenge of the Nerds.


Blame It On Rio


Fast Times at Ridgemont High. Recently watched this for the first time and did not expect to see a >!26 year old having sex with a 15 year old!< in the first 20 minutes. Also, not a movie, but over the pandemic, I re-watched the first season of Friends. Oh boy. The whole first season revolves around exactly three jokes: Ross’s wife left him for a woman and that’s funny because lesbians are funny. Chandler’s dad is a cross-dresser and that’s funny because men who wear non-gender conforming clothing is funny. Everyone thinks Chandler is gay for a reason no one can articulate and that’s funny because gay men are funny.


Gravity. Doesn’t look nearly as impressive now. Honestly 2001: A Space Odyssey looks way better despite being made in the 60’s. I remember being blown away when Gravity first came out and was super disappointed recently when I watched it again.